Project Proposal: Team Sas
Project Proposal: Team Sas
Project Proposal: Team Sas
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“ First, develop a zero to one type offering for a niche market and then scale up. You
need to come up with a product that delivers a 10x speed, performance, or
convenience benefit over the status quo, in order to get noticed and shift consumer
behaviour. Don't worry about global domination at these early stages.” - Peter Thiel.”
Change is the only constant. This philosophy connects very well with the field of technology
where every now and then we see major breakthroughs and improvement. Technology has
changed the way we live our lives and do things. Technology has made our life easy, convenient,
efficient and informative. In our development journey, we have surpassed the staged where
devices were innovation. Now we have come to a stage where wearable are the new trends and
offer a plethora of features and convenience to make our life easy. These wearable have taken the
shape of these general items or ornaments which we already were accustomed to. But this time
they have much more to offer and help us in our day to day chores. It is very essential to wearable
technology that the devices are small and the design allows them to be either integrated to clothing
or otherwise easily portable. With this technology it is easy to provide variable, accurate and
additional information for a mobile worker without disturbing the actual work with several devices
or disruptions of the work flow.
Smart glasses are computing devices worn in front of the eyes. Evidently their displays move with
the users head, which leads to the users seeing the display independently of his or her position and
orientation. Therefore smart glasses or lenses are the only devices which can alter or enhance the
wearer’s vision no matter where he/she is physically located and where he/she looks.
Pictures and videos taken by smart glasses are taken from the point of view of the user and can be
taken hands-free without occluded sight. This is ideal to capture personal experiences of the
wearer. If many people used such a device for documentation, information of catastrophes and
other major events would spread even faster due to the increase of pictures and videos taken in
situations where the user might not have time to manually take pictures like an earthquake.
In cars, they could be used to highlight the way and propose a speed for the driver. In warehouses
they could be used to navigate employees to the objects they need to transport highlighting those
with some colour. Video streams could be used to ask experts or support questions while doing
work. Another possible application would be to augment construction sites with architectural plans
helping in finding mistakes made in the planing phase and also preventing accidents like drilling
through a water pipe.
Many blind people use a cane to get information about their surroundings. This method only gives
information about items below the waist which doesn’t prevent collisions with objects
placed higher like tree branches. Smart glasses could warn blind people from such collisions. They
could also be used for navigation by giving them information about the distance to predefined
landmarks.Another possible application would be to use the smart glasses as a seeing aid to create
night vision or show objects in a distance.
Virtual reality has been used in physical therapy. Studies prove that the subjective pain sensation
of patients during exercises can be reduced by distracting them with a virtual reality set up.
Virtual reality glasses could be used to teach history by allowing the students to view historical
sites not only through textbooks but in a virtual 3D world in which they could move
around freely. Those glasses could also be used to create simulations for training. Examples would
be driving simulations, flight simulations, military training or surgery training. It is beneficial to
be skilled in those activities in a safe environment where nobody can be hurt until the skills
required to perform are acquired.
In 3D cinemas users wear glasses. By replacing those glasses with smart glasses the cinema
experience could be improved. Personal subtitles could be introduced in the language of
choice. Smart glasses could also be used for a virtual reality cinema experience. The users could
determine what they see depending on their head position. The environment might be adjusted
according to the conditions in the movie.
During most sports one does not have a lot of time to devote to a computing device and it is
impossible to use one’s hands to interact with the device. These limitations make use of smart
phones during sports very impractical. This is even true for endurance sports where you would
have the mental capacity to interact with a smart device. Smart glasses are perfect for displaying
information during a sport activity.
Google made the first attempt to propel the world further into the digital age with smart glasses
but although it had many desirable features, critics has said Google failed to identify its market.
The glasses also weren’t without controversy and were banned from several locations due to
privacy concerns. However, the heaviest criticism was reserved for its design. Tech commentators
said they looked unnatural, and resembled something in its prototype phase, making it unpalatable
for mainstream eyewear users.
Meanwhile, computer chip manufacturer Intel developed a highly acclaimed product that used
laser technology to reflect messages and alerts into the retina. However, it faltered two months
after launching, much to the surprise of the industry.
Other competitors like Vizux, ByNorth, Vue has placed a premium on style. Unfortunately, these
companies are under intense pressure from pre-sale customers to eventually distribute its product.
It is still not available for the tech geeks. The overall user experience is bad, connectivity issues,
latency problems, etc. Long story short, they entered the market too early that even early adopters
aren’t ready for it.
With recent expansion of 5G bandwidth, data has a larger window to transmit over networks. By
making the most of it, smart glasses constantly scan the environment using infrared and 3D
cameras. All data is processed and displayed for the user either on the spectacle lens or
holographically projected in front of the glass. The team proposes a new operating system which
provides equal opportunity for all platforms to integrate seamlessly.
For tech enthusiast and aspiring minds who wish to step into the future. We give you a
revolutionary eye-sight that provides vision, information and entertainment. Unlike traditional
wearables, SAS will provide you with extensive features, styles and a pocket friendly price tag.
Recently, devices such as smartwatches and other wearables are gaining share and attracting new
audiences.Roughly a quarter of US adults, 56.7 million, will use a wearable device at least once a
month in 2019. Just over half of those will use a smartwatch. An additional 3.8 million US
children and teens will have a wearable device.
Key ! !
Key Customer Customer
*Manufactu * Advertise
*People who
* Demo to reviewers
rers * Updates
* Developers
* Online Support
wear glasses
* Competitive ( e-mail/ chat/ call prescribed
* Banking price centre )
* Delivery * Payment & * Monthly problem
* Cross- reporting
*Tech Savvy
* Retail OS * YouTube / Twitter * Medicals /
* iOS + Android
* E- * Professional
* Eye-sight
Commerce features. challenged
* Young &
Middle aged
Key Key
*Manufacturing * Online
(Web +App)
* Employees * Experience Centre
* Collaboration
* Warehouses
* Data Center
* Logistics
! !
Cost Structures
Revenue Streams
$ Software development and maintenance
$ Trade-In Program
$ Manufacturing $ Direct Sales
$ Logistics $ Subscriptions
$ R&D $ Loyalty Program
$ Combo Sales
★ Value Proposition
A smart glass should be more than a collection of features and should be absolutely simple,
beautiful and magical to use.The technology that lets you see through the glasses to give instant
access to the people you care & the information you need so that you can stay connected to the
people, places & things that matter the most. Unlike the current ones in the market, these will have
heads up display that gives you intuitive navigation along with built-in smart assistant. Whether
you prefer different shades or lenses, we have sized and built them for you.
★ Customer Segments
Researches have proved that an estimated 1 - 2 billion of world population have prescribed
glasses. (i.e.) approximately 64% of them wear contact lenses and 75% of adults use some sort of
vision correction.
Technology is meant to be powerful when it empowers everyone. Hence, we are targeting the tech
savvy, doctors, engineers. Most importantly, the glass will be handy for even the handicapped so
that each one can enjoy the everyday moments that technology helps make possible. This device
will be of true value and it isn’t measured by how powerful it is but by how much it is going to
empower everyone.
★ Customer Relationships
Customer feedback will be collected using survey forms and issues will be addressed. 24 x 7
online chat over the telephone support. Every month, the problems faced by customers will be
collected and taken into consideration. There will be active users to note the customer experiences
through social media sites like Twitter and YouTube. The customer is guided through youtube
channel and twitter. The employees will be focused upon ensuring a customer centric experience
for customers rather than simply make a purchase.
★ Customer Channels
Customers can connect with us through both web and app instantly without having to type their
basic personal details. There will be experience centre arranged for people to experience the
product in-person and thereby creating a positive vibe for each one visiting the centre.
★ Key Partners
The key partners will be the manufacturers, e-commerce platform, banking, delivery, third-party
retail partners. Manufacturers will be Foxconn, Shenzhen, Beijing livision and Quantum
electronics from Taiwan. By relying on these 4 suppliers, we will be able to make the product on
time for launch and will be available for all the customers. Post evaluation, a single supplier is
short-listed and bargained aggressively for price.
Amazon will be the leading online retail platform and has access over 310 million active users. At
the same time they create a value-added services based on our requirements.
★ Key Activities
The activities include manufacturing, delivery, developers, software updates, advertising, banking
& payments. The software is an open source software and uses fin technology for smooth
payments. As we progress, blockchain is expected to be introduced as well. The developers from
the community formed are encouraged to do the project and there will be use of APIs to lure
customers to company website. To reduce cost synergies, there will be use of existing ERP
solutions to manage the back-office works and also CRM for front-office works. There will be
regular updates released for customers to ensure privacy of the users.
We are also making some advanced AR features available for doctors and engineers. This will be
done by using Freemium model.
We will have a dedicated team managing the digital marketing mix where the reviews, free
services, media coverage (Earned) and use of websites, blogs, e-mails, social media sites (Owned)
are being managed to enlighten customers about the product.
★ Key Resources
The resources include manufacturing facility to test the product internally, developers who work
on cross-platform software, iOS and Android for the app development, warehouse, data centre to
securely store user data. The data centre will be initially located in the US and later to other
countries. These resources are made possible from the money received through crowdfunding.
★ Cost Structure
The cost structure includes expenses from manufacturing, development and marketing which can
be managed initially through crowdfunding. The other areas include logistics, software
maintenance, R & D.
★ Revenue Stream
The source of revenue is obviously through sales of the product - direct and indirect. The combo
sales which drives and gives more reasons for the customers to go for it. The loyalty program
creates more loyal customers and which in turn gives us reasons to create accessories for the
product. The subscription model is being used for the customer to pay a recurring price at regular
intervals which is more convenient for them. There is trade-in program where customers can trade
an eligible older model for credit towards the next purchase or get a gift card to use later when
what when wrong and how can it be improved. This lead us to re-
2. Affiliation – A transactional market for app developers and consumers with 2 way
3. Crowd funding – Initially we restore to crowd funding model from small investors and
4. Direct Selling – Since at one stage we wish to have stores and physical presence with
5. E - Commerce – The products shall be available at major retailers and ecommerce giants.
6. Freemium – Initially premium services shall be floated as free for customers to try and get
7. Leverage customer data – Since so much data will be available at hand and will be
recorded and retrieved each day, this data can be used for better servicing the customer and
8. 2 Sided market – With customers on one side and app developers on other, it’s a 2 sided
★ Product requirements:
From the previous user's feedback about the glasses, they prefer having a more stylish design for
the glasses, like the colour and varieties of the styles. Also, they have a bad experience of the
comfortability since the glasses are not custom made, which is hard to fit in a person's face shape.
Also, the material, weight, the lens will have to be light and comfortable as well. The glasses also
had connectivity and OS issues. To top it all, battery standard by time was not up to expectation.
To solve all the software issues, our team has proposed a completely new operating system.
Regarding the hardware issues, we plan to work with top spectacle manufacturers for best voted
frames. Further, we offer service to upgrade you existing glass to a smart glass version. With
growth in battery technology, a larger battery can be paired with efficient processor for longer
lasting battery life.
The frame (Three main types of material for frame), plastic, metal, and titanium. Based on the
customer needs, we will also tailor-made the glass in different materials and combination with
various alloys. For the nose, ridges will be made in orthopaedic treated plastic to increase the
comfort of the glasses. We will also make the frame light, weight no more than 20 grams.
Lenses: Virtual retinal display (VRD): this is to display like a television directly onto the retina of
the eye. The users will be able to see what appears to be a conventional display floating in space in
front of them. This material will also need a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser and software.
Smart Glass Variants Price Range
Introduction stage
• tie-up with different data centre and application centre to storage the user information and
allow them to use the app with the glasses seamlessly.
• Target customers who are tech-savvy or business customers like engineers and medical
• Distribute the devices to the company’s employees as internal testing, and to receive
feedback from them.
• effectively advertise the product, will also invite social media top influencer to try the
SAS glasses, and share their first impression about the smart glasses
Introduction stage
• Limited distribution to test in the customer market. And collaborate with more app
developers, like Android, IOS, and windows as well.
• Add some new features, for example, day-2-day activity features. This allows the user
able to track their heart rate, blood pressure, and exercise level.
Maturity stage
• a complete launch to the market, from the feedback in last two-stages, we will have a new
feature which is cellular compatible.
• different feature subscription allows the tech-savvy to experience it, we will collaborate
with medical and engineering features, and offer subscription.
Decline stage
• include IR, VR, and AR, these will be targeted to the business professionals and tech-savvy
sector, the SAS glasses increase the usability and effectiveness for medical and engineer.
• Focusing on the business sector as the most important part to gain long-term collaboration.
We will also have 3D and depth effect into the glasses, which increase the usability for
medical and engineering.
• also consider the payment features that can improve the confidence, we will input iris scan
payment. We expect to see an increase in market share in the decline stage.
For application and data centre, we will collaborate with Microsoft’s Windows Azure, this allows
us to manage the application, this is a server using cloud technology to store the information for
the users. The app server includes Node.js and PHP, which allow us to release the application on
different operating system. The data server will be using the SQL from Microsoft’s Windows
Azure. The reason for picking this cloud server is because of the protection. We want their
personal information to be stored with a high-security level, these services provide encrypted
technology and advanced threat protection capabilities.
The development of smart glasses is broken into 2 major
categories. One is the software part and other is the
hardware part. These processes run parallel and once the
initial development has taken place, the Hardware and
the software merges to give us a glimpse of the final
product. This product, with the developed hardware and
software put together, continues it journey through
Testing, Deployment and review stages according to the
Agile framework.
★Team Composition
A dedicated development team needs to be put in place. Experts and veterans of smart
technology software and hardware have to be brought on board for the support and
guidance. The following table describes the skillset and qualification of people to be
brought together –
★Software Development
For a seamless experience, we propose a new Operation system which shall be very specific to the
Smart glasses ecosystem. This operating system runs on just smart glasses and can be connected to
Android, Apple, Windows and Linux OS devices. This OS shall be based on cross platform
languages such as React native, ionic, Phone Gap, apache cordova or Xamarin. This shall
provide equal opportunity to all platform developers to develop apps and float it to respective
markets. Just like Android, an open market will facilitate the exchange of apps from developers
and requirements or requests from Customers. Let us detail about the Smart glass software
development with this approach-
2. Design – Here we concentrate on the Programming and the User-Interface part of the
glasses. Functionalities like switching between the eyes, resizing of windows,
navigation and layout are the focus area as with any Operating system.
3. Develop – All the initial blueprints finalized, now the design team is at work to
develop a glitch free software interface.
4. Test – At this phase the hardware and software are brought together. This is known as
the Marriage process. The Operating system developed is installed on the proto
samples developed. The software is rigorously tested and all shortcomings and faults
are diagnosed and improved. Software is a crucial component of the product so a lot
time and finances have to be invested into it. Fatigue testing and real world testing is
done to ensure that the product beats all expectations. Here we assess the sustainability,
functionality and endurance aspects of the product. Testing of such a product needs to
be intensive. The software as well as the hardware needs to be tested in unison for
testing of a complete ecosystem. The reliability of lens, cameras, sensors and frame
material are crucial to the success of the product. Some test mules shall also be handed
over to company employees and product testers and their feedback shall be checked to
mimic real world situations. Post acceptable results from all tests and closure of all
feedbacks and problems reported, shall the final product be allowed to pass over to the
6. Review – Here we overview all the decisions taken to launch the product in the
market. Other feedbacks and reviews start generating from the Early-adaptors. These
feedbacks will help us improve the product, make the needed changes and maintain a
seamless supply in market. Since it’s an Agile mode approach, the loop continues to
refine the product till perfection. Constructive reviews generate actionable insights
which then acts as Requirements to further start the process of product improvement.
★Hardware Development
For inception of a totally new product, we would like to approach a renounced smart gadget
manufacturer like GreenLight IoT, Device authority or Foxconn. These are renounced brands
when it comes to manufacturing Smart devices. Furthermore, an Agile development model is
proposed. We shall go step by step through this feedback intensive model –
1. Requirements – At this phase we brainstorm around the problem that needs to be solved.
The required functions, features, pain point relievers are worked
on. Keeping Smart glasses at the epicentre, the aspects that it
can serve and the feature that we can add to make customers
life easier and informative. Basic aspects such as comfort of
wearing, light weight, display quality and others are penned
3. Develop – Based on the specifications and the dimensions finalized during the Design
stage, production go ahead is given. We recommend approaching established smart
automation manufacturers like GreenLight IoT, Device authority or Foxconn. These firms
already have an experience when it comes to smart accessory manufacturing and are
appropriate choice for the manufacturing of such a product. Initial manufactured problems
shall be treated as challenges and diagnosed and solved them. We would suggest Japanese
methods of plant management given the expertise they have over mass production
efficiency. All major suppliers need to be shortlisted, certified and enrolled to supply
adequate child parts.
The project undertaken is highly finance intensive. Smart glasses are a technology for
future thus finding adequate resources to use as of high cost at the present time. To make
the project viable, we propose a phase while approach for the funding –
1. Phase I – Post charting of the roadmap for software and hardware development, it is
pitched to Crowd funding agencies, Angel investors and likes for initial offering to start
with the project and reach Proto testing phase. Here we shall target to manufacture just
MVP product which shall help us understand its acceptability in the market, up
gradations needed and customer feedback to improve before reaching the final product
2. Phase II – Once the proto parts are made and testing results are positive to go ahead,
for mass production initiatives, we would want to pitch concept to strategically selected
electronic giants which have not yet stepped into the territory of Smart-wearable.
Brands like General Electric, Motorola, Phillips or HTC seems like the adequate
investors since they have a strong electronic and manufacturing background and have
yet to enter this territory go smart-wearable.
3. Phase III – Self funding, now that the product is there in the market and selling, it is
generating revenue for the patent holders. Another source of funding is via
subscription, collaborations with premium brand products (like Samsung and Apple
premium offerings). All the profits, post paying off stakeholders, shall be reinvested in
the business for refinement, expansion and new product developments.
An efficient supply chain network needs to be maintained for adequate supplies to all retailers and
online store warehouses. A tie up with Amazon for logistics can be proposed. A detailed market
sales data shall be analysed to understand consumption patterns since devices needs to circulated
with latest software update versions.
Since the retail units are now available in the market and online stores, customer reviews and
reactions start to come back. To see the success, acceptability and response of the customers, the
following METRICS shall be monitored. This is valuable data that can generate actionable
insights for the future of the product in the market-
1. Engagement rate – The number of people visiting our website to check out, learn or
purchase the product. This will give us a vast data from IP addresses to run Big data
analytics by Google Analytics to understand our customer and serve them better. This shall
also give us better clarity around the target audience.
2. App download rate – The product will be sold through multiple mediums in the market.
To keep a track on sales and population density, app download rate data shall be
monitored. This will help us manage our server locations as well. All this shall result in
better customised service to customers.
3. Normal Glass conversion to Smart Glass conversion rate – This shall be a crucial
ratio for the business. The results shall show the adaptability of the technology. Smart glass
is a disruptive technology to traditional glasses. If people start accepting the product, the
company shall diversify portfolio or maybe invest in products for people without eyesight
defects but wish to experience a smart wearable gadget.
There are a lot of interesting applications which can only or a lot easier be implemented with
smart glasses than with traditional computing devices. It is probable that there will be large
investments into research and development of smart glasses because the entertainment industry,
military and businesses can benefit from smart glasses and there might be a high consumer
demand for them soon.Smart glasses are humans way into future with large data at hand, it poses a
risk but if balanced properly, can be a boom to humanity. With the proposals made, it is quite
possible that this could become a booming gadget in the industry. In our essence, smart glasses are
a better wearable accessory than watches.
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