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Write a SQL query to delete all duplicate email

LeetCode entries in a table named Person, keeping only unique

1/12/2020 emails based on its smallest Id.

1. +----+------------------+

The Employee table holds all employees | Id | Email |

including their managers. Every employee has
an Id, and there is also a column for the +----+------------------+
manager Id.
| 1 | [email protected] |
| 2 | [email protected] |
| Id | Name | Salary | ManagerId |
| 3 | [email protected] |

| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 3 | Id is the primary key column for this table.

| 2 | Henry | 80000 | 4 | For example, after running your query, the

above Person table should have the following rows:
| 3 | Sam | 60000 | NULL |
| 4 | Max | 90000 | NULL |
| Id | Email |
Given the Employee table, write a SQL query
that finds out employees who earn more than | 1 | [email protected] |
their managers. For the above table, Joe is the
only employee who earns more than his | 2 | [email protected] |
Note: Your output is the whole Person table after
executing your sql. Use delete statement.
| Employee |


| Joe | DELETE p1 FROM Person p1, Person p2

WHERE p1.Email = p2.Email
+----------+ AND p1.Id > p2.Id;

a.NAME AS Employee
FROM Employee AS a JOIN Employee AS b
ON a.ManagerId = b.Id
AND a.Salary > b.Salary;


Write a SQL query to get the second highest

2. Delete Duplicate salary from the Employee table.

| Id | Salary |


| 1 | 100 |

| 2 | 200 |

| 3 | 300 |


For example, given the above Employee table,

the query should return 200 as the second
highest salary. If there is no second highest
salary, then the query should return null.


| SecondHighestSalary |


| 200 |


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