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Determiners Exercise

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Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ ‘an’ or ‘the’:

1. ………… auditorium has been built in our school.

2. Honesty is ……………….. best policy.
3. The Ganges is ……………….. holy river.
4. Hari is ………………… honourable man.
5. I saw ……….. one-eyed sailor.
6.  …………. sun is bigger than ……………….. earth.
7. ………..umbrella is ………………. useful thing.
8. This is ……………….. first time I have visited ……………….. big city.
9. This car can be driven at ……………….. speed of 180 kilometres ………………..
10. Mount Everest is ……………….. highest peak in ……………….. Himalayas.


Fill in the blanks with suitable Demonstrative/Possessive Determiners—this, that,

these, those, my, our, your, his, her, their, one’s:

1. He is a good boy ………… father is a doctor.

2. Aditi wants me to lend her ………….. car.
3. All ………….. mangoes are rotten.
4. The child has broken ………….. toy.
5. Would you like to have    book or ………….. one?
6. Are there any girls in ………….. class?
7. What was ………….. noise?
8. The gardener waters ………….. plants every day.
9.   ………….. boys will soon join us.
10. Who is ………….. fellow?


Fill in the blanks with Numeral Determiners—one, two, some, any, little, few, all, both,
much, many, several, etc.:

1. How ………….. money do you want?

2. Have you read ………….. stories?
3. I have read………….. short stories in Hindi but only …………..   in English.
4. I read the letter again and noticed that there were………….. mistakes in it.
5. How ………….. milk do you take every day?
6. There are………….. countries in the world where population is not growing fast.
7. Would you lend me your watch for ………….. days?
8. Do you have …………. complaint against the clerk?
9. There are ………….. eggs in the basket, but there isn’t ………….. butter.
10. …………..  care could have prevented the accident.
11. ………….. of the boys has broken this window pane.
12. I have already spent the ………….. rupees you gave me.
13. ………….. the husband and wife are members of this club.
14. ………….. the customers insisted that the shopkeeper must provide them full
15. The story was published in ………….. the local newspapers.

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

1. There was  ………….. accident near …………. central market this

morning.  ………….. car hit  ………….. scooter and ………….. man on  ………….. 
scooter was killed.
2.  …………..postman put  ………….. letter under  …………..  front door just  …………..
hour after you had left.
3. A cup of tea may seem  ………….. ordinary thing to  ………….. of us in India. But
drinking tea is  ………….. ritual which is taken very seriously in  ………….. Japanese
4.  ………….. king fought bravely but he was defeated by  …………..
enemies.  ………….. defeated warrior left  ………….. battlefield and hid himself
in  ………….. is cave.
5.  ………….. people came to  ………….. site where the revolutionary general was to be
hanged. When asked if he had  …………..  desire,  ………….. smile ran on  …………..
dry Ups and he nodded his head.
6. It was  ………….. grand occasion for  …………..  children  …………..  of them had
won prizes and  …………..  parents felt proud  ………….. of them introduced their
parents to their teachers.
7. Game hunting was  ………….. favourite pastime of ………….. officers of  …………..
British Raj. This resulted in decrease in  ………….. number of animals in  …………..
wild. Recent environmental degradation and destruction of natural habitats of wild
animals have pushed them to  ………….. brink of extinction.


Complete the following dialogues using suitable determiners:

1. Ruchika : want some sugar

Shopkeeper : ………………………………………………………….. ?
2. Ruchika : I require 10 kg.
Shopkeeper : Sorry, I don’t have ………………………………. .
3. Ruchika : Then, you may give a little less.
Shopkeeper : There …………………………………………………………..
4. Ruchika : OK, then give me . ……………………………. .
Shopkeeper : I’ll give you the little quantity I’ve got.
5. Ruchika : Please give me some vegetable oil.
Shopkeeper : ………………………………………………………….. ?
6. Ruchika : I need only 5 kg.
Shopkeeper : You may have ………………………………..
7. Ruchika : I think 5 kg will be enough for  ………………………………..
Shopkeeper : By the way, ………………………………..  are there in your family?
8. Ruchika :  ……………………………….. Only I and my mom.
Shopkeeper :  ……………………………….. , madam?
9. Ruchika : I think, I will have    potato chips/wafers
Shopkeeper :  …………………………….. fresh arrivals over there.
10. Ruchika    :  …………………………….. money should I pay?
Shopkeeper : Two hundred rupees only.


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: (a, an, the, some, yours, much etc.)
Two friends meet in their school canteen. They are going to have their lunch.
Namit : You can share my lunch and I’ll share (a) ……………………. .
Vipul : Oh, that’ll be nice. I’ll have (b) ………………… good things to eat.
Namit : I’am afraid. I don’t have (c) ……………………. . to eat. There are only two
sandwiches and (d) ……………………. .      apple. Here’s your sandwich. And you can
take half (e) ……………………. apple.
Vipul : Thanks. They look delicious. I have four puries and some pickle.
We can have two puries each. And we will order for (f) …………………… . drink. What
would you like tea or coffee ?
Namit : I’ll have tea.
Vipul : So shall I.
2. Complete the following passage by filling in suitable determiners:
My aunt lived on (a) ………………….. ground floor of (b) ………………….. old house
on (c) ………………….. river Thames. She was afraid of burglars and always locked
up (d) ………………….. house carefully before going to bed. She also took precaution
of looking under (e) ………………….. bed to see if (f) ………………….. burglar was
hiding there.
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
(a) ………………….  abbreviation is (b)………………….     shortened form of (c)
………………….     word or a group of words. It is used to save time and space (d)
………………….     abbreviations are also used while speaking. Most of (e)
………………….     dictionaries include (f)………………….    list of commonly used
4. Complete the passage with suitable determiners:
My friend lived on (a)………………….   first floor of (b)  ………………….  recently
renovated old house on (c)  ………………….    river Beas. She was afraid of burglars
and always locked up (d)            house carefully before going to bed. She also took
precaution of looking under (e)………………….     bed to see if (f) …………………. 
burglar was hiding there.
5. Complete the following passage with suitable determiners:
I have met (a) ………………….     people in my life but (b) ………………….     man
who has influenced me (c) ………………….     most is Mother Teresa. To me she has
been (d) ………………….  symbol of true religion (e) ………………….  people can do
what she has done. If we adopt (f) ………………….  ideology, the world would become
a better place to live in.
6. Fill in the blanks with determiners:
(a) …………………. entire polling station seemed to be (b) ………………….     huge
mass of humanity. It was (c) ………………….  public holiday (d) ………………….  old
man insisted on talking to (e)………………….  polling officer. He refused to show (f)
…………………. identity slip.
7. Complete the following passage with suitable determiners:
All religions have (a) ………………….     common goal. (b) …………………. religion
when followed faithfully, leads to God. (c) …………………. should be free to
follow (d) …………………. faith one believes in. There should not
be (e) ………………….       compulsion. Tolerance should be (f) ………………….
guiding principle.
8. Complete the following passage with suitable determiners:
Our Principal is (a)  …………………. man of honesty and integrity. He does not
accept (b) …………………. gifts from students, teachers or parents.
On (c) ………………….  occasion of (d)………………….     Children’s Day, he was
rewarded (e)………………….     students for (f)………………….  honesty.
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
In my childhood, the teacher never appeared in public without (a) …………………. 
cane in hand. I used to think that one’s guru was bom clutching (b) …………………. 
cane in his right hand while (c) …………………. left held (d)………………….      pinch
of snuff between (e)………………….  thumb and forefinger. He
took (f) ………………….     deep inhalation before proceeding to fluck the cane on my
10. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
(a)    There are (i) ………………….  broken chairs in (ii) ………………….   farthest
corner of (iii) …………………. room.
(b)    There is (i) ………………….  egg on this plate and (ii) ………………….  dirty
marks on (iii)  …………………. table cloth

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