Survey Questionnaire

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This survey is part of an MLIS Thesis Writing student project at the Polytechnic

University of the Philippines under the guidance of Prof. Avelina Lupas. To ensure your

anonymity, all your answers are kept in utmost confidentiality. Your complete survey answers

will only be seen by the researcher and his adviser. Regardless of the situation, no individual

responses will be identified on any of the questionnaires.

Direction: Kindly provide truthful answers to the questions. Please read each question

carefully and check ( / ) the space provided that best describes your concept about the

question. Take your time but try not to linger on any one question; your first response to the

question is usually your true belief.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

1. Respondent’s Profile

Name (Optional): _____________________________________________________

Client type: _____ Student _____ Faculty _____ Administrator

Age: _____ 20 years old and below

_____ 21 – 30 years old

_____ 31 – 40 years old

_____ 41 – 50 years old

_____ 51 – and above

Sex: _____ Male _____ Female

Highest Degree Obtained: _____ Junior High School _____ Masteral Degree

_____ Senior High School _____ Doctoral Degree

_____ Bachelor’s Degree

Direction: Please check ( / ) the item that best describes your response regarding the

attribute being asked following the given scale:

Range - Scale Rating Definition

4.51 – 5.00 Highly The system fully meets and far exceeds
Acceptable all expectations

3.51 – 4.50 Acceptable The system fully meets and far exceeds
several expectations

2.51 – 3.50 Somewhat The system fully meets all expectations


1.51 – 2.50 Less Acceptable The system does not fully meet all

1.00 – 1.50 Not Acceptable The system does not meet expectations
to a significant degree in several areas

2. What is your level of acceptance of to the proposed online Audio-Visual Room

Reservation and Inventory System with Electronic Mail Messaging System Notification in
terms of:

5 4 3 2 1

2.1 Functionality

2.1.1 The system can create different user account and

permission profile
2.1.2 The system gives comprehensive information
related with your query
2.1.3 The system application components are working
correctly when executed
2.1.4 The system application components gives
appropriate response
5 4 3 2 1

2.2 Usability

2.2.1 The user interface is user-friendly

2.2.2 All components are working properly

2.2.3 The system processes are easy to remember

and understand
2.2.4 The users makes no or few errors when using
the system
2.2.5 The system display screen is well organized
and attractive
2.3 Reliability

2.3.1 The system is a web-based application. Thus

accessible in different computer platform when online
2.3.2 The system defines tasks to perform per user
2.3.3 The system displays real-time service request

2.3.4 The system can detect conflict and avoid

2.3.5 The system perform its required functions under
normal conditions
2.4 Performance

2.4.1 The system reacts to user input quickly

2.4.2 The system can accomplish a task within the

expected amount of time
2.4.3 The system works as expected under sudden
changes in operating conditions
2.4.4 The system produces accurate outputs

2.4.5 The system keeps data secured and safeguards

unauthorize activities

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