MT2 - Wk7 - S13 Notes - Path Dependence
MT2 - Wk7 - S13 Notes - Path Dependence
MT2 - Wk7 - S13 Notes - Path Dependence
Models Class Session 13
Used to
Polya &
selected ball & new ball both back selected ball & new ball both back
to urn, P(R)n changes & is PD to urn, P(R)n changes & is NOT PD
Basic Urn Model: Urn contains Result 1: Any probability of red Result: The balancing process
balls of various colors. The balls is in equilibrium and is converges to equal percentages
outcome is the color of the ball equally likely. We could get 4%, of the two colors of balls.
selected. 23%, or 99% red balls. Shirt That is long run is 50% red and
choice example illustrates Polya 50% blue so is NOT PATH
process and history dependent. DEPENDENT
Result 2: Any history of B blue Application: Keeping political
and R red balls is equally likely. constituencies happy. Where to
P(RRRB)=P(BRRR) frequency host the Olympic games.
of occurrence says nothing
about order. Observation: Equilibrium
Observation: percentage of red balls in the
percentage Period Outcomes: color of ball long run.
Uniform versus 50% long run in a given period
Path Dependent Perspective:
Path Dependent Outcomes: color of ball in a given period depends on the path, or
Path Dependent Equilibrium: percentage of red balls in the long run depends on the path.
Path Dependent Equilibria Path Dependent Outcomes
Polya Yes YES
Balancing ½ YES
History can matter at each moment but not have any impact in the long run. Depends on the
underlying process that is in effect. Examples: Manifest Destiny: (growth of US). Railroads: tracks
may follow one another but may also have been defined by economic routes. In short, if there is an
equilibria in the long-run, then the process is path independent. ???
Models Class Session 13
PHAT Dependent: Outcome probabilities depend upon past outcomes but not their order.
Polya is PHAT – Outcome probabilities do not depend upon the order in which outcomes occurred.
They only depend on the set of outcomes that occurred. RRBR BRRR
Why the concern: exponential growth in path possibilities vs. linear growth in outcomes.
e.g., thirty rounds of 2 choices 230 possible outcomes vs. just 31 sets (Scott’s logic, any order of ball
selection that has the same ratio of red/blue balls). Permutations [2n] vs combinations [n choose k].
Two Questions:
1. Could something actually be path-dependent, depend on all this going different paths?
2. If there is one, can I construct it using my simple urn model?
Ans: Yes, there is a simple urn model called ‘the sway’
The Sway: U = {1 Blue, 1 Red}, Select and Return
In period t, add a ball of the same color as the selected ball and add 2t-s – 2t-s-1 of color chosen in each
period s<t.
Period 1 – pick a blue ball add a blue ball.
Period 2 – pick a red ball add a red ball, and add
a blue ball for the blue ball picked in Period 1.
Period 3 – assume picked a blue ball add a red
ball again for the red ball picked in Period 2. Now
add two blue balls, (multiplying times two the blue
ball picked in Period 1.
Period 4 – assume pick a red ball, add a red ball.
Add a blue ball for Period 3. Add two red balls for Period 2. Add four (2x2), blue balls for Period 1.
Thus for each ball picked, I'm adding 1, then 2, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32, as I move through
time. In short as move back in time decisions take on more and more weight.
If the past takes on more weight over time then you can get full path dependence.
e.g., first-movers, law, etc.
Urn models can model some concepts of path vs. set dependence and the influence of ecosystem
development (my words) where the outcomes of the past can compound current and future
We learned how to construct a very simple path-dependent process, called the Polya process; we
constructed a balancing process, i.e., can have path-dependent outcomes in each period, but not
have path-dependent equilibrium. You can go to a particular thing each time. And constructed the
sway process – full path dependence and that showed us one way you can get full path dependence
and not just PHAT dependence is by having the weight of history increase over time, which is
something intuitively I think that a lot of historians and a lot of scholars of technology have felt was
Models Class Session 13
Note: the denominator increases by 1 on each draw-replace-add same cycle. The numerator follows the number
of red (on R draw) or blue(on B draw) that are in the urn at that time, starting with one R and one B on first
draw. Observe p = ½ on every first draw.
Note: Example 2 Numerator – the order doesn’t matter as these have the same numbers one, two, one, two
multiplies in different orders. This follows from the number of the color when the color is drawn. Check with
Example 1 as well.
Quiz: If we want to find the probability of choosing a red ball, another red, then two blues, or in other words
P(R,R,B,B), what would be the numerators (in order) of the probability fraction?
[1,2,2,1]; [1,2,1,2]; [2,1,2,1]; [1,1,2,2]
Ans: [1,2,1,2]
Explanation: Any answer beginning with a 2 in the numerator must be incorrect, because there are only two
balls to start with. So that probability of choosing one - regardless of what color - must equal 1/2. Since we
want the second ball to be the same color as the first one chosen, the probability will be 2/3. In the third stage,
we want the a ball the color that has not been chosen yet; there is only one, so the probability is 1/4. The
probability of another blue is now 2/5.
Result 1: Any probability of red balls is an equilibrium and is equally likely. We could get 4%, 23%, or
99% red balls.
Argument is that p(4 B) = 1/5 but that
p(1R & 3B) in any order is 1/20 times 4
ways to get (1R & 3B) = 1/5. Similarly
p(4R) = 1/5 and p(1B&3R) = 1/5 and then
p(2R&2B), the only remaining
combination is 1 – (1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5)
= 1/5.
Note: the denominator increases by 1 on each draw-replace-add same cycle. The numerator follows the number
of red (on R draw) or blue(on B draw) that are in the urn at that time, starting with one R and one B on first
draw. Observe p = ½ on every first draw.
Shows logic of how any sequence has
the same probability. Note the use of
combination counting in the p(47B 3R)
case to account for all of the ways one
can draw 3 balls, (3x2x1) and there are
50 possible locations for the first R ball,
49 locations then for the second R ball,
and 48 places for the third R ball. But
the three balls are indistinguishable,
hence / (3x2x1).
Models Class Session 13
Note: started with the idea that maybe the number of purchases of a red shirt is driven by the
number that have previously been purchased. Any equilibium is equally likely. Any history of R and B
shirt purchases are equally likely.
Given a simple model that the proportion of, the probability of somebody buying something is in
proportion to the number of previous people that had bought it, like the blue and red shirts. This
formal model yields two really interesting results: 1) any equilibrium is equally likely [ratio of red to
blue shirts] and 2) any history, with the same number of Blue shirt purchases and Red shirt purchases,
is also equally likely [order doesn’t matter, (n chose k)].
Quiz: Two men go for a walk. They are next-door neighbors named Roland and Micah, and they both set out
from their own doorstep. They both decide that they will walk for 20 houses and then take a break. If they stop
in front of a house with an even numbered address, they will stop walking; if, on the other hand, they stop in
front of a house with an odd numbered address, they will walk another 20 houses, with a maximum total
distance of one mile. Assume addresses are numbered consecutively from 0 on to 100. When both men have
stopped walking, Roland is a mile from home, and Micah is just down the street from his front door. This result
is an example of: (a) ESTIC (extreme sensitivity to initial conditions), (b) Path Dependence
Analysis: This is recursive with { and house are numbered in sequence. So if start at
even number will continue to the end at one mile. If odd, go 20 houses reach another odd and stop.
Ans: (a) ESTIC
Explanation: ESTIC means that the process - in this case, walking 20 houses at a time - is determined solely by
the starting point of the process. In this example, houses are numbered consecutively, and Roland and Micah
walk 20 houses at a time. This means that whoever lives in an odd-numbered house will stop each time at an
odd-numbered house, and thus have to continue walking until he reaches the limit of one mile. We can infer,
since Roland walks a mile, that Roland lives in the odd-numbered house. Micah, who lives in the even-numbered
Models Class Session 13
Independent (probabilistic): outcome doesn’t depend on Initial Conditions: Outcome depends on the
the starting point or what happens along the way. starting state, e.g., chaotic
Path Dependent: Outcome probabilities depend upon the PHAT dependent: Outcome probabilites depend
sequence of past outcomes. upon past outcomes but not their order.
Historians: it’s really about PATH or PHAT. Why Path over PHAT? A set of events over time in different orders
don’t make sense as an explanation of today. And a history determined by a few intial choices in an
underterministic process doesn’t make any sense either.
Path versut Fact: PATH says that sequence matters, Fact says the set
Matters. Why do they think it’s the path and not the set? Consider this
hard to imagine set of events.
Models Class Session 13
Models Class Session 13
Suppose first ball chosen is red ball. Start with 2 Red & 1 Blue balls.
Possible different outcomes are? 1) RRR red balls in the next three
periods total four reds. . 2) RRB or RBR
or BRR in next three periods ( ) ( )( )( )( )
3) RBB or BRB or BBR ( ) ( )( )( )( )
4) BBB ( )( )( ) . Note not equally likely!
Initial diversity index was 5 from Result 1. Based on
drawing four balls from the urn now computes to
3.33. Suggests something happened as we moved
along the path. But it is slow relative to the rapid
change seen in tipping phenomena.