Mga-81563 - 81
Mga-81563 - 81
Mga-81563 - 81
5965-9684E 6-196
MGA-81563 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Thermal Resistance [2]:
Symbol Parameter Units Maximum[1] θch-c = 220°C/W
Vd Device Voltage, RF Output V 6.0
to Ground Notes:
1. Permanent damage may occur if
Vgd Device Voltage, Gate V -6.0 any of these limits are exceeded.
to Drain 2. TC = 25°C (TC is defined to be the
Vin Range of RF Input Voltage V +0.5 to -1.0 temperature at the package pins
to Ground where contact is made to the
circuit board.)
Pin CW RF Input Power dBm +13
Tch Channel Temperature °C 165
TSTG Storage Temperature °C -65 to 150
MGA-81563 Typical Performance, TC = 25° C, Vd = 3 V
16 5 16
4 15
P1 dB (dBm)
3 14
6 2 13
16 5 16
4 15
P1 dB (dBm)
3 14
6 2 13
4 Vd = 3.3V Vd = 3.3V
Vd = 3.3V
Vd = 3.0V 1 Vd = 3.0V 12
Vd = 3.0V
2 Vd = 2.7V Vd = 2.7V
Vd = 2.7V
0 0 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4. 50 Ω Power Gain vs. Figure 5. Noise Figure (into 50 Ω) vs. Figure 6. Output Power @ 1 dB Gain
Frequency and Voltage. Frequency and Voltage. Compression) vs. Frequency and
4 60 16
3.5 50 Gain
Input 12
GAIN and NF (dB)
3 40
VSWR (n:1)
2.5 30 8
TA = +85°C 6
2 20
TA = +25°C
TA = -40°C NF
1.5 10
1 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 7. Input and Output VSWR Figure 8. Device Current vs. Voltage Figure 9. Minimum Noise Figure and
into 50 Ω vs. Frequency. and Temperature. Associated Gain vs. Frequency.
MGA-81563 Typical Scattering Parameters[1], TC = 25°C, Z O = 50 Ω, Vd = 3 V
Freq. S11 S21 S12 S22
GHz Mag Ang dB Mag Ang dB Mag Ang Mag Ang Factor
0.1 0.57 -16 13.02 4.48 172 -25 0.051 312 0.43 -14 1.47
0.2 0.52 -13 12.58 4.258 171 -25 0.057 17 0.38 -13 1.58
0.5 0.49 -16 12.35 4.15 164 -25 0.059 8 0.35 -9 1.64
1.0 0.48 -28 12.18 4.06 152 -25 0.061 5 0.35 -15 1.65
1.5 0.47 -40 12.00 3.98 140 -25 0.063 5 0.34 -22 1.65
2.0 0.45 -52 11.82 3.90 128 -24 0.067 4 0.34 -30 1.65
2.5 0.43 -63 11.63 3.81 116 -24 0.070 2 0.32 -39 1.66
3.0 0.39 -75 11.37 3.70 104 -24 0.074 -1 0.31 -46 1.69
3.5 0.35 -87 11.11 3.59 93 -22 0.077 -4 0.29 -53 1.73
4.0 0.32 -100 10.85 3.49 81 -22 0.081 -7 0.27 -60 1.77
4.5 0.28 -114 10.58 3.38 70 -22 0.083 -11 0.25 -67 1.82
5.0 0.25 -130 10.30 3.27 59 -21 0.087 -15 0.23 -74 1.85
5.5 0.22 -146 10.02 3.17 49 -21 0.09 -20 0.21 -81 1.91
6.0 0.20 -166 9.75 3.07 38 -21 0.091 -25 0.19 -90 1.93
6.5 0.18 174 9.46 2.97 27 -21 0.093 -30 0.17 -96 1.98
7.0 0.17 150 9.12 2.86 16 -21 0.094 -36 0.14 -100 2.05
MGA-81563 Applications The 14.8 dBm output power (P1dB) Specifications and Statistical
Information also makes the MGA-81563 Parameters
extremely useful for pre-driver, Several categories of parameters
driver and buffer stages. For appear within this data sheet.
transmitter gain stage applications Parameters may be described with
This high performance GaAs
that require higher output power, values that are either “minimum
MMIC amplifier was developed for
the MGA-81563 can provide or maximum,” “typical,” or
commercial wireless applications
50␣ mW (17 dBm) of saturated “standard deviations.”
from 100 MHz to 6 GHz.
output power with a high power
added efficiency of 45%. The values for parameters are
The MGA-81563 runs on only
based on comprehensive product
3␣ volts and typically requires only
Test Circuit characterization data, in which
42 mA to deliver 14.8 dBm of
The circuit shown in Figure 10 is automated measurements are
output power at 1 dB gain
used for 100% RF testing of Noise made on of a minimum of
Figure and Gain. The 3.9 nH 500␣ parts taken from 3 non-
inductor at the input fix-tunes the consecutive process lots of
An innovative internal bias circuit
circuit to 2 GHz. The only purpose semiconductor wafers. The data
regulates the device’s internal
of the RFC at the output is to derived from product character-
current to enable the MGA-81563
apply DC bias to the device under ization tends to be normally
to operate over a wide tempera-
test. Tests in this circuit are used distributed, e.g., fits the standard
ture range with a single, positive
to guarantee the NFtest and Gtest “bell curve.”
power supply of 3 volts.
The MGA-81563 will operate with parameters shown in the table of
Electrical Specifications. Parameters considered to be the
reduced performance with
most important to system perfor-
voltages as low as 1.5 volts. 100 pF
RF mance are bounded by minimum
To assist designers in optimizing through holes (vias) that are Biasing
not only the immediate circuit placed near the package termi- The MGA-81563 is a voltage-
using the MGA-81563, but to also nals. As a minimum, one via biased device and is designed to
optimize and evaluate trade-offs should be located next to each operate from a single, +3 volt
that affect a complete wireless ground pin to ensure good RF power supply with a typical
system, the standard grounding. It is a good practice to current drain of 42 mA. The
deviation␣ ( σ) is provided for use multiple vias to further internal current regulation circuit
many of the Electrical Specifica- minimize ground path inductance. allows the amplifier to be oper-
tions parameters (at 25°) in ated with voltages as high +5 volts
addition to the mean. The stan- or as low as +1.5 volt. Refer to the
dard deviation is a measure of the 50 Ω section titled “Operation at Bias
81 RF Output
variability about the mean. It will RF Input and Vd Voltages Other than 3 Volts” for
be recalled that a normal distribu- information on performance and
50 Ω
tion is completely described by precautions when using other
the mean and standard deviation. voltages.
Figure13. RFLayout.
Standard statistics tables or Typical Application Example
calculations provide the probabil- It is recommended that the PCB The printed circuit layout in
ity of a parameter falling between pads for the ground pins not be Figure 14 can serve as a design
any two values, usually symmetri- connected together underneath guide. This layout is a
cally located about the mean. the body of the package. PCB microstripline design (solid
Referring to Figure 12 for ex- traces hidden under the package groundplane on the backside of
ample, the probability of a param- cannot be adequately inspected the circuit board) with a 50 Ω
eter being between ± 1σ is 68.3%; for SMT solder quality. input and output. The circuit is
between ± 2σ is 95.4%; and be- fabricated on 0.031-inch thick
tween ± 3σ is 99.7%. PCB Material FR-4 dielectric material. Plated
FR-4 or G-10 printed circuit board through holes (vias) are used to
materials are a good choice for bring the ground to the top side of
68% most low cost wireless applica- the circuit where needed. Multiple
tions. Typical board thickness is vias are used to reduce the
95% 0.020 to 0.031 inches. The width of inductance of the paths to ground.
the 50 Ω microstriplines on PC
99% boards in this thickness range is H
-3σ -2σ -1σ Mean (µ) +1σ +2σ +3σ also very convenient for mounting
chip components such as the OUT
Parameter Value
series inductor at the input or DC
Figure12. NormalDistribution. blocking and bypass capacitors. IN
Although the input terminal of the bias lines that could cause oscilla- The input of the MGA-81563 is
MGA-81563 is at ground potential, tion. C4 will not normally be partially matched internally to
it is not a current sink. If the input needed unless several stages are 50␣ Ω. Without external matching
is connected to a preceding stage cascaded using a common power elements, the input VSWR of the
that has a voltage present, the use supply. MGA-81563 is 3.0:1 at 300 MHz
of the DC blocking capacitor (C1) and decreases to 1.5:1 at 6 GHz.
is required. When multiple bypass capacitors This will be adequate for many
are used, consideration should be applications. If a better input
C2 Vd
given to potential resonances. It is VSWR is required, the use of a
C4 important to ensure that the series inductor, L1 in the applica-
RFC capacitors when combined with tions example, (or, alternatively a
Input C1 L1 C2 Output additional parasitic L’s and C’s on length of high impedance trans-
the circuit board do not form mission line) is all that is needed
resonant circuits. The addition of to improve the match. The table in
a small value resistor in the bias Figure 16 shows suggested values
Figure15. SchematicDiagram.
supply line between bypass for L1 for various wireless fre-
DC bias is applied to the MGA- capacitors will often “de-Q” the quency bands.
81563 through the RF Output pin. bias circuit and eliminate the
An inductor (RFC), or length of effect of a resonance. Frequency Inductor, L1
high impedance transmission line (GHz) (nH)
(preferably λ/4 at the band The value of the DC blocking and 0.9 10
center), is used to isolate the RF RF bypass capacitors (C1 – C3) 1.5 6.8
from the DC supply. should be chosen to provide a 1.9 3.9
small reactance (typically 2.4 2.7
The power supply is bypassed to <␣ 5␣ ohms) at the lowest operating 4.0 0.5
ground with capacitor C3 to keep frequency. The reactance of the 5.8 0
RF off of the DC lines and to RF choke (RFC) should be high Figure16. ValuesforL1.
prevent gain dips or peaks in the (e.g., several hundred ohms) at
the lowest frequency of operation. These values for L1 take into
response of the amplifier.
account the short length of 50 Ω
The MGA-81563’s response at low transmission line between the
An additional bypass capacitor,
frequencies is limited to approxi- inductor and the input pin of the
C4, may be added to the bias line
mately 100 MHz by the size of device.
near the Vd connection to elimi-
nate unwanted feedback through capacitors integrated on the
For applications requiring mini-
MMIC chip.
mum noise figure (NFo), some
improvement over a 50 Ω match is
H possible by matching the signal
input to the optimum noise match
impedance, Γo, as specified in the
“Typical Noise Parameters” table.
For most applications, as shown
in the example circuit, the output
of the MGA-81563 is already
IN RFC sufficiently well matched to 50 Ω
C3 and no additional matching is
needed. The nominal device
+V output VSWR is ≤ 2.2:1 from
300␣ MHz through 6 GHz.
MGA-8-A The completed application
amplifier with all components and
SMA connectors is shown in
Figure 17. Complete Application Circuit. Figure 17.
Operation in Saturation for 50
Like other active devices, the
Higher Output Power intermodulation products of the
First of all, it is important that the beyond the linear range of the -10
stage preceding the MGA-81563 amplifier, the gain becomes more -20
ring to the “Absolute Maximum either input or output power may -40
Ratings” table, the maximum be derived from Figure 18. Gain -50
5th 7th
as the input power level above power level from the preceding FREQUENCY (GHz)
which the device could be perma- stage. This can be a benefit in Figure19.IntermodulationProducts
nently damaged. systems requiring fairly constant vs.InputPower.(V d =3.0V)
output power levels from the
Driving the amplifier into satura- MGA-81563. Operation at Bias Voltages
tion will also affect electrical Other than 3 Volts
performance. Figure 18 presents Increased efficiency (45% at full While the MGA-81563 is designed
the Output Power, Third Order output power) is another benefit primarily for use in +3 volt
Intercept Point (Output IP3), and of saturated operation. At high applications, the internal bias
Power Added Efficiency (PAE) as output power levels, the bias regulation circuitry allows it to be
a function of Input Power. This supply current drops by about operated with any power supply
data represents performance into 15%. This is normal and is taken voltage from +1.5 to +5 volts.
a 50 Ω load. Since the output into account for the PAE data in Performance of Gain, Noise
impedance of the device changes Figure 18. Figure, and Output Power over a
when driven into saturation, it is wide range of bias voltage is
possible to obtain even more Noise figure and input impedance shown in Figure 20. As can be
output power with a “power are also affected by saturated seen, the gain and NF are fairly
match.” The optimum impedance power operation. As a guideline, flat, but an increase in output
match for maximum output power the input impedance is lowered, power is possible by using higher
is dependent on frequency and resulting in an improvement in voltages. The use of +5 volts
actual output power level and can input VSWR of approximately 20%. increases the P1dB by 2 dBm.
be arrived at empirically.
18 +5 V +5 V +5 V shown in Figure 22 (dimensions
16 Power are in inches). This layout pro-
14 47 Ω Zener vides ample allowance for pack-
NF, GAIN, P1 dB (dB)
Silicon Diode
12 Gain
Diodes age placement by automated
10 assembly equipment without
adding parasitics that could
impair the high frequency RF
performance of the MGA-81563.
4 NF (a) (b) (c)
The layout is shown with a
nominal SOT-363 package foot-
Figure21. BiasingFromHigher
0 print superimposed on the PCB
0 1 2 3 4 5 SupplyVoltages.
Figure20. Gain,NoiseFigure,and A second method illustrated in
OutputPowervs.SupplyVoltage. Figure 21b, is to use forward- 0.026
biased diodes in series with the
Some thermal precautions must power supply. For example, three
be observed for operation at silicon diodes connected in series
higher bias voltages. For reliable will drop a 5-volt supply to 0.075
operation, the channel tempera- approximately 3 volts.
ture should be kept within the 0.035
165° C indicated in the “Absolute The use of the series diode
Maximum Ratings” table. As a approach has the advantage of 0.016
guideline, operating life tests have less dependency on current
established a MTTF in excess of variation in the amplifiers since Figure22. PCBPadLayout
106 hours for channel tempera- (dimensionsininches).
the forward voltage drop of a
tures up to 150° C. diode is somewhat current
SMT Assembly
There are several means of biasing Reliable assembly of surface
the MGA-81563 at 3 volts in mount components is a complex
Reverse breakdown diodes (e.g.,
systems that use higher power process that involves many
Zener diodes) could also be used
supply voltages. The simplest material, process, and equipment
as in Figure 21c. However, care
method, shown in Figure 21a, is to factors, including: method of
should be taken to ensure that the
use a series resistor to drop the heating (e.g., IR or vapor phase
noise generated by diodes in
device voltage to 3 volts. For reflow, wave soldering, etc.)
either Zener or reverse break-
example, a 47 Ω resistor will drop circuit board material, conductor
down is adequately filtered (e.g.,
a 5-volt supply to 3 volts at the thickness and pattern, type of
bypassed to ground) such that the
nominal current of 42 mA. Some solder alloy, and the thermal
diode’s noise is not added to the
variation in performance could be conductivity and thermal mass of
amplifier’s signal.
expected for this method due to components. Components with a
variations in current within the low mass, such as the SOT-363
SOT-363 PCB Footprint
specified 31 to 51 mA min/max package, will reach solder reflow
A recommended PCB pad layout
range. temperatures faster than those
for the miniature SOT-363 (SC-70)
with a greater mass.
package used by the MGA-81563 is
Preheat Cool Down
Zone Zone
0 60 120 180 240 300
TIME (seconds)
Package Dimensions
Outline 63 (SOT-363/SC-70)
1.30 (0.051)
0.10 (0.004)
0.00 (0.00) 0.30 REF.
Device Orientation
4 mm
8 mm
CARRIER 81 81 81 81
8° MAX. K0 5° MAX.
A0 B0