Subtle Energy Healing
Subtle Energy Healing
Subtle Energy Healing
7-8 minutes
electro-magnetic energy
clean air
good water
positive thoughts
loving feelings
Electro-magnetic energy emanates from the plant kingdom
(Mother Earth) in the form of vegetables and herbs.
Our cells are little batteries filled with electricity used for
energy within the body, like the battery in your car.
That little tickle in the throat, the rash that won’t go away,
changes in bowel movement and urine are all signals that
the person is out of balance. Symptoms are not necessarily
indications of disease but are our body’s way of signaling
that we need to listen.
All modalities can work, but only if used at the right time
and with the right intention. As healers, it is important to
listen and stay neutral, while we awaken the patient’s own
vital force to allow the body to heal itself in accordance
with Universal Law.