Overall View On Nozzles For VSR BLASTER Air Cannons Normal and High Temperature Areas
Overall View On Nozzles For VSR BLASTER Air Cannons Normal and High Temperature Areas
Overall View On Nozzles For VSR BLASTER Air Cannons Normal and High Temperature Areas
Construction seemless, welded pipe welded welded welded welded welded welded
Overall view on nozzles for VSR BLASTER® Air Cannons
Thermo cast -TG ,-TG MHL or -TG UHL for high temperature areas
Blow Head Double Blow Head Fan Jet Angle Nozzle Fan Jet Blow Nozzle Fan Jet Blow Nozzle Changeable Nozzle System (Pat.) Changeable Nozzle System (Pat.)
TG TG TG TG TG, asymmetrical Fan Jet Blow Nozzle TG Fan Jet Angle Nozzle TG
Ø R 4“ R 4“ R 4“ R 6“ R 4“ R 6“ R 4“ R 4“ R 4“
L 550 613 490 490 500 1000 500 340 305
A - - 87 102 87 102 105 385 640
B - - 345 510 360 510 260 615 560
Construction Cast/welded construction Cast/welded construction Cast/welded construction Cast/welded construction Cast/welded construction Welded construction Welded construction
Different Thermo cast TG Thermo cast TG Thermo cast TG Thermo cast TG Thermo cast TG Stones: silicon carbide Stones: silicon carbide
materials Support angle: stainless steel Support angle: stainless steel
Thermo cast MHL, Thermo cast MHL, Thermo cast MHL, Thermo cast MHL, Thermo cast MHL, Angle frame: ST37, primed Angle frame: ST37, primed
Nozzles: Thermo cast TG r Nozzles: Thermo cast TG r
Thermo cast UHL, Thermo cast UHL, Thermo cast UHL, Thermo cast UHL, Thermo cast UHL,
Thermo cast MHL Thermo cast MHL
chemically chemically chemically chemically chemically
Thermo cast UHL Thermo cast UHL
resistant resistant resistant resistant resistant
1200° C 1200° C 1200° C 1200° C 1200° C 1200° C 1200° C
Typical Removal of deposits at Removal of deposits at Cleaning of Cleaning of Cleaning of For quick nozzle change from For quick nozzle change from
application pipe heat exchangers, pipe heat exchangers, incrustations in heat incrustations in heat incrustations in heat outside. outside.
at narrow local at narrow local exchangers, flue gas exchangers, flue gas exchangers, flue gas Cleaning of incrustations in Cleaning of incrustations in
conditions. Later conditions. Later channels, clinker channels, clinker channels, clinker heat exchangers, flue gas heat exchangers, flue gas
installation possible at installation possible at cooler and kiln inlets. cooler and kiln inlets. cooler and kiln inlets. channels, clinker cooler and channels, clinker cooler and
short standstill by short standstill by Positioning Positioning protected Positioning protected kiln inlets. kiln inlets.
drilling dia. 140 mm drilling dia. 140 mm unprotected on the in the refractory. in the refractory. Nozzle positioning protected in Nozzle positioning unprotected
from outside. from outside. refractory. the refractory. on the refractory.