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Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Hydrology and Applied Hydraulics
(MCEEV 205.1)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 State the factors that affect evaporation, infiltration and


2 The data for 2 hours Unit Hydrograph are given in the

table below:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 4.0 10.0 30.3 35.0 20.0 18.45 10.0 6.0 5.45 0

Draw 4 hours Unit Hydrograph where catchment area is

100 sq. km.

3 Sketch a infiltration gallery. Calculate the discharge per

unit length of infiltration gallery by making suitable
assumptions. State clearly the assumptions made.

4 Derive the basic differential equation of unsteady

groundwater flow in a confined aquifer. State clearly the
assumptions involved.

5 Explain briefly the terms:

(a) Permeability (b) Darcy’s Law

(c) Porosity (d) Anisotropic Aquifers

6 What are the different types of pumps? Describe them

with neat sketch.

7 Explain briefly Rainfall intensity Duration Frequency


8 Explain the design of Drainage System elements.

Roll No. ……………….. Due

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Transportation Planning
(IBMCETE 806.2)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 Draw a schematic diagram of system approach to

transportation planning approach and explain its various

2 What are the common difficulties during Transport

planning process? Also, explain what are the recent
computer applications by which these difficulties can be

3 Describe different types of survey. Explain, how they are

interrelated with each other, with a suitable sketch.

4 Write notes on:

(a) Sampling Technique

(b) Type and sources of transportation data

5 (a) What do you understand by minimum path
algorithm model for transportation system? Explain it
with the help of a suitable example.

(b) What is the difference between Terminal planning

and operational planning?

6 Explain in detail the various components of

Transportation systems.

7 (a) What is trip distribution?

(b) Explain the growth factor method and synthetic

method for trip distribution.

8 Write the features of the Lowery’s model. How this

model can be used for urban structure analysis.

9 Explain different types of transportation data and its

sources in detail.

10 Write short notes on (any two):

(a) Modern era model

(b) Path vehicle interaction

(c) Accuracy and precision

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Highway Geometric Design
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Enumerate and describe in detail the five categories

of roads classified on the basis of their location and
function as per Nagpur road plan.

(b) Write short notes on:

(i) Terrain classification; (ii) Highway capacity;

(iii) Level of service; (iv) Importance of traffic data
in geometric design of highways.

2 (a) During alignment of a highway in a built up area, it

was necessary to provide a horizontal circular curve
of radius 325 metre. Design the following geometric
features of the road: (i) super elevation; (ii) Extra
widening of pavement and (iii) Length of transition
curve. The other data are Design speed = 65 Kmph;
Length of wheel base of largest truck = 6 m;
Pavement width of three lane highway = 10.5 m.;
Rate of introduction of super elevation = 1 in 100.

(b) Define total reaction time of the driver. Explain

“PIEV” theory used to determine the total reaction
time of the driver.

3 (a) What is the importance of friction on pavement

surface. Enumerate any eight factors which affect
the friction or skid resistance of highway pavement.

(b) Explain the followings:

(i) Different shapes of cross slope; (ii) Pavement

unevenness; (iii) Multi-storied parking (iv)
Superelevation and methods for attainment of

4 (a) A vertical summit curve is formed at the intersection

of two gradients, (+3.0%) and (-5.0%). Design the
length of summit curve to provide a stopping sight
distance for a design speed of 80 Kmph. Assume
total reaction time as 2.5 sec and coefficient of
friction as 0.35.
(b) Calculate extra widening required for a pavement of
two lane having width 7 m on a horizontal curve of
radius 250 m if the longest wheel base of vehicle
expected on the road is 7.0 m. Assume design speed
as 70 Kmph.

5 (a) Describe any five advantages and any five

limitations of traffic rotary.

(b) Describe in detail the following traffic islands:

(i) Divisional Islands; (ii) Channelizing Islands; (iii)

Pedestrain loading islands; (iv) Rotary

6 Write short notes on any four of the followings:

(i) Interchanges-types; (ii) Over-pass: advantages and

disadvantages; (iii) Sight distance at rotary; (iv)
Unchannelized intersections; (v) Control of access on

7 (a) Describe “Intersection at Grade”. What are basic

requirements (any six) of intersection at grade?
(b) What are the various types of parking facilities
designed for traffic needs? Compare kerb parking
with off-street parking.

8 Discuss in brief about any four of the followings:

(i) Sight distance at intersections

(ii) Widening of pavements at horizontal curves

(iii) Different types of transition curves

(iv) Summit curves and valley curves

(v) Under-pass and its advantages

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Environmental Policies and Legislation
(MCEEV 201)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 What is green designing? Explain in detail with


2 Write short notes on :

(a) Indian Forest act 1980.

(b) OHSHAS 18001 and its significance.

3 Explain principle of sustainability in development.

Write its contributions towards enhancement of
health and protection of natural resources.

4 Write short notes on:

(a) EPA 1986 (b) ISO 14000

5 What are the significance of various bodies of UN in

ensuring protection of world’s environment?
6 Write down in chronological order different related
to air in India.

7 Write short notes on:

(a) Sustainable development and decision making.

(b) Techniques to integrate knowledge.

8 What is EMP? Explain its significance as a management

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Highway Construction
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Describe in detail about any three types of rollers used for
different type of soils during construction of sub-grade.

(b) Define excavation. Describe in detail about any three

equipments required for excavation as given below:

Bulldozer; Power showel; Dragline; Clam shell

2 (a) Give the specification of materials used for the

construction of “Bituminous Concrete” wearing course as
per MoRTH specifications.

(b) What is the difference between tack coat and prime coat
based on the purpose and construction procedure? Explain
in detail.

3 (a) Describe about the plants and equipments used for the
construction of cement concrete pavements.

(b) Explain various steps involved in the construction of

cement concrete pavement slab.

4 (a) Explain proportioning of aggregates by Rothfutch method

with the help of diagram.
(b) Explain the principle, application and method for
construction of mechanical soil stabilization.

5 (a) Describe the method for construction of bitumen stabilized

soil layer.

(b) Define the procedure to prepare sub-grade for flexible


6 (a) Describe any two methods of sub-surface drainage with

the help of diagrams:

(i) Lowering of water table

(ii) Control of seepage flow
(iii) Control of capillary rise

(b) Explain any six requirements for the highway drainage


7 (a) What are the general causes of payment failures? Explain.

(b) Explain why design, construction and maintenance of hill

roads need special consideration?

8 Write short notes on any four of the followings:

(i) Importance of highway drainage.

(ii) Road construction in water logged area.

(iii) Prevention of landslides.

(iv) Maintenance of earthen roads.

(v) Protection of embankment.

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Advanced Construction Techniques
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Explain Box Jacking with neat sketch.

(b) Describe Cofferdam with neat sketch.

2 (a) Explain tunelling techniques used in modern

building construction era.

(b) Explain piling techniques used in the building


3 (a) Explain briefly the erection techniques of tall


(b) Write a note on vacuum dewatering system.

4 (a) Describe briefly transporting, handling and erecting

light unit weight structures.

(b) Explain micropiling techniques for strengthening

floor and erection of articulated structure.
5 Write short note on underpinning and mudjacking.

6 Explain the terms dismantling and demolition and also

explain in brief precautions and protective measures
before starting demolition work.

7 Explain the various sequence of demolition work.

8 Explain procedure of pipeline laying.

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Traffic Engineering – II
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 Compare the terms Traffic Census and Traffic Forecasting.

Also, explain the different Models of traffic forecasting with
suitable examples.

2 (a) AB and CD are two rural sections of highway engineering

with a weaving section. It is desired to provide a level of
service B for the traffic volumes indicated in the diagram
below. The maximum service volume is 1000 passenger
car per hour per lane. Determine the minimum length the
width of the weaving section. (Assume the level of service
is B, the flow quality is II type, k = 2.6).

(b) Explain, different methods of future projections for

medium and small sized cities.

3 (a) Draw a neat schematic representation of all types of

accidents using collision diagram.
(b) It has been found that on an average 1 in 100 drivers in a
bus company are involved in an accident every year. If
there are 500 drivers in a company, what is the probability
that there are exactly 4 drivers who are involved in an
accident during a year.

4 Explain the concept of Level of Service. How the level of

service is related with highway capacity? Explain different
factors on which highway capacity and level of service depends.

5 (a) Write the various assumptions made in Simple Queuing

Approach as applied to traffic flow.

(b) The off peak traffic flow arriving at toll booth facility is 90
VPH and peak flow is 180 VPH. The service rate,
exponentially distributed, at the booth is 3.5 per minute,
What is the average number of customers in the queue for
each flow?

6 Write a detailed note on headway distribution model.

7 (a) Explain the applications of Simulation Approach in traffic


(b) Describe various steps on simulation model with a suitable


8 Write short notes on:

(i) Monte Carlo Techniques (ii) Shock Waves

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Industrial Waste Treatment
(MCEEV 203)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Describe the effect of various parameters affecting

self purification of stream

(b) Describe the various pollution zones in a stream

receiving domestic effluent

2 Describe the dynamics of oxygen transfer, oxygen sag

curve with appropriate graph.

3 What is the basic difference between STP and ETP?

Discuss the performance of STP if it receives the
domestic waste water mixed with effluent generated
form a fertilizer industry.

4 Write short notes on:

(a) Neutralization (b) Equalization

(c) Contaminant Reduction (d)Instrument Modification

5 (a) What the treatment process you suggest for the
treatment of effluent from a paper and Pulp Industry?
Describe with the help of block diagram.

(b) Describe the potential of water recycling in cement

and secondary metallurgical unit.

6 Describe the generic forms of effluents generated from

any one of the following units.

(i) Sugar cane industry (ii) Equalization

(iii) Contaminant Reduction (iv) Instrument modification

7 (a) Write short notes on any two of the following:

(i) Air Act 1981 (ii) Water Act 1972

(iii) EPA Act 1986

(iv) Hazardous Waste Management and Handling

Rule 1989

(b) Describe the significance of stream and effluent

standards for stream protection and also describe the
discharge standards for CETP.

8 Describe the elemental steps of treatment that should be

adopted for an industrial cluster CETP plant having
mainly fertilizer, steel and food industrial units.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Advanced Concrete Design
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Analysie a circular beam for bending and Torsional


(b) A circular RC girder for the foundation raft of a water

tower has mean diameter of 10m. The uniformly distributed load
transmitted by eight symmetrically place columns on the girder
being 300KN/m. The width of beam is 500 mm and overall
depth is 1000mm. Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe – 415
grade for steel, design reinforcement girder and sketch the
details of reinforcement at critical sections.

2 Design a corbel to carry an ultimate load of 600KN at a distance

of 250mm from the face of a column of size 400mm x 400mm.
M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel are to be used. Draw the
reinforcement details. Take bearing stress of concrete as 0.8fy

3 A reinforced concrete grid floor is to be designed to cover a

floor area of size 12m by 16m. The spacing of rib in mutually
perpendicular directions being 2m c/c line load is 1.5KN/m 2.
Adopt M 20 grade concrete and Fe 415 HYSD bars. Analyse the
grid floor for moment and shears.
4 (a) Explain yield line theory and discuss the assumptions
made in theory of yield lines.

(b) Derive the expression relating yield line moment and

ultimate load intensity for the rectangular isotropically
reinforced slab simply supported all around.

5 (a) Explain shear wall.

(b) Explain braced wall and unbraced wall

6 Design a slender column unbraced rectangular with following


Size of column 25cm x 30cm

Concrete Grade M20

Steel Grade Fe 250

Effective Length lex 3M

Effective Length ley 4M

Unsupported length 5M

Forced load P4 500KN

Factored moment in direction of lager dimensions M y =

12KNM, factored moment in direction of shorter dimension M x
= 7.5 KNM. The reinforcement is distributed equally on four

7 Explain detailing requirements for ductility durability and fire


8 Explain design for serviceability limit states and also discuss

deflection calculation.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Urban Transportation Planning – I
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Explain the various stages in Transport Planning.

(b) Explain the systems approach to Transport Planning

2 (a) Explain study areas and zoning

(b) What are the various types of survey usually carried


3 (a) Define Trip Generation.

(b) Explain various factors governing Trip Generation

and Attraction rates.

4 (a) Explain Trip Distribution.

(b) Explain Growth factor method in detail and its


5 (a) Differentiate between Gravity Model and

Opportunity model.
(b) Explain town planning concept of neighbour hood.

6 (a) Explain the purpose of Traffic Assignment.

(b) List various Assignment techniques of explain

diversion curves.

7 (a) Explain various factors affecting model split.

(b) Draw a flow diagram for model split carried out

between trip generation and trip distribution.

8 (a) Explain the features of Lowry Derivative mode.

(b) Explain various Transit network and their

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structure
(MCESE 205.1/2MCE5.1/IBMCESE 805.1)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Explain in detail the maintenance and repair

strategy to be adopted for a high rise building.

(b) What are the basic assessment procedures for

evaluation a damaged structure.

2 (a) Explain the difference between destructive and non

destructive testing methods.

(b) Explain in detail any non destructive method of


3 (a) Explain the various causes of failures in a building.

(b) Explain the remedial measures of corrosion in a

structural member.

4 (a) Explain the theory of cracks in a structure.

(b) What remedial measures can be adopted to prevent

5 Write short notes on:

(a) Special Concretes (b) Concrete Chemcals

6 Write short notes on:

(a) Epoxy (b) Polymer Concrete

(c) Ferro Cement (d) Micro Concrete

7 Explain following repair techniques:

(a) Guniting (b) Jacketing

8 Explain the repair measures to be done in a Godown

(RCC framed old structure) having met with a heavy loss
due to fire.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Earth Quake Resistant Building and Construction
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Explain the occurrence of earthquake. Define the

type of seismic wave generated during earthquake.
How p-wave and s – wave can be differentiated?

(b) How earthquakes are measured? Differentiate

between Intensity and magnitude of an earthquake.
State various scales of magnitude for measuring

2 (a) What are the various guiding principles of seismic

resistant design used to select suitable building
configuration as per IS 4326.

(b) Describe the Role of horizontal bands in masonry

building along with neat sketch, also define the role
of vertical reinforcement in masonry building for
earthquake resistant building.
3 (a) What is seismicity and seismic zone? Enumerate the
advantages of seismic zone. Also define the seismic
zone in India.

(b) What is seismic hazard? Write down the steps to

determine the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
along with figures.

4 (a) What do you mean by degree of freedom of a

structure? Define multiple degree of freedom with
equation of motion for a2 story building.

(b) An empty elevated water tank is pulled by a steel

cable by applying a 30KN force. The tank is pulled
horizontally by 5cm the cable is suddenly cut and
the resulting free vibration is recorded. At the end of
5 complete cycles, the time is 2.0 sec. and the
amplitude is 2cm. Determine damping ratio, natural
period of undamped vibration, effective stiffness,
effective weight, and damping coefficient for the
given data?

5 Irregularities of mass, stuffers and strength are not

desirable is buildings situated in earthquake prone areas.
Describe using diagram how these occur and affect the
6 A ten storey OMRF building has plan dimension as
shown in figure. The story height is 3.0m. The dead load
per unit area of the floor consisting of the floor slab
finishes etc. is 4 KN/m2. Weight of the partitions on the
floor can be assumed 2KN/m2. The intensity of live load
one each floor 3KN/m2 and on roof 1.5KN/m2. The soil
below is hard and building is in Delhi. Determine seismic
forces and shears at different floor levels.

7 What do you mean by dynamic analysis? Discuss the

methods used in dynamic analysis of a building.

8 Write short notes on any four.

(i) Shear wall concept

(ii) Soft story

(iii) Box action in masonry building

(iv) Response spectrum method

(v) Seismograph
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Design of Bridges
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) What are the preliminary data needs to be collected

by engineer incharge for investigation of a major
bridge? State the preliminary drawings should be
meeded at investigation period of time.

(b) What are the various load needs to be considered as

per Indian railway standards steel bridge code?
Describe them in brief.

2 (a) What is a culvert? State the components of a RC

slab culvert in brief with neat sketch.

(b) Design a slab culvert with given data for state

highway -

width of bridge = 12.0m

No footpath

Condition of exposure – moderate

Materials = cone grade M – 25

Steel grade = Fe 415

Clear span = 5.0m

Ht of vent = 3.0m

Depth of foundation = 1.35m

Wearing course = 56mm thick as phaltic concrete

3 Design a post tensioned prestressed concrete slab bridge

deck for a national highway crossing to suit following

Clear span = 10m

Clear width of roadway = 7.5m

Foot path = 1m on either side

kerbs = 600mm wide

Thickness of wearing coat = 80mm

Live load – IRC class AA tracked wheel

Type of structure – class – type

Materials:– m – 40 grade of concrete with 7mm diameter

high tensile wires with ultimate tensile strength of
1500N/mm2 housed in cables with 12 wires and anchored
by fressinet anchorage of 150mm diameter.

Compressive strength of transfer fci = 35N/mm2

loss ratio = 0.8

4 (a) What do you mean by T – beam bridge? State the

component of T – bema bridge with neat sketch.

(b) Define balanced cantilever bridge? Show its general

arrangement with sketch, also write its advantages
over simply supported girder bridge.

5 (a) How bearings are important in bridges? State the

various types of bearing needed in girder bridge in

(b) Define the type of joints in bridges, why they are

necessary, explain them with neat sketch.

6 Discuss the following with example:

(i) Box girder bridge

(ii) Truss bridge

(iii) Arch bridge

(iv) Suspension bridge

7 How the plate girder bridges are different from deck
girder bridge? Write down their components by showing
neat sketch. Also write their design steps for typical
broad gauge main line railway bridge?

8 Write short notes on following:

(i) Post Tensioning

(ii) Aesthetics of Bridge

(iii) Box culvert

(iv) Rigid frame Bridge

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Advanced Steel Structures
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) What are the major components of an Industrial

Building? Explain each component.

(b) Write down the design steps of Purlin in design.

2 Explain the procedure of analysis of Braced Bents for the

following conditions with neat sketch mechanism.

(a) Knee braced bent with column hinged at base

(b) Knee braced bent with column fixed at base

(c) Knee braced bent with column partially fixed at the


3 A lower chord of truss has a vertical member AB and a

diagonal member AC meeting at point A in it as shown
in fig below along the axial forces. Design the joint using
hand driven rivets, taking permissible tensile stress in the
angle as 0.6fy where fy = 250N/mm2
4 Write short notes on:

(a) Chimney lining

(b) Design load for steel tanks.

5 Design an elevated cylindrical steel tank with

hemispherical bottom for 160000 litre capacity. The tank
has conical roof. The ring beam of the tank is at height of
10m from ground level. Tank is built at Delhi Take fy =
250 N/mm2

6 Determine the collapse load factor for the two bay portal
frame to carry the working loads as shown below if the
plastic moment capacity of all members if 15 KNM.
7 Design a main floor beam supporting three equidistant
floor joists over a span of 12.3 as shown below. Each
joist transmits 40KN on the main beam.

8 Discuss the following:

(i) Plastic Bending of Beams (ii) Sway Bracing

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Design of Substructure
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 Write a note on sub surface exploration programme

focusing on purpose, programme, exploration reports.

2 Write the various methods of estimation of bearing

Capacity and settlement of foundation, supported on
cohesive frictional strata.

3 Explain the methods of raft design. How will you

estimate the modulus of sub grade reaction (K), which is
a important data for design of mat foundation.

4 Explain the methods of predicting the load Carrying

Capacity of piles. Write the provision of IS: 2911 – 1979.

5 Write a note on design procedures for desing of

foundations for bridges.
6 Write the provisions of design of chimneys, silos and
telecommunication towers as per relevant IS code of

7 Explain the general requirements and design criterion for

analysis of machine foundation soil systems.

8 Write notes on (i) Impact type machines foundation

design of (ii) Rotary type machine foundation as per
relevant codes of practice for them.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Bridge Engineering
(MCETE 205.1/IBMCETE 806.2)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 What are various components of sub structure of a bridge?

Describe abutments along with its types and function of


2 Write short notes on (any four)

(a) Foces acting on piers

(b) Function of foundation

(c) Classification of law cost bridges

(d) Arch bridges

(e) Cofferdams

3 What are the various types of foundations adopted for bridges?

Describe the factors for the selection of foundations.

4 Write short notes on (any two)

(a) Define bearings along with types of bearing

(b) Common symptoms of failure of bridges and their
remedial measures

(c) Short crate or cruniting

5 (a) State the various forces, loads and stresses which should
be considered at the time of design of a bridge.

(b) Describe the criteria for assessment of safe carrying

capacity of a bridge.

6 Write short notes on (any four):

(a) Earth pressure on bridges

(b) Seismic forces on bridges

(c) Temp stresses on bridges

(d) Wind load on highway bridges

(e) Foot ways

7 What do you mean by low cost bridge? What are the types of
low cost bridges? Describe floating and movable bridges along
with neat sketches.

8 Discuss the standard specifications for (any two)

(a) Arch bridges (b) Low string bridges

(c) Fly-overs (d) Cantilever bridges.

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing
(MCEEV 204/2MEV4)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 Define EIA and its objective. Give in detail the EIA

procedure followed in India and any one of the
developed country.

2 What is Leopold matrix. Give its advantages and


3 Write short notes on:

(a) Cost Benefit Analysis

(b) Checklist

4 What is the importance of public Hearing in an EIA?

Give the basic procedure and guidelines for public

5 Give an account of the present scenario of various

government resolutions on selecting the location of a
6 Taking hydel Power project as a case study, give a detail
account of EIA report.

7 What is Environmental Audit? Give an account of

objectives and features of an effective EA.

8 Write short notes on:

(a) Procedure of EA (environmental audit) in India

(b) Life cycle approach of EA

Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Building
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 (a) Explain in detail the factors which affect the

durability of the buildings.

(b) Briefly explain the mechanism of corrosion.

2 (a) Explain the importance and procedure of

maintenance in building.

(b) Discuss the prevention and control of Termite attack

in the building.

3 (a) Discuss common defects in buildings and measures

to prevent and control the same.

(b) Enumerate the fire aspects in buildings and methods

of fire prevention.

4 (a) Explain the theory of cracks in a building and the

preventive measures.
(b) Explain the assessment procedure for evaluating
damaged building.

5 (a) Explain the difference between destructive and non

destructive testing methods.

(b) Explain in detail any non destructive method of


6 Write short notes on:

(a) Special mortar and concretes

(b) Concrete Chemicals

7 Write detail notes on:

(a) Various latest admixtures used in construction

(b) Latest methods and techniques of repair

8 (a) Explain various strengthening measures used in


(b) Explain the various precautions and preventive

measures to be adopted while demolishing a
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Eco – friendly Constructions
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 What are eco-friendly buildings? Explain with one

example from your neighborhood.

2 What standard exist for green buildings? Explain.

3 What changes can be incorporated in planning of a

building to make it eco friendly?

4 What are the economic benefits of green building?

5 List construction materials which are eco friendly.

Also, describe their properties which make them

eco friendly.

6 What are the advantages of prefabricated

construction techniques?
7 How do you think green building concept is related

to smart growth and sustainable development?

8 Write a detailed note on “Cost Effective

Construction Equipments”.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II

End-Term Examination, June, 2014

Construction Personnel Management
(MCEBT 205.1/IBMCEBT 805.1)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1 What is manpower planning? Discuss the processor and

importance of manpower planning in a construction

2 What are the processes of control? Describe briefly.

3 List and explain the key elements of structure of an


4 What do you mean by training? How will you determine

the training needs of an organization?

5 What important role does motivation plays in efficient

working of an employee? Describe the theory behind it.

6 Describe the various steps involved in selecting human

resources for an organization.
7 Describe briefly the different methods of performance
appraisal. Discuss the method you would prefer as an
employer and why?

8 What are the qualities a good leader should possess?

Discuss them.
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Solid Waste Management
(MCEEV 202/2MEV2)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. What do you know about solid wastes and their

2. What are the challenges posed in solid waste
management in developing countries?
3. Describe trends in solid waste generation and means of
managing that waste in the past 50 years.
4. What are the methods and techniques available for
recycling and materials recovery?
5. Is there any feasibility of converting Municipal Solid
Waste into Compost? Describe the process.
6. Justify that Vermi-composting is environment friendly
7. What are the processes involved in Sanitary landfilling?
8. Write short notes on
a. Pyrolysis
b. Incineration
Roll No. ………………..

M. Tech. Semester – II
End-Term Examination, June, 2014
Solid Waste Management
(MCEEV 202/2MEV2)
Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. What do you know about solid wastes and their

2. What are the challenges posed in solid waste
management in developing countries?
3. Describe trends in solid waste generation and means of
managing that waste in the past 50 years.
4. What are the methods and techniques available for
recycling and materials recovery?
5. Is there any feasibility of converting Municipal Solid
Waste into Compost? Describe the process.
6. Justify that Vermicomposting is environment friendly
7. What are the processes involved in Sanitary landfilling?
8. Write short notes on
a. Pyrolysis
b. Incineration

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