Parts & Service News: Component Code Ref No. Date
Parts & Service News: Component Code Ref No. Date
Parts & Service News: Component Code Ref No. Date
Evidence has shown that many trucks in the field may be operating with improperly charged suspensions.
Operating a truck with a suspension that is not properly charged may cause severe damage to the main
frame, tires, suspension components, etc. It is also crucial for suspensions to be properly charged in order
for Payload Meter Systems to operate and calculate payloads accurately. Inaccurate payload estimates
may also lead to severe truck damage due to overloading.
A new suspension charging procedure has been developed for improving charging accuracy and ease, as
well as the elimination of problems due to improper charging. The complete oiling and charging proce-
dures for the front and rear suspensions are documented in this bulletin. Shop manuals should be updated
using the pages in this bulletin. Future shop manuals and shop manual revisions will include the new
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NOTE: For longer life of suspension components, a NOTE: Arrangement of parts may vary from
Friction Modifier must be added to the suspension oil. illustration above, depending on Charging Kit P/N.
See Specifications Chart, Figure 4-5 at the end of this 1. “T” Handle Valve
chapter. 2. Charging Valve Adapter
NOTE: Set up dimensions specified in the charts must 3. Manifold Outlet Valves (from gauge)
be maintained during oiling and charging procedures. 4. Inlet Valve (from regulator)
However, after the truck has been operated, these 5. Regulator Valve (Nitrogen Pressure)
dimensions may vary. 6. Manifold
7. Charging Pressure Gauge (Suspensions)
8. Dry Nitrogen Gas (Specifications Figure 4-5)
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3. Ensure outlet valves (3) and inlet valve (4) are SUPPORT BLOCKS FOR OILING AND
closed (turned completely clockwise). CHARGING DIMENSIONS
4. Turn swivel nut (small hex) on charging valve
three full turns counterclockwise to unseat the
valve. Prior to starting oiling and charging procedures, sup-
5. Attach charging valve adapters (2) to each sus- ports should be fabricated which will maintain the
pension charging valve stem. correct exposed piston rod extensions.
6. Turn "T" handles (1) clockwise (this will depress
core of charging valve and open the gas cham-
ber of the suspension).
7. Open both outlet valves (3).
Rear support blocks for nitrogen charging are no
NOTE: By selective opening and closing of outlet longer necessary. Rear suspensions still require
valves (3), and inlet valve (4), suspensions may be support blocks for oil charging.
charged separately or together.
Exposed piston rod extensions are specified for both
Removal of Charging Kit oil level and nitrogen charging for HYDRAIR ®II sus-
1. Close both outlet valves (3). pensions. These dimensions are listed in the Tables
below Figures 4-2 and 4-4. Measure dimensions
2. Turn "T" handles (1) counterclockwise to release
from the face of the cylinder gland to the machined
charging valve cores.
surface on the spindle at the front suspension. Mea-
3. Remove charging valve adapters (2) from charg- sure from the face of the cylinder gland to the piston
ing valves. flange at the rear suspension.
4. Tighten swivel nut (small hex) on charging
valve. If a new charging valve is being used, Support blocks may be made in various forms. Mild
tighten swivel nut to 10.5 ft. lbs. (14.2 N.m) steel materials are recommended. Square stock or
torque, then loosen and retighten swivel nut to pipe segments [1 in. (25 mm) minimum] may be
10.5 ft. lbs. (14.2 N.m) torque. Again loosen used. Blocks must be capable of supporting the
swivel nut and retighten to 4 ft. lbs. (5.4 N.m) weight of the truck during oiling and charging proce-
torque. Replace valve cap (1) and tighten to 2.5 dures while avoiding contact with plated surfaces
ft. lbs. (3.3 N.m) torque (finger tight). and seals on the suspension. Refer to Figure 4-2 for
5. Install charging valve caps and protective covers front suspension support block placement and Figure
on both suspensions. 4-4 for rear support block placement.
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FRONT SUSPENSION 2. Remove charging valve cap. Turn the charging
valve swivel nut (small hex) counterclockwise
1. Park the unloaded truck on a hard, level sur-
three full turns to unseat valve seal. DO NOT
face. Apply the parking brake, and chock the
TURN LARGE HEX. The charging valve body
has a bleeder groove in its mounting threads
2. Thoroughly clean area around the charging but for safety of all personnel the valve body
valve on the suspensions. Remove the protec- MUST NOT be loosened until ALL nitrogen
tive covers from the charging valves. pressure has been vented from the suspension.
3. Depress the charging valve core to release
nitrogen pressure from the suspension. When
all nitrogen has been vented to the atmosphere,
the suspension should have collapsed slowly
All HYDRAIR®II suspensions are charged with
and be seated solidly on the support blocks.
compressed nitrogen gas with sufficient pres-
Remove top fill plug next to the charging valve
sure to cause injury and/or damage if improperly
(Figure 4-2).
handled. Follow all the safety notes, cautions and
warnings in these procedures to prevent acci-
dents during servicing and charging.
Wear a face mask or goggles while relieving 930E-2* 1.0 (25.4) 9.0 (229) 425 (2930)
nitrogen pressure. * with standard Rock Body
** with Combination Body / Tailgate
Note: If truck starts to lift off blocks before charging pressure is
attained, STOP CHARGING.
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4. Fill the suspension with clean HYDRAIR® oil 2. Tighten valve body (large hex, 6) to 16.5 ft. lbs.
(with 6% friction modifier) until the cylinder is full (22.4 N.m) torque. The valve swivel nut (small
to the top of the fill plug bore. Drip pans should hex, 4) must be unseated by turning counter-
be used and all spillage cleaned from outside of clockwise three full turns.
the suspension. Allow the suspension to stand
for at least 15 minutes to clear any trapped
nitrogen and/or bubbles from the oil. Add more
suspension oil if necessary. Install a new fill
plug O-ring, and install the plug.
Dry nitrogen is the only gas approved for use in
HYDRAIR®II suspensions.Charging of these
components with oxygen or other gases may
result in an explosion which could cause fatali-
ties, serious injuries and/or major property dam-
age. Use only nitrogen gas meeting the
specifications shown in chart (Figure 4-5).
Front Suspension Nitrogen Charging
3. Install HYDRAIR® Charging Kit and a bottle of
pure dry nitrogen. Refer to Installation of Charg-
ing Kit.
4. Charge the suspensions with nitrogen gas to 2
Lifting equipment (crane or hydraulic jacks) must in. (50.8 mm) greater than the charging height
be of sufficient capacity to lift the truck weight. listed in Figure 4-2. Close inlet valve (4, Figure
Be certain that all personnel are clear of lift area 4-1).
before lift is started. Clearances under the truck 5. Remove the oiling blocks from the suspensions
may be suddenly reduced. and install the nitrogen charging blocks. Secure
1. If removed, install the charging valve with new the blocks to prevent accidental dislodging.
O-ring (9, Figure 4-3). Lubricate the O-ring with NOTE: Use caution to prevent damage to plated cyl-
inder surfaces and oil seals when installing the
clean HYDRAIR®oil.
6. Remove the center hose from manifold (6).
7. Open inlet valve (4) until the pressure has
dropped below the pressure listed in Figure 4-2,
and then close the valve.
8. Install the center hose to manifold (6).
9. Charge the suspensions to the pressure listed in
Figure 4-2. DO NOT use an overcharge of nitro-
gen to lift the suspensions off of the charging
10. Close inlet valve (4, Figure 4-1). Leave outlet
valves (3) open for five minutes in order to allow
the pressures in the suspensions to equalize.
11. Close outlet valves (3) and remove charging kit
components. Refer to Removal of Charging Kit.
12. If charging valve is being reused, tighten swivel
nut (4, Figure 4-3) to 4 ft. lbs. (5.4 N.m) torque.
13. If a new charging valve is being used, tighten
1. Valve Cap 6. Valve Body swivel nut to 10.5 ft. lbs. (14.2 N.m) torque,
2. Seal 7. O-Ring then loosen and retighten swivel nut to 10.5 ft.
3. Valve Core 8. Valve Stem lbs. (14.2 N.m) torque. Again loosen swivel nut
4. Swivel Nut 9. O-Ring and retighten to 4 ft. lbs. (5.4 N.m) torque.
5. Rubber Washer Replace valve cap (1) and tighten to 2.5 ft. lbs.
(3.3 N.m) torque (finger tight).
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14. Install protective guard over charging valve. REAR SUSPENSION
15. Raise the truck body in order to extend the front 1. Park the unloaded truck on a hard, level sur-
suspensions and allow for removal of the nitro- face. Apply the parking brake, and chock the
gen charging blocks. Ensure that sufficient wheels.
overhead clearance exists before raising the 2. Thoroughly clean the area around the charging
body. If the suspensions do not extend after valve on the suspensions. Remove the protec-
raising the body, turn the steering wheel from tive covers from the charging valves and the
stop to stop several times. If the suspensions metal covers from the suspension piston.
still do not extend enough to allow for removal
of the blocks, use a crane or floor jacks to raise
the truck and remove the blocks.
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3. Depress the charging valve core to release Rear Suspension Nitrogen Charging
nitrogen pressure from the suspension. When
nitrogen pressure has been vented to atmo-
sphere, loosen and remove the fill plug. The
suspension should have collapsed slowly as
gas pressure was released. Truck weight is now
supported by the support blocks. Lifting equipment (overhead or mobile cranes, or
hydraulic jacks) must be of sufficient capacity to
4. Use a plastic tube to help bleed off trapped air
lift the truck weight. Be certain that all personnel
inside the piston. Remove vent plugs and the
are clear of lift area before lift is started. Clear-
bleeder screw. Service the suspension with
ances under the truck may be suddenly reduced.
clean HYDRAIR® Oil (with 6% friction modifier)
until clean oil comes out of the port where the
bleeder screw and plug were removed from the
side of the housing. Drip pans should be used
and all spillage cleaned from the outside of the
suspension. Install the bleeder and vent plugs.
Continue to fill the oil until it reaches the fill port. Ensure the automatic apply circuit has not
Allow the suspension to stand for at least 15 applied the service brakes during truck mainte-
minutes to clear any trapped nitrogen and/or air nance. If the front brakes are applied during rear
bubbles from the oil. Add oil if necessary, and suspension charging, the axle cannot pivot for
install the fill plug. frame raising / lowering, and the rear suspension
may be unable to move up or down.
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7. Ensure both of the suspension cylinders are 10. If a new charging valve is being used, tighten
extended the same distance ± 10 mm (0.39 in.). swivel nut to 10.5 ft. lbs. (14.2 N.m) torque,
If the difference in the extension from side to then loosen and retighten the swivel nut to 10.5
side exceeds 10 mm, check the front suspen- ft. lbs. (14.2 N.m) torque. Again, loosen the
sions for equal extension. Adjust the front as swivel nut and retighten to 4 ft. lbs. (5.4 N.m)
necessary. torque. Replace valve cap (1) and tighten to 2.5
ft. lbs. (3.3 N.m) torque (finger tight).
NOTE: A low left front suspension will cause the right
rear suspension to be high. A low right front 11. Install the protective guards over the charging
suspension will cause the left rear suspension to be valves and install the metal covers over the pis-
high. ton rods.
8. Close outlet valves (3) and remove charging kit The rear HYDRAIR® suspensions are now ready for
components. Refer to Removal of Charging Kit. operation. Visually check piston extension both with
9. If the charging valve is being reused, tighten the truck loaded and empty. Record the extension
swivel nut (4, Figure 4-3) to 4 ft. lbs. (5.4 N.m) dimensions. Maximum downward travel is indicated
torque. by the dirt ring at the base of the piston rod. Operator
comments on steering response and suspension
rebound should also be noted.
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