Activity 1. Recognition Individual Work

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Individual work

English III

Magda Ximena Sarmiento Gómez


Group code: 90121_72

Tutora: Norma Constanza Triana

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


CEAD Facatativá
Septiembre 05/ 2.017
Part 1
Screenshot of my update profile
2. Screenshot of my preknowledge quiz
3. Screenshot of my preknowledge
My record audio

Presentación (1).mp3

Part 3: Answer the following questions

A- ¿Haw many units are there in the course and mention their names?
R/ The course be composed of two united.
United 1: Expressing ideas and information effectively
United 2: Using language creatively

B- ¿How can the "Course Presentation" Help you?

R/ "The Course Presentation" can help me to know about the methodology, the contents
and evaluation activities.

C-¿How many activities are there in the Activities are there in the
Intermediate Evaluation and mention them?
R/ In the "Intermediate Evaluation", there are two activities:
Quiz 1: United 1. To check your advances in United1
Quiz 2: United 2. To check your advances in United 2

D- ¿What can you find in the "Academic Management" (Students

In the "Academic Management" we can find:
- Noticias académicas
- Programación y Laboratorio
-Programas y Matriculas
- Saber Pro- ICFES
- Sistema de Gestión de la Investigación SIGI
- Red de estudiantes
- Formato Único de Solicitudes  
- Inscripciones y Matriculas
- Proceso de Autenticación en el campus virtual
- Servicios para el estudiante
- Servicios UNAD
- Sistema de Autenticación al Usuario SAU
- Sistema Nacional de Registro y Control

E- Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and
R/ In this link we can find some tips that can help us to understand and to get better the
vocabulary, the pronunciation and the writting of the inglish lenguage. With this knowledge
we can to make better use of this lenguage.
Part 5: Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and
supporting his opinion:
Part 5
¿How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using
In internet there are several tools where we can practice vocabulary, verbs, pronunciation,
seeing videos and some tutorials also exist online courses practical, that allow us to
stregthen learning.
We can also strengthen our learning as is:
speak and speak
Listen music
Watch films
Do activities in english
The use a dictionary
Recopilation de works companions part 5


How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?

ther are some aideas to inprove our listening and speaking abilities:

 there are many videos in youtube with subtitles to folow

the words that are in the video no train the listen and the
gramar also the reading, this is agood idea to practice.
 other idea is practice singing songs with the lyrics,
or repeating conversations or film speeches, to improve
pronunciation and fluency when speaking.

Among others

e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and

Answer: It is a resource to practice and improve our speaking skills and to

take care about our pronunciation in the learning of english.

 EMILSE FIGUEROA - Wednesday, 6 September 2017, 4:09 PM

Hello companions and tutor

This is my contribution for the collaborative work:

How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using internet?
1-          There are many forms that you can use for improve you skills
english one of them is to talk with yourself when you want, of this form you
can improve your speaking, listening and probably your grammar, Will be
important that you practice every day for about 30 minutes minimum with
help of some conversation of youtube.
2-          I consider that youtube is the best tool for improve your listening
and your speaking because you can repeat each thing that you listening or
reading the subtitles while your listening the correct pronunciation, after
the time you Will be more security with your pronunciation.

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