CRPC MCQS by Zahid Hussain Channa
CRPC MCQS by Zahid Hussain Channa
CRPC MCQS by Zahid Hussain Channa
1. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 was passed 11. Non cognizable offence is an offence in which a
or enacted on police-officer cannot arrest any person without
A. 22nd February, 1898 A. Warrant
B. 22nd March, 1898 B. Notice
C. 22nd April, 1898 C. Authority Letter
Answer: B Answer: A
2. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 contains _____ 12. The allegation made orally or in writing to a
sections Magistrate with a view to take action under Code of Criminal
A. 511 Procedure regarding an offence is called
B. 550 A. Crime report
C. 565 B. Complaint
Answer: C C. FIR
Answer: B
3. The Cr.P.C 1898 contains _______ Schedules
A. 4 13. Section 4(k), Cr.P.C defines
B. 5 A. Inquiry
C. 6 B. Trial
Answer: B C. Investigation
Answer: A
4. The Cr.P.C 1898 is a ______ law
A. Natural
14. According to section 4(k), Cr.P.C inquiry means a
B. Procedural
proceeding conducted by
C. Special
A. Police
Answer: B
B. Prosecution
C. Magistrate
5. The object of Cr.P.C is
Answer: C
A. To facilitate administration of justice
B. To facilitate offender
15. According to section 4(I) Cr.P.C investigation means
C. To facilitate the prosecution
a proceeding conducted by
Answer: A
A. Police
6. The Code of Criminal Procedure was enforced on the first B. Magistrate
day of C. Complainant
A. July, 1898 Answer: A
B. August, 1898
C. September, 1898 16. According to section 4(m) Cr.P.C the proceeding in the
Answer: A course of which evidence is or may be legally taken on oath
is called
7. The Cr.P.C divides offences in ______ kinds A. Inquiry
A. 2 B. Judicial proceeding
B. 3 C. Trial
C. 4 Answer: B
Answer: A
17. An act or omission made punishable by any law for
8. An offence in which bail can be granted to the the time being in force is called an
accused as of right is called A. Offence
A. Schedule offence B. Illegal Act
B. Non bailable offence C. None of the above
C. Bailable offence Answer: A
Answer: C
18. The term "Police Station" is defined in sub-section
9. An offence in which bail cannot be granted to an
_____ of section 4
accused as of right are called
A. (q)
A. Non bailable offence
B. (s)
B. Bailable offence
C. (r)
C. None of the above
Answer: B
Answer: A
10. An offence in which a police-officer may in 19. Public prosecutor means a person conducting
accordance with the 2nd schedule or under any law for the prosecution on behalf of the
time being in force arrest without warrant is called A. Complainant
A. Cognizable offence B. State
B. Non cognizable offence C. Accused
C. None of the above Answer: B
Answer: A
20. According to Cr.P.C Criminal Courts has _____ classes 30. Court of Magistrate of 1st class can pass
A. 2 A. Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years
B. 3 B. Imprisonment not exceeding five years
C. 4 C. Imprisonment not exceeding seven years
Answer: A Answer: A
21. ______ is the Head Court of Criminal Proceeding at 31. The Court of Magistrate of 2nd class, can pass
Provincial level A. Imprisonment for five years
A. Supreme Court B. Imprisonment for three years
B. Session Court C. Imprisonment not exceeding one year
C. High Court Answer: C
Answer: C
32. The Court of Magistrate of 3rd class, can pass
22. ______ is the presiding Court of a district A. Imprisonment for one year
A. High Court B. Imprisonment for six months
B. Session Court C. Imprisonment not exceeding one month
C. Special Court Answer: C
Answer: B
33. Assistant Session Judge enjoys _____ powers with
23. Section 9, Cr,P.C. empowers ______ with power of Session Judge
establishment of Court of Session Judge and Assistant A. Equal
Session Judges B. Less
A. Provincial Government C. More
B. Federal Government Answer: A
C. Local Government
Answer: A 34. Section 37, Cr.P.C deals with ____ powers of Magistrate
24. Section, 14, Cr.P.C deals with appointment of A. Actual
A. 1st Class Magistrate B. Additional
B. Additional Magistrate C. None of the above
C. Special Magistrate Answer: B
Answer: C
35. Section 42, Cr.P.C bounds _____ to assist
Magistrate or police-officer
25. Section 15 of Cr.P.C deals with
A. Public
A. Special Magistrate
B. Village headman
B. Benches of Magistrates
C. Patwari
C. None of the above
Answer: B
36. Under section 46, Cr.P.C ______ of body is sufficient for
26. Section 15, empowers ______ to pass direction for
A. Capturing
formation of Benches of Magistrates
B. Touching
A. High Court
C. None of the above
B. Session Court
Answer: B
C. Provincial Government
Answer: C
37. Section ___ Cr.P.C empowers police-officer to break,
27. A judge appointed under section 22, Cr.P.C is called open door and windows for the purpose of liberation of any
A. District Judge person
B. Justice of Peace A. 47
C. Additional District Judge B. 48
Answer: B C. 49
Answer: C
28. Justice of Peace appointed under section 22, Cr.P.C
by the Provincial Government enjoys his powers as 38. Section 52, Cr.P.C deals with mode of search of a ______
A. Ministerial Powers A. Woman
B. Judicial Powers B. Secret place
C. Administrative Power C. Government servant
Answer: C Answer: A
39. Police-officer under section ____ may arrest any
29. A magistrate appointed by Provincial Government person without warrant who has been concerned in any
under section 30, Cr.P.C enjoys all powers except cognisable offence.
A. Offence punishable with seven years imprisonment A. 53 of Cr.P.C B. 54 of Cr.P.C
B. Offence punishable with ten years imprisonment C. 54-A of Cr.P.C
C. Offences punishable with death Answer: B
Answer: C
57. Section ______, Cr.P.C deals with attachment of 66. Under Section 129, a police officer not below the
property of proclaimed person rank of _____ can cause military to disperse unlawful
A. 88 assembly
B. 89 A. Station House Officer
C. 90 B. Assistant Superintendent or DSP
Answer: A C. None of the above
Answer: B
58. Bond for appearance of person whose summons or
warrant has been issued will be taken under _______ 67. Which one from the following officers of Army can
A. Section 91, Cr.P.C disperse unlawful assembly
B. Section 92, Cr.P.C A. Any Commissioned Officer
C. Section 93,P.C B. Subidar
Answer: A C. Subidar Major
Answer: A
59. Period of limitation prescribed in section 89, Cr.P.C.
for filing application for release of attached property is 68. According to section 132-A, which one from the
______ years from the date of attachment following falls in armed forces
A. 3 years A. Rangers
B. 2 years B. Security Force constituted under the Federal
C. 1 year Security Forces Act (XI-1973)
Answer: B C. None of above
Answer: B
60. It is provided in section _____ Cr.P.C that search to
be made in presence of two or more respectable inhabitatns 69. A conditional order for removal of public unisances
of the locality can be made by a Magistrate________
A. 103 Cr.P.C A. Of 1st Class
B. 102 Cr.P.C B. Special Magistrate
C. 104 Cr.P.C C. Of Class 30
Answer: A Answer: A
61. Under section ______ any Magistrte may direct a 70. Section ______ of Cr.P.C deals with conditional
search to be made in his presence of any place for the search order for removal of nuisance
of which he is competent to issue a search warrant A. 132
A. 104 Cr.P.C B. 132A
B. 105 Cr.P.C C. 133
C. 106 Cr.P.C Answer: C
Answer: B
71. Under Section 143, A Magistrate of 1st Class may
62. Section 109, Cr.P.C deals with security from
order any person not to repeat or continue, a public
A. Vagrant and suspected person
nuisance as defined in
B. Common citizens
A. Cr.P.C. B. Pakistan Penal Code or any special or local law
C. Government officials
C. Constitution of Pakistan
Answer: A
Answer: B
63. Section ______, deals with security for good
behaviour from habitual offenders 72. Under section ___ temporary orders in urgent cases
A. 107 Cr.P.C of nuisance or apprehended danger can be made
B. 110 Cr.P.C A. 134 Cr.P.C
C. 152 Cr.P.C B. 140 Cr.P.C
Answer: B C. 144 Cr.P.C
Answer: C
64. Under section ______ Cr.P.C the Magistrate may, if
he sees sufficient cause, dispense with the personal 73. Section 145, Cr.P.C deals with dispute regarding
attendance of any person called upon to show cause why he A. Moveable property
should not be ordered to execute a bond for keeping the B. Immovable property
peace, and may permit him to appear by a pleader C None of the above
A. 115 Answer: B
B. 116
C. 117 74. The basic ingredient to exercise power under
Answer: B section 145, by a Magistrate regarding immovable property
65. Section 127, Cr.P.C deals with disperse of unlawful is likely to cause
assembly on command of A. Breach of peace
A. Magistrate or police officer B. Breach of trust
B. Magistrate or Court officer C. Breach of contract
C. Session Judge Answer: A
Answer: A
75. Under Section 149, every police officer may 83. An F.I.R. has _______ columns
interpose for the purpose of preventing and shall, to the A. 5
best of his ability prevent the commission of any ______ B. 6
offence C. 7
A. Cognizable Answer: B
B. Non Cognizable
C. None of the above 84. The registration of FIR regarding cognizable
Answer: A offences is _____ duty of officer in charge of police station
A. Fundamental
76. Section 146 of Cr.P.C empowers ______ to attach B. Statutory
subject of dispute C. Constitutional
A. The Superintendent of Police Answer: B
B. The Magistrate
C. None of above 85. First information report can be lodged by Officer in
Answer: B charge of Police Station at the information of________
A. Any person
77. As under section 146, Cr.P.C order of attachment B. Accused
can be passed by the C. Responsible citizen
A. The Magistrate of 3rd Class Answer: A
B. The Magistrate of 2nd Class
C. The Magistrate of 1st Class 86. The F.I.R. needs to be signed by
Answer: C A. Accused person
B. Victim
78. When the Magistrate attaches the subject of C. Informer
dispute, he may, if he thinks fit shall appoint a receiver by Answer: C
enjoying power under
A. Cr.P.C. 87. First Information Report is _______ piece of
B. C.P.C. evidence
C. P.P.C. A. Substantive
Answer: A B. Corroborative
C. Exhaustive
79. Section _______, of Cr.P.C. empowers a police- Answer: B
officer to arrest any person without warrant, or order from a
Magistrate who have any design to commit any cognizable 88. After recording FIR it is necessary to be read over to
offence ______ by police-officer.
A. 151 A. Complainant or informer
B. 152 B. S.H.O.
C. 153 C. Accused
Answer: A Answer: A
92. The report send by officer incharge under Section 101. Upon statement recorded by Magistrate under
157, of Cr.P.C shall be submitted to magistrate by__ section 164 needs to be given opportunity of cross
A. Officer Incharge himself examination to
B. Officer of the Court A. Accused
C. Superior officer of police appointed by Provincial B. Prosecution
Government C. None of the above
Answer: C Answer: A
93. Section ______ of Cr.P.C provides procedure for 102. _______ is essential for recording statement under
submission of report under section 157 of Cr.P.C section 164, Cr.P.C
A. 158 A. Certification by Police
B. 157 B. Certification by Accused
C. 159 C. Certification by Magistrate
Answer: A Answer: C
97. The evidence recorded under section 161, by police 106. A Magistrate authorizing under section 167, Cr.P.C
officer is ______ type of evidence detention of accused in custody of Police________
A. Substantial A. Needs nothing for authorization to be recorded
B. Corroborative B. Shall record his reasons for so doing
C. Authentic C. Needs to deal the matter upon his mode to record the
Answer: B reason or not
Answer: B
98. The question while recording evidence by police
107. Section 167, Cr.P.C, bars that the accused shall not
officer under section 161, of Cr.P.C must be ______ by
be kept out of the prison while in custody of the police
A. Rejected
A. Afternoon and evening
B. Accepted
B. Sunset and sunrise
C. Answered
C. Early morning and noon
Answer: C
Answer: B
99. Section 164, of Cr.P.C deals with recording of
108. Section 167, Cr.P.C deals with ________
statement before
A. Remand
A. Any Magistrate
B. Acquittal
B. Magistrate U/S 30
C. Confession
C. Magistrate of 1st and 2nd class
Answer: A
Answer: C
100. Any statement recorded by Magistrate under 109. Section 167, empowers Magistrate to send any
section 164, Cr.P.C may be recorded in presence of accused within the custody of police upon request of police
A. Police for not more than _____ days
B. Complainant A. 10 days
C. Accused B. 12 days
Answer: C C. 15 days
Answer: C
110. Section _______, empowers police to release 120. Every offence shall be inquired in and tried by a
accused if there is deficiency of evidence Court with in local limit of whose the offence was ___
A. 168, Cr.P.C A. Occurs
B. 169, Cr.P.C B. Committed
C. 170,Cr.P.C C. Done
Answer: B Answer: B
112. Section 170, Cr.P.C deals with _________ 122. During the investigation U/S _______, police officer
A. Discharge of accused can summon any person to attend investigation
B. Recording of challan A. 174, Cr.P.C
C. Sending of case to Magistrate B. 175, Cr.P.C
Answer: C C. 176 Cr.P.C
Answer: B
113. Under Section _______, Cr.P.C every police officer
investigating a case need to record day by day entries in 123. Section 176, Cr.P.C empowers Magistrate to make
diary inquiry with respect of
A. 170, A. Cause of death
B. 172, B. Theft
C. 173, C. Zina
Answer: B Answer: A
114. The report of police officer needs to be submitted 124. Every offence shall ordinary be inquired in and tried by
before Magistrate through A. Any competent Court
A. Officer Incharge of police section B. A Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction
B. Court officer it was committed
C. Public Prosecutor C. District Court
Answer: C Answer: B
115. The challan Form has _______ column 125. Section 178 of Cr.P.C empowers _____ to pass
A. 6 columns order regarding cases to be decided in various Session
B. 7 columns Divisions
C. 8 columns A. High Court
Answer: B B. Provincial Government
C. District Court
116. Column No. 1, of challan form is for Answer: B
A. Accused 126. As per section 185, Cr.P.C whenever a question
B. Offence arises as to which of two or more Courts subordinate to the
C. Complainant or informer same High Court ought to inquire into or try any offence it
Answer: C shall be decided by the
A. Provincial Government
117. Column No. 3, of challan form is for the accused B. District Government
A. Under arrest C. High Court
B. Released on bail Answer: C
C. Discharged
Answer: A 127. When a citizen of Pakistan commits an offence at
any place without and beyond the limits of Pakistan he may
118. Column No. 4 of challan form deals with be dealt with in respect of such offence
A. Accused under arrest A. At place where he commit the offence
B. Accused on bail B. At any place within Paistan at which he may be
C. None of the above found
Answer: B C. Will be tried at International Court of Justice
Answer: B
119. Column No. 6, of challan form dealt with
A. Accused Absconder 128. Section 190, Cr.P.C deals with cognizance of offence by
B. Accused Confessed A. Magistrate
C. Witnesses B. Court of Session
Answer: C C. High Court
Answer: A
129. Section 193, deals with cognizance of offence by 138. For every distinct offence of which any person is
A. Magistrate accused there shall be a separate charge and every such
B. Session Court charge shall be tried separately except in the cases
C. High Court mentioned in
Answer: B A. Sections 234, 235 and 239
B. Sections 230, 231, 233
130. Section 194, Cr.P.C is about the cognizance of offences C. Sections 228, 229, 230
by Answer: A
A. Court of Magistrate
139. Section ________, of Cr.P.C deals with persons who
B. Court of Session
may be charged and tried together
C. High Court
A. 239
Answer: C
B. 240
C. 241
131. When a complaint is made before a Magistrate
Answer: A
regarding cognizable offence he shall record the statement
of complainant 140. According section 234, three offences of same kind
A. On oath within ______ may be charged together
B. Without oath A. Six months
C. On special oath B. Nine months
Answer: A C. One year
Answer: C
132. Under section 205, Cr.P.C Magistrate may dispense
personal attendance of 141. Supply of statements and documents to the
A. Complainant accused during trial before Magistrate is dealt by
B. Witnesses A. Section 241, Cr.P.C
C. Accused B. Section 241-A, Cr.P.C
Answer: C C. Section 242, Cr.P.C
Answer: C
133. Which sections from the following deals with
142. Provision of section 241-A of Cr.P.C are __________
A. Mandatory in nature
A. Section 215 to 220, Cr.P.C
B. Discretionary in nature
B. Section 221 to 230, Cr.P.C
C. Dealt according nature of care
C. Section 201 to 210, Cr.P.C
Answer: B
Answer: B
143. Under section 241-A, ______ shall be provided
134. The charge shall be written in statements and document
A. Language of the Court or English A. Complainant
B. Local Language B. Accused
C. Language of the accused C. Magistrate
Answer: A Answer: B
135. In charge section of Law against which the offence 144. Section ______ to ______ of Cr.P.C. deals with trial
is said to has been committed of cases before Magistrate
A. Must be stated A. 241 to 250
B. Needs not to be stated B. 241 to 250-A
C. Be stated or not depends upon discretion of the C. 241 to 253
trial court Answer: B
Answer: A
145. Charge will be framed under section ________
Cr.P.C by Magistrate
136. Charge once framed can be altered by Court U/S
A. 242
______ upon an application
B. 243
A. 225, Cr.P.C
C. 244
B. 226, Cr.P.C
Answer: A
C. 227, Cr.P.C
Answer: C 146. If the accused admits that he has committed the
offence (with which he is charged) his admission shall be
recorded as nearly as possible in the words used by him; and
137. The power of amendment of charge provided under
if he shows no sufficient cause why he should not be
section 227, Cr.P.C is ______ in nature
convicted the Magistrate (may convict) him accordingly as
A. Statutory
provided in
B. Obligatory
A. Section 342, Cr.P.C
C. Discretionary
B. Section 343, Cr.P.C
Answer: C
C. Section 344, Cr.P.C
Answer: B
147. Section 245(1), Cr.P.C deals with ___________ 155. Section _______ to ________, deals with trial
A. Acquittal conducted before Court of Session and High Court
B. Conviction A. 260 to 265,
C. Release of accused on bond B. 265A to 265K,
Answer: A C. 265A to 265N,
Answer: C
148. An order of acquittal under section 245(1) Cr.P.C is
A. Appealable 156. Order of acquittal and conviction is passed by Court
B. Reviewable of Session during trial under section
C. Revisionable A. 265, K
D. None of above B. 265, H
Answer: A C. 265, M
Answer: B
149. An order of acquittal under section 245(1) Cr.P.C is 157. Section 265 D, deals with ______ at trial before
appealable under section Court of Session
A. 416 A. Acquittal
B. 417 B. Framing of charge
C. 418 C. Prosecution evidence
D. None of above Answer: B
Answer: B
158. Section ______, Cr.P.C deals with plea of accused
A. 265 C
150. In case where a previous conviction charged under
B. 265 D
the provisions of section 221, sub-section (7), and the
C. 265 E
accused does not admit that he has been previously
Answer: C
convicted as alleged in the charge, the Magistrate may, after
he has convicted the accused under section 243, or under 159. Section 265-F, of Cr.P.C deals with
section 245, sub-section (2), Cr.P.C. A. Evidence of prosecution
A. Shall take evidence in respect of the alleged B. Evidence of accused
previous conviction C. Court witnesses
B. Shall leftover the alleged previous conviction Answer: A
C. Shall take evidence in respect of the alleged
160. Under section _______, Court of Session has power
previous conviction and, if he does so, shall record
to acquit accused at any stage of the trial
the findings
A. 265 K
Answer: C
B. 265 L
C. 264 M
151. Section 249-A, empowers a Magistrate to ______
Answer: A
accused at any stage
A. Connect 161. Section 337 Cr.P.C. deals with
B. Acquit A. An accomplice
C. Release B. A convicted person
Answer: B C. A foreigner
Answer: A
152. An order of acquittal under section 249-A is
162. "Accomplice" means
A. Complainant
A. Appealable
B. Participator of an offence
B. Reviewable
C. Stranger
C. Revisionable
Answer: B
D. None of above
Answer: C 163. No person shall be tenders a pardon who is
involved in an offence relating to hurt or qatl without
153. An order of acquittal under section 249-A of Cr.P.C permission of the
is revisionable under section A. Victim
A. 439 B. Heirs of the victim
B. 439-A C. Both (a) and (b)
C. 561-A D. None of above
Answer: B Answer: C
154. Sections_______ to _______ of Cr.P.C deals with 164. As per section 337, sub-section (1A), Cr.P.C every
summary trial Magistrate who tender, a pardon
A. 260 to 262 A. Shall record the reason of doing so
B. 260 to 264 B. Needs no reason to be recorded for doing so
C. 270 to 275 C. Will deal the further proceeding upon his mode
Answer: A D. None of above
Answer: A
10 | P a g e
165. Evidence of accomplice is not admissible in 174. Where accused is unable to understand proceeding
A. Criminal cases the matter will be forward to _______
B. Civil cases A. Session Court
C. Hudood cases B. High Court
Answer: C C. Supreme Court
Answer: B
166. Accused has ______ right to advance arguments
175. Section _______, Cr.P.C empowers Court with
A. Natural
power of adjournment of proceedings
B. Statutory
A. 343
C. Constitutional
B. 344
Answer: B
C. 345
Answer: B
167. Section 338, Cr.P.C empowers ________ to grant or
tender pardon at any stage of the case.
176. The list of compoundable offences is provided in
A. High Court
section _______, Cr.P.C
B. Court of Session
A. 345
C. Both (a) and (b)
B. 446
D. None of above
C. 447
Answer: C
Answer: A
168. The right given to accused under section 340, Cr.P.C 177. Under section 345, Cr.P.C offence committed U/S
is his _____ right 302 P.P.C. is________
A. Statutory A. Compoundable
B. Natural B. None compoundable
C. Constitutional C. None of the above
Answer: A Answer: A
169. Section 340 (2), Cr.P.C deals with evidence of 178. It is provided in section_______, Cr.P.C that no
accused person who has been arrested by police officer shall be
A. On oath discharged except on his own bond or on bail or under
B. Without oath special order of Magistrate
C. On oath as well as without oath A. 61
Answer: A B. 62
C. 63
Answer: C
170. Section 342, deals with power of Court to examine
the___ 179. Section _______ stress that evidence shall be taken
A. Prosecution in presence of accused or, when his personal attendance is
B. Court dispensed with in the presence of his pleader
C. Accused A. 350
Answer: C B. 353
C. 356
171. Under section ______, accused shall answer the Answer: B
question after completion of prosecution witnesses
180. Instruction given in Section 353, Cr.P.C regarding
A. 341
evidence must be recorded in presence of accused is ______
B. 342
in nature
C. 342-A
A. Obligatory
Answer: B
B. Discretionary
C. Depends upon circumstances
172. If accused admits that he has committed the offence, Answer: A
his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible in
A. The words used by the accused 181. The Judgment needs to be delivered in _______
B. Legal language A. Open Court
C. Technical manners B. Closed Court
Answer: A C. Depends upon circumstances
173. If the accused admits that he has committed the Answer: A
offence his admission shall be recorded as nearly as possible
in the words used by him, and, Magistrate 182. The procedure for recording evidence before court
A. May convict him accordingly is given in section ________
B. May not convict him A. 363, Cr.P.C
C. May release him B. 364, Cr.P.C
Answer: A C. 365, Cr.P.C
Answer: B
11 | P a g e
183. Section ______, Cr.P.C deals with mode of 192. No appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of
delivering judgment criminal Court except as provided by
A. 364 A. Cr.P.C.
B. 365 B. Any other law
C. 366 C. Both (a) and (b)
Answer: C D. None of above
Answer: C
184. Section 365 deals with recording of evidence in
193. Section _______, deals with appeal from order
A. Magistrates Court
rejecting application for restoration of attached property
B. Session Court
A. 406, Cr.P.C
C. High Court
B. 405, Cr.P.C
Answer: C
C. 404, Cr.P.C
185. When a sentence of death is passed by a Court of Answer: B
Session it shall be submitted to _____ for confirmation
A. High Court 194. A, B and C are charged by a Magistrate of the first
B. Federal Shariat Court class with and convicted by him of robbing D, A.B and C may
C. Supreme Court afterwards be charged with and tried for __ on the same
Answer: A facts
A. Theft
186. If a women sentenced to death is found to be B. Decoity
pregnant the High Court shall order the execution of C. None of the above
sentence to be postponed and may if thinks fit commute the Answer: B
sentence to ___
A. Acquittal 195. Any person who has been ordered by a Magistrate
B. Release under section 118, to give security for keeping peace or for
C. Imprisonment for life good behavior may appeal against such order to
Answer: C A. Court of Magistrate Under Section 30
B. Special Judge
187. Where a Court decides to pass a sentence of
C. Session Judge
imprisonment on an accused for an offence it (shall) take
Answer: C
into consideration the period if any during which the
accused was in custody for such offence as provided in
196. Appeal against the order of Additional Session judge
A. Section 381, Cr.P.C
shall lie to
B. Section 382, Cr.P.C
A. Court of Session Judge
C. Section 382-B, Cr.P.C
B. High Court
Answer: C
C. None of the above
188. Section 391, Cr.P.C deals with execution of Answer: C
A. Sentence of fine
B. Sentence of whipping 197. Appeal from sentence of High Court shall lie to ____
C. Sentence of death A. High Court
Answer: B B. Supreme Court
C. Both to (a) and (b)
189. Section ______ Cr.P.C empower Provincial Answer: C
Government with power of suspension or remission of
198. Section ______ deals with appeal from sentence of
Court of Session
A. 400, Cr.P.C
A. 410, Cr.P.C
B. 401, Cr.P.C
B. 411, Cr.P.C
C. None of the above
C. 410 and 411, Cr.P.C
Answer: B
Answer: A
190. Which sentence from the following cannot be
199. There is no appeal in ______ cases
suspended or remitted by Provincial Government?
A. Death cases
A. Sentence of death
B. Sedition cases
B. Sentence of high treason
C. Summary trial
C. Sentence of Karo Kari
Answer: C
Answer: C
200. A person aggrieved by the order of acquittal passed
191. Which provision of Cr.P.C from the following deals
by any court, other than a High Court, may, within_____
with double Jeopardy
days, file an appeal to the High Court
A. Section 402, Cr.P.C
A. Twenty days
B. Section 403, Cr.P.C
B. Thirty days
C. Section 404, Cr.P.C
C. Forty days
Answer: B
D. Sixty days
Answer: B
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202. Appeal is admissible on matter of 212. Petition of habeas corpus can be made before
A. Fact A. Court of Session
B. Law B. High Court
C. Both (a) and (b) C. Both (a) and (b)
Answer: C Answer: C
221. Basic ingredient of Section 497(2), of Cr.P.C to 231. Which bail petition needs an affidavit
release accused on bail is A. Bail after arrest
A. Innocence of accused B. Bail before arrest
B. Case of further inquiry C. Both (a) and (b)
C None of the above Answer: B
Answer: B
232. Bail before arrest can be moved before
222. In non abilable cases release of accused on bail A. Before Court of Session Judge
depends upon discretion of B. Before High Court
A. Court C. Both (a) and (b)
B. Accused Answer: c
C. Complainant
Answer: A 233. Section 499 Cr.P.C deals with _________
A. Bonds of accused and sureties
223. Bail is a right of accused in ___ cases and grace in ____ B. Bonds and sureties of complainant
cases C. None of the above
A. (i) Bailable (ii) non bailable Answer: A
B. (i) Non Bailable (ii) Bailable
234. When any accused person fulfill the requirement of
C. Both (a) (i) (ii) and (b) (i) (ii)
section 499, Cr.P.C he will be
Answer: A
A. Re-arrested
224. The word bail is derived from old _____ word bailier B. Acquitted
A. Latin C. Released
B. Greece Answer: C
C. French
235. Section 503, Cr.P.C empowers Court of Session and
Answer: C
High Court with power to
A. Issue Commission
225. Section 497(i), Cr.P.C deals with cases falling within _ B. Acquittal of accused
class C. Conduct contempt proceeding
A. Prohibitory class Answer: A
B. None prohibitory class
C. Both (a) and (b) 236. Under section 503, of Cr.P.C Court of Session or
Answer: A High Court shall appoint ______ as commission for recording
of evidence of a witness
226. The term "abscond" means A. Any person
A. To hide from criminal proceedings B. Any Magistrate f 1st class
B. To hide from friends C. Any Magistrate 2nd class
C. To hide from family Answer: B
Answer: A
237. Section ______, of Cr.P.C deals with return of
227. Section 497(2), of Cr.P.C deals with cases of commission appointed under Section 503, 506 of Cr.P.C
A. Further inquiry A. 507
B. Heinous offence B. 508
C. Confession C. 509
Answer: A Answer: A
229. Section 497(5) deals with 239. Report of chemical examine ______ be submitted in
A. Cancellation of bail Court with out chemical examiner
B. Surety bonds A. Can
C. Bonds of minors B. Can not
Answer: A C. Both (a) and (b)
Answer: C
230. An anticipatory bail means
240. Section ______ deals with recording of evidence in
A. Bail after arrest
absence of accused
B. Bail before arrest
A. 510 Cr.P.C
C. Both (a) and (b)
B. 512 Cr.P.C
Answer: B
C. 514 Cr.P.C
Answer: B
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241. Section 512, Cr.P.C deals with ______ trial B. Do not vitiate proceedings
A. Summary trial C. Both (a) and (b)
B. Absentia trial Answer: A
C. Special trial
Answer: B 251. Section 530, Cr.P.C deals with irregularities which
A. Vitiate proceedings B. Do not vitiate
242. In case surety bonds of a person are forfeited by
court under section 514, Cr.P.C the person can be
C. Both (a) and (b)
imprisoned for imprisonment of ______
Answer: B
A. One year
B. Nine months 252. A Public Servant can submit his affidavit during any
C. Six months course of inquiry, trial or other proceeding before any court
Answer: C other than
A. Court of Magistrate
243. Under which provision of Cr.P.C from the following B. Session Court
a person can deposit money or government promissory C. High Court
notes in court instead of surety bonds D. None of above
A. 513 Answer: C
B. 514
C. 516 253. When a Magistrate want to inspect place of
Answer: A occurrence. He shall make notice to
A. Complainant
244. The punishment of imprisonment granted under B. Accused
section 514, Cr.P.C will be of _____ nature C. Both (a) and (b)
A. Civil Nature Answer: C
B. Criminal Nature
C. None of the above 254. The power enjoyed by a Court under Section 540 is
Answer: A _____ in nature
A. Discretionary Power of Court
245. Section 516A, of Cr.P.C deals with ______ of B. Mandatory Power of Court
property in pending trial C. Both (a) and (b)
A. Disposal Answer: C
B. Attachment
C. Auction
255. Which provision from the following of Cr.P.C deals
Answer: A
with re-examination of witness
246. High Court may transfer a case or itself try it as A. Section 540, Cr.P.C
provided in B. Section 544, Cr.P.C
A. Section 526, Cr.P.C C. Section 550, Cr.P.C
B. Section 527, Cr.P.C Answer: A
C. Both of the above
Answer: A 256. Section ______, of Cr.P.C bounds police to deliver
to military authorities a persons liable to be tried by Court-
247. Under section 528, Cr.P.C______ Court has power martial
to withdraw cases from one Court to another Court A. 449
A. Session B. 499
B. High C. 549
C. None of the above D. None of above
Answer: A Answer: C