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General Information: Handset

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General Information .......................................................................................... 2-3

Handset Functions............................................................................................... 2-1

Operation ............................................................................................................. 2-2

Function Set-up Procedures for Traction SCR .................................................... 2-2

Accessing and Clearing Fault Codes................................................................... 2-3

Bench Checks and Adjustments.......................................................................... 2-3

Function Numbers (Traction) ....................................................................... 2-4

Function Settings Chart (Traction Card).............................................................. 2-8

Function Set-Up Procedures for Optional SCR Hydraulics ......... 2-11

Function Numbers (Pump)................................................................................... 2-11

Function Settings Chart (Pump Card) ................................................................. 2-15


General Information
NOTE: The vehicle will operate with the Handset con-
nected, however, the adjustment knob MUST BE SET
FULLY CLOCKWISE to make sure the control can
operate at maximum speed.
This section has the control card checks and adjust-
ments that can be made using the Handset. The con-
trol card checks and adjustments are usually made
with the control card installed in the lift truck. Bench
checks and adjustments can also be made with the
control card connected as shown in FIGURE 4. The
checks show the stored setting numbers that have
been stored for the different control card functions.
This section also includes a description of each of the
different functions. Use the adjustment knob on the
Handset to adjust the function settings. See FIGURE 1.
The Handset is available from Cat under part #97124-

Handset Functions
The purpose of the Handset is to permit authorized
personnel to perform checks and adjustments:
✦ Monitor existing system fault codes for both traction
and pump SCR systems
✦ Monitor intermittent random status code
✦ Monitor battery state of charge
1. Adjustment Knob 4. Coil Cord ✦ Monitor hourmeter reading on traction and pump
2. LED Display 5. Plug PY (14 Pin) SCR systems.
✦ Monitor or adjust the following control functions:
3. Keypad 6. Modular Plug (8 Pin Hand Set)
✧ Creep speed
FIGURE 1. Handset ✧ Controlled acceleration and 1A time
✧ Current limit
The Handset is a multifunctional tool to be used with ✧ Steer pump time delay and define signal input
(seat switch or directional switch)
the EV-100ZX series motor controllers. The Handset
✧ Plugging distance (Current)
is used to access the memory elements called ✧ Pedal position plug range or disable
“Registers” which have electronic data stored in them ✧ 1A drop out current or disable
to control an operation. There are 128 Registers in the ✧ Field Weakening drop out
ZX series of Control Cards. The Handset will access ✧ Field Weakening pick up
the registers for the traction or pump motor functions, ✧ Regenerative braking current limit
indicate Status Codes (possible faults) and make ✧ Regenerative braking drop out
adjustments to the operating limits set in the Control ✧ Speed limit points (SL1, SL2, and SL3)
Cards. Some of the registers in the “ZX” series of ✧ Truck management fault speed limit
control cards can not be accessed with the Handset. ✧ Internal resistance compensation for battery
state of charge indication
The Handset can access the registers that control the
✧ Battery voltage (36/48 volts is auto ranging)
operation of the lift truck. The values for the limits on
✦ Selection of card operation type:
the control card functions must be set with either the ✧ Standard traction card selection:
Handset or a PC. The Handset has a Light Emitting ✧ Std. traction with field weakening
Diode (LED) display, a keypad for data entry and an ✧ Std. traction with speed limits
adjustment knob for changing function values. ✧ Std. traction with regenerative field weakening
See FIGURE 1. ✧ High or low current limit for all of the above

Operation Function Set-Up Procedures

For Traction SCR
! WARNING With the Handset connected, hold down the CONT
button while turning on the Key Switch. The Handset
Before connecting or disconnecting the Handset will now show the segment checking display. This
tool, 1) Jack up the drive wheels of the vehicle, places you in the set up mode, ready to monitor or
2) Turn off the key switch, 3) Unplug the battery adjust control function settings. If a fault code is dis-
and 4) Discharge the capacitors. played simply push the CONT button to clear.
Push down one of the function numbers on the keypad
At the SCR Control Traction Card, unplug the “Y plug”
to check that setting. If for example we push down on
if the dash display is in use and plug in the Handset
function key ➄ we will see:
to the plug location “Y” on the control card. After
installing the Handset tool, plug in the battery and turn Example: U 05
on the key switch. The following is the start-up display
After one second we will see the value which is stored
sequence that will occur:
under this function:
If we need to reset this value, we push again on the
Key Switch On CONT button and the value will blink. The number on
the Handset will no longer be the original value but will
Verify each LED Segment correspond to the setting the adjustment knob was left at.
We now turn the adjustment knob to the desired setting
(the values will continue to blink). When we reach the
If Maintenance Code If Maintenance Code desired setting we push STORE. This value will be
is active is not active displayed but will no longer be blinking. Next we push
the ESC button and we will get the Segment Check
display again. This indicates we are still in the pro-
Display Code -99 for four
seconds and activate
gramming mode. We can continue this process to
speed limit (if selected) check or set all the functions. Each time you change a
value you should go back and verify that the setting is
correct. The value adjustment range available on the
Handset is 0 to 255. However, some functions do not
use the entire range.
BDI Display Diagnostics
or There are 15 numbers on the keypad and 18 functions.
Blank Display with fault For the first 15 functions on the keypad we simply
(No BDI used) need to press the appropriate number. To access
functions 16 through 30 we must press the CONT
Run Mode button and the appropriate number on the keypad at
the same time.
BDI Display Diagnostics Example for function 16: CONT and keypad #1
or override
Blank Display with fault Example for function 18: CONT and keypad #3
(No BDI used)
To access functions 48 and up we must close the seat
Key Switch Off switch. Then press the CONT button and the appro-
priate number on the keypad at the same time.
Display traction Example for function 48: CONT and keypad #1
hourmeter for four seconds
When we are finished programming we press the
Display pump ESC button when the (8888) is showing and hold it
Hourmeter for four seconds down for 1 second. The display now shows the bat-
tery state of charge. This means we are in run mode.
FIGURE 2. Start up display
Accessing and Clearing Fault
The EV 100ZX Motor Controller has function registers The Handset can also be used to check and adjust
(31 through 47) that store the last 16 Status Codes the functions of the Control Card when it is connected
that caused the operation of the lift truck to stop and to a bench power supply.
the battery charge at the time the fault occurred. A
You will need a power supply of from 24 to 84 volts.
PMT fault is reset by turning the key to the OFF posi-
Four 9 volt batteries hooked up in series will give us
tion and then to the ON position. The first of the 16
36 volts and work fine. The current is small enough
status codes will be overwritten each time a new status
that it will last a long time. In the programming mode
code occurs. The stored status can be cleared from
the card does not care what the voltage supply is, just
the register by using the Handset. Use the procedure
so it is between the card’s parameters of 24 to 84 volts.
in FIGURE 3 to access and clear the fault code
Note: When the batteries drop to a voltage level of 35
registers with the Handset.
or less you will get a fault code (15) on a card set for
36 volts. The wiring harness we have to make up will
Key to OFF position
require a Z plug and we only use 2 wire connections.
Z Plug Pin #2 goes to battery negative and Pin #7
Push ESC and CONT at the same time goes to battery positive. We also need a wire with a
terminal end set up to connect to TB4 on the Card.

Release ESC and CONT GE recommends a disconnect switch but there is no

need for it as long as you make sure the power is not
connected to the card when plugging in or unplugging
Status Code Displayed the Handset.

1) Plug in the Handset.

Push CONT Button 2) Plug in the Z plug with power supply.
3) Hook up the positive wire to TB4.
Battery charge shown when fault occurred 4) The Handset will now display -01 or -15 (fault codes
(only if equipped with BDI-otherwise zero (0) for seat switch open or low battery).
5) Press CONT and you will get (8888) meaning you
are now in the programming mode.
Push CONT Button
6) Program just like you would with the card in a truck
(on the ZX card to simulate the seat switch closed
Display hour reading Push ESC to and get to function 48 and up you will have to put a
when fault occurred erase stored data jumper between TB4 and TB3).
7) When done hold escape until you get out of program
ming (you will get the -01 or -15 display)
Push CONT Button
8) Disconnect the wire on TB4.
FIGURE 3. Clearing Fault Codes 9) Unplug the Z plug power supply and then the handset.

Bench Checks and Adjustments

FIGURE 4. Bench Programming

Function Numbers (Traction)
The Function Numbers are code numbers for the dif- reached. It can be set from .1 to 22.0 seconds. Each
ferent parameters that can be set for the “ZX” series unit on the handset is equal to .084 seconds. This means
Control Cards. The Handset or Personal Computer that a setting of 20 would equal 1.76 seconds (remember
must be used to adjust the parameters for the Control a setting of zero = .084) since .084+20x.084=1.76. A
Card. There is a description of the code numbers for lower number will cause the truck to accelerate faster.
the different Control Cards in the Parameters Tables.
These tables have the correct setting numbers for the Function 4 Current Limit
parameters on each Control Card. This function is determined by the match of the con-
trol components size with the motors used on the lift
truck. It must be set at factory specifications or the
! WARNING truck will either under perform or control component
failure will take place.
If any of the parameters are changed, the opera-
Function 5 Plugging Distance
tors must be told that the lift truck will operate
differently. The distance over which a truck will travel before
DO NOT adjust the parameters outside the range coming to a stop and accelerating in the other direc-
of numbers shown in the Tables. Parameters set tion is adjustable with this function. The lower the
outside the ranges can cause damage to the com- number the softer the plug (greater distance traveled)
ponents of the traction system and can cause the and the higher the number the more severe the plug.
lift truck to operate differently than normal. Within reason this may be set to any value the cus-
tomer desires. There is a possibility, however that you
may encounter motor problems if this setting is too high.
This setting is actually a plugging current adjustment
FUNCTION NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 15 with each handset unit being equal to 3.14 amps. The
Push the keypad numbers for the desired register. setting range is from 200 to 1000 amps. Therefore a
value of 20 would be 200 + 20 x 3.14 or 263 amps.
This value may need resetting to get the proper feel
Function 1 Stored Fault Code for the customer if Function 16 Pedal Position Plug is
This function contains the last status code to identify the adjusted.
last fault (failure to operate properly) that the control
identified. When the next fault occurs the code will be
overwritten by the new code. It can only be cleared ! WARNING
from memory by use of the Handset to adjust the value
to zero, or when the battery is disconnected. NOTE that Plug settings must be in accordance with control
status codes on the handset will not have the minus operating instructions. An excessively high
sign in front of them like a fault does on the gauge. setting could cause damage to control system
or traction motor.
Function 2 Creep Speed
This function sets the vehicle speed at the highest Function 6 1A Drop Out
accelerator input voltage when the accelerator is If for some reason the truck is in a 1A and encounters
depressed just enough for the start switch to close. It a heavy load situation which could cause motor prob-
can be set from 5% to 15% of 1 Rec on time. Each lems, such as pushing pallets across the floor, the
unit on the handset is equal to .03% on time. This control can drop out the 1A contactor. This function
means since 0 is 5% then 20 would be 5.6%. A higher sets the current at which the control will do this. If
number will cause the truck to start up faster. operator continues to push the load, the motor could
be destroyed. The benefit of 1A drop out is that it will
Function 3 Controlled Acceleration take longer as the control now will limit the current to
This is the length of time it takes for the control to go the setting in function 4. The setting is adjustable from
from zero to 96% on time of the 1 Rec when the 450 amps at a value of 0 and 1260 at 250. Above a
accelerator is fully depressed. It also effects the 1A setting value of 250 this feature is disabled and 1A
bypass contactor operation as the control automatically drop out will not occur. Each unit on the handset is
closes the 1A .2 seconds after top control speed is equal to 3.24 amps.
Function Numbers (Traction)
Function 7 Field Wakening Pick Up Function 14 Internal Resistance Compensation
This feature is an option not yet available. This function allows us to fine tune the low battery lift
interrupt system to a much more exacting degree than
most older systems could. Since every battery and lift
Function 8 Field Weakening Drop Out truck have minor variations that affect the voltage the
This feature is an option not yet available. card sees in checking the battery they can cause the
system to cut out lift early or allow the battery to get
too low before cutting out. This function allows us to
Function 9 Regenerative Braking Current Limit compensate for these variations. In order to make this
This function allows for the adjustment of the regener- setting we need to find the voltage drop per amp of
ative braking current limit. The higher the current limit battery draw. This can be done without worrying about
setting, the shorter the stopping distance. The shorter the battery state of charge (as long as it is between
stopping distance causes faster wear on the drive 80 and 20 on the dash display) by taking two readings.
train and brushes of the traction motor. The setting is First we disconnect the power steering contactor coil
adjustable from 75 amps at 0 to 630 amps at 255. and then bypass the brake switch so we can load the
Each set unit is equal to 2.2 amps. traction motor down to a specific amperage draw. We
connect our voltmeter to the first connection points of
the battery positive and negative cables on the control
Function 10 Regenerative Start panel. Then we hook up an ammeter on the drive
This function allows for the adjustment of the percent of motor. With the brake pedal depressed so there is a
on time at which the control will start to regenerate. 100 amp draw on the drive motor while in 1A we note
Remember that during a plug we are also pulsing the the voltage drop. Then we do the same thing with the
fields to help us slow down the truck. The difference motor loaded to a 200 amp draw. We can then get the
being that at a slow speed the percent of on time for system drop by subtracting the two numbers. In other
this pulsing is very low and the currents generated are words:
also low. Therefore we do not open the regenerative Voltage drop @ 100 amps - Voltage drop @ 200 amps
contactor to put the motor in series with the battery we = System voltage drop.
let all the current go back through the motor by way of Once we have this number we use the following table
the 4 REC. If the pulsing percent on time is high (above to obtain our function setting.
the value we set here) then our currents generated will
be high and the control will open the regenerative
contactor placing the battery in series with the motor System System System
armature. The setting ranges from 0% at 0 to 96% at Drop Setting Drop Setting Drop Setting
255. Each set unit is equal to .37% on time.
11.44 2 01.90 12 01.04 22
Function 11 Speed Limit 1 0.780 3 01.76 13 00.99 23
This function is not used.
05.72 4 01.63 14 00.95 24

04.57 5 01.52 15 00.91 25

Function 12 Speed Limit 2
This function is not used. 03.81 6 01.43 16 00.88 26

03.27 7 01.34 17 00.85 27

Function 13 Speed Limit 3
02.86 8 01.27 18 00.82 28
This function is used with the TMM card on the 2EC.
This setting allows us to slow a truck down when 02.54 9 01.20 19 00.79 29
either of the motors overheat or if the brush wear 02.28 10 01.14 20 00.76 30
indicators on either of the motors are actuated. We
are able to set the pulse on time from 96% at 0 to 02.08 11 01.09 21 00.74 31
0% at 255. A setting of 0 disables this function.
Function Numbers (Traction)
Function 15 Battery Volts Function 17 Card Type Selection
The EV 100LX system is designed to work on a num- The EV100 controls offer a variety of options within
ber of different voltages. This function tells the card each control type. To minimize cost and add versatility
what voltage battery you are using. Settings for this these optional features are built into all of the cards
function are: for each control type. The Card must be programmed
32 to 44 on 36 Volts to know the options on the truck’s Control System.
45 to 69 on 48 Volts This is done by this Function. If done incorrectly the
Card, in some instances, is able to recognize this
In other words 36 will be 36 volts and 48 will be 48 error and a Status Code indicating a fault will be dis-
volts. There is also a setting which allows a truck to played. However, the Card cannot recognize every
be used on either 36 or 48 volts. This value is from possibility of error.
184-250. The control may be shipped from the factory This does not mean that any EV100 Card can be
at this setting, since at the same time the control is used on any type control. At the end of the GE part
manufactured we do not know which voltage truck it number of the card is a two letter card type designa-
will be installed in. If you want to disable the lift interrupt tion. The designation of a new card must match the
function you can set this value between 251 and 255. one required for your control. Some designations are
Be aware that doing this will also eliminate the battery TX, TT, TK, MK, MX, MT, FX, FT, PT, ZM, ZK, ZP, etc.
state of charge reading on the dash gauge. NEVER set Function Number to a parameter that
is not shown for your lift truck.

Function 18 Steer Pump Time Delay

The steer pump contactor pick up and time delay drop
The following functions have function numbers
out can be set to work either on directional switch clo-
larger than the numbers on the Handset keyboard.
sure or seat switch closure. Card settings from 0 to 128
To access these numbers, think of the CONT key
control seat switch operation and 129 to 255 control
as equal to 15. Push and hold the CONT key plus
directional switch operation.
the additional key number above 15 to total the
The 2EC utilizes steer pump contactor pick up on
required register number.
directional switch closure with drop out occurring 3.5
NOTE: The Seat Switch must be OPEN for seconds after the lever is returned to neutral. The
Function Numbers 16 through 30. contactor will also drop out 1.5 seconds after the seat
switch opens. This function can be adjusted from .5
seconds with a 129 handset value to 63 seconds with
Function 16 Pedal Position Plug a 255 handset value. A setting of 149 would be equal
to 10.5 seconds.
This function allows the operator to control the stop-
If desirable this can also be set to pick up and drop
ping distance during a plug by the position of the
out on seat switch closure. In some operations this
accelerator. If you want a soft plug, lift up on the pedal
may be of benefit. This is often done on other style
and if you want a rapid direction change, push down
trucks where the steer pump is also used for another
on the pedal. The variation in how soft or how severe
function. This function can be adjusted from 1.5
is set with this function adjustment. It sets the plug-
seconds with a 0 handset value to 65 seconds with a
ging from 100 amps at 0 to 930 amps at 255. Each
128 handset value.
handset unit is equal to 3.2 amps. A setting of 20
In both situations each unit on the handset is equal to
would then be 164 amps. When this setting is
.5 seconds.
changed you may have to reset function 5.If for some
reason the customer wants to disable this function it
will not cause any problems. To disable this feature Function 19 Maintenance Code
set the function 16 amps the same as the function
This function allows for the adjustment of time (tens
5 amps.
and units hours–last two places in the hour meter
Example: If standard Function 5 setting is 105 or 530 amps
reading card) a scheduled maintenance is required. It
is only available on the ZX style control. When reading
Set Function 16 at 530 amps or a value of 134. is reached the dash will illuminate a wrench shaped
Function Numbers (Traction)
light. This light will not go out until a new hour meter The FBC is equipped with a premium instrument
reading is programmed into the card which is higher panel, the lift truck can be set to four performance
than the reading we have reached. levels by the operator.
a) Low performance for handling fragile loads.
Function 20 Maintenance Code
b) Medium speed for less consumption of
This function works with Function 19 and sets the battery charge during a work shift.
thousands and hundreds (first two places) in the hour c) Higher performance with higher consumption
meter reading card. of battery charge during a work shift.
d) Maximum lift truck performance with higher
Function 21 Maintenance Speed Limit consumption of battery charge.
This function allows us to restrict truck speed when The register interlocks will not permit a higher perfor-
the maintenance hour meter reading programmed mance level setting toward the slow speeds than the
under Functions 19 & 20 are reached. Some customers adjacent registers toward the faster speeds.
may find it desirable to do this in order to force routine
maintenance to be performed. We can set this from Function 48 Controlled Acceleration Speed Mode 1
100% battery volts (no speed limit) at 0 to 0% at 180.
This is the same as Function 3 Controlled
Each set unit is equal to a .56% speed reduction.
Acceleration except it is only utilized when the dash
button has Speed 1 selected.
Function 28 Fault Code Count Pointer
This function allows us to determine where among the Function 50 Speed Limit Speed Mode 1
possible 16 stored fault codes the last one to occur is This is the same as Function 11 Speed Limit 1 except
located. It provides us a reference number we must it is only utilized when the dash button has Speed 1
compare to a chart to find the stored location of the selected.
last fault code.
Function 52 Controlled Acceleration Speed Mode 2
Function 29 Hour Meter
This is the same as Function 3 Controlled
We are able with the ZX control to change the hour Acceleration except it is only utilized when the dash
meter reading the operator sees on the dash gauge. button has Speed 2 selected.
This function sets the tens and units (last two places)
of the hour meter reading. If a new Control Card is Function 54 Speed Limit Speed Mode 2
installed, the total hours from the old Control Card
must be entered so that the total operating hours of This is the same as Function 12 Speed Limit 2 except
the lift truck is correctly recorded. is only utilized when the dash button has Speed 2 selected.

Function 30 Hour Meter Function 56 Controlled Acceleration Speed Mode 3

This is the same as Function 3 Controlled Acceleration
This function works with Function 29 and sets the
except it is only utilized when the dash button has
thousands and hundreds (first two places) of the hour
Speed 3 selected.
meter reading.
Function 58 Speed Limit Speed Mode 3

FUNCTION NUMBERS 48 THROUGH 60 This is the same as Function 13 Speed Limit 3 except
The following functions have function numbers it is only utilized when the dash button has Speed 3
larger than the numbers on the Handset keyboard. selected.
To access these numbers, think of the CONT key
as equal to 15. Push and hold the CONT key plus Function 60 Controlled Acceleration Speed Mode 4
the additional key number above 15 to total the This is the same as Function 3 Controlled Acceleration
required register number. except it is only utilized when the dash button has
NOTE: The Seat Switch must be CLOSED for Speed 4 selected. This is usually equal to the setting
Function Numbers 48 through 60. we have in Function 3. If it is set higher; then Function
3 will override the setting.

Function Numbers (Traction)

Function 62 Speed Limit Speed Mode 4
This is the same as Function 13 Speed Limit 3 except
it is only utilized when the dash button has Speed 4

Function Settings (Traction Card)

All speed mode settings must be equal to or more aggressive than the previous setting, i.e. speed 2 must be
faster than speed 1 and so forth. If we try to set these speed functions outside the guidelines an error code will
be displayed and we will have to correct the settings for the truck to operate.
Code 80 - Setting is too slow Code 81 - Setting is too fast


2EC15, 18
1 Fault Code N/A N/A
2 Creep Speed 175 7%
3 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 Sec
4 Current Limit 255 N/A
5 Plugging 125 595 Amps
6 1A Drop Out 250 1260 Amps
7 Field Weakening Pick Up 74 170 Amps
8 Field Weakening Drop Out 90 360 Amps
9 Regen Braking Current Limit 145 395 Amps
10 Regen Start 21 7.80%
11 Speed Limit 1 0
12 Speed Limit 2 0
13 Speed Limit 3 / TMM 90 50%
14 Internal Resistance Compensation 25 .91v
15 Battery Voltage 215 36/48
16 Pedal Position Plug 15 148
17 Card Type 42 Standard
18 Steer Pump Time Delay 135 3.5 Sec
19 Maintenance Tens & Units 255 0
20 Maintenance Thousands & Hundreds 2 200
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None
28 N/A
29 Hour Meter N/A
30 Hour Meter N/A
48 Speed Mode 1 C/A & 1A 128 10.9 Sec
50 Speed Mode 1 Top Speed 45 72%
52 Speed Mode 2 C/A & 1A 60 5.1 Sec.
54 Speed Mode 2 Top Speed 45 72%
56 Speed Mode 3 C/A & 1A 41 3.4 Sec.
58 Speed Mode 3 Top Speed 0 No Limit
60 Speed Mode 4 C/A & 1A 31 No Limit
62 Speed Mode 4 Top Speed 0 No Limit
Function Settings (Traction Card)

All speed mode settings must be equal to or more aggressive than the previous setting, i.e. speed 2 must be
faster than speed 1 and so forth. If we try to set these speed functions outside the guidelines an error code will
be displayed and we will have to correct the settings for the truck to operate.
Code 80 - Setting is too slow
Code 81 - Setting is too fast


2EC20, 25, 25E & 30


1 Fault Code 0 N/A
2 Creep Speed 175 7%
3 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 Sec
4 Current Limit 255 N/A
5 Plugging 125 595 Amps
6 1A Drop Out 250 1260 Amps
7 Field Weakening Pick Up 74 170 Amps
8 Field Weakening Drop Out 90 360 Amps
9 Regen Braking Current Limit 145 395 Amps
10 Regen Start 21 7.80%
11 Speed Limit 1 0
12 Speed Limit 2 0
13 Speed Limit 3 / TMM 90 50%
14 Internal Resistance Compensation 25 .91v
15 Battery Voltage 215 36/48
16 Pedal Position Plug 15 148
17 Card Type 42 Standard
18 Steer Pump Time Delay 135 3.5 Sec
19 Maintenance Tens & Units 255 0
20 Maintenance Thousands & Hundreds 2 200
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None
28 N/A
29 Hour Meter N/A
30 Hour Meter N/A
48 Speed Mode 1 C/A & 1A 128 10.9 Sec
50 Speed Mode 1 Top Speed 45 72%
52 Speed Mode 2 C/A & 1A 30 2.6
54 Speed Mode 2 Top Speed 45 72%
56 Speed Mode 3 C/A & 1A 30 2.6
58 Speed Mode 3 Top Speed 0 No Limit
60 Speed Mode 4 C/A & 1A 31 No Limit
62 Speed Mode 4 Top Speed 0 No Limit

Function Settings (Traction Card)

All speed mode settings must be equal to or more aggressive than the previous setting, i.e. speed 2 must be
faster than speed 1 and so forth. If we try to set these speed functions outside the guidelines an error code will
be displayed and we will have to correct the settings for the truck to operate.
Code 80 - Setting is too slow
Code 81 - Setting is too fast


2FB15, 18, 20, 25E & 30 EE Option


1 Fault Code 0 N/A
2 Creep Speed 180 7%
3 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 Sec
4 Current Limit 220 N/A
5 Plugging 130 595 Amps
6 1A Drop Out 250 1260 Amps
7 Field Weakening Pick Up 74 170 Amps
8 Field Weakening Drop Out 90 360 Amps
9 Regen Braking Current Limit 150 395 Amps
10 Regen Start 10 7.80%
11 Speed Limit 1 0
12 Speed Limit 2 0
13 Speed Limit 3 / TMM 90 50%
14 Internal Resistance Compensation 25 .91 volts
15 Battery Voltage 215 36/48
16 Pedal Position Plug 15 148
17 Card Type 42 Standard
18 Steer Pump Time Delay 135 3.5 Sec
19 Maintenance Tens & Units 255 0
20 Maintenance Thousands & Hundreds 2 200
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None
28 N/A
29 Hour Meter N/A
30 Hour Meter N/A
48 Speed Mode 1 C/A & 1A 128 10.9 Sec
50 Speed Mode 1 Top Speed 45 72%
52 Speed Mode 2 C/A & 1A 30 2.6
54 Speed Mode 2 Top Speed 45 72%
56 Speed Mode 3 C/A & 1A 30 2.6
58 Speed Mode 3 Top Speed 0 No Limit
60 Speed Mode 4 C/A & 1A 15 No Limit
62 Speed Mode 4 Top Speed 0 No Limit


Function Set-Up Procedures for

Optional SCR Hydraulics Function Numbers (Pump)
NOTE: THE SEAT SWITCH MUST BE CLOSED TO Function 1 Stored Fault Code (Push 1)
ACCESS ALL FUNCTIONS. This function register contains the last status code
With the Handset connected, hold down the CONT that shut down vehicle operation (PMT type fault that
button while turning on the Key Switch. The Handset is reset by the key switch). This status code will be
will now show the segment checking display. This over written each time a new fault occurs and can be
places you in the set up mode, ready to monitor or cleared from memory by adjusting the value to zero.
adjust control function settings. If a fault code is dis- This register will be cleared when the battery is
played simply push the CONT button to clear. unplugged.
Push down one of the function numbers on the keypad
to check that setting. If for example we push down on Function 2 Internal Resistance
function key ➄ we will see: Compensation Start (Push 2)

Example: U 05 This function allows for the adjustment of the current

level at which the internal resistance compensation
After one second we will see the value which is stored feature (Function 16) will take effect.
under this function: Range 0 to 1325 amps
Example 105 Set 0 to 255
If we need to reset this value, we push again on the Resolution 6.5 amps per set unit
CONT button and the value will blink. The number on
the Handset will no longer be the original value but will Example: Setting of 72 = 130 amps
correspond to the setting the adjustment knob was left at.
Function 3 Controlled Acceleration
We now turn the adjustment knob to the desired setting And 1A Time (Push 3)
(the values will continue to blink). When we reach the This function allows for the adjustment of the rate of
desired setting we push STORE. This value will be time it takes for the control to accelerate to 96% applied
displayed but will no longer be blinking. Next we push battery voltage to the motor on hard acceleration. The
the ESC button and we will get the Segment Check 1A contactor will automatically close .2 seconds after
display again. This indicates we are still in the pro- the controlled acceleration stops and the accelerator
gramming mode. We can continue this process to input is less than .5 volts or less than 50 ohms.
check or set all the functions. Each time you change a Range .1 to 5.5 amps
value you should go back and verify that the setting is Set 0 to 255
correct. The value adjustment range available on the Resolution .021 seconds per set unit
Handset is 0 to 255. However, some functions do not
use the entire range. Example: Setting of 20 = .52 seconds C/A
and .72 seconds 1A time.
There are 15 numbers on the keypad and 18 functions.
For the first 15 functions on the keypad we simply Function 4 Current Limit (Push 4)
need to press the appropriate number. To access
functions 16 through 30 we must press the CONT This function allows for the adjustment of the current
button and the appropriate number on the keypad at limit of the control. The rating of the control will deter-
the same time. mine the range of adjustment for this function. Please
refer to the operating instructions for the control used
Example for function 16: CONT and keypad #1 in your vehicle.
Example for function 18: CONT and keypad #3 Range See control C/L curves
Set 0 to 255

Example: 0 = min. current, 255 = max. current


Function Numbers (Pump) FUNCTION NUMBERS 16 THROUGH 28

Function 7 Internal Resistance The following functions have function numbers
Compensation Rate (Push 7) larger than the numbers on the Handset keyboard.
This function allows for the adjustment of the rate of To access these functions, push the CONT key
time it takes for the control to add the internal resis- and the number shown in the following instructions
tance compensation voltage that is applied to the at the same time.
motor. This function will add .375 volts to the motor at NOTE: The Seat Switch must be OPEN for
the rate of time adjusted until the total IR compensation Function Numbers 16 through 28.
voltage has been added.
Range .0015 to .383 seconds
Set 0 to 255
Function 16 Speed/Torque Compensation
Resolution .0015 seconds per set unit
(Push CONT and 1)
Example: Setting of 20 = .032 seconds This function is used to stabilize pump speed at heavy
loads. The voltage selected will be added to the motor
For example, if you had selected 2.08 volts from at each 100 amp increment starting at the value set in
Function 16 to be added to the motor. This example Function 2. The voltage compensation selected will be
would take .18 seconds to add a total of 2.08 volts. added in increments of .375 volts until the entire voltage
(2.08/.375).032. is added. For example a setting of 2 will be added in
30 steps of .375 volts each whereas, a setting of 4 will
Function 11 Speed Limit 1 (SL1) (Push 11) be added in 15 steps of .375 volts each.
This function allows for the adjustment of the speed
limit (maximum battery volts to the motor) when the
SL1 limit switch input signal is received by the control
card. SL1 limit switch is a normally open switch Setting Voltage Setting Voltage
connected to battery negative, the switch closing Drop Drop
enables speed limit.
Range 0% to 100% battery volts 2 11.44 17 01.34
Set 0 to 255 3 07.60 18 01.27
Resolution .375 volts per set unit 4 05.72 19 01.20
5 04.57 20 01.14
Example: Setting of 50 = .18.75 volts
6 03.81 21 01.09
Function 12 Speed Limit 2 (SL2) (Push 12) 7 03.27 22 01.04
Same as Function 11 except using SL2 limit switch for 8 02.86 23 00.99
input. 9 02.54 24 00.95
10 02.28 25 00.91
Function 13 Speed Limit 3 (SL3) (Push 13)
11 02.08 26 00.88
Same as Function 11 except using SL3 limit switch for 12 01.90 27 00.85
13 01.76 28 00.82
Function 14 Speed Limit 4 (SL4) (Push 14) 14 01.63 29 00.79
15 01.52 30 00.76
Same as Function 11 except using SL4 limit switch for
input. 16 01.43 31 00.74

Function Numbers (Pump)
Function 17 Card Type Selection
This function allows for the selection of the card type The following functions have function numbers
used for your vehicle’s application. The table below larger than the numbers on the Handset keyboard.
shows the setting to select card application type To access these functions, push the CONT key
depending on which control card is used. and the number shown in the following instructions
at the same time.
With Pump Without Pump
NOTE: The Seat Switch must be CLOSED for
Function Ctr/PMT Ctr/PMT
Function Numbers 48 through 62.
STD C/L 0 to 8 36 to 44
High C/L 9 to 17 45 to 53
The following functions (Functions 48 – 62) are mode
BDI (Lockout) 18 to 26 54 to 62
settings that are activated from the display. Each func-
High C/L
tion must be set using the logic table shown below. If
BDI (Lockout) 27 to 35 63 to 71
you try to set the function outside these guidelines, an
error code will be displayed to prompt you to enter the
BDI Lockout means that the BDI signal from the
correct setting.
traction control must be present in order for the pump
controlto operate. This control will stop operation when
If: 80 is displayed – setting is too low
the battery state of charge reaches 10%.
If: 81 is displayed – setting is too high
Setting for these functions should be made in between
the values shown.
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
! WARNING C/A Time => Mode 2 =< Mode 1 =< Mode 2 =< Mode 3
=> Mode 3 => Mode 4
These settings must be changed by authorized SL2 => Mode 2 =< Mode 1 =< Mode 2 =< Mode 2
personnel only, following instructions supplied => Mode 3 => Mode 4
by the manufacturer. Card type selection must SL4 => Mode 2 =< Mode 1 =< Mode 2 =< Mode 3
be made within the capabilities of the SCR => Mode 3 => Mode 4
control panel used and the supporting electro-
mechanical devices. Failure to comply with
Function 48 Mode 1 – Controlled
proper application standards could result in
Acceleration and a 1A Time
misoperation or damage to the control and/or
(Push CONT 1)
This function allows for the adjustment of the rate of
Function 28 Fault Count Pointer time it takes for the control to accelerate to 96% applied
(Push CONT 13) battery voltage to the motor on hard acceleration. The
This register contains the location of the last fault 1A contactor will automatically close .2 seconds after
recorded of the 16 stored status codes. the controlled acceleration stops and the accelerator
input is less than .5 volts or less than 50 ohms. This
To determine which stored status code was the last CA and 1A time takes effect when the Mode 1 set-
one recorded, read the number stored in Function tings are called for by the interactive Dash
28. Using the memory map for your logic card, match Display.
the fault code pointer number [the number shown in
(bold italics) in the HS number column] on the Range .1 to 22.0 amps
memory map, with the number obtained from Set 0 to 255
Function 28. This will be the last fault recorded. Resolution .084 seconds per set unit

Note: When scrolling the fault register, the register Example: Setting of 20 = 1.8 seconds C/A
always starts as Fault 1 and scrolls to Fault 16. and 2.0 1A time.
Function Numbers (Pump)
Function 49 Mode 1 – Speed Limit 2 (SL2) Function 54 Mode 2 – Speed Limit 4 (SL4)
(Push CONT 2) (Push CONT 7)
This function allows for the adjustment of the speed Same as function 50.
limit (maximum battery volts to the motor) when the This Speed Limit (SL4) value takes effect when the
SL2 limit switch input signal is received by the control Mode 2 settings are called for by the interactive
card. SL2 limit switch is a normally open switch con- Dash Display.
nected to battery negative, the switch closing enables
speed limit. This Speed Limit 2 (SL2) takes effect Function 56 Mode 3 – Controlled
when the Mode 1 settings are called for by the Acceleration and a 1A Time
interactive Dash Display. (Push CONT 9)
Same as function 48.
Range 0% to 100% battery volts This CA and 1A time takes effect when the Mode 3
Set 0 to 255 settings are called for by the interactive Dash
Resolution .375 volts per set unit Display.

Example: Setting of 50 = 18.75 volts Function 57 Mode 3 – Speed Limit 2 (SL2)

(Push CONT 10)
Function 50 Mode 1 – Speed Limit 4 (SL4)
(Push CONT 3) Same as function 49.
This Speed Limit (SL2) value takes effect when the
This function allows for the adjustment of the speed Mode 3 settings are called for by the interactive
limit (maximum battery volts to the motor) when the Dash Display.
SL4 limit switch input signal is received by the control
card.. SL4 limit switch is a normally open switch con- Function 58 Mode 3 – Speed Limit 4 (SL4)
nected to battery negative, the switch closing enables (Push CONT 11)
speed limit. This Speed Limit 4 (SL4) takes effect
when the Mode 1 settings are called for by the Same as function 50.
interactive Dash Display. This Speed Limit (SL4) value takes effect when the
Mode 3 settings are called for by the interactive
Range 0% to 100% battery volts Dash Display.
Set 0 to 255
Resolution .375 volts per set unit Function 60 Mode 4 – Controlled
Acceleration and a 1A Time
Example: Setting of 50 = 18.75 volts (Push CONT 13)
Same as function 48.
Function 52 Mode 2 – Controlled This CA and 1A time takes effect when the Mode 4
Acceleration and a 1A Time settings are called for by the interactive Dash
(Push CONT 5) Display.
Same as function 48.
Function 61 Mode 3 – Speed Limit 4 (SL4)
This CA and 1A time takes effect when the Mode 2
(Push CONT 14)
settings are called for by the interactive Dash
Display. Same as function 49.
This Speed Limit (SL2) value takes effect when the
Function 53 Mode 2 – Speed Limit 2 (SL2) Mode 4 settings are called for by the interactive
(Push CONT 6) Dash Display.
Same as function 49.
Function 61 Mode 3 – Speed Limit 4 (SL4)
This Speed Limit (SL2) value takes effect when the
(Push CONT 15)
Mode 2 settings are called for by the interactive
Dash Display. Same as function 50.
This Speed Limit (SL4) value takes effect when the
Mode 4 settings are called for by the interactive
Dash Display.
Function Settings (Pump Card)
(Optional SCR Hydraulics)


2EC15, 18, 20, 25, 25E & 30
1 Fault Code 0 N/A
2 IR Comp Start 255 1325 Amps (Disabled)
3 Controlled Acceleration 60 1.36 Sec
4 Current Limit 255 Max
7 IR Comp Rate 0 Disabled
11 Speed Limit 1 ( Lift 1) 60 N/A
12 Speed Limit 2 (Tilt) 40 N/A
13 Speed Limit 3 (Aux 1) 60 N/A
14 Speed Limit 4 (Lift 2) 255 N/A
16 Speed/Torque Comp 14 1.63 Volts
17 Card Type 30 BDI with PMT
22 Speed Mode On/Off 0 Off
48 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
49 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
50 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
52 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
53 Speed Mode 2 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
54 Speed Mode 2 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
56 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
57 Speed Mode 3 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
58 Speed Mode 3 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
60 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
61 Speed Mode 4 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
62 Speed Mode 4 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A

Function Settings (Pump Card)
(Optional SCR Hydraulics)


2EC15, 18, 20, 25, 25E & 30
1 Fault Code 0 N/A
2 IR Comp Start 255 1325 Amps (Disabled)
3 Controlled Acceleration 60 1.36 Sec
4 Current Limit 205 Max
7 IR Comp Rate 0 Disabled
11 Speed Limit 1 ( Lift 1) 60 N/A
12 Speed Limit 2 (Tilt) 40 N/A
13 Speed Limit 3 (Aux 1) 15 N/A
14 Speed Limit 4 (Lift 2) 255 N/A
16 Speed/Torque Comp 14 1.63 Volts
17 Card Type 22 BDI with PMT
22 Speed Mode On/Off 0 Off
48 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
49 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
50 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
52 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
53 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
54 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
56 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
57 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
58 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A
60 Speed Mode 1 C/A 60 5.04 Sec.
61 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 40 N/A
62 Speed Mode 1 Speed Limit 4 255 N/A


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