Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking: Rest API Services User Guide Release

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Rest API Services User Guide

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking


May 2018
Rest API Services User Guide
Oracle Financial Services Software Limited

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Table of Contents
1. PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 DOCUMENTATION ACCESSIBILITY .............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.4 ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2. REST API SERVICES - OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Rest Services Security / Authentication Scheme................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Rest HTTP Headers ........................................................................................................................... 2-3
3. REST API SERVICES - DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 RETAIL CUSTOMER REST API SERVICES .................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Retail Customer Search Services ....................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Retail Customer Image/Signature Search .......................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 RETAIL CUSTOMER ACCOUNT REST API SERVICES ................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Retail Customer Accounts .................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.2 CASA Account Balance ...................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.2.3 TD Account Balance/Renewal Date ................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3 CORE REST API SERVICES.......................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.3.1 Standing Instructions for Accounts .................................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.2 Account Transaction Detail Services ............................................................................................... 3-10
3.3.3 Retail Customer Loan Services ........................................................................................................ 3-10
3.3.4 Foreign Exchange Currency Rate Service ....................................................................................... 3-12
3.3.5 Branch Query Services .................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.6 Amount Block Service ...................................................................................................................... 3-13
3.3.7 Funds Transfer Service .................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.3.8 Single Journal Dr/Cr Service........................................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.9 Stop Cheque Service ........................................................................................................................ 3-17
3.3.10 Rest Services Additional Changes ................................................................................................... 3-19
1. Preface
1.1 Introduction
This User Guide is intended to familiarize you with the light-weight REST based services of
Oracle FLEXCUBE. The manual gives you an overview of the services developed, input\request
parameters and the response of the each REST service.

1.2 Audience
The manual is intended for integrating external systems to Oracle FLEXCUBE using RESTFUL

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

1.4 Organization
The manual is organized into the following chapters

Chapter Description

Chapter 1 Preface - Gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the
various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2 Rest API - An Overview provides a snapshot of the features of the

entire module.

Chapter 3 Rest API Services –Provides in-depth details of each of the rest APIs.

2. Rest API Services - Overview
2.1 Introduction
Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking has adopted the industry standard of providing light-weight
services through Representational State Transfer (popularly known as ReST) services. These
lightweight services support the current trend of mobile/tablet based applications. These services
help to improve the response time for tablet/mobile applications, as these applications are very
chatty, involves numerous hits to the server and the expected response time is minimal for each
of the requests.

The REST service requests can either use GET or POST methods.

The REST services using GET methods are listed below:

1. Fetch Customer details by Id, Email, national Id, phone number and also services to fetch the
customer signature and image.
2. Fetch Customer Accounts, CASA accounts.
3. Fetch the TD account balance and the TD renewal date.
4. Fetch Standing instructions for an account.
5. Fetch the last 10 credit/debit/all transactions for accounts.
6. Fetch the loan accounts for a customer.
7. Fetch the loan account balance.
8. Fetch the loan instalment details.
9. Fetch the foreign currency exchange rate.
10. Fetch the list of Branches and branch address.
The following are the services using POST methods:
1. Create amount block.
2. Create a fund transfer.
3. Create a stop cheque.
4. Create a single journal debit/credit service.

More information on the above listed services can be found in the respective sections of the User

Each of the services listed above will be a URL. These URLs can be tested using any of the
available browser plug-ins (E.g. Postman, RestEasy etc.) Or these services can also be
integrated with an API manager depending on its use. Below is the format of a Get customer
service example which will take the customer number as the input

Http ://( IP) :( Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers/{customerNumber}

The input for the GET services is passed as a part of the URL and if more than one input needs
to be passed they should be separated by a forward slash (/). Apart from passing the customer
number as a part of the URL, the services also expect a few header parameters to be passed to
the service. The following are the header parameters passed:
1. userId : Flexcube UBS login user Id
2. password : Encrypted Flexcube UBS password of the user
3. branch : The bank branch to which the user belongs
4. msgId : A alphanumeric input from the consumer
5. source : Source of the request whether it is FCUBS or an external system
6. Content-Type: This mentions the format of the input /output. Since we are using the
JSON format we will give the content-type as application/json.

UserId, password and msgId are for authenticating the user accessing the service. More
information on authentication can be found under Section 2.

For the POST services we need to provide data input in JSON format. An example of JSON input
is shown below. The output of REST services will also be in JSON format. Sample input/output
for each service is given under the respective sections of the User manual.
"account" : "207000124025",
"amount" : "1",
"branch" : "207",
"effectiveDate" : " 2015-08-02"

The list of services will be discussed in detail in the following chapters.

2.1.1 Rest Services Security / Authentication Scheme

Security in Restful Services is implemented using the Oracle FLEXCUBE SMS Authentication
system. All requests to the Restful services needs to contain the headers as below.
1. userId - Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS login user name.
2. password – Encrypted Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS login password.
3. msgId –This message id will be a unique id to identify the request.

The userId and password headers should contain the userId and password that is created in the
Oracle FLEXCUBE application. The password field should be encrypted with the msgId as the
key. The Rest API application will decrypt the password and validate the same against the Oracle
FLEXCUBE SMS maintenance, and will service the request only if the validation succeeds.

To enable the authentication scheme in the file of the Restful API
application, the property AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME should be configured as FLEXCUBE.
This can be enabled only if the Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS application is configured to use the
native SMS and not any third-party authentication.

2.1.2 Rest HTTP Headers

The following are the headers that are expected in all the requests that are sent to the Rest API
1. userId - Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS login user name.
2. password – Encrypted Oracle FLEXCUBE UBS login password.
3. msgId –This message id will be a unique id to identify the request.
4. branch – The branch code from where the request is sent.
5. source – The source code of the external system.

3. Rest API Services - Details
3.1 Retail Customer Rest API Services
Following are the list of Retail Customer Rest API Services that are available.

SL Service Method Sample URL


1 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers/{cus

Search By Customer tomerNumber}

2 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Search By Email /email/{email}

3 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Search By National /nationalId/{nationalId}

4 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Search By Mobile /mobileNo/{mobileNo}

5 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Image Search /image/{customerNo}

6 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Signature Search /signature/{customerNo}

7 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Search By First /customerName/{customerName}

8 Retail Customer Get http://(IP):(Port)/CustomerService/v12.3/customers

Search By RM User /userId/{rmUserId}

3.1.1 Retail Customer Search Services

The customer GET services (ie search by customer id, email, national id, mobile number and first
name) help us in retrieving the customer information by passing the required parameters
according to the service used as input. The following are the expected functionality of the
 These services will query for the customers that are present in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

 The customers should be valid Individual customer that has record stat as Open and also
 On failure case i.e., if the customer searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating appropriate error message.
 On success case, one or many record(s) containing the customer information will be sent
back in the response.
 In case the tanking functionality in Customer Screen is enabled, only the authorized
modifications will be made available through the GET services. Any unauthorized
modifications will not be available for View through the GET Services.
 The parameters of the services and their fetch details are given below:
 Search By Customer ID - Parameter to be passed is the customer id and the services
will respond with query results on exact fetch of the parameter that is passed.
 Search By Email - Parameter to be passed is the email and the services will respond
with query results on starts with the the parameter that is passed.
 Search by National Id – Parameters to be passed is the National Id and the services
will respond with query results on starts with the the parameter that is passed.
 Search by Mobile Number – Parameters to be passed is the mobile number without
the ISD number and the services will respond with query results on starts with the the
parameter that is passed.
 Search by First Name– Parameters to be passed is the First Name and the services
will respond with query results on starts with the parameter that is passed.
 Search By RM User ID - Parameter to be passed is the RM id and the services will
respond with query results on exact fetch of the parameter that is passed.

Example: Given below is a sample response of a customer. In case of services which return more than one
customer, a list of such JSON objects would be returned.

"pinCode": "string",

"nationality": "string",

"kyc": "string",

"customerNo": "string",

"shortName": "string",

"add1": "string",

"add2": "string",

"add3": "string",

"lastName": "string",

"sex": "string",

"fax": "string",

"mobileNO": "string",

"homeTelNo": "string",

"email": "string",

"custPref": "string",

"dob": "string",

"firstName": "string",

"telephone": "string",

"maritalStatus": "string",

"customerType": "string",

"uniqueIdName": "string",

"uniqueIdValue": "string",

"updateAt": "string",

"createdAt": "string",

"customerCategory": "string",

"branchCode": "string",

"add4": "string"

3.1.2 Retail Customer Image/Signature Search

These services (is customer image and signature) helps us in retrieving the images/signatures of
customer by passing customer number as input. The following are the expected functionality of
the service.
 This service will query for the images/signatures of customer that are present in Oracle
 The customers should be valid Individual customer that has record stat as Open and also
 On failure case i.e., if the customer searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Invalid Customer Number”
 On success case, list of images/signatures of the customer will be sent back in the

 In case the tanking functionality in Customer Screen is enabled, only the authorized
modifications will be made available through the GET services. Any unauthorized
modifications will not be available for View through the GET Services.

"branchCode": "string",

"customerId": "string",

"imageList": [


3.2 Retail Customer Account Rest API Services

Following are the list of Retail Customer Rest API Services that are available.

SL Service Metho Sample URL

No. d

1 Retail Customer GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts/casa/{cu

Accounts stomerId}

2 CASA Account GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts

Balance /casaBalance/{accountNumber}

3 TD Account Balance GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts


4 TD Renewal Date GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts


3.2.1 Retail Customer Accounts

This service helps us in retrieving the retail customer accounts information by passing customer
id as input. The following are the expected functionality of the service.

 This service will query for the customer accounts that are present in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
 The customers should be valid Individual customer that has record stat as Open and
 On failure case i.e., if the customer searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Invalid Customer”
 On success case, list of accounts of that customer will be sent back in the response.

 In case the tanking functionality in Account Screen is enabled, only the authorized
modifications will be made available through the GET services. Any unauthorized
modifications will not be available for View through the GET Services.
Example: Sample JSON response

"accounts": {

"custNo": "string",

"custAcNo": "string",

"availableBalance": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"acStatCrOvd": "string",

"acStatDrOvd": "string",

"minReqdBal": "string",

"address1": "string",

"address2": "string",

"address3": "string",

"address4": "string",

"ibanAcNo": "string",

"updatedAt": "string",

"accStatus": "string",

"branchCode": "string",

"acOpenDate": "string",

"accountType": "string",

"acStmtCycle": "string",

"acDesc": "string",

"cardDetails": {

"cardNo": "string"

3.2.2 CASA Account Balance

This service helps us in retrieving the retail customer account balance by passing account
number as input. The following are the expected functionality of the service.

 This service will query for the retail customer account balance that are present in Oracle
 The account should be valid ,open and also authorized
 On failure case i.e., if the account searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Invalid Account”
 On success case, balance of customer account will be sent back in the response.

Example: : Sample JSON response.

"availableBalance": "string",

"custNo": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"openingBalance": "string",

"currentBalance": "string",

"blockedAmount": "string",

"custAcNo": "string"

3.2.3 TD Account Balance/Renewal Date

This service helps us in retrieving the TD account balance/ Renewal Date by passing account
number as input. The following are the expected functionality of the service.
 This service will query for the TD account balance / renewal date that are present in
 The account should be valid , open and also authorized

 On failure case i.e., if the account searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Invalid TD Account”
 On success case, balance of TD account will be sent back in the response.

Example : Sample JSON response.

"custNo": "string",

"acc": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"maturityDate": "string",

"acOpenDate": "string",

"maturityAmount": "string"

"custNo": "string",

"acc": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"maturityDate": "string",

"acOpenDate": "string",

"renewelDate": "string"

3.3 Core Rest API Services

Following are the list of Core API Rest Services that are available.

Service Method Sample URL

Standing GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts/standingInstructions/{d

Instructions for rAccount}

Last 10 Debit GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts


Service Method Sample URL
for Accounts /debitTransactions/{accountNumber}

Last 10 Credit GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts

Transactions /creditTransactions/{accountNumber}
for Accounts

Last 10 Debit / GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts

Credit /allTransactions/{accountNumber}
for Accounts

Retail GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts/loan/{custNo}

Customer Loan

Loan Account GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts

Balance /loanBalance/{accountNumber}

Loan GET http://(IP):(Port)/AccountService/v12.3/accounts

Instalment /loanInstallment/{accountNumber}

Foreign GET http://(IP):(Port)/ExchangeRateService/v2.3/ExchangeRates

Query Params: currency1, currency2, branch
Exchange Rate

Branches List GET http://(IP):(Port)/Branchservice/v12.3/branches/{branchName}

Branch GET http://(IP):(Port)/Branchservice/v12.3/branches/address/{branchCode}


Block Amount POST http://(IP):(Port)/AmountBlockService/v12.3/amountBlock/create

Funds Transfer POST http://(IP):(Port)/FundTransferService/v12.3/fundtransfer/createContract

Debit Request POST http://(IP):(Port)/SingleJournalService/v12.3/singleJrnl/createContract

Credit Request POST http://(IP):(Port)/SingleJournalService/v12.3/singleJrnl/createContract

Stop Cheque POST http://(IP):(Port)/StopPaymentService/v12.3/stopPayment/createContra


3.3.1 Standing Instructions for Accounts

This service helps us in retrieving the Standing Instructions by passing account number as input.
The following are the expected functionality of the service.

 This service will query for the Standing Instructions of the account that are present in

 The contract status and standing instruction must be authorized.
 On failure case i.e., if the account searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Standing Instructions Not Found”
 On success case, Standing Instructions of the account will be sent back in the response.
Example: Sample JSON response.

"contractRefNo": "string",

"crAccBr": "string",

"crAccCcy": "string",

"crAccount": "string",

"drAccBr": "string",

"drAccCcy": "string",

"drAccount": "string",

"instructionNo": "string",

"standingInstruction": {

"firstExecDate": "string",

"firstValueDate": "string",

"instVersionNo": "string",

"instructionNo": "string",

"nextExecDate": "string",

"nextValueDate": "string",

"productCode": "string",

"productType": "string"

3.3.2 Account Transaction Detail Services

These services (ie get last 10 debit/credit and both transactions) helps us in retrieving the last 10
debit/credit or both transactions by passing account number as input. The following are the
expected functionality of the service.
 This service will query for the debit transactions of the account that are present in Oracle
 The account should be valid, open and authorized.
 On failure case i.e., if the account searched is not present in the system then it will throw
an appropriate error message.
 On success case, last 10 debit transactions of the account will be sent back in the
Example: Sample JSON response.

"custNo": "string",

"accountNo": "string",

"debitCreditTransactions": {

"acEntrySrNo": "string",

"trnRefNo": "string",

"acNo": "string",

"lcyAmount": "string",

"acCcy": "string",

"valueDt": "string",

"txnInitDate": "string"

3.3.3 Retail Customer Loan Services

These services (ie retrieve loan details, loan balance details and instalment details) help us in
retrieving the Retail Customer Loan Accounts and their details by passing customer number or
loan account number (according to the parameter defined in the service) as input. The following
are the expected functionality of the service:
 These services will query for the Retail Customer Loan Accounts / Loan Outstanding
Balance or the Loan Instalment Details that are available in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

 The account should be valid and account status should be authorized
 On failure case i.e., if the account searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw appropriate error message.
Example: Sample JSON response.

"custNo": "string",

"loanAccount": {

"accountNo": "string",

"branchCode": "string",

"bookDate": "string",

"maturityDate": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"originalStDate": "string",

"productId": "string",

"productCtgry": "string",

"custNo": "string"

"accountNumber": "string",

"outstandingPrincipal": "string",

"outstandingInterest": "string",

"ccy": "string",

"custNo": "string"


"scheduleDueDate": "string",

"custNo": "string",

"emiAmount": "string",

"accountNumber": "string"

3.3.4 Foreign Exchange Currency Rate Service

This service helps us in retrieving the Currency Exchange Rates by passing currencies CCY1,
CCY2 and branch (Branch code will be picked up from the request header) as input. The
following are the expected functionality of the service.
 This service will query for the Exchange Rates of the given currencies that are present in
 The given currencies must be valid and authorized.
 On failure case i.e., if the currencies searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Exchange rates not found for given currencies”

"branchCode": "string",

"buyRate": "string",

"midRate": "string",

"ccy1": "string",

"ccy2": "string",

"saleRate": "string",

"asOn": "string",

"rateType": "string"

3.3.5 Branch Query Services

These services (get Branch List and get Branch Address) help us in retrieving the Branches list/
Branch Address by passing either branch name or the branch code as input. The following are
the expected functionality of the service.
 This service will query for the Branch address for the given branch code that are present
in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
 The branches should be valid, open and authorized.
 On failure case i.e., if the branch code searched doesn’t present in the system then it will
throw an error stating “Invalid Branch”
Example: Sample JSON response.

"branchCode": "string",

"branchName": "string",

"bankCode": "string",

"bankName": "string"

"branchCode": "string",

"branchAddr1": "string",

"branchAddr2": "string",

"branchAddr3": "string",

"bankName": "string",

"countryCode": "string"

3.3.6 Amount Block Service

This service helps us in blocking the amount for an account by passing account, amount, branch
and effective date as input. The following are the expected functionality of the service.
 This service will block the amount for the given account which is present in Oracle
 The account should be valid, open and authorized.

 On failure case i.e amount block creation will not happen and throws the relevant error
with failure message
 On success case, Amount block number with the success message will be sent back in
the response.
 The external system used for the Amount Block Service, should have Auto Auth rights on
the below service and operation in FLEXCUBE.

Service FCUBSCustomerService

Operation CreateAmtBlk



Request in JSON {
"account": "string",
"amount": "string",
"effectiveDate": "string",
"txnBranch": "string"

Response in JSON format {

"account": "string",

"amount": "string",

"effectiveDate": "string",

"txnBranch": "string",

"amountBlockNum": "string",

"transactionStatus": "string"

3.3.7 Funds Transfer Service

This service helps us in transferring the amount from one account to another by passing from
account, from branch, from currency, to amount, to branch, to currency, local branch, product
code, transfer amount and ultimate beneficiary as input. The following are the expected
functionality of the service.

 This service will transfer the amount between given accounts which are present in Oracle
 The accounts should be valid, open and authorized.
 On failure case i.e., fund transfer will not happen and throws the relevant error with failure
 On success case, amount is transferred between the accounts given.
 The external system used for the Funds Transfer Service, should have Auto Auth rights
on the below service and operation in FLEXCUBE.

Service FCUBSFTService

Operation CreateContract


Example :

"fromAccount": "string",

"toAccount": "string",

"fromBranch": "string",

"toBranch": "string",

Request in JSON "fromCurrency": "string",

"toCurrency": "string",

"transferAmount": "string",

"localBranch": "string",

"ultimateBenficiary": "string"

"fromAccount": "string",
Response in JSON format
"toAccount": "string",

"fromBranch": "string",

"toBranch": "string",

"fromCurrency": "string",

"toCurrency": "string",

"transferAmount": "string",

"localBranch": "string",

"transactionId": "string",

"status": "string",

"ultimateBenficiary": "string"

3.3.8 Single Journal Dr/Cr Service

This service helps us in debiting/crediting the amount from an account given by passing account,
branch, currency, additional text, amount, batch number, debit/credit, transaction code and
ultimate value date as input. The following are the expected functionality of the service:
 This service will debit/credit the amount from the account which is present in Oracle
 The account should be valid, open and authorized.
 On failure case i.e., debit/credit will not happen and throws the relevant error with failure
 On success case, amount will be debited/credited from the account.
 The external system used for the Single Journal Service, should have Auto Auth rights on
the below service and operation in FLEXCUBE.

Service FCUBSDEService

Operation CreateSingleJrnl


Example :

Request in JSON format {

"accountNumber": "string",

"valDate": "string",

"batchNo": "string",

"currency": "string",

"amount": "string",

"accountBranch": "string",

"transactionCode": "string",

"addlText": "string",

"debitOrCredit": "string"

Response in JSON format {

"accountNumber": "string",

"valDate": "string",

"batchNo": "string",

"currency": "string",

"amount": "string",

"accountBranch": "string",

"transactionCode": "string",

"addlText": "string",

"debitOrCredit": "string",

"transactionId": "string",

"status": "string"

3.3.9 Stop Cheque Service

This service helps us in stopping the cheque by passing account, branch, reason, effective date,
amount, start check number, end check number and stop payment type as input. The following
are the expected functionality of the service.
 This service will stop the cheque payment which is present in Oracle FLEXCUBE.
 The account should be valid, open and authorized.
 The cheque number should be valid and it should belong to the customer account.

 On failure case i.e., stop cheque will not happen and throws the relevant error with failure
 On success case, given cheque will be stopped for payment.
 The external system used for the Single Journal Service, should have Auto Auth rights on
the below service and operation in FLEXCUBE.

Service FCUBSAccService

Operation CreateStopPayments


"accountNumber": "string",

"accountBranch": "string",

"stopPaymentType": "string",

Request in JSON format "startCheckNo": "string",

"endCheckNo": "string",

"effectiveDate": "string",

"reason": "string"

"accountNumber": "string",

"accountBranch": "string",

"stopPaymentType": "string",
Response in JSON format
"startCheckNo": "string",

"endCheckNo": "string",

"effectiveDate": "string",

"reason": "string",

"response": "string"

3.3.10 Rest Services Additional Changes

Support for Rest Services are enhanced to all modules through ODT. In ODT at RAD level user
can opt for which Rest services are required, ODT automatically generate rest artefacts for
Function IDs opted. These Rest Services can be deployed into application.

List of services enabled


Rest Documentations


Please refer the attachment panel for Rest_Services.xlsx and Rest


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