Reeves2017 PDF
Reeves2017 PDF
Reeves2017 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s40735-016-0069-5
Received: 11 October 2016 / Revised: 7 December 2016 / Accepted: 16 December 2016 / Published online: 3 January 2017
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Abstract Bio-based lubricants have gained prominence Keywords Fatty acids Biolubricants Lubrication
over conventional petroleum-based oils, progressively over Green additives Vegetable oil Sustainability
the last two decades as biolubricants. This trend is observed
in almost every industry that has been dependent on
lubricants and oils irrespective of their applications. Fac- 1 Introduction
tors that initiated and fueled this trend vary from stringent
government regulations over petroleum-based oils to the Today there are literally thousands of varieties in lubri-
high passed depletion of oil reserves. But the most con- cant formulations of oils, greases, and other functional
cerning factor that has fast-tracked the need for biolubri- fluids targeted towards more than 90% of all lubricant
cants is the toxic and harmful effect of used petroleum oils applications. The primary function of these lubricants is
has on the environment and ecological factors. It is esti- to decrease friction, transmit energy, protect against cor-
mated that nearly 50% of all lubricants produced are rosion and wear (attrition), remove heat, disperse wear
introduced to the environment which has spurred the debris, eliminate foreign contaminants, and act as a sea-
interest in biolubricants. This review discusses various lant [1]. The use of natural organic oils and fats derived
types of eco-friendly bio-lubrications that will become a from plants and animal-based raw materials (e.g., soy-
sustainable and economical alternative to the conventional bean, palm, tallow, and lard) dates back to the earliest
petroleum-based lubricants by being sourced from renew- days of lubrication for their ability to lower friction and
able resources. Biolubricants are seen to be feasible and prevent wear. The modern petroleum oil industry began
versatile lubricants with higher lubricity, lower volatility, with the first commercial oil well-being drilled in Titus-
higher shear stability, higher viscosity index, higher load- ville, PA, USA, in 1859. Over a period of time, this sig-
carrying capacity, and superior detergency and dispersancy naled the detrition in research interest and need for natural
when compared to petroleum-based lubricants. The review oils as lubricants. But this was a boon for lubrication
also investigates in detail the poor thermal-oxidative sta- technology for industrial application with regard to
bility, biological deterioration, their poor solidification at research on petroleum-based oils to capitalize on its
low temperatures, and hydrolytic instability as well as diverse forms for various applications that quickly dom-
mechanical and chemical enhancements that seek to rectify inated other oils, such as natural plant and animal-based
these issues. Furthermore, economical and legislative oils. The introduction of additive along with new chemi-
landscape of biolubricants is discussed. cal synthesis and modification techniques in the mid-
1930s further added on to the developmental process of
petroleum-based oils that significantly improved on its
properties and applicability in terms of load-carrying
& Pradeep L. Menezes capacity, lubricity, corrosive protection, and thermal-ox-
[email protected]
idative stability. With the advancements in technology of
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of petroleum-based oils seen over the past 150 years, it has
Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557, USA surpassed natural oils in many aspects mainly due to more
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time, effort, and money that were dedicated to the among others. In the last three decades, natural and synthetic
research on petroleum-based oils. oils (not mineral oils) derived from bio-based feedstock have
At present, petroleum-based oils have established seen a resurgence for industrial purposes. The lubrication
themselves as the universal lubricant for most industrial, industry is shifting to become more environmentally
commercial, and personal applications. It is estimated that responsible with much of the attention centered on ecologi-
upwards of 50% of all lubricants worldwide enter the cal conservation and sustainability through the use of bio-
environment from spills, improper disposal, accidents, based lubricants for industrial purposes to be used as func-
volatility, and total loss applications such as chainsaw oils, tional fluids. The term ‘‘biolubricant’’ has been ascribed to
two-stroke engines, concrete mold release oils, exhaust lubricants that have bio-based raw materials such as plant
fumes in engines, and metal cutting and forming processes oils, animal fats, or other environmentally benign hydro-
[2]. Of these leakage types, the most problematic are the carbons as their main constituents or base. These base con-
uncontrolled losses via broken hydraulic hoses or accidents stituents render these lubricants as biodegradable and non-
whereby large quantities of fluids escape into the envi- toxic to humans and other living organisms, particularly
ronment contaminating soil; surface, ground, and drinking marine environments where the impacts are more severe [7].
water; as well as the air. It is estimated that 30–40 million For the same reason, one of the major issues being targeted
tons of lubricant are consumed annually, with 20 million along with the process of development of technologies to
tons of this lubricant entering the environment, totaling to a incorporate biolubricants as biofuels and/or industrial
55% loss of lubricant [3]. Over 95% of these lubricants lubricants is to deter the use of petroleum-based lubricants
entering the environment are petroleum-based and harmful [8]. In the global lubrication market, the rise in biolubricants
to the environment [4]. As a result of their high toxicity and is a result of new environmentally friendly initiatives and
low biodegradability, petroleum-based lubricants and economic factors such as protecting the environment from
functional fluids (hydraulic fluids) constitute a considerable toxic substances; the depletion of the world’s crude oil
threat to the environment. More astonishingly, it is esti- reserves; increasing crude oil prices; and increasingly
mated that over 90% of all petroleum-based lubricants stringent government regulations regarding use, operation,
could be replaced by biolubricants [5]. Figure 1 shows the and disposal of petroleum-based oils [9, 10]. Progressively
global energy consumption by just transportation vehicles so the need for biolubricants is also a result of the increase in
which account for a major part of petroleum-based lubri- demand for environmentally friendly lubricants that are less
cant and oil consumptions. These estimates delineate the toxic to the environment, renewable, and provide feasible
substantial potential and need for biolubricants to solve our and economical alternatives to traditional petroleum-based
environmental problems caused by toxic petroleum-based lubricants [11, 12].
lubricants. Although mineral oils are classified according to their
The three broad categories of lubricants are as follows: (1) performance, biolubricants are classified according to their
mineral oils that are predominantly petroleum-based lubri- base fluid composition. Traditionally, there are three
cants and are the most common lubricants; (2) natural oils groups of biolubricants: natural esters (type HETG), syn-
that are derived from plant-based oils and animal-based fats thetic esters (type HEES), and polyglycols (type HEPG).
or tallow; and (3) synthetic oils that include polyalphaolefins The properties of these groups are listed in Table 1.
(PAOs), synthetic esters, polyalkylene glycols (PAGs),
(1) Furthermore, a more rudimentary classification of
alkylated aromatics, perfluoroalkylpolyethers (PFPEs),
biolubricants will be imposed according to the
synthesis process of the lubricant. Biolubricants will
be classified into two categories: (1) natural oils and
(2) synthetic oils. Natural oils (also known as natural
esters) are biolubricants with the base stock
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 3 of 27 11
consisting of vegetable (plant-based) oils or animal property can be advantageous for biological degradation in
fats. Synthetic oils (or synthetic esters) are biolubri- water. On the contrary, this poses more of an environ-
cants comprising esters, diesters, genetically modi- mental threat as polyglycol-contaminated water can pene-
fied organisms, perfluoroalkylethers, ionic liquids, trate more deeply into the soil layers, thus contaminating
polyglycols, or any other lubricant consisting of ground water. For this reason in some countries, PGs are
chemical compounds that are artificially made [14]. not considered environmentally friendly fluids, thus their
Many biolubricants have superior lubricity and wear discussion will be limited in this review.
resistance that exceeds those of petroleum-based Similar to the development of environmentally friendly
lubricants resulting in their increased usage as a base base fluids, new additives are also being developed. Eco-
stock for industrial oils and functional fluids, thus friendly initiatives necessitate the development of additives
facilitating the biolubricant resurgence [15]. The for two reasons: (1) existing additives used for mineral oils
largest drawback to biolubricants particularly natural deteriorate the performance properties in many biolubri-
oils is their poor thermal-oxidative stability and high cants and (2) existing additives contain toxic substances
pour points, which have led to the development of leading to a significant deterioration of the biodegradability
synthetic biolubricants that undergo chemical mod- of the lubricant as a whole [17–21]. Other biolubricants are
ifications [15]. Ultimately, biolubricants formulated composed of environmentally benign solid particles in bio-
from bio-based feedstocks should offer the following based oil colloidal suspensions. The formulation of these
advantages over petroleum-based oils [16]. Higher two-phase lubricants means that biodegradable and low
lubricity leading to lower friction losses and toxicity fluids, i.e., natural oils are combined with
improved efficiency affording more power output biodegradable and low toxicity additives [5].
and better fuel economy.
(2) Lower volatility resulting in decreased exhaust 2.1 Synthetic Esters
(3) Higher viscosity indices. Synthetic organic esters are a class of widely used lubri-
(4) Higher shear stability. cants that were once derived from glycerol molecules
(5) Higher detergency eliminating the need for detergent found in plant-based oils and animal fats. However, this
additives. causes synthetic esters to suffer from similar unsaturated
(6) High dispersancy. performance issues as natural oils. Now, synthetic esters
(7) Rapid biodegradation resulting in decreased envi- can be synthesized from long-chain alcohols and acids,
ronmental and toxicological hazards. where the performance of synthetic esters is superior to
natural ester fluids due to a more uniform molecular
This review provides a summary of biolubricants
structure and the use of different alcohols. Using com-
detailing the types of biolubricants, discussing vulnerabil-
pletely saturated esters, the resulting biolubricants tend to
ities, and revealing enhancement techniques. Further
exhibit very stable aging characteristics. Additives used
investigation examines the biodegradability and economy
specifically for synthetic esters have been developed. Early
of biolubricants as well as recent advances in new tech-
synthetic esters possessed chemical structures similar to
nologies pertaining to their utilization.
natural oils; however, due to recent advancements, there
are now many choices of acids and alcohols available for
the production of synthetic esters, affording them a wide
2 Biolubricants variety of technical performance properties. Examples of
synthetic esters feedstock include C6–C13 alcohols (i.e., n-
Biolubricants can be derived from a variety of bio-based hexanol, n-heptanol, isonal, and decanol), C5–C18 mono
feedstock, often this is a vegetable oil because they offer acids (i.e., valeric, heptanoic, pergalonic, and oleic acid)
natural biodegradability and low toxicity. In other instan- with neopentyl polyols, such as pentaerythritol (PE), polyol
ces, genetically modified natural oils, such as high-oleic esters, diacids (i.e., adipic acid, azelaic, sebacic, and
sunflower and canola (rapeseed), are being pursued for dodecanedioic) and various dimer acids [22–30].
applications where higher oxidative stability is needed. Esters are a type of biolubricant that provide better low-
Synthetic esters derived from natural and artificial resour- temperature fluidity, low volatility, high flash points, and
ces, i.e., the hydrolysis of solid fats and low-grade waste improved thermal-oxidative stabilities when compared to
materials that allows to produce the constituent ester natural oils. Similar to natural oils, synthetic esters main-
compounds, are also common. Polyglycols (PGs) are tain an affinity for metal surfaces due to their high degree
another class of synthetic biolubricants similar to synthetic of polarity which affords them the ability to establish
esters, yet PGs are the only type that is water-soluble. This monolayers that minimize the surface contact and enhance
11 Page 4 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
the tribological properties. Esters are inherently sensitive and fats can be easily sourced from a wide variety of
towards hydrolysis and thermal degradation, and for this seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables, animals, and marine life
reason, their thermal properties have been improved by making them readily available, inexpensive, and envi-
replacing the glycerol with other polyols such as neopentyl ronmentally benign [8]. Natural oils derived from plant-
glycol (NPG), pentaerythritol (PE), trimethylolpropane based oils exhibit characteristics similar to petroleum-
(TMP), trimethylolhexane (TMH), and trimethylolethane based lubricants used in industrial applications for metal-
(TME) [11, 31–34]. A subgroup of esters known as com- stamping and metal-forming in the sense that they have
plex or oligo esters is derived from mixtures of polyols and comparable viscosity and surface tension properties
mono-, di-, and tri-carboxylic acids. Replacing the glycerol [22, 31]. Many plant-based oils are obtained by expeller
molecules with peresters of sugar (i.e., sucrose and sor- methods and solvent extraction processes
bitol) yields synthetic esters with enhanced oxidative sta- [11, 37, 40, 41]. There are a wide variety of plant-based
bility, lubricity, and biodegradability [35]. These improved oils such as avocado, canola (rapeseed), castor, coconut,
synthetic esters are strong candidates for replacing mineral corn, cottonseed, olive, palm, palm kernel, peanut, saf-
oils in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries; in flower, sesame, soybean, and sunflower, among many
fact, these esters could be used in many lubricant appli- others that are native to particular regions of the world.
cations that require low toxicity due to potential contact The efficacy of natural oils and fats is determined by
with animals or humans [35, 36]. Esters such as the NPG their chemical composition, where they predominantly
were originally developed for the lubrication of aircraft jet consist of mixtures of fatty acid esters derived from
engines, whereas PE esters are derived from C5–C9 car- glycerol. Inherently, since these oils and fats are natu-
boxylic acids and have found application in gas turbines. rally occurring organic substances, their properties differ
Still, other esters such as TMP esters derived from oleic based on several biological factors such as climate, light,
acid have found widespread use as automotive and marine temperature, nutrient availability, humidity, and water as
engine oils, compressor oils (as replacement lubricants for well as being influences based on different extraction
hydrofluorocarbon systems), hydraulic fluids, gear oils, and methods [11, 40–42]. Despite their biologically incon-
grease formulations. The low toxicity, excellent sistent chemical composition, natural oils have superior
biodegradability, moderate oxidative stability, and moder- wear properties, lower coefficients of friction, excellent
ate price coupled with the high viscosity and good shear biodegradability, renewable feedstocks, sustainable and
stability make synthetic esters attractive lubricants. Fur- higher flashpoints, and comparably less ecotoxicity
thermore, the use of appropriate additives to ester mole- classification than mineral oils [43]. Further, the litera-
cules improves their performance making them the optimal ture indicates that natural oils derived from plants, with
lubricant of choice for medium-to-heavy lubricant appli- high-oleic acid ([ 80%) contents, surpass Group I pet-
cations [22, 31, 37–39]. roleum-based lubricants at room temperature [44]. When
Another derivative of the synthetic ester is the diester, a comparing natural oils to mineral and synthetic oils, they
biolubricant derived partly from renewable resources. have a better lubricity, shear stability, viscosity index,
Synthetic diesters are derived from dicarboxylic acid and and load-carrying capacity coupled with lower volatility
monovalent alcohols. The dicarboxylic acid can be pre- and superior detergency and dispersancy [45].
pared from natural sources such as azelaic acid (ozonolysis The molecular structure of the natural oils dictates their
of oleic acid), sebacic acid, dimeric fatty acid, isostearic characteristic nature which affords superior lubrication
acid, or from purely petrochemical sources such as adipic properties. This molecular structure of natural oils is
acid or maleic acid. Diesters generally consist of branched defined by the chemical composition consisting approxi-
alcohols such as 2-ethylhexanol (isooctanol), isodecanol, or mately 98% triacylglycerol molecules made up of esters
guerbet alcohols to offer better low-temperature properties derived from glycerol and long chains of polar fatty acids.
than conventional synthetic ester lubricants. Additionally, Minor quantities of mono- and di-glycerols (0.5%), free
branched fatty acids, for example, 12-hydroxystearic acid fatty acids (0.1%), sterols (0.3%), and tocopherols (0.1%)
derived from rhizinoleic acid can be utilized to form die- are also present in natural oils [4]. Fatty acids themselves
ster-based lubricants that also exhibit improved low-tem- are carboxylic acids with long unbranched aliphatic chains
perature properties. (with 4–28 carbon atoms), composed of hydrogen atoms
attached to the carbons, and in many instances contain
2.2 Natural Oils other organic chemistry-related functional groups, and may
be saturated or unsaturated. Due to the large amounts of
The chemical composition of biolubricants derived from unsaturated fatty acids in natural oils, they tend to suffer
oils and fats affords them the ability to be used as fuels from a poor thermal stability with a limited temperature
and lubricants for various applications. Bio-based oils range.
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 5 of 27 11
The boundary lubrication is the condition when fluid maintain their properties of typical PFPEs such as high
films are negligible at the interface and there is consider- thermal and chemical stability, no acute toxicity, and
able asperity contact. The physical and chemical properties excellent heat exchange properties [54]. DA-FPEs have
of thin surface fluid films are of significant importance as alkoxy-groups which allow them to maintain excellent
they significantly influence tribological properties. This solvent properties with several organic liquids, such as
boundary lubrication and the ability of natural oils to ketones and alcohols [55]. These properties make DA-
adhere to the metallic surfaces are dictated by the fatty FPEs a preferable candidate for CFC, perfluorocarbon and
acids present in them. These fatty acids establish a halon substitutes in a number of applications, like foaming
monolayer film using their closely packed polar carboxyl and fire extinguishing agents, cleaning agents for sophis-
group that can efficiently reduce friction and wear by ticated electronic devices, heat transfer fluids, and lubri-
minimizing the metal-to-metal contact [23]. Research cants in extreme applications [56–58].
concerning natural oils has centered on understanding the
fundamentals of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The 2.4 Ionic Liquids
majority of which is focused on using natural oils as clean-
green lubricants along with fatty acids as additives in Ionic liquids (ILs) at room temperature have proven to be
mineral oils, and bio-based feedstock oils for chemically the forthcoming of a new class of lubricants that are able to
modified lubricants [22, 31]. Additionally, new additives overcome the limitations of both petroleum-based lubri-
are being developed to extend the operable temperature cants and natural oils [59]. Room-temperature ILs are
range of natural oils to improve their thermal stability. molten salts, which have organic anion with melting points
More recently so, lamellar powder particle additives which below 100 °C that are paired with a combination of a
plainly put are carrier fluids have biolubricants that aid in bulky, asymmetric organic cation having a liquid range
sliding contact [46]. beyond 300 °C. An IL atomic structure is shown in Fig. 2.
This structure is similar to that of a typical lamellar solid
2.3 Perfluoroalkylethers particle, held together by weak Van der Waals forces with
their anions and the cations forming ionic bonds in the
High-performance applications that require a combination form of layers which in turn build up their liquid lamellar
of high- and low-temperature properties, chemical or crystal structure. ILs exhibit unique and useful properties
oxidative stability, low volatility, material compatibility, such as (1) a broad liquid range (low melting and high
inertness, and non-flammability or non-combustibility boiling point); (2) negligible vapor pressure; (3) non-
simultaneously will generally use synthetic lubricants flammability and non-combustibility; (4) superior thermal
known as perfluoroalkylethers (PFPEs) [47]. PFPEs are a stability; (5) high viscosity; (6) miscibility and solubility;
new class of lubricants that are undergoing rapid advances (7) environmentally benign (non-toxic); (8) lamellar-like
to redesign them to be more environmentally friendly
[48–50]. PFPEs are known for their superior thermal and
oxidative stability. Once composed entirely of carbon,
fluorine, chlorine, and oxygen to produce a colorless,
odorless, and completely inert functional fluid, they are
now being derived from more environmentally benign
feedstock that reduces their environmental impact. One
such example is a,x-dialkoxyfluoropolyethers (DA-FPEs)
which are partially fluorinated polyethers that do not con-
tain chlorine atoms and hence they do not contribute to
ozone depletion [51]. The improvement in these lubricants
is due to the incorporation of two alkoxy-groups that pro-
vide reactive sites, which act to minimize the atmospheric
lifetime of these functional fluids [51–53]. Typically,
PFPEs enter the environment as an aerosol by means of
exhaust fumes or volatility. DA-FPEs are more beneficial
than PFPEs in the sense that their biological footprint and
impact is lower with reduced global warming potential as a
result of atmospheric pollution by means of greenhouse
gasses in the form of carbon dioxide [51]. Furthermore,
perfluorinated ether compounds derived from polymers Fig. 2 Atomic structure of an ionic liquid
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liquid crystal structure; (9) long polar anion–cation cation moieties [80]. This in itself poses a huge challenge
molecular chains; and (10) economical costs, which make to researchers for IL design. The design process and be
them well suited as the basis of a new family of biolubri- significantly be simplified with increasing number of
cants which have the potential to perform better than their desired properties, but as expected the number of possible
conventional counterparts [47, 60–70]. ILs decline by a similar magnitude if not more. For
ILs have been shown to have excellent corrosion and example, for a lubricant to be environmentally friendly,
tribocorrosion properties that broaden the range of plausi- highly fluorinated anions cannot be used. But instead,
ble applications. Newly synthesized ILs based on imida- anions based on common food additives (e.g., benzoate and
zolium and thiazolium have been shown to have no salicylate, are well-known preservatives) or artificial
corrosive effect on steel surfaces. But they were observed sweeteners (e.g., saccharinate) are utilized. Along the same
to undergo a certain degree of tribocorrosion due to the lines, trihexyltetradecylphosphonium salts (i.e., P666,14)
decomposition of specific cations derived from dicyana- also exhibit anti-microbial properties which can be satisfied
mide. However for the same IL bases with [Tf2N], there by making a similar choice of cations [81, 82]. Also, the
was the absence of wear, corrosion, and tribocorrosion idea behind using renewable feedstocks for the preparation
processes [71, 72]. of the ILs suggests the use of certain 1,3-dialkylimida-
Some of the well-known ILs with tetrafluoroborate zolium cations, such as can be derived from fructose
(BF4) or hexafluorophosphate (PF6) anions have good [62, 83, 84]. The structures of these cations and anions are
tribological properties, but they have been shown to have depicted in Table 2 and their atomic structures are shown
corrosive issues. These ILs produce fluorine compounds in Table 3.
like hydrogen fluoride due to their hydrophilic properties
which make them prone to hydrolysis resulting in a cor- 2.5 Genetically Modified Lubricants
rosive environment [73]. This led to the research on imi-
dazolium-based ILs that would able to solve these Genetically modified lubricants are as their name suggests
corrosion issues with bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide lubricants derived from genetically modified organisms
(TFSA, [Tf2N]) or tetrafluorotris (pentafluoroethyl) phos- (GMOs). GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has
phate (FAP) anions [73–75]. These modification aspects of been altered using genetic engineering techniques. In the
ILs make it a very flexible and customizable form of eco- lubrication industry, genetically modified lubricants are
friendly lubricant and show the possibility of using these usually natural oils, in particular, plant-based oils such as
new ILs not only as friction reducing and antiwear lubri- sunflower, soybean, and canola (rapeseed) oil. Plants are
cants but also as corrosion inhibitors, in the line of the most genetically engineered by manipulating the gene sequence
recently described research for IL lubricants [76, 77]. within the organisms by causing a gene to be inoperative or
Further, ILs have a chemical composition that is uni- ‘‘knocked out’’ or by attaching a gene to an identified
form which allows them to be customized to provide a region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular
required level of thermal-oxidative stability and lubricity gene thus acting as a ‘‘promoter.’’ Genetically modified
meant for a variety of applications in the aerospace, auto- vegetable oils often focus on improving the thermal and
motive, manufacturing, and magnetic storage industries. oxidative stabilities of natural oils by decreasing the lino-
This consistency in chemical composition enables ILs to leic and linolenic acid amounts and increasing the oleic
have physicochemical properties that are readily repro- acid amounts, as will be explained further in the proceed-
ducible. By selecting both the cationic and anionic con- ing sections [85–87]. Genetically modified vegetable oils
stituents to be non-toxic, they can be designed to be also seek to improve upon the cold flow properties of the
environmentally friendly [78, 79], not to mention the var- lubricants where higher proportions of short-chain satu-
ious methods available to produce ILs from non-petroleum rated or long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids lower the
products. Finally, their ability to sustain and perform in pour point [88, 89]. The objective of these manipulations is
various environmental conditions on par with its petroleum to create oils with higher degrees of saturation whereby the
counterparts make these new green lubricants more oil is less susceptible to oxidative deterioration by means of
attractive alternative to most oil-based lubricants. exposed double bonds in the fatty acid molecules [90].
ILs are structurally diverse compounds in the sense of
their functionality where they can perform and serve a
variety of other purposes than just providing for an efficient 3 Enhancement of Biolubricant Performance
lubrication. This is made possible by their inherent tun-
ability of physicochemical characteristics. These com- Biolubricant research has focused on thwarting the defi-
pounds are structurally so diverse that it has been estimated ciencies of natural and synthetic oils while seeking to
to have 1018 different possible combinations of anion and understand the relationship between chemical composition,
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 7 of 27 11
Bn P
trihexyltetradecylphosphonium (P666,14)
Anions -
molecular structure, and enhancements through chemical materials. Thus, to facilitate the use of lubricants derived
modifications such as epoxidation, metathesis, acylation, from bio-based materials, additivation, chemical modifi-
estolide formation, transesterification, and selective cations, de novo synthesis, breeding of GMOs, and
hydrogenation of biolubricants with polyols, and additi- biotechnology will all play critical roles to ensure adequate
vation [91, 92]. The potential use of biolubricants is far functionability and stability as biolubricants and functional
reaching, yet their major disadvantages militating against fluids [106–108].
their widespread use in industrial applications are their
sensitivity to hydrolysis, thermal degradation by elimina- 3.1 Oxidation
tion, and oxidation caused by unsaturated molecular com-
pounds. Investigations into the oxidative limitations of Many natural oils and bio-based feedstock are basically
biolubricants have been researched and new techniques derived from triacylglyceride molecules containing glyc-
have been proposed to enhance the oxidative stability of erol that contribute to the of fatty acids contents. Figure 3
biolubricants [4]. In some instances, through various at location (a) illustrates functional hydroxyl group where
chemical manipulations and enhancements biolubricants tertiary b-hydrogen (secondary hydrogen) get attached to
have been shown to offer higher oxidative stability than the b-carbon (secondary carbon) due to the presence of
traditional petroleum-based lubricants [8, 16, 27, 88, glycerol in bio-based materials [4].
93–102]. Still, other researchers have investigated the sta- An oxidative instability is generated due to the pres-
bility of biolubricants when antioxidants are added ence of b-hydrogen in the unsaturated fatty acids. This
[103–105]. Nonetheless, chemical modifications to biolu- increases the pace at which natural oils oxidize giving rise
bricants by addition reactions to the double bonds consti- to a process called autoxidation. It is at this location (at b-
tute one of the most promising processes for obtaining hydrogen) that the chemical modification of most bio-
commercially viable products from renewable raw based feedstock occurs [11]. Further, the bis-allylic
11 Page 8 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
hydrogen, which attaches to the double-bonded carbon Here, the strong dependence of the stability on the amount
atoms in polyunsaturated fatty acids, is particularly sus- of double bonds is apparent.
ceptible to free radical attacks, peroxide formation, and Additionally, the degree of unsaturation of ester mole-
production of polar oxidation products similar to that of cules also has a profound effect on the oxidation stability of
hydrocarbon mineral oils, except at an expedited rate in synthetic lubricants. The effect of oxidation on three dif-
natural oils [109–112]. The presence of these double ferent saturated polyol esters is depicted in Fig. 5. The
bonds in triacylglycerol molecule also leads to oxidative oxidation stability of these fluids was determined by the
instability as shown in Fig. 3 at location viscosity increase after an aging process according to the
(b) [11, 40, 41, 113–118]. Figure 4 shows how the oxi- Baader-test (DIN 51587) [119].
dation stability of vegetable oils is influenced by the As a precaution saturated alcohols and acids are used for
number of double bonds by the Rancimat method [119]. the production of lubricants. But the chances of insoluble
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acid (C18:3) and linoleic acid (C18:2) were reduced but not and free estolides [144]. Results indicate that chain length
strictly to oleic acid. Some of the reactions isomerized to and estolide number affect low-temperature properties
elaidic acid (trans C18:1) which has properties similar to and tribological performance.
stearic acid (C18:0). This kind of isomerization is unde-
sirable, and thus rendering the process unsubstantiated. 3.5 Enhancement Through Introduction
Through continued efforts, this process does have the of Additives
potential to allow the improvement of readily available
natural oils; however, more research is needed. Commercial mineral oils can consist of 10–25% additives
depending on the application [145]. Additives are neces-
3.3 Esterification sary to impart properties that are application specific and
beyond what oil base stock can perform. Additives of
There are two locations in bio-based lubricants where biolubricants include antioxidants, metal deactivators,
chemical modifications can be effective (Fig. 3): (a) the detergents, dispersants, corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers,
first position is at the ester moieties in the triacylglycerides rust inhibitors, antiwear additives, extreme pressure addi-
where the b-hydrogen exists and (b) the second position is tives, viscosity improvers, pour point depressants, hydrol-
at the C–C double bonds along the fatty acid chains [27]. ysis protection, among others [97, 146–148]. Table 4
Esterification or transesterification is the modification of shows some of the common additives used with their water
the ester moieties present in the triacylglycerides, which pollution classification. Additives are common practice in
have glycerol as the alcohol component and have the lubricants, but the toxicity of currently used additives
critical b-hydrogen, which is susceptible to thermal requires research on the development and use of alternative
degradation by elimination. In this process, the glycerol is bio-based environmentally benign additives. Thus far,
replaced with polyols such TMP, NPG, or PE, effectively naturally occurring antioxidants such as tocopherol (vita-
creating a synthetic ester. Results indicate that hydrolytic min E), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), esters of gallic acid
and oxidative stability are increased considerably for (lauric alcohol and dodecanol), citric acid derivatives, or
biolubricants if the fatty acid portion consists entirely of lipid-modified ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
oleic acid. High-oleic acid vegetable oils have shown high derivatives serve as synthetic metal scavengers and provide
stabilities similar to standard oleic acids (68–72%) with viable alternatives to the currently used toxic antioxidants
TMP, indicating the feasibility of neat vegetable oils [7].
without the need for any modifications. These results are Other biolubricants additives function more as antiwear
promising and continue to be investigated [28]. and extreme pressure additives and consist of environ-
mentally benign solid particulate additives. Green solid
3.4 Estolides of Fatty Acids lubricants are categorized as ‘‘powder lubricants’’ that have
lamellar crystal structures with low interlayer friction [37].
Estolides are a class of esters derived from natural and The most prominent examples of these powder lubricants
synthetic compounds synthesized from fats and oils at the include boric acid (H3BO3) and hexagonal boron nitride
location of the carbon-to-carbon double bond (unsatura- (hBN) that have comparable properties to graphite (C),
tion point) where they form a carbocation. The estolide molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), and tungsten disulfide
structure consists of a secondary ester linage between one (WS2) [149]. The crystal structure of these lamellar powder
fatty acid acyl molecules to another fatty acid alkyl lubricants has atoms that are tightly packed with covalent
molecule [126–129]. The carbocation on the estolide can bonding along the same layer and due to weak Van der
undergo nucleophilic attacks by other fatty acids, with or Waals forces the adjacent layers are far apart rendering
without carbocation migration along the length of the observable superior properties to these lubricants [1].
chain, to form an ester linkage, thus inherently promoting Under sliding contact condition, the presence of these
the formation of estolides [50, 131–142]. Estolides can be lamellar powder lubricants will minimize asperity contact
found in free acids, esters, or triacylglycerides. Estolides and wear. This is due to a protective boundary layer gen-
were primarily developed to overcome the thermal-ox- erated by the adherence of these powders to the surfaces in
idative instabilities and poor low-temperature properties contact which acts as a lubricant to accommodate relative
of natural oils [143]. In some instances, estolides are surface velocities. During the sliding contact, the lamellar
enhanced with additives, however at the expense of powder layers align themselves parallel to the direction of
biodegradability, cost, and toxicity. Recent research in motion that minimizing friction during sliding motion.
estolides has revealed their synthesis from saturated These powders are also versatile enough to lubricate in
mono-estolide methyl esters and enriched saturated mono- extreme temperature and pressure boundary conditions
estolide 2-ethyl hexyl esters from oleic acid, lauric acid, [31, 33, 39, 41, 150–152].
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 11 of 27 11
Although there are many solid powder lubricants that nitride with natural oils such as canola (rapeseed) or soybean
can be used as additives, there are far less that are envi- oil create a more environmentally friendly lubricant [39].
ronmentally benign. Hexagonal boron nitride and boric Here, the natural oil is a bio-based carrier fluid used to
acid powder represent some of the greener more environ- circulate the green powder additives allowing them to
mentally friendly additives that are inert to most chemicals remain in the contacting pin–disk interface without
[4]. They have been studied extensively because they are degrading over time [156, 157]. These powder-based biol-
highly refractory materials with physical and chemical ubricants demonstrate improved friction and wear reduction
properties similar to that of graphite [37, 41, 153, 154]. and promote ecological sustainability [31, 33, 37, 43].
These powder are extremely lubricious with attractive
performance-enhancing attributes similar to other lamellar 3.6 Branched Fatty Acids
solids, making them attractive alternatives to other inor-
ganic solid lubricants. Boric acid is found naturally; how- Biolubricants synthesized from branched fatty acid such as
ever, boron nitride is not naturally occurring, and it is isostearic acid exhibit superior low-temperature behavior
synthesized from boric oxide or boric acid compounds. such as low pour point, low viscosity, high chemical sta-
Generally, boron-based compounds are extremely bility, and high flashpoint. Isostearic acid is procured from
stable and do not break down to form other hazardous the thermal isomerization of polyunsaturated C-18 fatty
materials under normal operation; thus, they are safe to acids followed by hydrogenation. The branching points are
handle and feasible to use in industrial applications with no limited to the interior portion of the molecule [59, 158]. In
hazardous effects or limitations on their use. There are no a similar fashion, 12-hydroxystearic acid derived from
reports issued by the National Toxicology Program, Inter- rhizonoleic acid by hydrogenation can also be used. As
national Agency for Research on Cancer, Occupational previously discussed, removing the double bonds and the
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or American glycerol molecules from the triacylglycerides enhances
Conference of Government and Industrial Hygienists that biolubricant performance. Compromises will always be
indicate boron nitride or other boron compounds are car- made between tribological performance, oxidative stabil-
cinogens or pose any toxic hazard [33]. Boron compounds ity, low-temperature performance, and biodegradability.
are not considered hazardous chemicals by the EPA or For example, biolubricants synthesized from branched fatty
under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act acids maintain low-temperature capabilities that must be
(SARA) guidelines, and no regulations exist regarding their present in the oils for many industrial applications; how-
use, storage, transport, or disposal. For these many reasons, ever, branched fatty acids decrease biodegradability of the
boron nitride and boric acid can be considered an envi- lubricant.
ronmentally benign substance with no limitations on its The foregoing discussion on the enhancements of biol-
operational use [155]. ubricants aims at providing an overview of the molecular
Research has indicated that powder-based biolubricants structure and physical constraints that must be considered
can be problematic because they can be forced out of the when evaluating their performance. In an effort to provide
contact zone during dry sliding contact [155]. In an attempt the reader with a broad scope, Fig. 6 summarizes the
to remedy this problem, biolubricant colloidal mixtures influence of structure on the chemical and physical prop-
composed of powder additives such as boric acid or boron erties [13].
11 Page 12 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
3.7 Epoxidation shown in Fig. 7 [4, 49, 93, 120]. The chemistry of epoxi-
dation of unsaturated fatty acids is a well-known technique
Epoxidation is the second chemical modification and one for improving the oxidative stability dating back almost
of the most important functionalization reactions of the C– 70 years [4]. A number of epoxidation methods have
C double bonds to improve the oxidative stability, lubric- transpired utilizing classical chemical methods via peroxy
ity, and low-temperature behavior of biolubricants [121]. acids, dioxiranes, peracids, and through the use of alkyl
The chemical modification of epoxidized fatty acids is hydroperoxides [126]. Other epoxidation techniques utilize
often used as a precursor to ring opening reactions as a chemoenzymatic self-epoxidation process as well as an
Fig. 7 Diagram of various chemical modification techniques for vegetable and animal oils [169]
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 13 of 27 11
in situ performic acid procedure [143]. In recent attempts Table 5 Classification of terminology regarding lubricants and
to chemically modify the fatty acid chain of natural oils environment risk
was the development of diester compounds synthesized Term Definition
from oleic acid and common fatty acids [159]. A multi-step
Environmentally positive Non-injurious
process of oleochemical diesters begins with epoxidation,
followed by ring opening of epoxidized oleic acid with Environmentally friendly Eco-friendly
fatty acids using a p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) as a Environmentally sociable Socially friendly
catalyst to yield mono-ester compounds. The process ends Environmentally justified Environmentally favorable
with the esterification reaction of these compounds pro- Environmentally careful Environmentally conservative
ducing the desired diester compounds [160–165]. These Environmentally neutral Harmless to the environment
diester compounds have demonstrated enhanced low-tem- Environmentally protective Preserves the environment
perature behavior due to the increased ability of the long- Environmentally conformable Respectful of the environment
chain esters to disrupt macrocrystalline formation at low
In addition to epoxidation, a number of other chemical
modifications can be employed to manipulate the C–C Table 6 Rank of terminology regarding environment risk [7]
double bond such as alkylation, radical addition, acylation,
Term Definition
enereaction, amino alkylation, hydro aminomethylation,
acyloxylation (with the addition of carboxylic acids), co- Friendly Improves the environment
oligomerization, and hydroformylation [166–168]. Many Neutral Unimportant, harmless
of these reactions have been investigated using oleic acid Threshold of perception
esters and other derivatives for their wide applicability and Sociable Low, unsuitable
performance enhancements to biolubricants. Start of legal regulation
Annoying Disagreeable, unpleasant, impairing
Irksome Troublesome, inconvenient
4 Evaluating Biodegradability and Ecotoxicity Limit of burdening
Endangering Excessive, un-imputable
4.1 Biolubricant Environmental Definitions Harmful Dangerous, irreversible effects
11 Page 14 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
according to OECD 201 through 213 tests. Other perfor- organic compound to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
mance tests involve the quantification of a lubricant’s (H2O) by biodegradation within 28 days. This method is
oxidative stability, viscosity, viscosity index, and hydro- measured by the OECD 301 B (OECD, Organization of
lytic stability, among many other properties that are per- Economic Cooperation and Development) test method,
tinent to biolubricants. There are a number of standardized which has gained worldwide acceptance [184]. Currently,
oxidative stability tests for lubricants such as the Baader there are numerous standardized test methods available that
Oxidation Test (DIN 51553 part 3), Two One-Sided Tests have been reviewed for assessing biodegradability, with
(DIN 51587), Rancimat method, and various Standard Test many biolubricants themselves being tested under a variety
Methods for Oxidation Stability (ASTM D2112-93, ASTM of operating conditions [185]. Interestingly, results indicate
D2272, and ASTM D943). Kinematic Viscosity and the that biodegradability is not affected by usage and that
viscosity index can be studied according to ASTM stan- antioxidant additive has a positive effect.
dards D445 and D2270, respectively. Standard test meth-
ods for examining hydrolytic stability are ASTM D2619, 4.4 Ecotoxicity
known as the ‘beverage bottle test,’ and ASTM D943
where it describes a TOST test measuring hydrolytic sta- Ecotoxicity is an important property in the discussion of
bility [7]. More specialized tests exist for particular biolubricant usage. With upwards of 50% of all lubricants
applications and the needs of a lubricant; however, a (most being petroleum-based) entering the environment via
detailed summary of all these methods is beyond the scope waste streams, spills, normal usage, and improper disposal,
of this review [176]. their presence in the environment is toxic with com-
pounding effects that are detrimental to plants, animals,
4.3 Biodegradability and humans. These effects are strikingly more severe in
aquatic ecosystems due to their high sensitivity. For these
As the lubrication industry shifts towards the use of reasons, it is important to test the aquatic toxicity of
‘‘greener’’ lubricants, two major prerequisites are remain- lubricants by measuring the extent to which they poison
ing that biolubricants must meet: (1) a high biodegrad- particular environmental species such as green algae,
ability and (2) a low ecotoxicity. One of the primary Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata or Desmodesmus subspi-
attributes of bio-based lubricants is their inherent catus (OECD 201); freshwater fleas, Daphnia magna
biodegradability. Biodegradation is the chemical dissolu- (OECD 202-12); rainbow trout minnows, Oncorhynchus
tion by which organic substances are broken down by the mykiss or zebrafish minnows, Brachydanio rerio (OECD
enzymes produced by living organisms. This means that 203-13); bacteria, Pseudomonas putida (OECD 209); and
biolubricants based on renewable raw materials derived laboratory rats, Sprague–Dawley (OECD 401).
from CO2 and H2O via photosynthesis, following their use, Qualification of a lubricant to be classified as
are ultimately returned to the earth as CO2 and H2O biodegradable means the lubricant biodegrades by at least
through biodegradation [177]. Organic material can be 80% within 28 days (CECL-33-A-93) or by 60% after
degraded aerobically, with oxygen or anaerobically, with- 28 days (OECD 301B). Toxicity measurements are based
out oxygen. By definition, biodegradation is the chemical on the LD50 value, which is a measurement used to
transformation of a substance by organisms or their determine the potential impact of the toxic substance on
enzymes [178–181]. Biodegradation, once a term reserved different types of organisms. It provides an objective
for ecology, waste management, and environmental reme- measure to compare and rank the toxicity of substances
diation (bioremediation), has now become ubiquitous based on the median lethal dose (LD) of a substance, or the
within the lubrication industry. amount required to kill 50% of a given test population. In
Biodegradability of a lubricant can be separated into two ecotoxicity studies, a lubricant is deemed eco-friendly
types primary and ultimate biodegradation. Primary (non-toxic) if its LD50 value is greater than 1000 ppm
degradation refers to the disappearance of the original (LD50 [ 1000 ppm).
organic compound and may or may not indicate that a
substance will biodegrade completely. This method is
measured by evaluating the infrared (IR) bands of the C–H 5 Limitations of Biolubricants
bonds through a method listed as CECL-33-A-93 (CEC,
Coordinating European Council) [182, 183]. This method Bio-based lubricants have varying properties such as
of testing biodegradability has yet to become widely thermal-oxidative stability, viscosity, viscosity index, and
accepted due to the obscurity in the compound disappear- low-temperature behavior that are dependent on the struc-
ance [67]. Ultimate degradation also known as total ture of the molecules and the triacylglycerol composition.
degradation describes the conversion of the original Despite the many favorable attributes of biolubricants, the
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 15 of 27 11
largest drawback to them are their poor thermal-oxidative interface. Tribo-chemical reactions often occur as a result
stability, solidification at low temperatures (high pour of high temperatures, pressures, and shearing of the lubri-
points), biological (bacterial) deterioration, and hydrolytic cation process. This process in the interface is highly
instability (aqueous decomposition), and inconsistent volatile and so complex that it is not fully understood. As a
chemical composition [60]. Additionally, many biolubri- result, tribo-chemical reactions are often mistakenly
cants particularly ester-based oils are susceptible to rapid blamed for mechanical failures resulting from oil degra-
oxidative degradation due to the presence of free fatty acids dation by oxidation and the generation of friction polymers
and the presence of double bonds in the carbon chains of [185].
the ester molecules.
5.2 Fatty Acid
5.1 Lubrication Mechanisms
The structures of the fatty acids affect the properties of the
Many biolubricants are amphiphilic in nature as they are biolubricants in terms of thermal-oxidative stability, vis-
composed of molecules with polar heads that are hydro- cosity, viscosity index, and low-temperature behavior. By
philic and non-polar hydrophobic carbon chains [186]. increasing the length of the carbon chain, the fatty acid
These oils are primarily water insoluble due to the pres- becomes more oily or fatty and increasingly less water-
ence of the long hydrocarbon chains in the molecule. soluble. The short non-branched fatty acid chains having
Depending on the type of bio-based feedstock, functional approximately 6 carbon atoms are more water-soluble due
groups such as epoxies and hydroxides and various polar to the presence of the polar –COOH groups [61, 194]. If in
and non-polar groups might be present in the hydrocarbon the carbon chain every carbon atom is attached to two
portion of the molecule which can impact the tribological hydrogen atoms, except those at the ends of the chain,
properties as well as other important properties such as which are attached to three hydrogen atoms, then the fatty
oxidation, low-temperature stability, and rheology [187]. acid is considered to be a fully saturated, geometrically
The amphiphilic properties of biolubricants affect the configured in a linear shape, and referred to as a saturated
boundary lubrication or additive properties, while rheo- fatty acid. When hydrogen atoms are missing from adjacent
logical or fluid properties affect the hydrodynamic prop- carbon atoms, the carbons share a double bond instead of a
erties. For these reasons, the chemical composition of single bond and have a non-linear structure. This type of
biolubricants is important because the combination of fatty acid is called unsaturated fatty acids. These acids have
amphiphilic and rheological properties affects the per- lower thermal properties than saturated fatty acids as
formance of these lubricants in the boundary, hydrody- shown in Table 7 with the boil point values. The fatty acid
namic, and mixed-film lubrication regimes [188]. The is polyunsaturated if multiple double bonds occur. There-
boundary lubrication condition has negligible fluid film fore, the classification of fatty acids is saturated,
with considerable asperity contact; hydrodynamic or full monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated with subcategories
film lubrication condition has surfaces separated by a of diunsaturated and triunsaturated depending on the
relatively thick film of lubricant with negligible asperity number of double bonds present. [62]. Investigations have
contact; and mixed-film lubrication regime deals with the revealed that the most important unsaturated fatty acids
condition of partial fluid film between the surfaces and contained in natural oils are oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic
occasionally the asperity comes in contact. acid (C18:2), and linolenic acid (C18:3). The most
When lubricants operate in the boundary lubrication important saturated fatty acids are palmitic acid (C16:0)
regime, their performance is often impacted by the ability and stearic acid (C18:0) [4]. These fatty acids percentages
of adsorption and tribo-chemical reactions to occur on the are shown in Fig. 8 for several common vegetable oils. In
metal surface [13, 189–193]. Adsorption refers to the this figure, safflower oil is a GMO. As can be seen from
ability of lubricant molecules specifically polar groups of Fig. 8, natural oils are composed predominantly of oleic
molecules to attach to the friction surface, minimize acid and linoleic acid with small trace amounts of other
asperity contact, and reduce the friction and wear as the acids [195].
interface. The ability of a lubricant to adsorb onto a surface Table 7 details the characteristics of the most important
is quantified using free energy of adsorption terms. fatty acids found in the natural oils [4]. From Table 7, it
When lubricants operate in the hydrodynamic or mixed- can be seen that as the number of double bonds increases as
film lubrication regime, their performance is often impac- denoted by the lipid number, the degree of unsaturation
ted by the ability to form tribo-chemical reactions in the increases and the boiling point decreases. All of these
tribo-interface. These reactions form tribo-films from the properties influence the tribological performance of a
chemical reactions of the lubricants themselves and/or with lubricant when used as a base stock or additive
other materials (e.g., oxygen, moisture, and metal) in the enhancement.
11 Page 16 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
5.3 Thermal-Oxidative Stability can intern control the thermal stability as well as the
hydrodynamic capabilities which influence the tribological
Previous research shows that with a minimal content of performance.
polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e., linoleic acid) in natural
oils it is possible to maintain a good thermal-oxidative 5.4 Hydrolytic Stability
stability in them [13, 196–200]. The correlation is such that
for a low content of polyunsaturated fatty acid a high The degree of relative resistance to attack or cleavage of a
degree of oxidative stability is observed. Additionally, one molecule by water or water vapor is known as hydrolytic
double bond of monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid stability. This property is strongly dependent on the fatty
can not only improve oxidative stability but also can pro- acid ester and synthetic ester structure of bio-based fluids
vide good low-temperature and superior tribological because the chemical reaction for these molecules is an
properties. A trade-off between thermal-oxidative stability equilibrium reaction. Bio-based fluids cleave into their
and low-temperature properties can be achieved through alcohol and acid components upon hydrolysis, which
either naturally high-oleic acid oils or by genetically directly influences the ester bond. This process is also
modifying the base stock of low oleic acid oils to yield known as ‘‘hydrolytic splitting,’’ which continues until the
high-oleic acid oils with concentrations above 80%, such as chemical equilibrium is restored [13]. Thus, hydrolytic
high-oleic acid safflower oil (HOSO), canola oil, sunflower stability of an ester is influenced by its chemical structure.
oil, or soybean oil all of which are commercially available Biolubricants derived from saturated esters with straight-
and derived from GMOs [7]. An alternative method would chain components have a higher degree of hydrolytic sta-
be to perform chemical modifications of the plant-based oil bility than unsaturated or branched esters. The most
to achieve the desired stability. Fully saturated esters stable derivatives are saturated dicarboxylic esters, argu-
exhibit excellent oxidative stabilities, while partially ably due to steric effects.
unsaturated esters require modifications to be useful as Steric hindrance is a natural phenomenon that occurs
engine and transmission fluids or hydraulic and compressor when a large quantity of methyl groups within a molecule
lubricants [201]. Moreover, fully saturated diester oils are prevent chemical reactions with other molecules with
highly stable towards oxidation, show good low-tempera- smaller quantities of methyl groups. This consequence of
ture performance, and demonstrate a high viscosity-tem- the ester bond improves hydrolytic stability. This protec-
perature index. The viscosity can be controlled by tion is due to the presence of methyl groups instead of
moderating the chain length of the dicarboxylic acid which hydrogen atoms relative to the ester group. The methyl
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 17 of 27 11
groups sterically protect the ester bond against an unwan- 5.5 Viscosity and Viscosity Index
ted hydrolytic attack. Depending on the number of methyl
groups positioned around the ester group, the reaction rate The viscosity properties of biolubricants are important
may be reduced many times. Table 8 illustrates the reac- properties that influence the applicability of biolubricants
tion rate as a function of the amount of a-carbon branching as feasible alternatives to petroleum-based lubricants.
[13, 202]. Generally, bio-based oils derived from plants or animals
Biolubricants derived from saturated esters with straight are known for their high viscosity indices and can be
chain components have unsaturated or branched esters. The considered multi-range oils. The influence of viscosity is
most stable derivatives are saturated dicarboxylic esters, particularly important when esters are used as lubricants
arguably due to steric effects. Biolubricants demonstrate because the acids being esterified do influence the viscosity
better hydrolytic stability through the use of linear short- of the lubricant. The viscosity and viscosity index of a
chain mono-alcohols. Even the short alkyl chains in these biolubricant tend to increase with increasing chain length
alcohols yield improvements on the hydrolytic stability. of the carboxyl acid or with an increase in molecular
When using branched alcohols larger than eight carbon weight of the alcohol. In the case of polyols, the viscosity
atoms, the resistance increases to the level of saturated depends on the number of hydroxy functional groups pre-
linear mono-alcohols [13]. When using glycerol molecules sent. Examining the effect of different polyols with iden-
in synthetic esters, the saturated esters behave with a higher tical fatty acid base fluids shows the following series of
degree of hydrolytic stability than stable unsaturated or viscosities where PE (40 mm2/s) [ TMH (31 mm2/
branched esters. The level of hydrolytic stability is com- s) [ TMP (27 mm2/s) [ TME (24 mm2/s) [ Glycerol
parable to the stable mono-esters. (20 mm2/s) [ NPG (12 mm2/s) as illustrated in Fig. 10
The most stable derivatives are saturated dicarboxylic [205–208].
esters, arguably due to steric effects. Their stability is The viscosity index (VI) describes the dependence of
almost entirely independent of the chain length, branching, viscosity on the temperature. The higher the VI, the smaller
and the alcohol components used. Figure 9 depicts hydro- the changes in viscosity over a broader temperature range.
lytic stabilities of different ester structures, where a low The VI is also affected by branching where it has similar
hydrolytic stability corresponds to a high acid number effects as double bonds. By increasing the branching in
[13, 203, 204]. It can be seen in the figure that many sat- either the carboxyl acid or the alcohol while maintaining a
urated esters, i.e., saturated linear mono-esters, saturated constant carbon number, the viscosity and VI decrease. In
long-chain mono-esters, saturated tri-glycerin-esters, contrast, an increase in chain length with the same struc-
dicarbon-acid-esters, and saturated polyol esters exhibit ture, i.e., no branching, results in an increase in viscosity.
superior hydrolytic stability. As more complex esters and acids are used to synthesize
Although biolubricants are often susceptible to hydro- biolubricants, there are diminishing returns, where the
lytic stability, it is also this inherent property that affords correlation between the viscosity and the carbon number
these lubricants their high biodegradability. This is of declines. This is a result of the viscosity increase being
special importance since hydrolysis is the starting reaction compensated by the branching of the ester molecule and
for biological degradation and reducing the effects of the increasing carbon number [13].
hydrolysis inherently reduces the rate of biodegradability.
For this enigma, it follows that protecting an ester bond 5.6 Unsaturation Number
might be a disadvantage with regard to the ecotoxicological
properties, and thus a balance must be maintained when There is a balance that must be maintained in the biolu-
improving hydrolytic stability. bricants between the fatty acids to ensure functionality, for
example, at room temperature stearic acid is solid in the
form of a wax, while oleic acid is a liquid. Hence, an
optimal ratio of saturation levels between saturated and
Table 8 Influence of a-carbon branching of the oxygen ester on the unsaturated esters must be maintained to have a functional
rate of reaction [202]
fluid that can ensure the plant-based oil is liquid at room
Alkyl substitution Related reaction rate temperature. The unsaturation number (UN) describes the
CH3 30 magnitude of saturation levels. For natural oils, this num-
CH3CH2 1
ber is described as the average number of double bonds
(CH3)2CH 0.3
within a triacylglycerol molecule and hence provides a
(CH3)3C 0
scale to quantify the concentration fatty acid in natural oils.
UN is directly proportional to the degree of unsaturation in
11 Page 18 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
the natural oil. From the fatty acid distribution, the UN can Table 9 Natural oil unsaturation number
be calculated using Eq. (1a) and is summarized in Eq. (1b). Natural oil type Unsaturation number (UN)
1 h X
UN ¼ 1 monounsaturated Fatty Acids Olive 0.948
X Avocado 0.985
þ 2 diunsaturated Fatty Acids Safflower (high oleic) 1.010
þ 3 triunsaturated Fatty Acids Peanut 1.102
Sesame 1.232
ð1aÞ Canola (rapeseed) 1.287
1 Corn 1.381
UN ¼ ½f1 ðC18 : 1 þ C20 : 1 þ C22 : 1Þg Vegetable (soybean) 1.451
þ f2ðC18 : 2 þ C22 : 2Þg þ f3 ðC18 : 3Þg:
5.7 Low Temperature
In Eq. (1b), the Cx:y is the lipid number which repre-
sents the percentage of fatty acids within the plant-based Low-temperature performance often refers to the pour
oil with x representing the chain length and y representing point of a fluid. The pour point is the lowest temperature at
the number of double bonds. Similarly, Eq. (1a, 1b) could which the fluid still flows before losing its flow charac-
be used to calculate the UN for unsaturated esters or any teristics. Hence, it is necessary to achieve the desired low-
other unsaturated hydrocarbon. Table 9 shows the UN for a temperature properties for most lubricants. Pour points for
variety of plant-base oils. Research has shown that natural bio-based lubricants exhibit the same dependencies as
oils with lower unsaturation numbers maintain a higher observed with viscosity. With esters, short-chain branching
thermal-oxidative stability as well superior tribological of the alcohol with tertiary carbon or hydrogen atoms
properties. lowers the pour point; however, this molecular structure
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 19 of 27 11
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million tons of petroleum-based lubricant entering the uses a biolubricant and it helps drive down prices of bio-
environment annually. Currently, many state and local based lubricants and functional fluids. For example, cur-
community regulations are voluntarily trying to convince rently the market share of biolubricants is 2–5% and many
contractors and subcontractors to use environmentally OEMs do not see the immediate value of using a biolu-
acceptable lubricants and functional fluids. However, the bricant because it is more expensive; however, a govern-
decision to use biolubricants remains with the contractor as ment subsidy could help encourage more OEMs to create
well as the financial burden. products with biolubricants. In turn, this would reduce the
The price of biolubricants is an issue that affects their price of biolubricants through increased market saturation.
widespread use. On average, biolubricants cost approxi-
mately three times more than traditional petroleum-based
lubricants. Vegetable oils and synthetic esters can range 7 Conclusions
anywhere from 1.5 to 5 times more expensive than mineral
oils [5]. For this reason, there must be an economic and Biolubricants can provide economical and feasible alterna-
environmental balance in order to minimize the cost, where tives to petroleum-based lubricants while promoting energy
the difference between economic cost and true cost are on conservation and sustainability. Their ability to be non-toxic
the same order of magnitude. This can be accomplished by and renewable as well as potentially satisfy the combination
government funded subsidies for original equipment man- of environmental, health, economic, and performance chal-
ufacturers (OEMs) to invest in biolubricants without lenges of conventional lubricants illustrates the vast poten-
assuming all of the financial liability. tial of bio-based lubricants. When developing bio-based
To bring biolubricants to the forefront of the lubrication lubricants, a compromise must be maintained between syn-
industry, there needs to be economic incentives where gov- thesizing a lubricant with optimal environmental and tribo-
ernment legislature puts a value on protecting the environment. logical properties as well as ensuring a competitive price.
Increasing legislative pressure would promote the use of Although many biolubricants often suffer from poor ther-
biolubricants. In order for this to occur, lawmakers would have mal-oxidative stability, solidification at low temperatures,
to quantifiably decide, with a similar logic as presented in biological deterioration, and hydrolytic instability, there
Table 6, if the release of lubricants into the environment is remain many techniques to rectify these drawbacks through a
tolerable or hazardous in the sense of pollution. Without a multi-disciplined understanding of the relationships between
decision on these terms and the lack of appropriate incentives, chemical composition, molecular structure, and various
the consumer, industrial companies, contractors, and other chemical modification techniques. In this review, biolubri-
stakeholders involved in the lubrication industry would have cants were examined from the macro scale with their defi-
little reason to use the most expensive biolubricants over pet- ciencies and advantages being highlighted. Biolubricants
roleum-based lubricants. Currently, many lubrication engi- have progressed tremendously over the last 30 years and,
neers first base their decision to use a lubricant on price, then on hopefully, in the next 30 years they can become as prevalent
performance, and lastly by environmental consideration. and ubiquitous as mineral oil, thus supporting many of the
Furthermore, legislative pressure and government sub- global environmental initiatives.
sidiaries are necessary to encourage the use of biolubri-
cants because this will incentivize OEMs to design and test
their machinery and hydraulic equipment for use with Terminologies and Nomenclature
biolubricants. This is important because it ensures a cus-
tomer that their equipment is covered under warranty if it
1 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium A class of room temperature ionic liquids described as hydrogen-bonded polymeric supramolecules of the
cations (DAI) type {[(DAI)x(X)x-n]n?, [(DAI)x-n(X)x)]n-}n, where X is the anion
2 12-Hydroxystearic acid A chemical compound classified as a lithium soap. In chemistry, ‘‘soap’’ refers to salts of fatty acids
which are key components of lubricating greases
3 Acylation The process of adding an acyl group to a compound
4 Acyloxylation The process of substitution of a hydrogen atom by an acyloxy group
5 Additivation Process treating oils and lubricants by adding additives to them
6 Adipic acid or maleic acid A mixture of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone called ‘‘KA oil,’’ the abbreviation of ketone-alcohol oil
7 Alkyl hydroperoxides Organic compounds containing the peroxide functional group (ROOR0 ), with R being an alkyl group and
R0 being the hydrogen
J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11 Page 21 of 27 11
8 Alkylated aromatics An alkylated hydrocarbon with sigma bonds and delocalized pi electrons between carbon atoms forming
a circle
9 Alkylation Alkylation is the transfer of an alkyl group from one molecule to another
10 Amino alkylation Alkylated amines to form C–N bonds
11 Amphiphilic A chemical compound possessing both hydrophilic (water-loving, polar) and lipophilic (fat-loving)
12 ASTM D2112-93, ASTM Standard test methods for oxidation stability as described by ASTM
D2272, and ASTM D943
13 ASTM D2619 (beverage Standard test methods for examining hydrolytic stability as described by ASTM
bottle test) and ASTM D943
(TOST test)
14 ASTM standards D445 and Standard Test Methods for Kinematic Viscosity and the viscosity index as described by ASTM
15 Azelaic acid An organic compound with the formula consisting of saturated dicarboxylic acid existing as a white
powder and found in wheat, rye, and barley
16 Baader Oxidation Test (DIN A versatile test method for oxidation stability as described by VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen-
51553 part 3) und Anlagenbau, Mechanical Engineering Industry Association)
17 Baader-test (DIN 51587) A test method for oxidation stability as described by VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und
Anlagenbau, Mechanical Engineering Industry Association)
18 Bis-allylic hydrogen They are two hydrogen atoms that are bonded to an allylic carbon in an organic molecule
19 Branched alcohols Alcohol compounds which occur in isomeric structures, from a straight-chain primary alcohol to a
branched-chain tertiary alcohol
20 Branched fatty acids Saturated fatty acids with one or more methyl branches on the carbon chain
21 C5–C18 mono acids Fatty acids that occur as their esters, commonly triglycerides, which are the greasy materials in many
natural oils
22 C5–C9 carboxylic acids Organic compounds that contain one or more carboxyl group. That include amino acids (which make up
proteins) and acetic acid (which is part of vinegar and occurs in metabolism)
23 C6–C13 alcohols These are aliphatic alcohol components, with a range (6–13) of carbon chain lengths
24 CECL-33-A-93 tests Standard Test Methods of evaluating the infrared (IR) bands of the C–H bonds as described by CEC,
Coordinating European Council
25 CECL-33-T-82 Standard Test Methods of evaluating the minimum requirements of biodegradability as described by
CEC, Coordinating European Council
26 Chemoenzymatic self- A synthesis, which combines the flexibility of chemical synthesis and the high selectivity of enzymatic
epoxidation process synthesis to obtain complex carbohydrates
27 Co-oligomerization Oligomers derived from more than one species of monomer. An oligomer is one which consists of
molecules of intermediate relative molecular mass, the structure of which essentially comprises a small
plurality of units derived, actually or conceptually, from molecules of lower relative molecular mass
28 DA-FPEs a,x-Dialkoxyfluoropolyethers
29 Diacids Adipic acid, azelaic, sebacic, and dodecanedioic
30 EDTA Ethyl-enediamine-tetra-acetic acid
31 Elaidic acid (trans C18:1) An organic compound with 18 carbon fatty acid chains and one double bond of the fatty acid chain. It is
an unsaturated fatty acid that is the most widely distributed and abundant fatty acid in nature. It is used
commercially in the preparation of oleates and lotions and as a pharmaceutical solvent
32 Enereaction Also known as the Alder-ene reaction is a chemical reaction between an alkene with an allylic hydrogen
(the ene) and a compound containing multiple bonds (the enophile), in order to form a new r-bond with
the migration of the ene double bond and 1,5 hydrogen shift
33 Esterification or The modification of the ester moieties present in the triacylglycerides, which have glycerol as the alcohol
transesterification component and have the critical b-hydrogen, which is susceptible to thermal degradation by elimination
34 GMOs Genetically modified organisms
35 HOSO High-oleic acid safflower oil
36 Hydroformylation Also known as oxo synthesis or oxo process is an industrial process for the production of aldehydes from
37 Hydrolytic degradation Usually, hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule of water is added to a substance.
Sometimes this addition causes both substance and water molecule to split into two parts. In such
reactions, one fragment of the target molecule (or parent molecule) gains a hydrogen ion
11 Page 22 of 27 J Bio Tribo Corros (2017) 3:11
38 Linoleic acid (C18:2) A carboxylic acid with an 18-carbon chain and two cis double bonds, with the first double bond located at
the sixth carbon from the methyl end
39 Linolenic acid (C18:3) An organic compound with an 18-carbon chain and three cis double bonds classified as a keto acid. It is
derived from degradation of cellulose and is a potential precursor to biofuels
40 Lipid modifiers Organic compounds which are considered as lipid additives to modify specific properties of lipids
41 Lipid number The numbers in the lipid name are used to describe the fatty acid chains on the lipid. The numbers are
generally presented in the format (number of carbons in fatty acid chain):(number of double bonds in
fatty acid chain)
42 Metathesis A bimolecular process involving the exchange of bonds between the two reacting chemical species
43 Mono/di/tri/poly unsaturated Fatty acids that have one/two/three/poly double bond in the fatty acid chain with all of the remainder
fatty acids carbon atoms being single-bonded
44 Natural esters (type HETG) Vegetable fluid-based hydraulic fluids
45 NPG Neopentylglycol
46 Nucleophilic attacks Nucleophilic substitution/attack is a fundamental class of reactions in which an electron-rich nucleophile
selectively bonds with or attacks the positive or partially positive charge of an atom or a group of atoms
to replace a leaving group; the positive or partially positive atom is referred to as an electrophile
47 OECD 201 through 213 tests Standard method of testing the aquatic toxicity of lubricants by measuring the extent to which they poison
and 401 particular environmental species as described by OECD, Organization of Economic Cooperation and
48 OECD 301 tests Standard test methods for measuring total degradation that describes the conversion of the original
organic compound to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) by biodegradation as described by OECD,
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
49 PAGs Polyalkylene glycols
50 PAOs Polyalphaolefins
51 PE Pentaerythritol
52 PFPEs Perfluoroalkylethers
53 PGs Polyglycols
54 PTSA p-Toluenesulfonic acid
55 Polyglycols (type HEPG) Polyglycol-based synthetic hydraulic fluids
56 Rancimat method Method to determine the oxidation stability of natural fats and oils, in their pure form as well as in fat-
containing foods and cosmetics
57 Selective hydrogenation The process of converting polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids by
removing all or all but one of the double bonds
58 Synthetic esters (type HEES) Ester-based synthetic hydraulic fluids
59 TGA Thermogravimetric analysis
60 TME Trimethylolethane
61 TMH Trimethylolhexane
62 TMP Trimethylolpropane
63 Transesterification The process of exchanging the organic group of an ester with the organic group of an alcohol. These
reactions are often catalyzed by the addition of an acid or base catalyst
64 Two One-Sided Tests (DIN Requirements of the thermal-oxidation stability test (TOST) in accordance with DIN 51587 (German
51587)/TOST test Institute of Standardization)
65 USDA The United States Department of Agriculture
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