Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Seminar Report
Search Engine Optimization, widely known in the web world as SEO. Search engine
optimization is the process of making ones website content more search engine friendly to attract
traffic by designing site using specific keywords at most important places for search engine.
There are many websites having quality content and very attractive to the visitors but not able to
get top positions in search engine result pages. This can be due to not using keywords to
important places so search engines do not consider these websites important to the visitors. There
are lots of things that influence ranking of a website in the search engine. So in order to make
your website appear on search engine result pages you need to learn SEO.
Today there are very few major search engines which consider Meta keywords as
important; Yahoo is one of them although importance is minimal. No one can tell you the exact
algorithm for any search engine its there trade secret. But there are little area which all the search
engine finds important. Placing keywords in this area can give any website higher Page ranking
in Search engine result pages. So here are some SEO tips that can help you in optimization.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of rules and techniques aimed at improving the SERP
rank of the web pages of a website. SEO is a part of Internet Marketing. About 60% of the
searches done in the search engine are unique. And now-a-days the usage of search engines has
increased a lot. So we optimize our web pages in the search engine.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting a websites visibility on the search
engines results pages (SRPs) for a target set of keywords/key phrases.
Searching online has become part of the everyday lives of most people. Whether to look for
information about the latest gadget to getting directions to a popular restaurant, most people have
made search engines part of their daily routine. Beyond trivial applications, search engines are
increasingly becoming the sole or primary source directing people to essential information. For
this reason, search engines occupy “a prominent position in the online world”; they have made it
easier for people to find information among the billions of web pages on the Internet. Due to the
large number of websites, search engines have the complex task of sorting through the billions of
Most people are not using traditional guides to “brick and mortar” businesses such as the Yellow
Pages anymore. If businesses are not adapting to the rapid changes taking place in the Internet,
they’re destined to become non-existent. Appearing on the first page of Google can make or
break a business. According to one source, “SEO generates around 78% of site traffic” to
websites, increasing traffic by a factor of 3. As the Internet continues to grow, SEO techniques
will become essential, as will increased research into these techniques. Google has transitioned
from a novelty used by small group of technical insiders to an essential link in the process by
which customers and business locate each other. Figure 2 gives a general idea of the critical role
search engines play between searchers and websites. In this example, Google is the critical link
that connects searchers to different websites and helps them find information. Or in the case of
businesses, Google connects potential clients to businesses.
Search engine is a tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web. Search
Engines use keywords entered by the users to find Web sites which contain the information
sought. Major Search Engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL etc.
2.1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques for Visibility of Web Resources
Since its inception, the World Wide Web has seen a growing number of web search engine users
and the proliferation of websites and web pages. Web page visibility has always been at the
forefront in the design and implementation of web search engines. When tuning web pages to
improve their visibility on the web, various techniques are adopted depending on the type and
nature of the information being shared, as well as the kind of business or commercial activity the
web page owners are involved in. Commercial organizations often want to increase the visibility
of their web pages so that they can reach a wider audience in order to make their businesses
successful. They are prepared to pay web search engines’ owners to favor their web pages by
displaying them at the top of search engine results. Organizations without the means to pay for
such services are disadvantaged, therefore major web search engines, such as Google, provide
alternative means of enhancing the visibility of web resources. Search results obtained in such a
manner are categorized as “organic”. SEO techniques are recommended for improved visibility
of web resources in the organic search category. They are meant to enhance the indexing process
of web pages by search engines.
There is currently little work in academic literature that discusses SEO techniques. The majority
of information is available in non-academic platforms such as blogs, online discussion forums,
websites and anecdotes . The four main SEO techniques are keyword research, indexing, on-site
optimization and off-site optimization . On-site optimization consists of techniques applied to
web pages in order to enhance their online visibility. For example, libraries employ on-site
optimization techniques by duplicating online information about library resources as web pages
that can be crawled and indexed to ultimately be searchable by web search engines; this resolves
the invisibility of online library resources. We follow a similar approach in this article by
duplicating geoportal content (information about geospatial data) in web pages, which are
discoverable by web search engines. Two studies (part I and part II) are among the few scientific
The adoption of the vocabulary had a major influence on SEO. provides
a generic set of vocabularies to annotate text content in HTML web pages, thereby infusing
semantics into the web page, i.e., crawlers can “understand” a web page marked up with Major search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex, have endorsed and support it . provides a number of themes (types) according to which
the web page content can be categorized. Categories include products, people, organizations,
places, events, cooking recipes, etc. The vocabulary is embedded in the page content
following certain encoding standards (mark up languages), such as microformat, RDFa or
microdata. In this research, microdata is used. Dublin Core provides a standard set of elements
for describing digital resources on the Internet . It has gained wide popularity due to its
international and multidisciplinarity. Over the years, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
(DCMI) has received criticism due to its inadequacy for describing complex resources and lack
of detailed criteria in terms of how elements should be used in the context of local (custom)
specific applications; geospatial applications are such an example. Much of the criticism hailed
from the library community . A criticism of concern to our study is that major web search
engines do not consider Dublin Core metadata embedded in web pages . Such an assertion has
been neither explicitly confirmed nor denied by web search engine owners. For example, Google
supports certain HTML meta tags elements such as title, description and charset ; these are also
three Dublin Core elements. The statistical results showed that there was a difference in web
search visibility between the two sets of pages: in five cases, pages with Dublin Core metadata
outperformed those without metadata, for one search engine the difference was not significant,
and for another the reverse was true: pages without metadata outperformed those with Dublin
Core metadata. The study shows that indexing and retrieval algorithms of web search engines
handle Dublin Core metadata dif
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting a websites visibility on the search
engines results pages (SRPs) for a target set of keywords/key phrases.
The higher the position of a webpage on the organic search results pages, the more visible the
page will be.
Brand awareness– A web site having a high ranking means more people see the name
of the company and become familiar with the company and its products, even if they
haven’t made a purchase.
Targeted traffic– Search engine optimization brings paying customers to your door step.
The customers that SEO services bring you are long for your products/services as they
have entered your websites keywords/phrases into the search engines.
Your competitors– Keeping ahead of your competition in the organic search results
can help boost the perceived position of your company in your market place.
Search Engine is a software system which is designed to search the information on the Web.
Google Search Engine is the most used search engines among the all search engines on the web.
Search Engine performs several activities in order to deliver search results like, Crawling,
Indexing, Processing, Calculate Relevancy and Retrieving.
1. Crawling: Search Engine crawl’s the web to check what is there. Crawling is the discovery
process in which search engines send out a team of robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find
new and updated content. Content can vary — it could be a webpage, an image, a video, a PDF,
etc. — but regardless of the format, content is discovered by links.
2. Indexing: After the crawling, next step is to index its contents. The indexed page is stored in
the database, from where it can be retrieved later. Search engine indexing collects, parses, and
stores data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval. Index design incorporates
interdisciplinary concepts from linguistics, cognitive psychology, mathematics, informatics,
physics and computer science. An alternate name for the process in the context of search engines
designed to find web pages on the Internet is Web indexing. The purpose of storing an index is to
optimize speed and performance in finding relevant documents for a search query. Without an
index, the search engine would scan every document in the corpus, which would require
considerable time and computing power.
4. Calculate Relevancy: There may be more than millions of web pages that contain the search
string, the search engine calculates the relevancy of each of the web pages in its index.
5. Retrieving: Retrieving has been just to display the result in the browser
Search Engine Optimization is the practice of building a web site search engine friendly, so that
it can be found easily on the search engine with its relevant keywords. Keyword is most
Natural way of getting top ranking in SERP(search engine result page) without paying any
amount to search engines for the placements . This is more preferable and trustworthy method of
securing high rank on SERP.
Inorganic Results
Paid services such as PPC Pay Per Click, banner ads, classifieds etc. The service is very
expensive. But those who wants immediate results, they can go for inorganic service/ search
engine marketing.
As the colors of the types of search engine optimization suggest, there are stark differences in the
approach and long-term result of white hat and black hat search engine optimization. Through
both types of SEO have their proponents, most companies/ websites with long-term, stable, and
sustainable goals with tend to stay away from the dark colored variety.
White hat SEO is ethical SEO. Its SEO techniques that search engines accept. White hat SEO
techniques are beneficial for site visitors as well as for search engines. The goal of white hat
SEO is to improve search engine result positions via method that won’t cause search engines to
penalize the site.
Always follow a White Hat SEO tactic and do not try to fool your site visitors. Be honest and
you will definitely get something more.
Black hat SEO is the use of techniques that are acceptable to search engines to boost a page’s
position in search result. These techniques are intended to trick search engines into giving pages
They work until search engines find out about them and they don’t work.
Some people don’t understand that black hat SEO techniques can get their sites penalized
by or banned from search engines.
Even if search engine can’t detect the black hat SEO techniques, competitions of sites that
employ black hat SEO techniques can spot them and do report them to search engines. Some
black hat SEO techniques includes: link spam, keyword stuffing, clonking, hidden text, and
hidden links. Quick, unpredictable and short-lasting growth in rankings.
An SEO tactic is considered as black hat or spamdexing if it has the following features:
Attempting ranking improvements that are disapproved by the search engines and /or
involve deception.
Redirecting users to a judge that is built for search engine to one that is more human
Redirecting user to a page that was different from the page the search engine ranked.
Serving one version of a page to search engine spiders/ bots and another version to
human visitors. This is called cloaking SEO tactic.
Using hidden and invisible text or with the page background color, using a tiny font size
or hiding tem within the HTML code such as “no frame” section.
Repeating keywords in the META tag, and using keywords that are unrelated to the
website content. This is called META tag stuffing.
Calculated placement of keywords within a page to raise the keyword count, variety, and
density of page. This is called keyword stuffing.
Creating low-quality web pages that contain very little content but are instead stuffed
with very similar keywords and phrases. These pages are called doorway or gateway
Gray hat SEO is SEO techniques that take more risks than white hat SEO techniques but aren't
likely to get your site banned from search engines(although a search engine penalty could
result). They' requisition able SEO techniques but not in the same category as black hat SEO
techniques. However, what's considered gray hat SEO today might be black hat SEO next year.
It’s cost-effective. You don't have to pay the search engine to be "advertised". At this
point in time is when you have to pay for almost everything ; it's good to know that there
are still some things which are free. The best part is that you can use this to your benefits,
such as the simulative effect of the sale of your business.
If well ranked, has your company greater chance at becoming visible around the world,
while you stay at home .Internet is an effective marketing tool. It is actually the market
place itself with numerous potential clienteles. However, there is no guarantee that your
business will boom immediately but it sure will, little by little.
Once your website gets a good place, you some how your reputation as one of the
best. This implies that some how you are properly valued in the SEO community. In
reality, which ranked first in their field are perceived to be really good. They are even
Google Webmaster Tools is a no-charge web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to
check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. It has tools that let the webmasters:
1. See how search engine robots analyze your or your competitors web site.
2. Receive tips on how to improve your Meta Tags.
3. Check the keywords used on the page and find the keyword density
4. Check web server operating system where site is hosted.
5. Check website load time.
6. Check website file size.
7. Check URLs and links found on the page
Popularity of a website is checked using this tool. This tool shows how many other sites are
linking to the site. Most search engines use this data to calculate how popular your website is.
The more links to our site, the better the search engine rankings will be. We can even provide
some competitors' URLs to compare our site to theirs.
This tool shows us approximately how many daily searches our keywords would get. This tool is
used to research the best keywords for our website.
This tool is used to check the rank of the page so that further actions can be taken to improve the
rank of a page.
This tool is used to see the source code of any online site to see the exact structure of the
This tool checks the outgoing links on the page to see if they are broken.
SEO techniques can be broadly classified into two categories. These techniques are more
effective to improve the ranking of a website in the context of Google search engine if
implemented in the right way:
1. On Page Optimization
On Page Optimization: It is the first step which every webmaster should concentrate, this deals
with the changes we do in our page in order to improve visibility and rank. On Page
Optimization is optimizing your website in a way that it can rank better in search engines and
1. Page Title: The page title tag tells both the user and search engine about the topic of the
particular page. The title is visible in the title bar of the web browser as well as the headline of a
search engine result. It is the first element Crawler examines while crawling the information. The
title is a most important summary of what a page is all about and therefore carries the highest
weighting in the Google algorithm. Example: By using this title tag you are increasing the
possibility of high rank among all the shopping sites in Google.
2. Meta Description: Meta description is a place where you need to put the brief description
about your page. A page description meta tag may be a sentence or a paragraph. Example: When
Google creates search engine result page, the description tag may appear below the title in the
3. Meta Keyword: Meta Keyword provides the information about the content of the web page to
the search engine. Few search engines like, yahoo and always pay attention to the
keyword tags while Google search engine is complex and has to consider lots of things.
4. Heading Tag: The heading tag is the second most important SEO element after the title tag. It
can also he handled by using CSS. HTML supports up to six levels of heading tags.
5. Image alt Attribute: Images are like the straight forward component of the website, but you
can also optimize them as according to your requirements. Images have a distinct filename and
ALT attribute, you can take advantages of this attribute and make your webpage more user
friendly. Example: Optimizing your image filename and alt attribute makes it easier for Google
image search to better understand your images.
Off Page Optimization: Off page optimization are the strategies for Search Engine Optimization
that are done off the page or that is not directly related to page content. These are used to
maximize the performance of Search Engine Optimization for the target keywords related to the
page content. Off Page Optimization includes:
1. Groups: Join groups and post your comments with the link of your website or webpage. This
type of optimization you don’t need to perform on your website.
2. Create company/your website page on Social Networking Sites: Place links of social
networking sites like, facebook and twitter on your website. Also create webpage or links on
these social networking sites by use your website contents and links. This will help to visit more
users on to your website and probably increase the ranking of your website.
3. Link Building: Link building is a process of building or creating the links in order to improve
the ranking of your website. Link building technique helps to create the link on well reputed
websites and increase the ranking of your website. Google also provide Google Adwords, by
which Google provides an area for the advertisement of your website and sure increase the
ranking of your website.
4. Blogging: Someone said, Blog stands for Better Listings on Google. Blogging may be
explained as discussion forum or information site. Blogs is a type of open area where one or
more users can ask their questions and they can be responded with the relevant answers. You can
provide the answers with your website links. The number of times you provide your website link;
this will be accessed by more number of users or may increase the searching of your website.
The more number of times your website is searched, the ranking of your website in the hierarchy
will also improve.
While LSI keywords are no easy to search, there are numerous tools like LSI generator, Google
associated searches and a lot more are available. In fact, you shouldn’t simply find a keyword
phrase, rather, it's better to focus on LSI keywords as Google desires you to. Websites with
structured content now get leverage in Google rankings.
Then they drive traffic to the landing page through press releases, email marketing, and
SEO optimization.
A call to action (to sign up for your product, service, download a lead magnet, or
another type of action)
The end of 2016 was the first time when mobile internet users exceeded desktop users.
According to a report, 72.6% of internet users will access the internet through their mobile
devices by 2025.
So, if you are running a website, then it should be accessible on desktops as well as on mobile
devices. After Google’s Mobile-first indexing, which is Google’s effort to make the web more
mobile-friendly, it has become crucial for all website owners to have a mobile version of their
websites as well. With this Google update, sites along with their mobile versions are welcomed
For those who don’t know, mobile-first indexing means Google primarily uses the mobile
version of the content for indexing and ranking. As the majority of people access Google search
via their mobile devices, Googlebot has started indexing pages with the smartphone
agent. Launched on July 1, 2019, mobile-first indexing is by default enabled for all new
websites. However, for existing sites, Google will continue monitoring web pages based on the
best practices.
According to Google, websites which have an attractive, user-friendly design, and incorporate
with mobile phones will get fast ranking.
It would be safe to say that optimizing your website for mobile devices will doubtlessly work for
you in 2020.
Some quick tips to prepare for mobile-first indexing include:
Switch to the responsive website at the earliest opportunity.
Make sure both mobile and desktop versions of your website serve structured data.
Verify your mobile site as a separate property in Google Search Console.
Make necessary implications as per the needs of users. Don’t forget; users behave
differently on mobile devices when compared with desktop.
Also, create content which is easily readable over a smartphone.
However, the explanation for this phenomenon is as it follows: whenever I search for a term, the
search engine will understand that there’s a need behind my search query and will try to answer
to that instead of the textual wording. Partial synonyms work great as well.
For instance, if I’m searching for the term ‘SEO consultant’, among the first results on the first
page will be ‘SEO expert’, ‘SEO services’, ‘SEO company‘, as the meaning behind the wording
doesn’t differ that much.
This study establishes a decision model of search engine ranking for administrators to improve
the performances of websites that satisfy users’ needs. To probe into the interrelationship and
7. Google Panda
Google Panda is a change to Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in
February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites", and
return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. CNET reported a surge in the
rankings of news websites and social networking sites, and a drop in rankings for sites containing
large amounts of advertising. This change reportedly affected the rankings of almost 12 percent
of all search results. Soon after the Panda rollout, many websites, including Google's webmaster
forum, became filled with complaints of scrapers/copyright infringers getting better rankings
than sites with original content. At one point, Google publicly asked for data points to help detect
scrapers better. Google's Panda has received several updates since the original rollout in February
2011, and the effect went global in April 2011. To help affected publishers, Google provided an
advisory on its blog, thus giving some direction for self-evaluation of a website's quality. Google
has provided a list of 23 bullet points on its blog answering the question of "What counts as a
high-quality site?" that is supposed to help webmasters "step into Google's mindset
Search Engine Optimization Techniques are used for the following some of the applications:
a) Spamming application
c) Website application
The comparative analysis and evaluation of different SEO techniques for various applications are
included. These techniques have many advantages in web page designing. The importance of this
paper is to suggest how we design a web site by using these techniques to get internet ranking on
first page. According to the purpose of web page, we can use these techniques. Each technique
has some importance, advantages as well as limitations.
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52(3):1-5, August 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.