A Closer Look at The Cosmetics Industry and The Role of Marketing Translation
A Closer Look at The Cosmetics Industry and The Role of Marketing Translation
A Closer Look at The Cosmetics Industry and The Role of Marketing Translation
otics) in terms such as biomolecular now to MP3s. aging, genetic aging, and even myo-
eye serum, microtechnology bio active One former cosmetic neologism we aging (a customized term invented by
foundation, pro-collagen cream, may not recognize given its widespread L’Oreal for the launch of its Myokine
microsmoothing face serum, and a use is moisturizer. More recent line of skin care).
bio-stimulating night cream with coinages include crepiness, Botox-like,
microlift.3 cosmeceuticals, nanoparticulate, and Creative Compounding
skin restorer. And how about crow’s feet Creative compounding is another
Coining New Terminology wrinkles, worry lines, laugh lines, mar- form of new word formation that is
New word formations are a natural ionette lines, and oral commissures? highly prevalent in the language of
consequence of innovation. Scientific These are all terms formed specifically cosmetics, particularly in the form of
discoveries require the coining of new to denote types of lines and wrinkles for adjectives. Examples of compounded
terms to describe them just as techno- use in cosmetic surgery and beauty care words forming new meanings include
logical breakthroughs in all other indus- lingo. As cosmetic science explored the skin-tensing, body-enhancing, figure-
tries spawn new vocabulary in a similar mechanism of skin aging in greater slimming, lipids-replenishing, radi-
way. In many ways, exploring the world detail, the language of cosmetics was ance-boosting, pore-clarifying, and
of cosmetics is not any different from similarly enriched with extrinsic/ acne-prone. Most of these adjectives
making the journey from phonograph intrinsic aging, photoaging, premature turn out to be verbal adjectives. In fact,
records to cassette tapes, to CDs, and aging, chronological aging, biological as a general rule, verbs and verbal ·
adjectives are extensively used in cos- because they refer to making improve- guage that can be understood by an
metic copy to help underline product ments, and that is exactly what cosmetic average consumer (this could be
activity and results. Consumers do not products are selling. referred to as intralingual translation).
buy so much the product as the benefits Later, in a second phase, the translator
and results it can provide, and verbs are Catchphrases and Buzzwords steps in to perform an interlingual act
all about action. Consequently, all types Catchphrases and buzzwords are of translation aimed at a culturally
of written and oral communication also used to construct sales pitches separate population. This two-tiered
about cosmetic products is packed with carefully. They follow market trends translation process, however, implies
verbs. and reflect continually changing con- quite clearly that the translator be
knowledgeable about scientific rami-
fications and nuances at each level of
communication. In addition, transla-
The language of cosmetics is the industry-specific tors in this field must call on creative
resources to comply with the purpose
jargon used to define and sell products to consumers. of the message they are translating.
This will ultimately sell the product.
A lot of these verbs follow an “up” sumer demands. For example, peace 1. “A Study of the European Cos-
and “down” movement, whereby one and relaxation are at the forefront of metics Industry.” (Global Insight
group is intended to express the idea of consumer concerns today, paving the Inc., October 2007), final report
reducing the damage to the skin (e.g., way for buzzwords such as renewal, prepared for European Commis-
wrinkles, sagging, puffiness, or more refreshing, nourishing, invigorating, sion, Directorate General for
underlying collagen depletion) and the effortless, rejuvenating, youth-enhan- Enterprise and Industry, http://ec.
other the notion of improving the skin’s cing, and replenishing. Buzzwords europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/
natural capital (e.g., youthfulness, elas- used to present products as glamorous document.cfm?action=display&do
ticity, firmness). So, on the one hand, high-end status items include pre- c_id=4561&userservice_id=1.
we will see such terms as eliminate, mium, prestige, luxury, chic, opulent,
reduce, diminish, minimize, remove, premiere, and exclusive. Products 2. Maddox, Kate. “Many Sectors to
reverse, correct, soften, relax, and, on backed by science will be described Boost Ad Spending.” B to B online
the other, we will see boost, enhance, with such terms revolutionary, inno- (July 14, 2008), www.btobonline.
stimulate, invigorate, optimize, ener- vative, breakthrough, high-perform- com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/2
gize, and brighten. In short, a product is ance, technologically advanced, 0080714/FREE/148874127/1150/I
defined by how it can eliminate the neg- potent, patented, and dramatic/spec- SSUENEWS.
ative and enhance the positive. tacular results.4
In English, verbs with the prefix re-, 3. Singer, Natasha. “Buying Face
meaning repetition or modification with In Conclusion: Cream? Grab a Glossary.” The
intention to produce a better result, are A Two-Step Approach New York Times (October, 2008),
one of the sub-groups of verbs often Of course, none of the terms dis- www.nytimes.com/2008/10/02/fas
used in cosmetics: rebuild the cutaneous cussed here are used randomly. They hion/02skin.html?pagewanted=all.
barrier; restore elasticity; restructure are part of a carefully constructed,
cellular cement; replenish moisture finely-tuned message intended to 4. “Buzz Words That Sell.” GCI
reserves; renew the skin’s youthfulness; “translate” technological expertise to Magazine (Pierce Matty Publi-
rejuvenate, reactivate the night-time make it more consumer friendly. And cations, May 27, 2008), www.gci
repair process; retexturize, refinish, and herein lies one of the interesting magazine.com/business/marketing/
refine the skin’s surface; regenerate aspects of translating cosmetic copy. 19293699.html.
damaged cells; rebalance the skin’s The process of translation takes place
deep hydration; and redesign facial con- on two levels. First, the core science
tours. These verbs are important is reworded by marketers into a lan-
Eric S. Bullington is an ATA-certified French→English freelance Agnes Meilhac is a graduate of Ecole Supérieure d’Interprètes et
translator, specializing in biomedical and pharmaceutical transla- de Traducteurs in Paris, where she earned a degree in translation.
tion. Prior to becoming a translator, he received a master’s degree She has an MA in German literature from the University of
in public health and worked as a health researcher. He maintains Pennsylvania, and an MA in French literature from New York
his ties to the public health field by volunteering with his local University. In 1997, she started working full-time as a freelance
branch of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and serving on the translator in Paris, specializing in the cosmetics and beauty care
branch’s steering committee. In 2009, he represented the MRC industry. Over the past 13 years, she has translated for many
on the South Carolina Pandemic Influenza Ethics Task Force. leading companies in the field. She is also the editor of the
Contact: [email protected]. Gotham Translator , the newsletter of the New York Circle of
Translators. Contact: [email protected]:
Ewandro Magalhães is a conference [email protected].
interpreter with nearly 20 years of
experience. He is a contractor with the Barry Olsen is a professor at the Monterey Institute of
U.S. Department of State, the International Studies, where he is chair of the conference interpre-
International Monetary Fund, the World tation program. He is a member of the International Association of
Bank, the Organization of American Conference Interpreters. Contact: [email protected].
States, the Pan-American Health
Organization, and the International George Rimalower is founder,
Criminal Court. He has a Master’s in Conference Interpretation from president, and chief executive officer
the Monterey Institute of International Studies, where he is an of Los Angeles-based ISI Language
adjunct professor. He is the author of Sua Majestade, o Intérprete - Services. He is certified as an inter-
O Fascinante Mundo da Tradução Simultânea (Parábola Editorial, preter by the State of California. A
São Paulo). He is an active member of The American Association of native Spanish-speaker, he was edu-
Language Specialist. Contact: [email protected]. cated in Argentina and the U.S. He
speaks English, Spanish, and German.
Contact: [email protected].
April 201
Volume XX 0
A Publica 4
of the