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Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal progenitors

are a suitable and effective drug discovery model for neurological
mtDNA disorders
Jonas Walter1*, Sarah Louise Nickels2*, Jens Christian Schwamborn2
Braingineering Technologies SARL, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg; 2University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine,
Belvaux, Luxembourg
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Prof. Dr. Jens Christian Schwamborn. Université du Luxembourg LCSB-Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, 6 Avenue
du Swing L-4362 Belvaux, Luxembourg. Email: jens.schwamborn@uni.lu.
Provenance: This is an invited Editorial commissioned by Editor-in-Chief Zhizhuang Joe Zhao (Pathology Graduate Program, University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA).
Comment on: Lorenz C, Lesimple P, Bukowiecki R, et al. Human iPSC-derived neural progenitors are an effective drug discovery model for
neurological mtDNA disorders. Cell Stem Cell 2017;20:659-74.e9.

Received: 23 October 2017; Accepted: 15 November 2017; Published: 28 December 2017.

doi: 10.21037/sci.2017.11.08
View this article at: http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/sci.2017.11.08

Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles of disease relevant tissues (8), and possess incompatible
endosymbiotic origin (1). Mitochondria are critically metabolic and bioenergetic states (1). Different cell types
involved in cellular homeostasis and need to be tightly and subtypes strongly differ in their bioenergetic demands.
controlled to maintain normal cellular function (2). Simplified, stem cells rather rely on glycolysis more than on
Malfunctioning mitochondria can interfere with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). In
cellular homeostasis in multiple ways (3). Consequently, contrast, during commitment and differentiation especially
mitochondria have been associated with diverse diseases, cells from the neuronal lineage increasingly address their
including neurological and neurodegenerative disorders (4). bioenergetic demands by using OXPHOS for energy
Among those diseases, a group of severe disorders is generation (9).
directly associated with specific mutagenesis of the Motivated by these limitations, Prigione and colleagues
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (5,6). Thus, despite the reached out to find a new, more advanced, and highly
fact that most mitochondrial genes are encoded in the relevant human model for mtDNA-associated diseases (10).
nucleus, mutagenesis of the mtDNA can have severe With the advent of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
outcomes. Hence, the status of the mtDNA is of crucial it became possible to derive patient-specific cell types,
relevance for normal cellular function (7). Several studies which can be used for in vitro disease modeling (11).
revealed that modeling and targeting mtDNA related iPSCs based in vitro disease modeling aims at revealing the
diseases is experimentally extremely challenging. Therefore, disease underlying molecular mechanisms in order to gain
the modeling of human mtDNA disorders is often a deeper understanding of the pathophysiological aspects
based on so-called cybrid models (cytoplasmic hybrids), of disorders, finally resulting in the emergence of potential
combining immortalized cells and the particular patient’s drug targets. Consequently, iPSC-based models bear great
mitochondria. These models were able to recapitulate potential for the discovery of novel treatment strategies (12).
the influence of patient specific mitochondria on cellular In particular, for neural diseases iPSC-technologies
physiology, but unfortunately, cybrid models have limited revolutionized the availability and accessibility of the disease
physiological relevance. Cybrid models lack the patient- relevant material.
specific genetic background, are not suitable for modeling Here, Prigione and colleagues, applied for the first time

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iPSC techniques for modeling a mtDNA associated disease outcome of a differentiation is bearing certain variability.
and derived patient-specific iPSCs from Leigh syndrome Prigione and colleagues first characterized the derived
patients (13). Since iPSC-based models were never used for iPSCs used in this study and further demonstrated that these
modeling mtDNA disease before, the authors performed are able to give rise to NPCs. The commitment of NPCs to
thoroughly validation steps. Importantly, inducing the neural lineage was confirmed by immunofluorescence
pluripotency in somatic cells bears pitfalls for modeling staining and calcium signaling analyses. At the same
mtDNA diseases, the cellular reprogramming is not only time, NPCs remained electrophysiological inactive
resetting the potency of the cells but also extensively and consequently non-neuronal. Further, the authors
remodels the cells’ metabolism and mitochondria (14,15). performed transcriptional analyses and demonstrate the
In addition, the conventional reprogramming process high similarity of the generated NPCs to other published
starts from somatic cells and includes clonal expansion. NPC variants. In this context the authors confirmed that
Clonal expansion is bearing the likelihood of an enrichment the NPC transcriptome, indeed, overlaps the most with
of highly mutagenic mtDNAs during mitochondrial the transcriptional state reported for the early embryonic
inheritance due to the presence of heteroplasmy of neurodevelopment (20) emphasizing the physiological
mtDNA. This bottleneck could potentially result in the validity of the NPC model.
expansion of a pool of cells carrying a variety of additional, After successful and thorough characterization of the
not disease-relevant mtDNA mutations, aggravating iPSCs and the derived NPC model, Prigione and colleagues
the identification of pathophysiological mechanisms (6). continued and assessed the metabolic status in the NPC
Another question that arises during an iPSC-based disease model. In particular, the authors validated the mitochondrial
modeling is the selection of the most relevant cell type microstructural remodeling taking place during the
available for modeling the particular disease. Prigione derivation of NPCs and confirmed a high similarity to
and colleagues decided to utilize neural progenitor cells neurons and dissimilarity to immature mitochondria in
(NPCs) for modeling the impact of Leigh syndrome on iPSCs. In addition to structural remodeling, the authors
normal neurodevelopment (16). The use of iPSC derived also confirmed a bioenergetic shift of NPCs towards
neural stem cells for modeling neurological diseases has neurons rather than iPSCs; this is specifically prominent
been extensively reviewed before (17,18). In this study, the in the downregulation of glycolytic activity. Next, and
authors demonstrate that NPCs represent a physiologically most importantly, Prigione and colleagues were able to
relevant cellular model for neurological mtDNA disorders. validate that NPCs, despite potential pitfalls during the
Accordingly, Prigione and colleagues dedicate the reprogramming and clonal expansion processes, retain the
first part of their manuscript to the characterization and disease-specific mtDNA mutation pattern. In particular,
validation of the applicability of iPSC-based NPCs for the authors describe the preservation of the spectrum of the
mtDNA disease modeling. The authors describe the D310 tract hyperplasmy in the hypervariable region (57–372)
derivation of the pool of iPSCs used throughout the of the D-loop. Due to the continuous advancement of
study. The authors further characterized and validated reprogramming techniques, the authors used iPSCs that
the neural identity of their neural precursor cell model. were generated by different techniques. However, in the
NPCs were derived from iPSCs using a small molecules context of the mtDNA analyses the authors were able to
based derivation protocol, which represents a robust, cost- demonstrate that the preservation of mtDNA patterns is
efficient and highly defined patterning strategy (16,19). The independent of the iPSC derivation technique.
NPCs are reminiscent of the early neural tube development After these model validation steps Prigione and colleagues
and retain the differentiation potential into all cell types of continued with the derivation and characterization of a pool
the central nervous system (16). Apart from their disease of Leigh syndrome specific NPCs. In a first step, the authors
specific relevance NPCs in comparison to iPSCs are easier focus on ATP-related plasma membrane resting potential,
to handle, cheaper in their maintenance, and already proliferation, and mitochondria specific reactive oxygen
committed to the neural lineage. Specifically, the neural phenotypes. They demonstrate that NPCs retain Leigh
commitment is important for studying the recapitulation syndrome specific pathogenicity in comparison to specific
of the disease relevant neural alterations. The advantage cybrids and parental fibroblasts. Further, the authors based
of neural progenitor cultures over neuronal differentiation their mitochondria related phenotyping on the assessment
cultures is clearly their high definition and purity, while the of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Using

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MMP analysis, the authors verify a hyperpolarization of Acknowledgements

mitochondria in association with the Leigh syndrome.
A subsequent transcriptional analysis revealed calcium
signaling pathway related genes as differently regulated,
a phenotype that is conserved between fibroblasts, iPSCs, Footnote
and NPCs. Among the differently regulated calcium
Conflicts of Interest: JW is employee of the biotech company
signaling genes specifically LETM1, VDAC3, ATP50 were
Braingineering Technologies SARL. JCS is co-founder and
strongly altered between control and Leigh syndrome
CSO of Braingineering Technologies SARL. The other
NPCs. Consequently, the authors applied calcium-imaging
author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
analysis to assess the pathophysiological impact of the
disease associated transcriptional changes. Thereby they
verified the negative impact of the transcriptional changes References
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doi: 10.21037/sci.2017.11.08
Cite this article as: Walter J, Nickels SL, Schwamborn
JC. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal
progenitors are a suitable and effective drug discovery model for
neurological mtDNA disorders. Stem Cell Investig 2017;4:101.

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