A Review On The Role of Blockchain Technology in T
A Review On The Role of Blockchain Technology in T
A Review On The Role of Blockchain Technology in T
A Review on the Role of Blockchain Technology
in the Healthcare Domain
Haider Dhia Zubaydi 1 , Yung-Wey Chong 1, * , Kwangman Ko 2 , Sabri M. Hanshi 1 and
Shankar Karuppayah 1
1 National Advanced IPv6 Centre, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Gelugor 11800, Penang, Malaysia;
haidardhia@yahoo.com (H.D.Z.); Smhanshi@ieee.org (S.M.H.); kshankar@usm.my (S.K.)
2 School of Computer and Information Engineering, Sangji University, Gangwon 220-702, Korea;
* Correspondence: chong@usm.my
Received: 31 March 2019; Accepted: 12 May 2019; Published: 15 June 2019
Abstract: Recently, there have been increasing calls for healthcare providers to provide controls for
patients over their personal health records. Nevertheless, security issues concerning how different
healthcare providers exchange healthcare information have caused a flop in the deployment of
such systems. The ability to exchange data securely is important so that new borderless integrated
healthcare services can be provided to patients. Due to its decentralized nature, blockchain technology
is a suitable driver for the much-needed shift towards integrated healthcare, providing new insights
and addressing some of the main challenges of many healthcare areas. Blockchain allows healthcare
providers to record and manage peer-to-peer transactions through a network without central authority.
In this paper, we discuss the concept of blockchain technology and hurdles in their adoption in the
healthcare domain. Furthermore, a review is conducted on the latest implementations of blockchain
technology in healthcare. Finally, a new case study of a blockchain-based healthcare platform is
presented addressing the drawbacks of current designs, followed by recommendations for future
blockchain researchers and developers.
1. Introduction
Blockchain is a digital-ledger-based technology developed to change the perspective of the
digital transactions, or specifically, to replace them. Blockchain is defined as a distinct, decentralized
distributed ledger that includes all transactions records related to participating members. Blockchain
transactions are created and stored in chronological order [1], allowing digital assets (such as digital
currency and digital data) to be tracked by participants without central record-keeping [2,3]. One of
the key features in blockchain is that participating nodes in the network will hold a copy of the full
blockchain [4]. All transactions on the blockchain must be approved because transactions are only
valid under the consensus agreement of the participating members. In addition, all transactions are
trackable [5], making fraudulent transactions impossible to bypass [6]. When a user (user A) wants to
make a transaction to another user (user B) using blockchain, a new block is created to include the
transaction. Each transaction is broadcasted across network nodes to verify it. If the new transaction
is verified, the new block is added to the blockchain and distributed across network nodes so that
other nodes will update their blockchain. Finally, the transaction is received by another user (user B).
The full process is depicted in Figure 1.
The launch of the Ethereum platform blockchain [7,8] enabled blockchain to support transactions in
numerous applications besides cryptocurrency [9,10]. Most healthcare applications are developed on the
Ethereum framework [11]. Blockchain technology is considered a promising technology for many areas
such as public services [12], reputation systems [13], Internet of Things (IoT) [14], and security services
[15]. Blockchain-based applications utilise smart contracts [16] to store any record or transaction of value
such as currency, oil, gold, real estate contracts, energy, and intellectual property rights (IPR). Blockchain
technology has two distinct characteristics: anonymity and distributed consensus [17]. Blockchain
transactions provide many advantages such as security, decentralization, and instant transactions. This is
because Blockchain technology (BT) eliminates the need for intermediary points such as agents or brokers.
Since data is an asset in the digital economy, it is crucial to ensure that data in specific applications have
not been manipulated or corrupted.
Throughout the years, Blockchain has gone through extensive development, namely digital
currency (Blockchain 1.0), digital economy (Blockchain 2.0), and digital society (Blockchain 3.0).
The first generation is related to the underlying technology platform (i.e., public ledger, hashing,
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and mining) and overlying protocols (transaction enabling software) to support digital currency [6].
The concept of second generation Blockchain was proposed by [18] as an infrastructure for more
complex application (i.e., mortgages, derivatives, stocks, and assets that can be monetized). The major
innovation of the second generation relies on the usage of Blockchain in managing assets and trust
agreements; thus, the concept of smart contracts was conceived. Smart contracts are an emerging use
case in this generation, and are defined as computer programs that automatically execute contract
terms and manage smart properties [19]. Smart contracts are faster for execution and data can be
transferred faster as compared with traditional contracts [20], making it a key feature in Blockchain
technology. Blockchain applications unrelated to economic activity, financial markets, commerce or
money are referred to as digital society or Blockchain 3.0 [6]. This generation is associated with
broader applications such as education health, science, art and governance. In this generation,
several technologies are integrated with blockchain, such as cyber physical systems. In recent
years, blockchain technologies have been applied in Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems
to provide control, supervision, accessibility, auditability, and interoperability over large scale data
management frameworks using a comprehensive log. Current blockchain technology enables sharing
and consuming computing resources, and delivering computing capabilities anytime, anywhere [9].
It is expected to revolutionize and drive industry and economics because it is secure, fast, trustworthy,
immutable, and provides public and private transparent solutions. Transactions on the blockchain
ameliorate the need for documentation, duplication, third-party intervention, and remediation.
Although blockchain has been used in various applications for secure transactions, there are different
challenges that need to be considered when implementing blockchain in healthcare application [21,22].
This is because healthcare is a regulated domain that involved patient’s privacy. In this paper, problems
related to implementation of blockchain technology in healthcare application and the challenges related
to consensus algorithms are addressed. This paper is expected to contribute to new use case approaches
for blockchain-based healthcare application.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of blockchain
technology and discusses the different consensus algorithms. Section 3 reviews the related work
on blockchain technology in the healthcare domain. Section 4 presents a use-case approach for
a decentralized consensus secure platform for a blockchain-based healthcare application. Finally,
Section 5 is devoted to conclusions.
2. Blockchain Technology
2.1. Overview
Network architectures can be broadly categorised as centralized or distributed architecture.
In centralized architecture, a central node is responsible for control and coordination of the whole
network. In a distributed architecture, all nodes are connected, eliminating the need for a central point
of control. A blockchain architecture functions in a peer-to-peer distributed network offering two
primary advantages: greater computing power than a centralized architecture, since the computing
power of all nodes is combined together; and network reliability, because there is no single point of
failure [23]. Blockchain can also achieve and maintain data integrity in distributed systems due to the
high level of security implemented in blockchain technology [24].
The concept of distributed ledger refers to databases that are spread across several computing
devices (nodes) [25]. Each device updates itself independently through an identical saved copy of the
ledger. Blockchain arises from the use of distributed ledgers. However, blockchain and a distributed
ledger are not exactly the same. Although both terminologies can be defined as a cryptographically
audit trail for a record of consensus of network nodes, distributed ledgers can be implemented
using blockchain. Nevertheless, this process is not reversible. Distributed ledgers do not necessarily
employ a chain of blocks in order to provide a valid and secure distributed consensus. Blockchain
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technology manages data by grouping it into blocks and linking these blocks to one another, while using
cryptography to provide security.
Blockchain works in a consensus manner where network nodes (called miners) are responsible
for adding and validating blocks, which are digital records of immutable (unchangeable) data
(such as transactions) stored in packages. Blockchain nodes are responsible for connecting the
blockchain network, storing information on the ledger, listening to transactions and newly sealed
blocks, validating newly sealed blocks (confirming transactions), passing the valid transaction to
the network, and creating and passing new blocks [26]. The blockchain technology, which underlies
the distributed ledger, validates the new data (transactions) in the ledger. Each block is generated
after fulfilling certain and predetermined requirements. In blockchain, all network nodes receive
information about every data or transactions and must verify them in order to be validated. Platforms
such as Ethereum requires all nodes to receive and understand the information. However, in Corda,
only involved nodes receive information about transactions. When the blockchain network contains
one or more malicious user(s), unknown reliability and trustworthiness may exist in the blockchain,
since unknown peers can exploit the network for their own purposes [27]. However, it is not easy to
break into the blockchain network since there are huge requirements such as computing power and
having more than 50% in the network.
In blockchain, each block is related to the previous block, and is digitally signed by the responsible
miner using a hash function or specifically a hash algorithm (Merkle root hash [28]). The hash function
is used to map every single input to a specific hash value to ensure that no duplicate hashing exists.
Each block contains the data and hash of the previous block to eliminate any changes or tampering
in the blockchain. New blocks are created when miners validate data using algorithms such as Proof
of Work (PoW) [29] and Proof of Stake (PoS) [30] concepts. For example, PoW requires computing
power to calculate the hash associated with a block to be considered valid. When a miner has more
computing power, the hash will be calculated more quickly. Thus, the miner is responsible to add
the block to the blockchain and receives the associated reward. The associated reward represents the
type of reward the user will receive for mining a block. The time of block creation depends on the
application and security mechanisms being used. For example, in Bitcoin, it takes 10 min to add a
block [31] (to reduce any hyperinflation of the currency), while, in Ethereum, it takes 10 to 20 s [32].
As shown in Figure 2, blockchain can be represented as a conventional public ledger, in which a
complete list of transaction (Tx) records is stored on a sequence of blocks (hashed timestamps) [33,34].
Each block has a reference that points to the previous block referred to as the parent block (i.e., block 1 is
the parent block of block 2, the genesis block is the parent block of block 1). This reference is represented
by a hash value, a single unique value for every block that makes the block valid. The first block of
blockchain is called the genesis block, the hash value of the genesis block is straight zeros because it does
not have any parent block. Another term that has been proposed by the Ethereum blockchain is the
uncle block, which is created when two blocks are mined at the same time. In this situation, one block is
considered the official block and added to the chain, while the other remains a stale block and it is called
an uncle block (or orphan block in the Bitcoin blockchain). In the Ethereum blockchain, hashes of uncle
blocks are also stored [7], unlike Bitcoin, in which the whole block is neglected.
The block structure is shown in Figure 3. Every block consists of block version, parent block
hash, Merkle tree root hash, timestamp, nBits, and nonce. Block versions illustrate the validation rules
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that must be followed. Parent hash block represents the hash of the previous block to form a chain.
The hash is 256-bit. A timestamp represents the time in seconds since 1970, while nBits indicate the
current hashing target, which represents a threshold for the block in order to be valid [35]. nBits is an
unsigned integer that the header hash must be below or equal to in order for that header to be a valid
part of the blockchain. A nonce is a 4-byte random number generated to produce a hash that makes
the block valid. The block hash starts with zeros and the number of zeros increase in time to increase
the difficulty of figuring out the hash [36]. Thus, miners continuously calculate and guess the nonce
that will produce the exact hash (including the number of zeros at the beginning), which will make
the block valid. In other words, the miners must generate an output that meets certain requirements
when plugging the nonce into the hashing algorithm. Miners use brute force to guess the correct
value algorithm until an appropriate output value is found. Such calculation is necessary because any
change in input data produces an entirely different output. Thus, these calculations must indicate an
accurate output that represents a unique input.
The hash of all transactions in a block is called Merkle tree root as shown in Figure 4. Each pair of
transaction hashes is merged together until a single hash is reached for all transactions, which is called
Root Hash or Merkle Root. For example, the hashes of transaction A and transaction B are merged
together to generate a new hash called Hash AB; the same process is performed with transaction C and
D; finally, the root hash (Hash ABCD) is generated by merging Hash AB and Hash CD. The transactions
and associated counters are located in the block body. Block size and transaction size are responsible
for defining the number of transactions inside a single block [37].
In order to validate the authentication of transactions, blockchain uses a symmetric/asymmetric
cryptography mechanism [38], in which the private key is used to sign and encrypt the data on the
sender side. The public key is used to decrypt the data at the receiver side(s). The process of signing
transactions produces what is known as a digital signature. The digital signature involves two phases;
signing and verification. For example, when user X makes a transaction to user Y, he generates the
hash value of the specified transaction. The encryption process is done using user X’s (sender) private
key. The original data and the encrypted hash are sent to user Y. Anyone in the network can decrypt
the hash using the user X’s public key. Thus, user Y decrypts the received hash and compares it with
the derived hash of the received data using the hash function of user X to verify the transaction.
The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) [39] has been widely used as a digital
signature algorithm in blockchains. This is because it has shorter key length as compared to Digital
Signature Algorithm (DSA), Rivest-Hsamir-Adleman (RSA) and Diffie–Hellman algorithm. For IoT
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devices that utilise blockchain technology, a colour spectrum chain can be used to store authentication
status of the devices that can access the IoT [40]. In cloud servers, the algorithm confirms the
information in the device, stores the authentication state of the identified device in the blockchain,
and checks the authentication state of the stored device. When the colour spectrum chain is used in
IoT sensors and multi-platforms using blockchain, the vulnerability of IoT devices can be minimised.
For any information system, three requirements must be fulfilled to guarantee security:
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Since blockchain is decentralized, it can guarantee the
global system functionality even if one or more nodes are compromised. In blockchain, confidentiality
includes securing the user’s private key because it is needed along with the public key to compromise
the system or impersonate someone else (stealing identity). The public and private keys are used to
ensure the integrity and security when exchanging information. There is a unique private key for each
user, which guarantees the ownership of information for a specific user. The user signs the information
with his private key to indicate his authority to the entire network. The public key is derived from the
private key based on a specific algorithm that the system uses. The public keys are distributed across
the network because they are irreversible (a private key cannot be derived from public keys). Other
users need to use public keys to access the information.
For example, CONIKS [41] created a key management system to control and unleash users from
encryption key management. Two-step verification is performed in this system. First, the receiver’s
public key is verified; then, the key is checked to ensure that it is not altered over time. Integrity can be
ensured in blockchain because it prevents the information from being tampered with by unauthorised
parties. An integrity blockchain-based IoT framework was proposed in [42] to eliminate any trust
needed for third parties. Availability is the most straightforward concept achieved by blockchain
because of its distributed system design manner.
Blockchain security mechanisms prevent hacking through the distributed consensus, ensuring the
safety of management systems and the centralized data storage since all transactions are required to
be verified and validated by a group or community of miners. Furthermore, a blockchain network
is monitored by all nodes in the network, and any malicious node (user) lacks the power to insert
manipulated blocks into the public ledger because all nodes maintain a copy of the blockchain. Thus,
even hacking several ledgers will not affect the blockchain, since blockchain copies provided by others are
considered to be a reliable backup [43]. Blockchain systems have the ability to secure the network from
certain malicious activities. However, some of them might cause problem to blockchain network [44].
Although blockchain provides an evolution to current technology, it faces many security
challenges such as interoperability, scalability, and data privacy [6]. For example, in a peer-to-peer
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network, when a user makes more than one payment at the same time using Bitcoins, a security
concern known as a double-spending attack [6,32,43,45] arises. This occurs when the pending
payments are being broadcasted and, at the same time, the network faces propagation delays or
unconfirmed transactions at multiple intervals. To solve this problem, blockchain requires miners to
verify the transactions by solving complex mathematical problems (mining procedure). Since it is a
time-consuming process and it is hard to solve the problems, usually only one payment passes through
correctly and can be registered on the blockchain. Blockchain depends on safeguarding the digital
identity (the private key) to provide privacy and anonymity. However, if a key has been possessed or
stolen, it is impossible to recover it by any third party, and all the information of the digital identity
will vanish. There will then be no way of identifying the person behind it. This process can be very
dangerous if third-party institutions are affected [6].
Proof of Stake (PoS) [30] divides users by their stake of the blockchain. Each node that has a
certain amount of stake in the blockchain can be a miner. This consensus algorithm assumes that a
user with more stake has a lower possibility to attack the network. Nodes allocate a specific amount of
their stake when they become a miner. Thus, the network will hold that amount to make sure that a
user is trusted and allowed to mine. PoS has lower energy consumption than PoW because it requires
less computational power. The issue with PoS is that the mining process of blockchain targets the
wealthiest participants, since they can own a higher stake than other nodes.
Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) [48] is another consensus algorithm proposed to enhance PoS.
In this algorithm, instead of assigning the generation and validation of blocks to the stakeholders,
certain delegates are responsible for that procedure. One of the advantages of this consensus algorithm
is faster transactions since fewer nodes are involved. In addition, the chosen nodes are able to adjust
block size and intervals. Dishonesty can be treated faster because delegated nodes are substituted
easily. Transactions as Proof of Stake (TaPoS) [30] is a PoS variant. Unlike PoS, where certain nodes
contribute to the security of the network, all nodes contribute to the security framework in TaPoS. In
PoS, the limitation is due to stake age that is accumulated, even when the node is not connected to
the network. Proof of Activity (PoA) [49] is proposed to reward nodes based on their activity and
ownership on the blockchain.
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) [51] has been proposed for asynchronous environments
to solve the Byzantine Generals Problem. It assumes that more than 2/3 of total nodes are legitimate,
while less than a third are malicious. A leader is selected through each block generation, the leader is
responsible for ordering transactions. In order to add a block, a minimum of 2/3 of all nodes must
support the validation of block. Delegated BFT (DBFT) is a variant of BFT, and works in a similar
manner to DPoS, where a certain number of nodes are responsible for validating and generating
blocks. Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) is similar to PBFT. This algorithm is implemented based on
an algorithm called Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) [58]. The difference between this algorithm
and PBFT is that PBFT requires an agreement from majority of the nodes. SCP relies on a subset of
nodes that it considers important.
Ripple [61] has been proposed to solve the issue of light latencies caused by synchronous
communication between nodes. The nodes are defined as trusted to create a subset to determine
network consensus, and the subset is connected to a specific server to reduce latency. BFTRaft enhances
the Raft algorithm [64] by increasing its security through reformulating it into a Byzantine fault-tolerant
algorithm. Tendermint [62] consensus algorithm tolerates up to 1/3 of failures, and it can host arbitrary
application states. Network nodes are named validators, which create blocks and vote on whether
these blocks are valid or not. To add a block, Tendermint divides the validation process into two stages:
pre-vote and pre-commit. When more than 2/3 of validators commit a block, the block is committed
and considered valid. BitcoinNG [59] is another consensus algorithm that aims to improve latency,
throughput, and scalability. Bitcoin-NG is proved to operate optimally. However, it has limitations in
terms of latency of propagation time and nodes’ bandwidth.
Proof-of-Burn (PoB) is used to define how miners are committed to mining by requesting them to
show a proof of their mining activities by burning cryptocurrency (or data that can be spent) to a specific
address (spendable address in case of cryptocurrency), instead of consuming (burning) resources.
The Proof-of-Personhood (PoP) algorithm is used to provide anonymity through binding physical
to virtual identities using ring signatures [65] and collective signing [66]. The Sieve algorithm [60] is
Hyperledger-Fabric implementation proposed by IBM research. It uses BFT replication in permissioned
blockchain to run non-deterministic smart contracts. Non-deterministic smart contracts processes are
replicated in the network and the results are compared. The results are sieved out if a divergence
among results is detected within the replicated results. This design sieves out the whole operation if
the divergent processes results are excessive. The advantages and drawbacks of different blockchain
consensus algorithms are discussed in Table 1.
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3. Blockchain in Healthcare
Blockchain technology has been merged and integrated with many types of applications
such as Internet of Things (IoT), healthcare, real estate and food security [7,34]. Among the
different applications that use blockchain, healthcare is one of the most interesting fields in current
blockchain-based research. This is because healthcare is one of the most regulated industries and
blockchain can have a positive impact on the healthcare domain [67]. Blockchain technology has led
to tremendous solutions for traditional healthcare domain issues [68,69], such as providing a secure
infrastructure and integrated private health records [70]. Blockchain can be used to provide secure
communication among stakeholders and deliver clinical reports efficiently [71].
Blockchain allows sharing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) in a secure manner since blockchain
technology can be extended as a standard for stakeholders [72]. Using blockchain for EHR provides
many advantages, such as preserving patient’s privacy [73] and improving quality of medical care [74].
The need for patient-centric services and connecting disparate systems have triggered the usage
of blockchain [75]. Blockchain provides patients full control over their medical records. Patient
information is very case-sensitive and must be stored and shared in a secure and confidential manner.
Therefore, it is a prime target for malicious attacks, such as Denial of Service (DoS), Mining Attack,
Storage Attack and Dropping Attack [76]. Blockchain provides a secure and robust platform for
healthcare against failures and attacks because it contains different mechanisms of access control [75].
Although Blockchain has been widely deployed in cryptocurrency, most applications of blockchain in
healthcare are still in conceptualization stage or implemented in testbed [79].
(where only verified and trusted users are allowed to access the data). The sensitive data are stored
in pool(s) using permissioned blockchain, and an efficient access control is implemented via secure
cryptographic techniques. A shared repository is deployed to allow users to access EMRs through
a data-sharing scheme after verifying their identities and cryptographic keys. The proposed system
archives user’s membership by relying on identify-based authentication. It also helps to guarantee
a level of security using multiple cryptographic keys. The system is separated into three layers,
namely storage, system management and users. Each of these layers performs certain tasks to
facilitate data sharing with secure structures. Based on authors’ evaluations, the proposed framework
is lightweight and scalable, while providing efficiency, identity management and distant access.
However, the algorithms between entities and authentication and communication protocols were not
fully investigated.
A blockchain-based system architecture is proposed to handle healthcare data access and facilitate
auditable and private healthcare data sharing [82]. The proposed architecture is designed using
features such as properties and smart contracts to ensure workflow automation, patient pseudonymity,
shared data integrity, auditing, and accountability. The design is based on consortium blockchain,
which allow all participating nodes in the network to be verified off-chain. The proposed design
consists of three layers, namely WebCloud Platforms, Cloud middleware and Blockchain network.
Three types of smart contracts are used, namely Registry Contract (RC), Patient Data Contract (PDC),
and Permissions Contract (PC). RC is used as registry for all network nodes and maps between all
network nodes. PDC is used as unique indicators to each patient, linking the hashed healthcare data to
the actual data in the WebCloud Platform using URL. The PC is responsible to manage the permissions
in the network because it links the PDC address and data requesting entity.
Another research that addresses the cost and interoperability issues in healthcare domain was
proposed by [83]. The authors designed a blockchain-based patient centered protocol due ineffective
communication between EHRs institutions when dealing with ill patients. Their research focuses
on physicians and surgeons that provides critical patient care so that they can access patient’s prior
imaging studies, current medications, and medical history. The authors illustrated the revolution of
blockchain-based healthcare data supply chain because blockchain technology can eliminate the difficulty
encumbered by supporting a huge number of existing silos of patient datasets. This problem can be seen
in current non blockchain-based implementations. This design addressed Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requirements which includes privacy, security, cloud computing
guidelines. In addition, it takes into consideration HIPAA restrictions and limitations of blockchain
technology. Patiotory tokens (PTOY) are used as fuel to run the blockchain. These tokens regulate network
storage allocation, revenue payment cycles, and healthcare quality measurements. Such design offers
minimised breaches for providers due to inherent access control properties of the system.
A user-centric architectural framework that utilizes blockchain characteristics is proposed to
secure the control of information exchange [84]. The framework pairs policies that are user generated
with smart contracts. This research addresses the issue of how data owners control the information after
data exchange. The proposed approach employs a set of cryptographic keys to guarantee the access
and security of information as well as monitor and manage violation. The system consists of users,
query manager, smart contract center, processing nodes, local storage, and blockchain network. The
system is constructed starting with a registration process where user credentials are stored and policies
are set up. The user can send a request using private and membership keys to the query manager.
Once the information has been authenticated, the processing nodes retrieve associated policies from
storage and smart contracts will be generated. Smart contracts attached to the data and monitoring
process will begin. The monitoring is important to make sure that the computations are conducted
in a reasonable time to avoid being misused. The system provides data protection, user privacy, and
complies with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. However,
scalability and efficiency are not considered.
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In [85], the authors proposed an efficient approach to share continuous IoT data using blockchain.
They classified the data into different categories based on data characters (static and dynamic) and
data acquisition (instant and continuous). To allow control over data quality, a machine-learning-based
data quality inspection module was introduced. This is crucial because IoT devices can create a
large amount of data with noise. The data quality inspection can filter the noise and make sure that
the data produced is reliable. By eliminating noise, accurate prediction of a user’s activity can be
obtained. The proposed design defines three roles in the system, namely users generating the data,
key keepers that store private keys to decrypt data, and customers to provide monetary or service
rewards in exchange of data. The data that have been inspected will be allowed to share or transact
using blockchain module. Before the data can be uploaded in the cloud from user’s application, it will
be encrypted using symmetric-key algorithms such as Rijndael AES [86] together with threshold
encryption schemes [87]. The symmetric key will be distributed to different key keepers to increase the
complexity of decryption process. The research incorporated crypto tokens to encourage users to share
their health data for research and commercial purposes. While the benefits are tempting, the proposed
work is still in a conceptual design stage.
MedChain [88] is a data sharing scheme that incorporates blockchains, digest chain and structure
peer-to-peer network to overcome efficiency related to metadata change when sharing data between
different entities. This approach checks the integrity of shared medical IoT data stream using digest
chain structure. This data sharing scheme is session-based to allow further flexibility during information
sharing. MedChain network consists of two different peer nodes, namely super peers and edge
peers. The super peers includes servers of entities with high computing and storage power such as
national hospitals. The edge nodes are servers from small entities such as community clinics that stores
actual patient data. The proposed scheme facilitates data query and access using mutable information
while maintaining authenticity, integrity, and security using immutable information. Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) [89] is used for key generation. This scheme offers resiliency to masquerade and
replay attacks, forward secrecy, data integrity, privacy protection, and non-repudiation of unauthorized
data access. MedChain reduces computation and storage overhead when new descriptions are generated.
It is the only scheme that supports metadata update, storage space recycling, and data stream support.
and sharing medical records as rewards is illegal in many countries due to privacy issues. Thus,
data usage efficiency in MedRec is not satisfactory.
An implementation that uses smart contracts as mediators is proposed by [92] to access Electronic
Health Records (EHRs) in large-scale information architecture. The authors address accessibility and
data privacy issues in healthcare. The current version of the Ethereum platform is the base idea of
the proposed architecture. Smart contracts are the core in the proposed architecture, which is used
to register all access to data, process access requests, and store new transactions in the ledger. In the
proposed architecture design, the data is owned by the user, not health institutions. A distributed
ledger is used to execute smart contracts and record references to health transactions, store health
records, store users’ public and private cryptographic keys using wallets, and as a discovery service
for an information index to accelerate information search. Three types of transactions are defined
for specific purpose: New Record, Request Access, and Notification. For example, notification is a
special transaction to indicate a public health issue. One of the advantages of such design is delegating
data management to patients. Patients have full control over their medical records (control of their
private key). However, if a user is not tech-savvy, or a user lost his private key, a patient’s health record
may be lost or compromised. The data is not stored in a centralised ledger for performance reasons,
as such data retrieval process will be a challenge. The proposed design is still in the early stages of
MedBlock [93] is a blockchain-based information management system that has been proposed
to manage medical information. An improved hybrid-consensus mechanism was implemented to
address network congestion and large energy consumption issues since Delegated Proof of Stake and
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance are not suitable. The consensus mechanism works like a board
vote, one node within a region is voted as the endorser to act on behalf of other nodes. The mechanism
allows effective data upload to avoid congestion in the network caused by patients performing many
procedures in a centralized time. MedBlock combines symmetric cryptography and customized access
control to exhibit high information security. MedBlock utilises bread crumb mechanisms, which enable
users to find encrypted information that they are interested in efficiently. MedBlock provides efficient
EMR access and retrieval process. It has less access times as compared to other approaches and
consistent data flow in different periods, which resolves the problem of sharing information and data
management in large-scale systems. Since EMRs are stored in hospitals’ databases, they reduce the
concept of decentralization of blockchain to avoid being targeted by malicious actors.
SMEAD [67] is a new healthcare paradigm designed for diabetic patients through an end-to-end
secured system. The proposed paradigm includes three wearable devices (smart neckband, smart
footwear, and smart wristband) to observe patients’ statuses and predict patients’ conditions.
They deployed MEDIBOX (a self-served Collaborative platform for E-Distribution of Pharma and
Healthcare products) to work as an alert and reminder mechanism for patients. MEDIBOX provides
continuous monitoring of patients’ insulin dosage. Blockchain is used to provide security and data
access control for trusted parties using smart contracts. Social networks on mobile phones such as
WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter are used as emergency mechanisms for caretakers, since these
applications offer continuous communication over the internet. The proposed system is designed
by integrating medication administrator, IoMT (Internet of Things in Medical Things), wearable
technology and cloud computing. Public key cryptography is used to protect the data and authenticate
users. Smart contracts are used to address the privacy concern by securing transactions.
MeDShare [68] is another efficient blockchain-based management system to handle medical
records. This system is proposed for cloud repositories that manages shared medical records and data
among medical big data entities. The proposed system ensures data provenance, security, auditing,
and user verification through cryptographic keys. The MedShare data sharing mechanism is grouped
into four layers, namely user, data query, data structuring and provenance, and an existing database
infrastructure layer. When a user would like to access a database, a private key will be generated
and digitally signed by the user. The query system will then forward the request to data structuring
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 15 of 29
and the provenance layer. A smart contract will then be executed in order to share data among cloud
service providers.
Blockchain has been used to manage and share EMR data for cancer patient care. Ref. [94] use
permissioned blockchain to address three main objectives: primary patient care, data aggregation for
research purposes, and providing better patient care through connecting different healthcare entities.
The framework consists of multiple nodes to reach network consensus, databases to handle offchain
storage, membership service, and APIs for different users. The membership service is responsible
for registering patients and doctors, which will be used to define the functionality of the chaincode.
Patient’s data are stored in two different databases, namely local database and cloud based platform.
Each database stores the data in different data structures. Consensus nodes operate through a custom
chaincode implemented inside them, acting as a Hyperledger validating peers through the PBFT
consensus algorithm. The proposed framework aims to reduce turnaround time and reduces overall
cost while improving decision-making processes. Data semantics and sensitivity must be considered
in order to provide any efficient storage mechanism.
Transparency aspects make it difficult to protect data against malicious traffic analysis while
maintaining accountability and transaction privacy. Hence, a novel Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
messaging and rule-based beacons platform [95] has been proposed to discuss decision fusion and the
role of data in seamless data management. The proposed design utilises Field-Programmable Gate
Array (FPGA) based IoT sensors to monitor biological information. The data are sent wirelessly to
the cloud via an IoT gateway. Blockchain is used in a distributed database to harden medical reports
from being tampered. The deployed databases can be managed by disparate parties such as regulators,
pharmacies, caregivers, patients, insurance companies, and hospitals. The overlay network is used
between nodes to provide confidentiality for users by selecting random paths for communication.
Data fusion and decision fusion are used to increase the accuracy.
In order to digitize and democratize healthcare services, privacy must be the key feature to avoid
medical data being jeopardized. If a breach of medical records happens, patients will lose faith and
abstain from disclosing their condition. It may produce a negative effect in all stakeholders—patients
themselves, medical practitioners and scientific researchers. In order to avoid such situation, ref. [96]
proposed blockchain-based data sharing system supported by a Genetic Algorithm (GA) [97] and
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) [98]. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize a queuing technique
while DWT is used to enhance the security. The proposed system allows a fast verification process
using a cryptography key generator, which in turn enhances a system’s access control and immunity.
Since all patients are known and their actions are stored in the blockchain records, this design allows
further accountability. Shared queuing requests can only be accessed (allowing requests) only after a
confirmation of identity and cryptographic keys. The proposed system is built over private blockchain
and the blocks are defined based on Dual tree–complex wavelet transform (DT–CWT) and multiple
watermarking schemes. Multiple watermarking schemes with blockchain technology to manage health
records are used to enhance privacy, transparency, and security. Using the watermarking technique,
the information of multiple physicians are embedded one after another and extracted in reverse order.
Ref. [99] introduces a blockchain-based health data ecosystem to manage high amount of health
data. The proposed approach uses Exonum [100] (service-oriented architecture that works in a
peer-to-peer manner) open source platform. System architecture is divided into two segments—open
and closed. The medical data is stored in the closed segment while each patient unique identifier
is stored in open segment. System nodes are divided into auditors and validators. Auditors check
blockchain consistency because they own a full copy of blockchain ledger while network viability task
is handled by validators. Validators are the entities responsible for generating new blocks using the BFT
consensus algorithm. In Exonum, services module acts as smart contracts in the blockchain network
while clients module are responsible for identifying customers typical functionality. The middleware
module provides transactions with atomicity and ordering, realizes the interactions and replication of
services with clients, accesses control, and has data consistency.
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 16 of 29
through multiple steps. Finally, an authorized person can request to view the data of the patient to
create an accurate plan of treatment remotely.
The proposed design provides authentication of messages and communication across the network,
confidentiality of generated secret keys, forward secrecy of the master key, and integrity of transactions.
It reduces computational burden on sensor devices, and data leakage caused by the illegal acts of
various parties. This is more of a cryptography point of view approach, where they focus on two
main points: computational power and energy consumption. The proposed system does not fully
explore the benefits of the blockchain, it has not been evaluated for large-scale environments and is
designed to address challenges in PSN networks only, which is considered unsuitable for other types
of implementations. Furthermore, smart contracts are one of the main points of using blockchain in
healthcare, which is not included in the proposed system.
block generators to provide proof of conformance when adding new blocks. System entities are users,
medical service providers, and system manager, which keeps public key tree and generates system
parameters. The system provides access control, data auditing, privacy preservation, secure search,
and time controlled revocation. However, there are some issues related to modifying the URL. Since
blockchain only stores the records, the location of data might be changed; thus, the old URL cannot be
modified and a new URL must be generated. Furthermore, a new block is taken by the data sharing
session because there is no reclaim of space after a sharing. Advantages and limitations of the existing
work are discussed in Table 2.
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 20 of 29
Advantages Limitations
Data Sharing Network/System [80–83]
Ref. [80] provide high network security. Ref. [81] is lightweight, scalable, and provides Ref. [80] does not insert actual records in the block, and searchability, discoverability, and data access
efficiency, identity management and distant access. control mechanisms are required. Algorithms between entities and authentication and communication
protocols were not investigated in ref. [81].
Record Management System [67,68,90–96]
Ref. [90,91] provides easy access, immutable log, and comprehensive services. It also avoids Ref. [90,91] does not consider contract encryption, auditability, obfuscation, and scalability. The design
single point of failure. Ref. [92] delegates data management to patients; thus, patients have full needs to be extended for complex scenarios regarding healthcare data. In ref. [92], problem may
control over their, medical records. Ref. [93] provides efficient access and retrieval, eliminates occurs if user is not tech-savvy, or a user’s private key is lost, which might result in data loss or
network congestion, high information security. Ref. [68] ensures data provenancing, security, compromise. Ref. [93] reduces the concept of decentralization since they are stored in local databases.
auditability, and user verification. It provides distant access and data access revocation. Ref. [94] Ref. [68] neglected data disclosure concerns. Ref. [94] is lack of efficient storage mechanism. In ref. [96],
reduces sharing time and overall cost while improving decision making. Ref. [95] maintains the system can be controlled for greater expandability. This would help augment system resources
comprehensive patient records and provides a holistic perspective of patient’s condition. and enhance the security.
Ref. [96] enhances overall security and access control, allows fast verification process and
further accountability.
Medical Data Exchange/Delivery/Access, Platform/Architecture/Scheme [101–104]
Ref. [101] ensures off-chain storage, on-chain verification. Proved practicability and In ref. [102], lack of access during emergency situation. In ref. [103], semantic interoperability is not
effectiveness. In ref. [102], patients have full control, allows cross-intuitional sharing. Ref. [104] addressed, compatibility issue with legacy systems, cannot control clinical malpractice and cost of
provides unforgeability, high security, and perfect privacy. DApp deployment. In ref. [104], when number of users increase, cost increases and the amount of
medical data become large.
Application Architecture to Manage Health Records [105–107]
Ref. [105] provides anonymization, efficient communication between HDGs and data backup Ref. [105] is unable to process data and performs computations without revealing the data. In ref.
and recovery using cloud. Ref. [106] ensure scalability and performance stability, and handle [106], the system can also be extended to accommodate the usage of health data for research purposes.
the large amount of medical data. Ref. [107] maintains system evolvability, data storage
requirements, scalability, and balancing interoperability with privacy concerns.
PSN-Based Healthcare System [70]
It provides message authentication, secret keys confidentiality, secrecy of master key, and Does not explore the benefits of the blockchain (no smart contracts), it is not evaluated for large-scale
integrity of transactions. It eliminates computational burden and data leakage. environments and it is designed to address challenges in PSN networks only.
Privacy Preserving Platform/Framework [74,108,109]
Ref. [108] adopts permissioned blockchain networks, malicious nodes could not arbitrarily In ref. [74], flaws in encryption algorithms or software implementations may expose the data contents.
participate in the network, and therefore the risk of a 51% attack is minimal. ModelChain Ref. [108] requires further security improvement through encrypting transaction metadata and using
framework utilizes a private blockchain to enable multiple institutions to contribute health Virtual Private Network (VPN). Ref. [109] consumes computational power due to high number of
data to train a machine-learning model without disclosing their individual health records. used smart contracts. Need to look for methods to effectively search smart contracts with large local
databases or to eliminate the needs of 850 for global smart contracts.
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 21 of 29
• How authenticated parties can access and retrieve healthcare data from healthcare institutions
while preserving patients’ privacy
• How to ensure security of interaction between patients and the system
• How to eliminate legal and regulatory sanctions and unethical use of data when exchanging
healthcare information
• How patients can access various types of data from multiple healthcare organizations using a
single system.
Some of the existing work proposed complex methods for validation and authentication,
which adds additional overload to the system and it is not user-friendly.
There are three main considerations in the case study, namely the blockchain network, consensus
algorithm, and system design. In addition to using our blockchain network to store all logs of records
of medical information when transactions are executed and grouped into blocks, it will also be used
to store additional information such as requests, policies, and states of data to ensure privacy and
regularity. The blockchain type that will be used in our approach is permissioned blockchain because
it allows certain access control for specific identifiable participants. Using permissioned blockchain
enhances network performance and security while reducing the cost and workload process for nodes
that are not participating in the mining process and performs the necessary computations only for a
specific application. Each transaction represents a relationship between organizational entity and a
patient. It holds an identifiable number designed to be searched by the patient using mobile application.
The design of our blockchain network is illustrated in Figure 6.
Cryptographic algorithms are used to ensure integrity, confidentiality, and security of data. ECC is
used to encrypt the private data. This is because the algorithm employs shorter encryption keys; thus,
it ensures high speed data transfer and uses less computing power as compared to other first generation
algorithms. In addition, ECC is used to support cloud storage by assigning a pointer to access the
data each time an authorized entity requests them. Using ECC might limit the searchability of data.
As such, an identifiable number is used to address this issue. The data must be decrypted prior
to the searching process; thus, exchanging public keys is an important parameter to be considered.
Finding data in cloud storage includes downloading, decrypting, and searching procedures. An access
control model will be created to ensure that regulation, accessing time, and cost issues are addressed.
However, access control model is an effective solution for external attacks, it cannot detect internal
attacks. Enhancing the access model by integrating cryptographic primitives using attribute-based
encryption [73] can detect internal attacks.
The choice of consensus algorithm is one of the most important parameters to build a
blockchain-based system that provides optimal performance and guarantee regularity requirements.
Regularity is important because some implementations offers patients’ data as rewards when adding
a block to the blockchain. However, this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed because it it is
illegal under HIPAA. As such, the case study concluded that the PoW algorithm should not be used.
Instead, QuorumChain consensus can be used because the algorithm helps to decide the next block to
be added. QuorumChain achieves consensus through a method called majority-based voting. In order
to determine the next block, smart contracts are implemented in this algorithm and executed to track
and identify votes from eligible nodes. The voting process on the next block starts when a possible
block is found. A threshold value is chosen to compare the number of votes. If the number of votes
exceeds the specified threshold, the block is appended to the blockchain. Using the threshold value
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 22 of 29
eliminates the possibility of adding multiple blocks that exist in the transactions. In addition, timeout
sessions can be used to avoid creating identical blocks by multiple miners. To reduce the workload on
the blockchain network, specific nodes will be responsible for the voting process, thus delegating the
process of adding blocks to a specific number of nodes.
Since IoT devices can be used to obtain patient’s health information, it is important to use
a consensus algorithm that reduces the energy consumption to fit sensing devices’ requirements.
The case study proposed to integrate the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) algorithm with IoT
devices because it does not require high hashing power. The PBFT algorithm will be responsible for
authentication through generating public and private keys for each node. It also provides a verification
process by verifying the format of messages based on network agreement. It provides a low-latency
storage system with sufficient throughput to support the proposed design. PBFT is suitable because it
is important to provide a fast and efficient consensus convergence to allow fast transaction processing.
The design of our approach uses a multi-layer model, namely authentication layer and access
layer. These layers are responsible for authentication, verification, validation, and access control.
The first layer will check the information, and when the information is authenticated and verified,
it is transmitted to the second layer through a secured channel. The second layer disseminates the
information through the blockchain network since it is the only entity connected to the blockchain
to provide an overall security through the network. Specific parameters are assigned to control
network access. Smart contracts are implemented to control these parameters and handle the flow
of information. Unlike other existing work, in this design, each user gets a private identification
and password to ensure authorization. The received data is not sent directly to the requester. It is
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 23 of 29
converted to a 256-bit hash to allow the smart contracts to compare and verify the data to ensure that
the information is not manipulated.
Common Device Metadata (CDM) for wearable sensing devices are used to aggregate data.
To ensure the security and privacy of transactions, smart contracts will be built to connect the platform
with smartphone applications. When wearable devices obtain data from the user, the authentication
process also kicks in using smart contracts. After the data is collected, the system will incorporate it
into a block to be added to the blockchain. The data are stored in cloud storage to be further processed.
The process of sharing the data with healthcare institutions is handled by the users themselves when a
notification is sent to their mobile phone via the designed application.
The logical execution flow is shown in Figure 7. The wearable device obtained the user’s data.
These data are transferred through the sensing (smart device) device to a main contract that handles
data processing in order to transfer to a specific contract related to certain operation. This process
between the user and the main contract is done via the authentication layer, which contains software
patterns to translate the data to the sensing device. A specific contract located in the access layer
directly interacts with the blockchain by adding new data. At the same time, this contract analyzes the
data to check the whether these data have the correct attributes to be added to the blockchain. At this
point, if an emergency case (based on certain policies in smart contracts) has occurred, the smart device
will send an alert directly to the hospital to ensure patient safety.
A smartphone application will interact with the cloud server using blockchain technology to
protect patient’s data collected from laboratories and wearable device to avoid any tampering or
counterfeiting attempts. The application runs on a hyperledger along with the proposed platform.
Performance of the decentralized secure platform and application will be evaluated and validated
during the implementation procedure based on their interoperability capabilities, storage handling
ability, security, and transaction speed. The workflow of the proposed blockchain-based healthcare
application is shown in Figure 8. The smartphone application requests the ID and password of the
user to authorize access to medical data. When sending information, ECC is used to encrypt the data.
When another entity requests the data, a valid ID and password along with the correct cryptographic
keys must be provided in order to make the request and access the data as shown in Figure 8. All IDs
and passwords are stored in a patient registry database handled by the smart contracts. A tree-based
Electronics 2019, 8, 679 24 of 29
batching and processing method is included to provide scalable and performance considerations and
handle large data sets uploaded by the mobile application.
5. Conclusions
Information and communication technology play an important role in today’s world. However,
the healthcare domain faces many problems due to a lack of patient-centric approaches, inability to
connect disparate systems, poor interoperability between systems, and Electronic Healthcare Record
(EHR) accuracy. In recent years, attention has grown towards using the blockchain in healthcare.
Blockchain shows tremendous potential in the healthcare domain because it resolves issues related
to medical records while providing privacy, security, interoperability, validation, and authentication.
Blockchain offers solutions to real current issues such as unreported clinical trials, healthcare data
breaches, and misleading data errors. In this paper, a systematic review of various consensus
algorithms related to healthcare and existing work has been conducted. This paper highlights their
basic ideas and challenges. Based on the systematic review, a case study that integrates blockchain
into healthcare is proposed to address research gaps from existing work.
Author Contributions: The authors of this article have contributed in building this research paper as follows:
Writing and preparation, H.D.Z.; Review and visualization, Y.-W.C., K.K. and S.K.; Editing and revision, Y.-W.C.
and S.M.H.
Funding: This research is supported by Research University Grant (RUI) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
No: 1001/PNAV/8014078 and Publication Fund under Research Creativity and Management Office, Universiti
Sains Malaysia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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