Cost Effective For Soil Nail Wall Designs - Fast Installation and Immediate Loading - Predictable Capacity - Limited Access Areas - Pre-Engineered System

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• Cost effective for soil nail wall designs

• Fast installation and immediate loading
• Predictable capacity
• Limited access areas
• Pre-engineered system


Site-specific, matched to conditions and loads

Simple Procedure

F aster, with fewer

steps, the Chance® Soil
Screw® Retention Wall
System gives you eco-
nomic advantages.
• Install quickly by the
Load-bearing mode superiority of screw anchors
same hydraulic rotary
equipment commonly To remove the performance the soil and the grout.
used for soil nail wall uncertainties and associated costs In a soil nail application, the
of grouted soil nails in soils of low Soil Screw Retention Wall
construction. shear strength, the Chance Soil System constructs a gravity wall
• Immediate loading. Screw Retention Wall System to reinforce in-situ soil with screw
• No spoils to remove. employs screw anchors. When anchors nearly horizontal. Anchor
• Installs in any weather. placed in the soil, a screw anchor sizes and grid spacing are
acts as a bearing device. This is determined by soil conditions and
• Easy to store, reusable. its fundamental difference load requirements.
compared to a grouted anchor, A reinforced-shotcrete veneer
which relies on friction between often is applied to the face.

Compatible with Modular components serve a wide range of jobs

other materials Select from double- and triple-helix leading and extension
and practices sections for job-specific combinations. Forged integral coupling
sockets bolt-up quickly and efficiently transfer installing torque.
Terminations fit
threadbar or
17" 231⁄2"
provide a threaded 20" 24"
stud to work with
prefabricated or
site-made lock-off 801⁄2" 571⁄2"
78" 53"
devices. Other
termination fittings
also are available.
In some cases,
the through-hole at 61⁄2" 5"
the shaft end may
be simply crosspinned.
Three-Helix Two-Helix Three-Helix Two-
Lead Section Lead Section Extension Exten
C110-0691 C110-0692 C110-0689 C110-
• Less equipment
than grouted nails

• Labor-saving,
keeps crew small
Predictable results —
Capacity is proportional
to installation torque
Bearing plates are spaced
along the entire length of screw
anchors. These true-spiral
helices install with ease and
minimal soil disturbance.
Monitoring torque during
installation accurately indicates
expected holding capacity.

Technical support and pre-engineered system

for design flexibility and standards compliance
The Soil Screw® Retention Wall System is based on more than 80 years of
earth-anchor research and development by ISO-certified manufacturer A.B.
Chance, which also markets to electric utilities, telecommunications and
pipeline industries worldwide.
Performance ratings Termination Adapters
for installing torque To assist geotechnical, structural civil
Both are hot-dip galvanized steel and engineers and related consultants and
and bearing capacity fit 11⁄2"-square-shaft SS5 anchors. contractors in applying the Soil Screw
Rated for 5,500 ft.-lb. Retention Wall System, A.B. Chance
maximum installation torque provides a complete design package
and *70,000 lb. minimum comprising:
ultimate tension strength, 131⁄2" 20"
111⁄4" • Soil Nail Design Manual for soil
SS5 anchors have solid steel nailing with screw anchors (see back
11⁄2"-square shafts with 8"- cover for more specifics),
diameter helices and are hot- • Sample specifications, available on
dip galvanized to ASTM A request:
Helix 153 after fabrication. - Product data for owner-designed walls
nsion 1" Threadbar Threaded
-0690 *Furnished coupling bolts Adapter Adapter
- Performance data for design-build
limit ultimate tension rating. C114-0009 C110-0026 requirements.

Now available on our website!
Design Manual

M ore than
100 pages detail how to
take advantage of the Soil
Screw® Retention Wall
System for your soil nail
walls, based on these
A practical desktop
industry guidelines and
design reference
• FHWA (Federal Highway By designers for de-
Administration) design signers, this illustrated
and build guidelines. guide coordinates with
• Recommendations accepted principles and
of Clouterre - France. computer tools.
• Key software for internal Contents include:
and global stability. • Comparison to other
walls such as tiebacks
Expand your design team and mechanically
— just request your copy stabilized earth (MSE)
Share in the profitable • Suitable applications
Soil Screw® Retention • Procedures for
Wall System. This Design
manual can help you put • Procedures for
it to work for you. Join Construction. ®

other innovative design- POWER SYSTEMS

ers who already have. Printed in U.S.A.

©Copyright 1997 Hubbell / Chance

Contact your A.B. Chance representative today . . .

or see it on our website:

A.B. Chance
Email: [email protected] ISO 9001:2000
Tel: 573-682-8414 Fax: 573-682-8660

Certificate No.
A.B. Chance, 001136
a Division of Hubbell Power Systems, Inc.
210 N. Allen, Centralia, MO 65240 USA
Bulletin 31-9701 Rev. 6/04 2004 Hubbell, Inc. Printed in USA A&J5M6/04

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