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Order Entry

Order Entry..................................................................................................................1
List of Figures..........................................................................................................1
List of Tables...........................................................................................................1
Order Line Detail........................................................................................12
Selecting Display Filters.............................................................................29
Country of Ultimate Destination................................................................46
Customer Item X-Reference Listing................................................................61
Open Orders by Customer................................................................................62

List of Figures

List of Tables

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide

Order Entry

This unit covers the Client/Server Order Entry and Quote Entry functions as well
as order entry processing flow, maintenance of orders and quotes, inquiries, and

At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
• Describe Order Entry and Quote Entry processing integration
• Enter an order and use the functions available in Order Entry
• Enter a quote
• Maintain orders and quotes in the system
• Use the Order Entry menus
• Use the Inquiry programs
• Print Order Acknowledgments
• Print Order Reports

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide

Order Entry in the Work Flow

BPCS Client/Server provides a number of products to help you manage order
processing, order fulfillment, and order deployment in your organization.
• For order processing functions, you use the BPCS Order Entry and Billing
products to enter customer orders and send invoices.
• The BPCS Outbound Logistics Management product allows you to manage
order fulfillment, including load planning and shipments and releasing orders
for picking.
• Using the BPCS Warehouse Management product, you can manage the order
deployment phase, confirming the picks and dispatching the load and
The following figure illustrates the flow of events in Order Processing:

Work Flow Events

Customer Order Processing

& • Order Entry
Administration • Invoice Customer
s Outbound Order Fulfillment
Management • Plan Loads and Shipments
e • Release Loads and Shipments
s • Release Order for Picking
Warehouse Order Deployment
Management • Confirm Picks
• Dispatch Loads and Shipments

Figure 8 - : Order Processing Work Flow (slide)

Order Entry

Order Processing Cycle

The following figure illustrates the different stages of the order cycle, from Order
Entry through the Invoicing event, using a Regular Order type with an order class
004 or 005.

Quote Entry

Acknowledgment Entry
Build Loads Load Control
with OLM Pick Slip
Pickable Order
Stock Allocation Pick
Batch/On-line Release
Order Exception

Update Sales History Customer Ship Confirm

A/R Update Pick
Document (Optional if Confirm
Sales Ledger Post Release no OLM)
Inventory Issue
and File Updates
Bill of Packing
Lading List

Figure 8 - : Order Processing Cycle (slide)

Order Entry and Pricing

The preceding example illustrates one of the many possible methods of processing
large groups of customer orders. Quote Entry is an optional first step. The Quote
does not affect customer credit checking, the planning process, or picking and
shipping until it is copied to a customer order.
Order Entry allows you to enter customer orders with credit-checking visibility
based on options in the customer master record, and to optionally allocate stock
and print acknowledgments. BPCS places a soft allocation against the warehouse
for the quantity on each order line, then considers the order Entered and Ready
for Pick Release. After orders are entered, the Batch Price Maintenance program
can be run for any orders designated for batch pricing (not priced during Order
Entry). In addition, you can generate a proforma invoice at any time during this
cycle for customer approval.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Warehouse Activity
If the Outbound Logistics Management (OLM) product is installed, you can build
loads and then pick and stage stock for shipping based on the load. The warehouse
releases the orders for picking based on load, order number range, carrier, request
date range, customer number or various other criteria. The pick slip is generated
upon acceptance of the release. If allocations are required, BPCS creates a hard
allocation where possible. The order is now picked, Ready for Pick Confirm. If
orders released are for a managed warehouse, Pick Release and Pick Confirm are
required events regardless of order class.

Inventory Update and Shipping

Completed pick slips can be used in the Pick Confirm event to confirm by pick slip
number. The actual quantities picked are verified and used for the pick
confirmation quantity. The pick confirmation quantity becomes the issued quantity
when the confirmation is accepted. All inventory updates occur at this point. The
order is now shipped, Ready for Ship Confirm. If loads do not exist, and the order
class contains a Ship Confirm event, loads are built by Pick Confirm. Ship Confirm
is an optional event used for generating shipping documents.

The shipment is Ready for Invoicing. The Invoice Release program generates
invoices or proforma invoices based on the selection criteria. This application also
updates the Configurable Ledger, Accounts Receivable and Sales History records
when generating the actual invoice. Upon completion of the final invoice, the order
is Complete, Ready for Purge.

Order Entry
Order Processing Files
The following figure illustrates the primary files used and updated during the sales
order cycle, from entry through invoicing.


Address Item Order
Master Master Header

Order/Quote/RMA Order
Order Line
Acknowledgment Entry
Line IPP
Lot/Location Stock Allocation Pick List
Batch/On-line Release

Update Sales History Customer Ship

Sales Ledger Post
Document Confirm Confirm
Invoices Created Release (Optional)


Billing Billing Transaction
Release Rel Line History

Figure 8 - : Order Processing Files (slide)

The primary files that default information to the customer order header are the
Customer Master (RCM) and the Address Master (EST), which contain details for
customer ship-to addresses.
The customer order line details default primarily from the Item Master file (IIM).
When you accept the customer order, BPCS updates the Customer Order Header
(ECH), the Customer Order Line (ECL) and the Customer Order Special Line
(ECS) files.
When BPCS creates a hard allocation, allocation records are stored in the
Lot/Location Allocation file (ELA). A hard allocation is a commitment of specific
quantities of inventory for an order in an identified location, lot, and container. For
each order line released for picking, corresponding records are created in the Pick
List (IPP) file. The IPP is used to print pick slips and confirm quantities in the Pick
Confirm event.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Pick Confirm performs inventory file updates including the posting of the shipment
transaction to the Inventory Transaction History file (ITH). Pick Confirm also
creates the Billing Release Header (BBH) and Billing Release Line (BBL) records
used during invoice creation.

Order Entry

A Tour of BPCS Client/Server Order Entry

BPCS Client/Server Order Entry applications use icons on the workstation
desktop to access the user interface. The available icons are Order Entry/Inquiry,
Quote Entry/Inquiry, and Return Material Authorization (RMA) Entry/Inquiry.

Order Entry Order Inquiry

RMA Entry RMA Inquiry

Quote Entry Quote Inquiry

Figure 8 - : BPCS Client/Server Order Entry Application Icons (slide)

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Using The Main Entry Window
The main order entry window in BPCS Client/Server allows you to maintain all
order types, including quotes and RMAs.
BPCS groups order header information by functional purpose and allows you to
maintain the information on several windows. You can enter or maintain selected
portions of order header information from the main order window. You can access
the other order information windows from the main order window using the
available drop-down menus and options. The functional areas are defined by the
type of information viewed, entered, or maintained.

Figure 8 - : Order Entry Main Window (slide)

The main order window displays after you select a customer. BPCS displays
customer information that defaults from the Customer Master.
• When you maintain an existing order, the window displays information from
the order files.
• When you change the record header information, changes are reflected only on
new record lines, not existing lines.
• You can delete an order, but NOT if:

Order Entry
 Any order lines have been shipped.
 Shop orders exist for an order line (for features and options items).
 Any order lines have open drop ship activity.
Options on the main order window include:
Option Description

Customer The selected sold-to customer name and

Record Number The order number of the selected record. It
displays in the title bar of the Order
window. If you are creating an order, BPCS
displays the next available number, derived
from the System Parameters (ZPA) file.
Customer PO The customer purchase order number. A
purchase order may be required based on
the Customer Master (RCM) record for this
sold-to customer.
Warehouse The order warehouse code. You must be
(required) authorized to this warehouse to input a
value and attach it to an order.
Document Prefix Used with document sequencing during the
issue of credits or debits.
Document Number The internal document number for this
order. You must input a value if the
accounts receivable customer requires
cash-with-order processing.
Request Date The date shipment is requested for the
order. This date is used by order picking,
and MRP for planning purposes. It is the
default request date for the line items on
the order.
Request Time The time the shipment was requested for
delivery. This allows for precise order
picking based on time. The order picking
process uses this time, as does Material
Requirements Planning for planning and
projection purposes.
Booking Date The date the order was booked. BPCS
defaults this date to the line book date and

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

uses it to retrieve prices.

Order Type The order type code associated with this
order. The order type code specifies which
files from Inventory, Accounts Receivable
and Sales are updated with the order
Order Class The order class associated with the order
Quantity The total item quantities for all of the lines
on this order.
Amount The total monetary charge for all of the
lines on this order.

Order Line Detail

The Order Line Detail (grid) allows you to create, maintain, and delete order lines.
The grid allows you to size, sequence and hide entered information. The following
figure shows an Order Line Detail grid. Only the first four columns are displayed.

Figure 8 - : Order Entry Order Line Detail Grid (slide)

Options in the Order Line Detail include:

Option Description

Item If you are creating an order, input or select

the ordered item number.
If your setup the user preferences to
external items, BPCS allows you to input
your customer’s item number. If your user
preferences are set to internal items, BPCS
only displays your item number. Leave this
option blank to input a special charge line.
Items cannot be maintained if:

Order Entry
Option Description

• The item is a planning bill component

• The order line is shipped
• Allocations exist for this order line
• The order line is a drop ship order line
• Promotions exist for this item
Description Regular lines: BPCS displays the item
description from the Item Master (IIM) file.
If you change the item description here,
BPCS does not change the default
description in Item Master Maintenance.
BPCS stores the first 30 characters of the
Special lines: Input any description or
comment for use as a special line. BPCS
saves and prints all 50 characters.
Special Lines on Orders: The description
of the special line has two meanings
depending on the entries in the Charge
Code and Extended Amount options:
No amount entered = Use this option for
extra text for the order.
Amount is entered = Use this option as a
description of the amount (charge). The
amount cancan be added later during
Invoice Release.
Quantity Ordered Input the ordered quantity of the item in the selling or
alternate unit of measure. The ordered quantity cannot be
reduced below the shipped quantity.
• If you change the existing quantity of an order line
that uses special pricing or promotions and deals, you
must reprice the order line. The special price or
promotion qualifications may change due to the
change in quantity.
• If you change the Quantity Ordered option (with
automatic assignment of promotions selected for the
order line), you must manually reassign promotions

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

for that line and at the total order level.

• If you add new lines to an existing order with

automatic assignment of promotions selected, BPCS
automatically assigns promotions at the new line and
total order level.
• If you change the quantity of a planning bill parent
item, BPCS proportionally changes the quantities of
the chosen features, options, and standard
Net Selling Price BPCS displays the net price for each line.
You can override the selling price.

 If you enter zero (0), or use the SPACE key for

this option, BPCS assumes you are overriding the
price to zero (0) and the system does not retrieve
a price.

• Assortment PricingBPCS performs assortment

pricing at the component level only. Special pricing
and promotions and deals discounts apply only at
the component level. BPCS calculates tax at the
component level only.
• Feature and Option PricingBPCS performs
Features and Options pricing at the Parent level. If
the Invoice option at the component level requires
pricing, the list price of the component rolls up to
the parent level. Any special pricing and promotions
set up at the parent level are applied.
• Kit PricingBPCS performs kit pricing at the
parent level. BPCS ignores the invoice option at the
component level. Any special pricing and promotions
set up at the parent level are applied. BPCS calculates
tax at the parent level only.
Extended Amount Regular lines: The extended amount

Order Entry
Option Description

equals the net selling price multiplied by

the ordered quantity. BPCS calculates this
amount after validating the input of item
and quantity,.
Special lines: Input the total charge for
this order line. You can also input the
extended amount during Invoice Release.
Amount Allocated BPCS indicates the amount of inventory soft
allocated for the highlighted order line.
UM The selling unit of measure for this item. If
(Unit of Measure) left blank, BPCS defaults to the selling unit
of measure. The selling unit of measure
default hierarchy is as follows:
• Unit of Measure Conversion (UIM) file for the item
and customer
• Unit of Measure Conversion (UIM) file for the item
and warehouse
• Item Master (IIM) file
You can override this value with a valid
selling-to-stocking unit of measure,
however, BPCS prints the selling UM on the
order acknowledgment and the invoice. All
transactions affecting inventory, such as a
customer order, are tracked in BPCS in the
stocking unit of measure.
Warehouse The ship-from warehouse for this order line.
You cannot change the warehouse if the
order line is shipped, or if allocations or a
Pick Slip exist for this line.
Drop Line Deletes (drops) this line after you print the first invoice.
De-select this box to print this line on all invoices and
backorder invoices. You can change this drop code entry
at invoice (billing) time. You cannot drop order lines
from a managed warehouse.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

 The order backorder code overrides the drop code

entered for an order line. Drop codes are intended
for use on special lines and orders with backorder
codes of 0.

Group Code A user-defined code to group two or more

order lines to ensure they ship together,
enter a user-defined code. Order lines must
be from the same warehouse and cannot
be drop ship lines. You must synchronize
scheduled ship dates. If you group
assortment order lines, BPCS applies the
group code to the assortment components.
Request Date The request date and time for this order
Request Time line. The request date for this line item
defaults from the order header.
Price Book Date / The booking date and time for the order
Time line. The book date for this line defaults
from the order header. BPCS uses this date
to qualify list prices, special prices, and
Charge The charge code (item class) if this is a
special line. This charge code must be a
valid item class. You can maintain item
class codes in Item Class Maintenance.
For a special line used as an additional
description or other text type option, leave
Extended Amount blank.
Schedule Date / The date and time when this order line is to
Time be available.

 For resupply order (Type 9) only, BPCS displays

the scheduled receipt date on this window.

User 1 Date / Time BPCS displays the headings for the

additional order date and time options you

Order Entry
Option Description

defined in Order Entry System Parameters,

followed by the dates. Both dates default
from the Order Header. You can override
these dates at the Order Line level.
User 2 Date / Time BPCS displays the headings for the
additional order date and time options you
defined in Order Entry System Parameters,
followed by the dates. Both dates default
from the Order Header. You can override
these dates at the Order Line level.
Inventory Reason The inventory reason code for this
Code transaction. The selection determines the
update to inventory accounts in the
Configurable Ledger.
User 1 Reason The first user-defined reason code for this
Code/Customer transaction. BPCS validates the code using
Reason Code the B transaction effect.
User 2 Reason The second user-defined reason code for
Code this transaction. BPCS validates the code
using the B transaction effect.
User 3 Reason The third user-defined reason code for this
Code transaction. BPCS validates the code using
the B transaction effect.
Tax Code The item tax code used to calculate the
VAT (Value Added Tax) and sales tax for
this order. BPCS uses this item tax code
with the customer’s default tax code to
yield the tax rate for this line of the order.
BPCS calculates taxes during Invoice
Release. Maintain tax codes in Tax Rate
Code Maintenance (SYS).If you do not input
a tax code, BPCS retrieves this item’s
default tax code from the Item Master file.
If none exists there, BPCS retrieves the
default item tax code established in Tax
System Parameters.
Tax Only The tax-only code. BPCS bases the tax
calculation on the List Price unless you
input the Tax Basis. Tax only option is not

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

available if you input a net selling price for

this order line. Tax only must be associated
with an existing BPCS item number
inputted on the order line. Blank = Normal
1 = Tax-only line; payable by the customer;
produces an invoice
2 = Tax-only line payable by the company; no invoice
Tax Basis The amount on which the tax is calculated,
if this line item is free. Use this option only
if you select the Tax Only option, and want
to assign the tax basis amount instead of
using the List Price as the tax basis.
BPCS uses the Tax Only and Tax Basis
options during VAT only (Value Added Tax)
invoice processing.
Salesperson The number of the salesperson associated
with this order line only if you specified in
the system parameters to pay commissions
at the line level. Maintain salesperson
numbers in Salesperson Master.
Commission Code The salesperson commission code used to
calculate commissions on this order line if
commissions are paid at the line level in
the system parameters. BPCS uses the
commission code to retrieve the correct
commission rate, as maintained in the
Commission Rates.
Destination The destination of the order line.
Contract If this order originated from a contract
agreement between your company and the
customer, input the contract number.
Contract Line The customer’s RMS contract line number
for the given order.
Release Number The number that identifies the Release
from which the order line originated before
its release-to-order conversion.

Order Entry
Option Description

Means of The code that represents the means of

Transportation transportation to ship the order Maintain
the codes in the Transportation Means
table if Outbound Logistics Management is
installed, or the Code master table if not).
Kanban Number The Kanban number associated with the
order line.
Inbound Delivery The Inbound Delivery number for the order
Number line.
Dock The ID of the Receiving Dock for the order
Net Price Source BPCS displays the system code of the net
price source for this order line. Valid Net
Price source codes are:
00 No pricing performed
01 Failed Pricing
02 Special Price applied to List Price
03 Promotions and Deals applied to List
04 Special Price applied to List, then
Promotions applied to Special Price
05 List Price
06 Manual Price Override
07 Copied from Invoice Price (for RMAs)
08 Free Goods Line
09 Valid Order Line not Priced
13 Copied from Invoice Price - Promotions
Attached (for RMAs)
List Price Source BPCS displays the system code of the list
price source for this order line. Valid List
Price source codes are:
00 No pricing performed
01 Failed Pricing
02 Item Master List Price
03 List Price Book (A) Item/Customer
04 List Price Book (B) Item/Region
05 List Price Book (C) Item/Facility
07 Copied from Invoice Price (for RMAs)
08 Free Goods Line
09 Valid Order Line not Priced

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

10 Cost-Plus List Price.

11 Multi-Currency List Price
12 List Price not Found
13 Copied from Invoice Price - Promotions
Attached (for RMAs)
Margin Hold BPCS displays the margin hold code. Valid
codes are:
00 Line not on Margin Hold
01 Line on Margin Hold
98 Line Released from Margin Hold using
Mass Release
99 Line Manually Released from Margin
Margin Percent BPCS displays the calculated order line
margin percent.

Order Entry
Order Acknowledgments
After Order Entry, you can print an Order Acknowledgment, which contains:
• Shipping information -- Sold-to and Ship-to Customer Numbers, Names and
Addresses, Bill-to and Invoice-to Customer Numbers, Warehouse,
Salesperson, Order, Request, Schedule, and Book Dates, Order Number and
Description, Back Order Code, Zone, Order Type, Means of Transportation,
Freight Terms, Company Registration, Priority Code, Grouping Code, Country
of Ultimate Destination
• Pricing information -- Price and Promotion Registration numbers, Currency
code, Company and Customer Registration descriptions, Contract description
• Line item information -- Line Item/Description, Warehouse, Order Quantity,
Ship Quantity, U/M, Tax Only code, Tax Basis code, Price, Extended amount
• Release information (RMS) -- Request Date and Time, Receiving Dock,
Inbound Delivery Number, Kanban Number
• Billing information -- Promotion number, Incentive Discount, Split-off
Invoice Incentive Discount, Split Bill Back Incentive Discount, Subtotal
amount, Freight charge, Order Discount
• Tax information -- Total Taxes, Tax Summary, Tax Rate, Tax Amount

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Order Entry View Menu
The View Menu commands are used to display order header and line details, and
their related actions.
The first three View selections, Orders, RMAs, and Quotes, display a listing of
open orders, quotes, RMAs. These selections allow you to create or maintain
other orders, RMAs, or quotes. If the order application is active, only orders can
be created or maintained. If the RMA application is active, only RMAs can be
created or maintained. The other selections are windows related to the order being
created or maintained in the current window.
The following figure illustrates the View Menu options:

Figure 8 - : Order Entry View Menu (slide)

Order Entry
Order Entry View Menu →Order
The Order Menu commands open additional windows allowing you to maintain
order header information.
The following figure illustrates the View Menu → Order options:

Figure 8 - : View Menu →Orders (slide)

Tax, Currency, and Payments

Tax, Currency, and Payments displays tax and registration information for this
customer. The currency defaults from the customer, which can be overridden. At
the time the order is created, the current exchange rate is retrieved. Multiple-
Currency Parameters determine whether the exchange rate for an invoice is set at
Order Entry or during Billing. Bank and payment types are entered on this

Pricing, Sales and Commissions

Pricing, Sales, and Commissions provides visibility and access to Pricing Customer
and Region, Promotions Customer and Region, promotions allowed, margin hold
value, calculated margin percent, Sales History Customer and primary and split

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Inventory allows you access to override the header reason codes for the shipment
“B” transaction created if this order type affects inventory. The transaction effect
(in this case B) in conjunction with the inventory reason code is modeled in the
financial setup to determine the ledger postings. Reason codes default to new lines
and can be overridden at line level. Also accessible are the backorder code and the
allocation priority which are discussed in detail in the Allocations, Picking, and
Shipping unit. The inventory window also displays the Item Cross Reference

Billing and Financial

Billing and Financial displays the Accounts Receivable Customer, the Invoice-to
Customer, terms code, document prefix (if used), and the financial reason code.
The financial reason codes are modeled in financial set up. When processed, the
reason codes determine the ledger effects based on the model. The valuation date
in Billing and Financial defaults to the system date when the order is entered and is
used in billing for recognizing revenue and calculating the invoice due date. Also
visible are the credit, customer and user hold values. The predefined values and
their meanings are:
00 - Not on hold
01 - On hold
98 - Line released from hold using Order Hold Mass Release.
99 - Released using Order Hold Manual Release

Billing Address
This option displays the Invoice-To Customer Billing Address window where you
can specify the number and name of the Invoice-To customer (the customer to
whom the invoice is sent). The Invoice-To customer can be the same as the
Accounts Receivable customer.

Shipping displays the Ship-to Customer and ship-to number with description.
Dispatch information is available. This information primarily defaults from the
Ship-To Address record for carrier, means, route, zone, shipper, etc. The shipping
weight can be input. The accumulated volume, weight and capacity calculated
from the Item Master record(s) are displayed.

Ship-To Address
Ship-To Address displays the address of the Ship-to Customer and/or the ship-to
number of the Ship-to Customer. The Ship-to Address feature allows a manual
override. Phone, fax, and data communication numbers are accessible.

Order Entry
Additional Information
Additional Information displays the order header status, an RMA number (if one
was copied to create this order), the total calculated order cost, entered and last
shipped dates and base and transaction currency total amounts. All of these fields
are display information only and cannot be overridden.

Bracket Promotions
Use Bracket Promotions to access the total order bracket promotions for this
order. The promotions can be assigned to or deleted from the order.

Total Promotions
Total Promotions accesses the total order promotions for this order. The
promotions can be assigned to or deleted from the order.

Notes allows you to attach user-defined notes to orders, RMAs, quotes, their
respective lines, purchase orders, requisitions, shipping documents, and vendors.
These notes can remain attached for the life of the document. You can print them
on acknowledgments, picking slips, invoices, purchase orders, requisitions,
customer statements, and bills of lading.

Available to Promise
Available to Promise (ATP) for the current order is displayed. You can select an
option on this window to use the Order Request Date as the ATP date, or have
BPCS calculate the ATP date for the selected order the uncommitted portion of
the inventory for each period using the netting logic of the Master Production
Scheduling (MPS).
With this tool, the customer order entry staff can determine the date when
sufficient inventory will be available to promise for a customer order.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Order Entry View Menu →Line
The Line Menu commands open additional windows allowing you to maintain line
The following figure illustrates the View→Line Menu options:

Figure 8 - : View Menu→Line (slide)

Detail for the selected or current line presents the line details in a window rather
than the grid box for an at a glance view/update of the line details.

Order Line Shipping displays the Means of Transportation used to ship the order
line, the Kanban number associated with the line (if applicable), Inbound Delivery
number, and Receiving Dock location.

Order Line Dates displays the Entered, Request, Book, Schedule and User Defined
dates for the order.

Order Entry
Additional Detail
Additional Detail for the selected line displays additional information about the line
including cross reference item, inventory status, allocation quantity, line status,
volume, weight, and pallets.

Item Lookup
Use Item Lookup to search the Item Master file (IIM). BPCS not only displays the
existing item/part numbers but also allows you to select an item and return the
selected part to the order line grid box.

Allocate/Confirm provides access to the On-Line Allocations, if they already exist.
You can create a hard allocations from Order Entry. If the order class does not
have a Pick Confirm event, allocation and/or must be done in Order Entry.

Alternate Item
Alternate Item allows access to items which are eligible alternates or substitutes
for the selected order line item.

Line Notes
Line Notes must be accessed using Notes Maintenance. (see Notes)

Available to Promise (ATP)

For a selected order line that has not been changed since validation, you can
calculate an ATP request date.

Features and Options

Features and Options allows selection of components for features and options (or
FAS) items (item type 5), or selected components for Assortments (item type 3).

Configuration Management
Configuration Management accesses the Configuration Management Systems

Drop Shipments
Drop Shipments can be accessed when the item and the customer allow drop
shipments and the Purchasing product is installed. Selecting the Drop Shipment
option accesses the Drop Shipment window and, if accepted, initiates a request to
Purchasing to ship the goods from the supplier to the customer. Drop Ship lines
are not eligible for processing through Pick Release, Pick Confirm, and Ship

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Special Prices
Special Prices displays a window detailing the special price record for the current
order line.

Reprice Line
Reprice Line reprices the current order line. Reprice searches for eligible special
prices for this line, but does not automatically reprice with promotions.

Line Promotions
Line Promotions displays all eligible promotions for the current order line. Use this
option after making quantity changes to an existing line item.

Warehouse Inventory
Warehouse Inventory displays for the current order line all warehouses in which
the item is stored. This is useful when inventory is short and you want to ship from
a different warehouse.

Sales History
Sales History displays the items and quantities sold to this customer.

Order Entry
Order Entry Options Menu
The Order Entry Options Menu filters the record types to search and allows you to
customize the window display according to user preferences.
The following figure illustrates the Options Menu options:

Figure 8 - : Order Entry Options Menu (slide)

Selecting Display Filters

The Filters menu option gives you four additional options to select how records
display in the main order window. In any of the search fields, you can use the
wildcard character (asterisk, *) for record selection.
The Filter options are:
Option Description

Directory Accesses the Directory Filters window that

allows you to select which records display
in the Orders window.

Customer Accesses the Customer Filters window that

allows you to select which records display

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description

in the Customer List window.

Item Accesses the Item Filters window that
allows you to select which records display
in the Item List window.
Vendor Accesses the Vendor Filters window that
allows you to select which records display
in the Vendor List window.

Order Entry
Setting Order Entry User Preferences
BPCS Client/Server allows you to specify how you want to work with Order
Entry. Once you set these preferences, they become the defaults for your
workstation. You can set User Preferences by selecting the Options menu then the
User Preferences option.

Figure 8 - : Order Entry User Preferences Window (slide)

The User-Preferences options are:

Option Description
Display Promotions Select this flag to display the Promotions
windows during order entry. BPCS uses this
option with the System Parameter values for
automatic assignment of promotions. BPCS
initially defaults to the system parameter.
The Batch Price option overrides this selection.
Batch Price Select this flag to price new orders interactively
or in batch after the order is accepted. The
default value is based on how it was set the last

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Option Description
time the program was used.
Overrides the Display Promotions option.
Return material authorizations and order classes
007 and 008 are always priced whether or not
this option is selected.
Internal Line Numbers Select this flag to display the ordered items with
the internal item number rather than the item
reference number (customer or alias).
Perform Quantity Edits Select this flag to allow editing of order
Line Level Validation Controls the validation of order line data (if at
all), based on one of the following options:
• None: BPCS does not perform line-level
validation as you enter data from one line to
the next.
• Automatic: BPCS automatically validates
the order line when you exit it.
• Manual with <Ctrl> key: You manually
activate line-level validation.
Validation Mode Select to process the records interactively or
parallel. Parallel validation uses the Data Queue
Manager to process the optimal number of jobs
at a time.
Post Mode Select to post orders interactively, in batch or
parallel. Parallel posting uses the Data Queue
Manager to process the optimal number of jobs
at a time.
Print Mode Select to print documents interactively or in

Order Entry
Available to Promise Options
The Available to Promise (ATP) window provides options that enable you to
control how BPCS calculates ATP dates.

Figure 8 - : Order Entry Available to Promise Window (slide) , ,.

Option Description
Use ATP Date Controls how BPCS uses the ATP date based on
the following options:
• Always: BPCS uses the ATP date on the
order instead of the request date.
• When Later Than Requested Date: BPCS
uses the ATP date only if its after the request
• Never: BPCS always uses the request date
for order entry
Perform ATP Date Controls how BPCS calculates the ATP date
Calculations based on the following options:
During Validation: BPCS calculates the ATP
date during order or order line validation.
Upon Request: BPCS calculates the ATP date
only when you select an ATP menu option.
Never: BPCS never calculates the ATP date.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide

Entering Orders
When you enter orders in BPCS Client/Server, you can enter new customer orders
as well as update or maintain existing orders. You can enter customer order
details, thus placing a demand for goods and soft allocations of stock in the
system. BPCS Order Entry produces order acknowledgments for those customers
who have the ASN Required option selected in the Customer Master file (RCM).
Customer order information includes:
• Item and Quantity
• Ordering Customer and Ship-to Customer/Ship-to Address
• Order Type and Class
• Cross Reference Purchase Order of the Customer
• Request Date
• Special Lines
• Pricing
To quickly create an order, quote, or RMA, you can copy an existing order, quote,
or RMA from one customer and save it to the same customer or to another
customer. The copy functions include:
• Copy Quotes
• Copy Existing Orders
• Copy Quotations and Reprice the Copied Quote

Order Entry
Creating and Maintaining Order, Quote, or RMA Records
To begin the Entry process, select the appropriate icon for Order Entry, Quote
Entry or RMA Entry. Not all icons are appropriate for all order classes.
1. Click the icon for the type of record you want to create, maintain, or copy:
Order, Quote, or RMA (return).
2. The Directory Window can display a range of existing records. For example, if
you clicked the Order icon, the Directory window displays a range of orders
currently in the system.
3. In the Directory Window choose New from the File Menu to create a new
record; choose Open to maintain an existing one; or choose Copy to copy a
4. Input or select the customer number and click OK.
5. The Main Order Window appears with the next available order (quote, or
RMA) number.
6. Input the information on the Main Order Window.
7. If you copy a record, you must assign a new order (quote, or RMA) number to
make the copied record unique, then click Save Copy As on the File menu to
give the record a new name.
8. Click ACCEPT to add the order to the file.

Quote Directory File New
Entry Window


Main Order

• If copying, assign
File Save Copy As
a new number,
(optional) then save.
Orders, • Verify default values.
Quotes, RMAs • Enter or edit info.

Figure 8 - : Creating, Maintaining, or Copying Records (slide)

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Special Order Entry Features
The following are special features available with Order Entry.

Cash with Order Processing

You can require from a customer advance payment before an order can be
processed. BPCS creates an invoice in Accounts Receivable as unapplied cash.
When the order is created, the invoice will be referenced to offset the prepayment.
The Billing program creates invoice Accounts Receivable detail records against the
payment record that was created. The amount remaining on the payment record is
The Accounts Receivable terms that default from the Accounts Receivable
customer code determine if the order is a “cash with order sale.” If the order terms
code has a cash-with-order flag of yes, you must enter an invoice number to offset
the sale. The invoice is validated against the Accounts Receivable Detail file
(RAR). If there is not enough of the payment balance to cover the order, an error
message displays. The error message indicates the discrepancy between the order
amount and prepayment amount remaining.
When invoicing creates the invoice and updates the Accounts Receivable file, it
offsets the payment with the invoice (similar to credit/debit memo processing).
There is no limit to the number of orders that can be applied to one prepayment if
sufficient balance remains (as long as the prepayment record remains active).

Pre-Payment Invoice


Configurable Order

Figure 8 - : Cash with Order Processing (slide)

Order Numbering
Automatic order numbers are generated upon order creation. The number assigned
is the last order number used from the Order Entry System Parameters plus one.

Order Entry
Contract Orders
Orders are often generated from contracts drawn up based on bids made to
different customers. The contract identifier exists on the Order Header (ECH) and
Order Lines (ECL) to allow tracking and analysis of orders for contractual
agreements with the customer. The Order Header contract identifier prints on the
acknowledgment, the invoice, and the customer statements.
The contract number can be entered and maintained during Order Entry or
Maintenance. Orders created from quotes or return material authorizations have
the contract number copied. The contract number prints on the customer
statements. A contract value is also stored at line level. The header contract value
does not default to order lines.

In BPCS, a salesperson code is entered before any customer is set up in the
system. The salesperson code is used to describe either a salesperson or a sales
area. At least one salesperson must be defined in BPCS using Salesperson Master.
A commission code and BPCS base company are assigned to each salesperson.
Each customer is assigned a default salesperson. The salesperson code defaults
from the Ordering Customer during Order Entry. It is possible to override the
salesperson code at the order header and order line level. Two salespeople can be
assigned to the order header, and a third salesperson can be assigned to the order
The salesperson code is retained on the sales history record and can be used for
analysis purposes either in Sales Performance Management (SPM) or Sales

Inventory Activity
During Order Entry or Order Maintenance, customer service professionals are able
to perform inventory-related activities which support customer service and order

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Inventory Allocations
Allocations are a reservation of inventory for either customer order or
manufacturing order requirements. As customer orders are taken and planning
programs plan the production, the requirements are accumulated at the
item/warehouse level. If the inventory is available, specific quantities within a
location can be marked as assigned to a customer order or shop order.
The Order Entry System Parameters control whether to require hard allocations.
• If allocations are required, the specific assignment of inventory at the
lot/location/container level is required prior to shipping the order line.
Exceptions to this rule are eligible at the item, warehouse, or item/facility level.
• If allocations are not required, BPCS asks you for the specific
lot/location/container combination to be used for the inventory update.
A shipment “B” transaction is written in both cases: allocations required and
allocations not required. The following figure illustrates inventory allocations.

YES Allocations NO

Auto Allocation Auto Allocation

Attempted not Performed

ELA Records ELA Records

are Required are not Required
YES Confirm NO
Event, is Inventory

Reduced from

“B” Transaction

Figure 8 - : Inventory Allocations (slide)

Warehouse Allocation - Soft Allocation

Warehouse allocation is a soft allocation or a visible requirement placed against a
warehouse. All customer orders cause soft allocations against the warehouse
assigned on the customer order line.

Order Entry
Lot/Location/Container - Hard Allocation
Lot/location/container allocation is a hard allocation of inventory
to a specific customer order line from an assigned combination
of warehouse location, lot, and container. Hard allocation can be
performed when an order line is active and select the
View→Allocate - Confirm option.




Directory Window File New

•Select Order Type 1 ORD

•Select Line
Main Order
View Line Alloc/Conf
Accept Allocate /

•Enter Quantity to Allocate

Figure 8 - : Allocatable Order Example (slide)

Allocate/Confirm WindowAllocate inventory, or confirm inventory when
allocations are not required. Allocations allow you to assign inventory for this line
at the lot/location level. Inventory Confirmation allows selection of lots and
locations to confirm quantity shipped.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Inventory Availability
Inventory Availability allows you to check the quantity of inventory available for a
particular item when a customer order is entered. BPCS calculates the item
availability by subtracting the stock committed to customer orders from the stock
on hand.
Stock availability can be accessed from Order Entry by selecting a line and taking
the View→Warehouse Inventory option. Availability for the selected item is
displayed. As an example:

Warehouse Description Allocate Available On-Hand

NY New York Warehouse Y 0.000 0.000
NZ New Zealand Y 429.000 3,000.000
GE Berlin Germany Y -50.000 0.000

Table 8 - : Warehouse Availability (slide)

Warehouses are displayed if an Item/Warehouse Inventory (IWI) record exists for
the item in a given warehouse. This record is created when an item is put into
stock in a given warehouse, when demand is created for the item in the warehouse,
or if a forced or default location is created in a warehouse for the item.
The quantities displayed are in the stocking unit of measure. Any warehouse can
be selected, and upon clicking OK the selected warehouse returns to the customer
order line. This allows you to change the warehouse for a given order line based
on item availability in each warehouse.

Order Entry
Alternate Items
Alternate Items can be defined:
• Globally
• Customer-Specific
• Customer Type-Specific
The item status code determines the automatic substitution of items. You define
the relative quantity, effective dates, and substitution priority for alternate items. If
more than one alternate item is specified for a primary item, BPCS substitutes from
the highest priority (1) to the lowest priority (9).
Once an item and quantity requested have been entered, you can select
View→Alternate Items for the order line. If you set up alternates in Alternate Item
Maintenance and this customer allows item substitution, the alternates are
displayed with their relative quantity, quantity required, and quantity available.
Accessible from this window is a listing of other orders for each alternate to
account for outstanding requirements.
The following table illustrates the primary and alternate items relationship.

Primary Alternate Relative Quantity

Item A (500 per package) Item B (50 per package) 10
Item C (10 kg per carton) Item D (10 k per carton) 2.2

Table 8 - : Alternate Item Example (slide)

Automatic substitution is performed by Order Entry based on the item status code
assigned to the primary item.
The following table identifies reserved item status codes.

Reserved Item Status Definition

1 Always perform item substitution.
2 Perform item substitution only if insufficient
stock of primary item.
3 Perform item substitution only if sufficient
stock of alternate item.

Table 8 - : Reserved Item Status Codes (slide)

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Customer Item Cross Reference
Customer Item X(cross)-Reference establishes a cross reference relationship
between an external or customer item number and your internal item number.
Customer orders are processed using either the customer item number or your
internal item number. Cross Reference records use the Item Cross Reference
Customer or the Sold-to Customer’s Master record.
The customer description for the item and the print instructions can be specified.
The customer item number and item description can be printed on various
documents, such as order acknowledgments, pick lists, shipping documents, and
customer invoices.

BPCS Item Customer Item

4831 = X-Reference Number

The Customer Item Number and

Description can be Printed on:

Pick List

EDI Shipping
Documents Documents

Figure 8 - : Customer Item Cross Reference (slide)

Order Entry
Inventory Reason Codes
Inventory Reason Code defaults to the order line from the order header, but can be
overridden. The reason code in combination with the shipment from inventory
transaction determine the posting to the configurable ledger.
The following figure illustrates Inventory Reason Codes.

Transaction Code Desc.
B 01 Standard
02 Exchange
03 Promotional

B + 01 = MODEL 1

Ledge rable
B + 02 = MODEL 2

B + 03 = MODEL 3

Figure 8 - : Inventory Reason Codes (slide)

The combination of inventory transaction and inventory reason code is set up in
Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA) to point to a model which determines
the accounts posted. Reason Codes are created for transaction effect codes in
Reason Code Maintenance.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Request, Schedule Dates, and Price Book Dates
Request, Schedule, and Price Book Dates are the primary dates associated with an
open order. These order header dates default from the system date unless
overridden. Order header dates default to all new lines and can be overridden at
the line item level.
The order Request Date is used:
• As the due date (ship date) of a customer order by planning tools, Master
Production Scheduling (MPS), Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and
Distribution Resource Planning (DRP),
• For staging of picker release function.
• For determining allocation priority.
The Price Book or Booking Date (or) is used to determine pricing.
The Schedule Date use is user-defined, but is significant during the tracking of
Return Material Authorizations (RMA).
You can specify two additional dates at the order header or order line level or
both. Use the Order Entry System Parameters Generation to define option text.
The following table illustrates various dates and their impact within the system.

Request Booking Schedule User-Defined

Date Date Date Date 1 and 2
Order From System From Header From Header No Defaults
Header Date Request Date Request Date
Order Line From Header From From Header No Defaults
Default Request Date Booking Schedule Date
Override Yes Yes Yes Yes
Drives Yes No No No
User Defined No No Yes Yes
System No No No Yes

Table 8 - : Request and Schedule Dates (slide)

Order Entry
Shipping Warehouse
The warehouse assigned to an order or order line is the ship-from point. It is used
for inventory availability check and must be allocatable. The shipping warehouse
defaults from the ordering customer to the order header and all order lines as
1. Ship-from warehouse assigned in Customer Item Cross Reference for the ship-
to customer.
2. Ship-to address of the Ship-to customer. The ship-from warehouse is optional
when creating or updating records using Address Master Maintenance.
3. If a ship-to record is not used or if a warehouse is not assigned to the ship-to
record, the Ship-to Customer Master is checked for a default warehouse. The
ship-to customer is created or updated using Customer Master.
4. If a ship-from warehouse is not found in the above two options, a warehouse is
not defaulted and must be entered. The warehouse for each order line can be
overridden to allow for shipment from any allocatable warehouse for any
customer order line.
The following figure illustrates shipping warehouse to the ship-to customer.

Shipping Warehouse

Ship-To Customer

Figure 8 - : Shipping Warehouse (slide)

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Ship-To Address
The ordering customer is assigned a Ship-to customer number on the Customer
Master. The Ship-to customer number can be the same as the ordering customer or
another customer. Multiple addresses can be created for the ship-to customer in
Address Master Maintenance. One address record can be defined as the default
ship-to address for the ship-to customer. The default can be overridden when an
order is entered, or another customer from the ordering customer’s structure can
be selected. A third option is to type the manual ship-to address for this order. The
manual entry must be used for one-time ship-to addresses not needed for other
orders. Currently, ship-to addresses can be defined for the order header, and all
lines use the header ship-to address. Shipping information from the ship-to record
can optionally be used to filter the generation of pick lists.
The figure illustrates Ship-to Address Assignment.

Customer 102300

Ship-To Customer 102301

Ship-To 1 Ship-To 2 Ship-To 3

Figure 8 - : Ship-to Address Assignment (slide)

Country of Ultimate Destination

You are able to specify the country of ultimate shipping destination for the
purpose of tracking shipments. The tracking of shipments is required to ensure
international trade compliance.

Order Entry
Pricing Activity
The Pricing Activity within Order Entry only occurs if Batch Price is not selected
under Options→User Preferences. If Batch Price is selected, all pricing is done
automatically by Batch Price Maintenance.
The following figure illustrates the pricing activity.

User Preference


All Pricing done Pricing activity performed

by interactively during
Batch Price Maintenance Order Entry

Figure 8 - : Pricing Activity (slide)

When pricing is done in Order Entry, pricing characteristics default from the
ordering customer, pricing customer, and promotion customer.
• At the pricing customer level, you can specify whether to apply promotion
pricing to this customer orders.
• Also at the pricing customer level, you specify whether to calculate margins.
• The Promotions, Deals, and Pricing System Parameters Generation determines
whether promotions are assigned automatically or displayed at Order Entry.
• If pricing is automatic, then the order line is priced according to the effective
• If pricing is not automatic, after the line is entered a window/panel of
qualifying promotions is displayed. You can assign the promotions.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Pricing occurs when you enter an item and quantity on a line in the grid box and
select VALIDATE. Order Entry determines the list price and applies a special
price discount if one exists, and if System Parameters Promotion Price Basis is set
for list price to be discounted by a Special Price. After the Promotion Price Basis
is calculated, eligible assigned promotions are applied to net the line price.

Pricing Hierarchy
The following figure illustrates the hierarchy between Promotion and Special
Prices at the line item level.

Entry Yes No***

Promotion Special
Go to Price Basis Yes Prices
Total Order Yes Override uses a Special
Level Price?
No Special
Prices Order Line
No Net Price
Order Line Price Basis
List Price
Go to
Eligible Total Order
Promotions Level

Work File

Promotions Assigned
Work File Promotions

Figure 8 - : Pricing Hierarchy Part 1 - Line Item (slide)

 * A manually entered price is eligible for discount by bracket


** Promotional Pricing is applied if the sold-to customer allows it. This

can be overridden at the order level.

*** Special Prices at line level are only searched if the Promotional Price
Basis indicates that Special Prices are used. After all pricing is done
Bracket Pricing is applied.

Order Entry
The order line list price is retrieved based on the Pricing Parameters list price
hierarchy. The promotional price basis determines if a list price or cost plus list
price should be retrieved. Once a list price is identified, the promotional pricing
flag at the customer is checked, if promotional pricing is not done.
The following figure illustrates the hierarchy between Promotions and Special
Prices at the total order level.

Continue from
Part 1 - Line Item
Yes Total Order
Promotions Special
Assigned Prices

Work File

Promotions Order Total

Work File Discount

Assigned END

Figure 8 - : Pricing Hierarchy Part 2 - Total Order Level (slide)

If an order is eligible for promotions at the total order level, then special prices are
not searched. The conditions of the Promotional Price Basis only apply to line
level pricing.
To review or select promotions and special prices at the order line level, select the
line and:
• View→Special Prices to display special price information.
• View→Reprice Line to call pricing logic to reprice the line.
• View→Line Promotions to display or select line promotions.
To review or select promotions and special prices at the total order level select:
• Order→Bracket Promotions to display or select Bracket Promotions.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
• Order→Total Promotions to display or select total order promotions.

Order Entry
Foreign Currency Selling Price
If the Multiple Currency product is installed, BPCS supports currency price lists
which can be overridden at the order line level.
1. Manual overrides must be entered as the foreign currency amount.
2. If there is no manual override, then BPCS looks for currency pricing from the
Special Pricing file (ESP).
3. If there is no currency list price then the system multiplies the domestic list
price by the exchange rate to produce a price as a final default.

If no currency list price, multiply the domestic list price

by the exchange rate to produce the final default price.

Domestic List Price

x Exchange Rate

= Foreign Currency Selling Price

x 80
= 8000

Figure 8 - : Foreign Currency Selling Price (slide)

4. Only promotions and special prices created in the customer’s currency
(foreign) are eligible to be applied to the order or order line.

 All currencies including base currency must be set up in Configurable

Enterprise Accounting (CEA) before they can be assigned.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Special Lines
Special lines are optional and can be added as a special charge to an order or
quote. Special lines can also be used as line comments on quotes,
acknowledgments, and invoices. User-defined charge codes are set up through
Item Class Maintenance. Each special line must have an item class code used in the
charge code value in the grid box.
Special lines are created in Order Entry with a default drop flag selected. The drop
flag indicates that this line will be dropped after the first invoicing. In Customer
Document Release, the drop flag can be changed so that the special line is
repeated in subsequent invoicing for the order.

Special Line Used for Charges

Special lines used for charges can display or print a description, charge code, and
extended amount, if known at order entry. The amount can be added at the time of
invoicing. For example, special charges for customer orders are defined in Item
Class Maintenance and can represent:
• Handling charges
• Special or overnight delivery charges
• Processing fees
• Other fees or surcharges
• Credits
• Discounts

Special Line Used for Comments

Special lines used for comments are entered with a description and charge code,
but without an extended amount. For example:
• “Thank you for your order”
• “Packing slip enclosed”
• “Read special assembly instructions”

Order Entry
Drop Shipments
You can define order lines for drop shipments during Order Entry. BPCS
automatically creates a Drop Ship Request to generate a purchase order. With the
customer order and the purchase order cross-referenced, you can maintain and
change the status of the Drop Ship Request. Upon vendor shipment confirmation,
the order line is ready for invoicing.
The following are the Drop Ship Type codes visible in Order Entry.

Drop Ship
Type Description
Type 0 Not Drop Ship order
Type 1 Drop Ship purchase order (PO) request
Type 2 Drop Ship PO created
Type 3 Change PO requested
Type 4 Last change confirmed
Type 5 Last change denied
Type 6 Cancel PO requested
Type 7 Cancel PO confirmed
Type 8 Cancel PO denied

Table 8 - : Drop Shipment Order Types (slide)

Drop shipment requests are not valid for RMA lines, resupply order lines, resupply
orders, or orders that do not require the Pick Confirm event.
Pick Release, Pick Confirm, and Ship Confirm events are not eligible for drop ship

 Configurable Order Management performs soft allocations for drop

shipments to allow MPS/MRP to net customer order drop ship demand
against open Purchase Orders. Drop Ship Confirmation removes soft
allocations. Hard allocations are not allowed for drop ship items.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide

Acknowledgment Print
After an order is taken for a customer, many times it is necessary to print an
acknowledgment. This is an opportunity to verify with the customer the item terms
and agreements of the sale.
Printing of acknowledgments is initially determined during Order Entry based on a
flag on the order class. Acknowledgments can be printed for orders, quotes, or
Order acknowledgments print the item and quantities ordered per line in the items'
selling unit of measure. The order acknowledgments can also print item notes,
customer notes, order notes and order line notes, if defined to print on the

 The same format for the order acknowledgment is used for Quote
acknowledgments and RMA acknowledgments.

You can print the following information on the acknowledgments:

• NotesThere are several levels of notes to print on the acknowledgment.
Those are Customer, Ship-To, Item, Order, and Order Line and Promotion
notes. Printing of notes is determined by the print flags on the individual note
• TaxesTax information prints on the acknowledgment for individual lines
having a tax rate code. The tax summary prints at the bottom of the
• PromotionsIf Promotions, Deals. and Pricing is installed, promotion master
information and promotion notes print on the acknowledgment based on flags
in system parameters.
• Item Cross References (EIX)Item x-refs print based on the print flags
found on the Cross Reference records created.
• Special LinesSpecial lines print on the acknowledgment based on the Order
Entry System Parameters.
• Registration InformationCompany and customer registration (EC VAT)
numbers can be printed on the acknowledgment if specified in the Customer
Master of the ordering customer.
• Resupply OrdersResupply orders print just like regular orders with a
“Resupply Order Acknowledgment” title.

Order Entry
• Country of Ultimate DestinationCountry of ultimate destination prints
only on the order acknowledgment.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide

Order Inquiry
Order Inquiry allows review of open or completed orders by customer, customer
purchase order, salesperson, or item.
1. Select the Order Entry Inquiry icon from the Supply Chain Management menu.
2. The program displays the Directory Window where you can choose your
customer or select Options→Filters. For example, if you want an inquiry of
orders by salesperson, enter the salesperson number into the Salesperson field.
The filters narrow the data for the given argument.
3. Select your customer or order from the Directory Window or use File→New
and go to the Main Order Window to view the inquiry information.

Order Entry


Directory Window

File Open

Select View Inquiry Info.
Customer OK
Main Order

Figure 8 - : Order Entry Inquiry (slide)

In Order Inquiry, you can:
• Create a new Order for an existing customer.
• Maintain an existing open Order.
• View open customer Orders.
• View and maintain customer notes.
• View and select customer names
• View and select ship-to locations.

Order Entry

Quote Entry
Quote Entry allows you to enter and maintain customer quotes as an optional first
step to creating a customer order. Quotes contain the same information as actual
customer orders, but most importantly, they contain the quoted price you have
given to your customer. If a manual price is not entered, Quotes use the same
pricing logic as Order Entry. The quotes are stored so they can be copied later to
actual orders. You can leave the quoted price on the new order or reprice the
Quote Entry produces quote acknowledgments for those customers which have
the ASN Required option selected in the Customer Master file (RCM). Quote
acknowledgments print line item quantities for the items quoted in the selling unit
of measure. They also print item notes existing in the Notes file (ESN).
Customer quotes are stored in the Quote files, Quote Header (EQH), Quote Line
(EQL), and Quote Special Lines (EQS). Quote information remains on these files
until it is deleted through the Clear Quotes program. Entering a quote does not
affect inventory, accounts receivable, sales figures, or the configurable ledger.
Therefore, the system checks the credit during quote entry; however, if a quote is
copied to an order in Order Entry, the system checks the credit at that time.

 Customer quotes do not affect demand until they are converted to orders.

Quotes can be used as master orders where similar order details are frequently
used by the customer.

Customer Quote
Master Header

Address Quote
Master Quote Line

IIM Quote
Item Special
Master Lines

Figure 8 - : Quote Files (slide)

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Customer Quote Example
Quote Entry is quite similar to Order Entry. The following examples are quote
activities frequently used.
• Request Dates QuoteQuotes can be used as a standing order with specific
ship dates. The quote can be copied to an order with all dates, or copy and
only certain dates are accepted. Dates far out in the future can be deleted and
the quote copied again at another time.
• Turn a Quote into an OrderA one-time quote can be created and copied
to an order upon request from the customer.
Quotes are converted to actual orders using File→Save As. You must change the
order class to be something other than 006 (quote class). An order number is
assigned and displayed for you. The generated order must be maintained in Order




Directory Window

File Save As
Main Quote

When turning a Main Order

Quote into an Order, Window
change Order Class
(not 006) Save the
Quote as an Order. The Quote becomes an
order and an Order
Number is assigned.

Figure 8 - : Turn a Quote into an Order Example (slide)

Order Entry

Quote Inquiry
Quote Inquiry allows you to view quotes by customer, customer purchase order,
salesperson, or item. Quote Inquiry functions act the same as Order Inquiry.
Select the Quote Inquiry icon from the Supply Chain Management menu. The
program first displays the Directory Window where you can choose your customer
or select Options→Filters.
Select your customer or order from the Directory Window or use
File→New and go to the Main Order Window to view the inquiry



Directory Window

File Open

Customer OK ORD View Inquiry Info.

Main Order

Figure 8 - : Quote Inquiry (slide)

In Quote Inquiry, you can:
• Create a new Quote for an existing customer.
• Maintain an existing Quote.
• View open customer Quotes.
• View customer quotes available for conversion to orders.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Clear Quotes
The Clear Quotes program allows deletion of customer quotes which are no longer
necessary (for example, those which will not be converted into actual orders). You
can delete by quote date range, customer number range, quote order number
range, or a combination of the three. If the panel/window defaults are not changed,
all customer quotes are deleted. Caution should be used in choosing the criteria
for deletion.
This program can be run regularly if your quotes are effective for a limited period.
For example, if your quotes are good for 30 days, running this program with an
Upper Quote Date of 30 days ago deletes any quotes remaining in the system
which are older than 30 days.
BPCS automatically produces the Quote Delete listing, an audit
trail listing the quotes which were deleted.

Order Entry

Order Reports
Open Orders reports can be printed in different ways:
• By Customer Item X-Reference
• By Customer
• By Item/Date
• By Salesperson
• By Warehouse/Date
• By Class/Item
• By Planner
• By Picker Number
• By X-Reference Item

Customer Item X-Reference Listing

The Customer Item X-Reference Listing prints a listing of cross reference items by
customer, supplier, or both, sequenced by customer or supplier number. The
information contained on this listing can be limited by record type (customer,
supplier, or both) and the customer or supplier number.
• The information printed on this report includes:
• Item Number
• Ack
• Shp
• Status
• Cust/Supp Item Reference No
• Description
• Pick
• PO

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Open Orders by Customer
The Open Orders by Customer prints a listing of open or not fully invoiced
customer orders, sequenced by customer number. The information contained on
this report can be limited by customer number range, warehouse range and
backorder status.
The following information is printed for each quote listed in the report:
• Customer Number and Name
• Date Entered
• Request Date
• Terms Code
• Number of Lines on the Order
• Total Amount
• Currency Code
• Warehouse (for orders only)
• Order Number
• Scheduled Date
• Customer PO Number
• Ship Via
• Total Pieces
• Primary Salesperson Number
• Order Status Code (for orders only)
The monetary amounts of open orders are subtotaled by currency and by
customer. The report total is expressed in base currency.
This information is stored in the Order Header (ECH) and Order Line Detail
(ECL) files.

Order Entry
Open Orders by Item/Date
The Open Orders by Item/Date prints a listing of open customer orders, sequenced
alphanumerically by item number and then by requested ship date. This report is
normally used by order personnel to identify and communicate the status of orders
in various groupings. The information contained on this report can be limited by
item number and requested shipping date ranges, warehouse, and backorder status.
The following information is printed for each order included on the report:
• Item number and Description
• Item Class
• (Stocking) Unit of measure
• Net Price (in stocking unit of measure)**
• Ordering Customer Number
• Record ID
• Scheduled Ship Date
• Order Number and Order Line number
• Quantity ordered (in stocking unit of
• Requested Ship Date
• Warehouse Code
• Currency Code
• Quantity Shipped
• List Price (in selling unit of measure)

 Net price and list price totals appear only if the BPCS Multiple
Currencies product is listed as not installed (N) in System Parameters

The quantity of items ordered and the quantity of items shipped are totaled by

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Open Orders by Salesperson
The Open Orders by Salesperson prints a listing of open orders, sequenced by
salesperson number, customer number, and order number. The report is based on
the primary salesperson entered on an order, as opposed to a split salesperson.
(The primary salesperson number is entered first on an order.) This report is
normally used by sales personnel to identify and track sales by salesperson. The
information contained on this report can be limited by salesperson number range.
The following information is printed for each order included on the report:
• Salesperson Number and Name
• Order Number
• Customer Purchase Order
• Ship Via
• Order Entry Date
• Request Date
• Total Order Amount
• Receiving Warehouse ID (warehouse code for resupply orders)
• Customer Number and Name
• Ordered Currency
• Terms Code
• Total Pieces
• Scheduled Date
• Total Number of Order Lines
• Order Status
• The number of orders is totaled by salesperson

Order Entry
Open Orders by Warehouse/Date
The Open Orders by Warehouse/Date prints a listing of open customer orders,
sequenced alphanumerically by warehouse code and order date. This report is
normally used by order processing and warehouse personnel for scheduling and
inventory control. The information contained on this report can be limited by
warehouse code and order date ranges.
The following information is printed for each order included on the report:
• Warehouse Code and Description
• Item Number and Description
• Item Class Code
• Unit of Measure
• Net Price/List Price/Currency
• Customer Number
• Order Number/Order Line Number
• Quantity Ordered/Quantity Shipped
• Requested Ship Date/Scheduled Ship Date
• Rec’d ID (Warehouse code-resupply orders only)
The quantity of items ordered and quantity of items shipped are totaled by

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Open Orders by Class/Item
The Open Orders by Class/Item prints a listing of open customer orders,
sequenced alphanumerically by item class and item number. This report is normally
used for inventory planning and control. The information contained on this report
can be limited by item class and item number ranges, warehouse, and backorder
The following information is printed for each order included on the report:
• Item Class Code
• Order Number/Order Line Number
• Quantity Ordered/Quantity Shipped
• Warehouse Code
• Net Price/List Price/Currency
• Item Number/Item Description
• Customer Number
• Unit of Measure
• Requested Ship Date/Scheduled Ship Date
The quantity order and quantity shipped are totaled by item class.

Order Entry
Open Orders by Planner
The Open Orders by Planner prints a listing of open orders sequenced by planner
code. This report is normally used by the inventory planner to schedule and plan
inventory activity. The information contained on this report can be limited by
planner code, warehouse, request date range, and backorder status.
The following information is printed for each order included in the report:
• Item Number and Description
• Item Class
• Requested and Scheduled Ship Dates
• Warehouse
• Currency Code
• Planner Code
• Order Number/Line
• Ordered and Shipped Quantities
• Net and List Prices
• Customer Number
• Record ID
The Record ID designates the type of order line and its status:
• CL for an active regular line .
• ZL for a deleted regular line.
• CS for an active special line.
• ZS for a deleted special line.

Supply Chain ManagementStudent Guide
Open Orders by Picker Number
The Open Orders by Picker Number prints a listing of the customer orders in
picking. Use this panel/window to select open orders by picker number.
The information printed on this report includes:
• Warehouse Picker Number
• Line Number
• Description
• Order Number
• Item Number

Order Entry
Open Orders by X-Reference Item
The Open Orders by X-Reference Item prints a listing of open customer orders
sequenced by customer item number. The information contained on this report can
be limited by customer number range, item number range, shipping date range,
warehouse, and backorder status.
The listing includes:
• Customer Item Number and Description
• Line Number
• Quantity Shipped
• Requested Ship Date
• Net Price
• Warehouse
• Currency
• Item Totals
• Order Number
• Quantity Ordered
• Unit of Measure
• Scheduled Ship Date
• List Price
• Customer Number
• Internal Product Number and Description
The information in this report is stored in the Order Header (ECH) and Order Line
Detail (ECL) files.


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