Constitution of Apo Youth Carnival
Constitution of Apo Youth Carnival
Constitution of Apo Youth Carnival
The name of the Association shall be Apo Youth Carnival Organizing Committee
(b) The Committee is the body of representative of the various houses and streets within
Apo Resettlement.
(c) The Executives of Apo Youth Carnival is also the Board of Directors and it consists of
Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Provost, PRO, Head of
Strategy, Head of Sales, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Heads of
Units, Heads of Assignments and other Executive members.
(d) The Governing Bodies of the School are the Principal and the School Board.
The objectives of the Apo Youth Carnival as a people-driven event are; to create an atmosphere
for creativity, unity, to cultivate indigenous talents and generally impact the community
positively amidst heavy fun and in the spirit of Youth cooperation
(a) adhere to the aims and objectives of the State Federation as laid down by the
(b) strive to develop, within the Apo District a solid community of youths who truly reflects
exemplary leadership and good followership;
(c) work closely with the Apo authorities, businesses and residents to achieve common
(d) act as liaison between the wider Apo community and the various Areas
(e) ensure that a high level of social and economical interaction exists between Apo residents
and resident-organizations.
(f) provide a healthy forum for ideas and discussion on any relevant issue that will benefit
the youths in Apo;
(g) work to provide additional resources which are considered necessary for the youths
or to assist the youths in their professional work;
(h) assist in planning and organising functions associated with the social, sporting,
cultural and educational life Apo community.
(a) be responsible for the planning, management and organisation of the Carnival and its
(b) conduct meetings in a fitting and proper manner with respect for accepted meeting
(c) use known and successful organisational tools, such as sub-committees, task forces
and discussion groups, to encourage wider participation, develop increased
responsibility and to achieve more effective results;
(a) The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, PRO, Head of Strategy, Provost, Financial
Secretary and all other executive officers shall be members of the committee.
(b) A person who resides in Apo who supports the objectives of the Association, shall be
admitted as a member.
(c) a voluntary levy or subscription may be payable by each family, the amount being
recommended to the A.G.M. each year.
(a) An Annual General Meeting of the Committee shall be held as close as practicable
to the end of the year:-
(i) to receive and consider the Reports of the various sub-committees;
(ii) to elect/appoint heads sub-committees for the ensuing year;
(iii) to deal with any other matter or matters brought before the meeting.
(b) Additional General Meetings shall be held monthly during the if agreed.
(c) Where possible, matters to be brought before an Organizing Committee Meeting should
be submitted in writing to the Chairman or Secretary at least seven days prior to the Meeting,
to facilitate circulation and/or inclusion on the Agenda.
(d) (i) Special Meetings of the Association may be convened by the Chairman or
Secretary or by the Committee at any time, and shall be convened by them within
14 days of receiving a requisition in writing signed by at least ten members of the
Committee. These signatories shall be required to attend the meeting so called or
submit a written apology. In order for the meeting to be valid, at least five of the
signatories must attend the meeting. The requisition must itemise all matters to
be discussed at the meeting.
(ii) At Special Meetings, items for discussion will be limited to the matters
relating to the calling of such a Meeting.
(f) At any Committee General or Special Meeting, a total of eight (8) members of the
Committee, including at least two (2) Office Bearers, shall constitute a quorum.
(g) At each meeting of the Committee, the Committee shall make a report of its
activities since the previous meeting of the Association.
(a) Any member or ex-officio member of the Committee shall be eligible to vote on any
matter at any meeting of the Committee.
(b) The Chairman of a meeting may use a casting vote, which must not be used to alter
the status quo.
The Committee shall be governed by a Committee comprising a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer and at least six other members. The Parish Priest and the Principal of the
School or, in their absence, their appointed representative, will be deemed ex-officio members of
the Committee.
The Executive and Committee Members of the Association shall be elected by the Annual
General Meeting. For the purpose of this election only, either the Principal or the Parish Priest,
if any, or their nominated representative, will occupy the Chair.
(a) Any member of the Committee, who is present at the Annual General Meeting, or has
consented in writing to be elected, shall be eligible for election to the Committee.
(a) The term of office for Executive and Committee Members will be one year, at the
conclusion of which period they shall vacate their positions, but shall be eligible for
(b) A person shall not hold the office of Chairman for more than three consecutive years.
(c) Committee Members who wish to resign during their elected term may do so,
providing they give one month's written notice to the Committee.
(d) A Member of the Committee shall be deemed to have resigned therefrom if:
(i) Without submitting an acceptable apology, he or she is absent from three consecutive
meetings (whether of the Committee or the Sub-Committee or a combination of
(a) Committee Meetings will be open to all members of the Committee, unless called as
closed by a majority of the Committee.
(b) The Committee shall meet monthly during the year, and as otherwise determined
by the Committee, wherein
(c) Two (2) Office Bearers and four (4) other Committee members shall constitute a
quorum at any closed meeting of the Committee.
(c) Members co-opted by the Committee, as per Clause 11, will have full voting rights at
Committee Meetings. Observers attending Committee Meetings will not be entitled to a
vote, although their participation in the Meeting will be encouraged.
The Committee shall have power generally to give effect to the aims of the Association and to
the Rules of the Constitution, and the Committee may, subject to any decisions of the
(a) formulate the Standing Orders of the Association to be applicable to such meetings
as the Committee may determine;
(b) establish such sub-committees as it may determine necessary to give effect to the aims of
the Association;
(c) provide for the election or appointment of members to any such sub-committee and
for the conduct and operation thereof;
(d) elect and define the duties and powers of its officers;
(f) recommend the voluntary P. & F. Association levy to be agreed on at the A.G.M.;
(g) raise funds by other voluntary means for the further educational benefits of the school’s
children, in accordance with the aims of the Association.
The School Principal shall have the power to veto any decision made at any meeting dealing with
matters of internal operation of the School.
As soon as practicable, the Committee shall cause a society account to be opened in the name of
the Association, at such Financial Institution as may be determined. Cheques drawn upon the
account shall be signed by such officers as the Committee may determine.
All assets of whatever nature not previously donated to the school (excepting the Association's
bank accounts) may be vested in a trustee of the Association. The Principal shall be the sole
trustee of the Association.
The Association will affiliate with the Parents and Friends' Federation of Western Australia Inc.
Subject to Clause 3 hereof, this Constitution may be amended or altered at any General Meeting
of the Association, provided that:
(a) notice of any proposed amendment or proposed alteration shall have been given in
writing to all members at least one month prior to such meeting, and,
(b) the amendment or alteration is approved by at least 75% of the members present.
The income and property of the Association, howsoever derived, shall be applied solely towards
the promotion of its objects as set out in this Constitution and no portion, thereof, shall be paid or
transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever to its
members, provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration
to any officer or servant of the Association or reimbursement for costs incurred in the service of
the Association.
(a) The financial year of the Association shall be from the 1st January to 31st December
in each year.
(b) The members at each Annual General Meeting of the Association shall appoint an
Auditor for the next twelve months. The Auditor shall audit the accounts of the
Association as at the close of the financial year. The Auditor shall not be a member or
ex-officio member of the Committee.
(b) keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the Committee and Association;
(c) have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Association, including
those referred to in paragraph (c), other than those required by clause 23 to be kept and
maintained by, or to be in the custody of, the Treasurer, and
(a) be responsible for the receipt of all moneys paid to or received by the Treasurer on
behalf of the Association and shall issue receipts for those moneys in the name of the
(b) pay all moneys referred to in paragraph (a) into such account or accounts of the
Association as the Committee may from time to time direct;
(c) make payments from the funds of the Association with the authority of a general
meeting or of the Committee and in so doing ensure that all cheques are signed in
accordance with clause 15;
(e) have custody of all securities, books and documents of a financial nature and the
accounting records of the Association, including those referred to in paragraph (d) and
(e); and
(a) The Secretary shall cause proper minutes of all proceedings of all General Meetings and
Committee Meetings to be taken and then to be entered within 30 days after the holding
of each General Meeting or Committee Meeting, as the case requires, in a minute book or
file kept for that purpose.
(b) The Chairperson shall ensure that the minutes taken of a General Meeting or
Committee Meeting are checked and signed as correct by the Chairperson of the General
Meeting or Committee Meeting to which those minutes relate or of the next succeeding
General Meeting or Committee Meeting as the case requires;
(c) When minutes have been entered and signed as correct under this rule, they shall, until
the contrary is proved, be evidence that:-
(i) the General Meeting or Committee Meeting to which they relate (called 'the
meeting') was duly convened and held;
(ii) all proceedings recorded as having taken place at the meeting did in fact take
place thereat; and
(iii) all appointments or elections purporting to have been made at the meeting
have been validly made.
These clauses bind every member and the Committee to the same extent as if every member of
the Committee had signed and sealed these rules and agreed to be bound by all their provisions.
A member may at any reasonable time inspect without charge the books, documents, records and
securities of the Committee, but may not remove them from the custody of the person to whom
they are entrusted.
If, in the event of the winding up of the Committee, any property of the Committee remains after
satisfaction of the debts and liabilities of the Committee and the costs, charges and expenses of
that winding up, that property shall be distributed: -
Such purposes, as the case requires, shall be determined by resolution of the members when
authorizing and directing the Committee to prepare a plan for the distribution of the surplus
property of the Committee.
_____________________________________________ President
_____________________________________________ Secretary
_____________________________________________ Principal
"The Primary right of to freedom of choice, thoughts, conscience, association, movement,
expression and participation must be upheld in all forms of collaboration between between Apo
residents and authorities. Apo Youth Carnival Organizing Committee is designed to give citizens
a voice in the functioning of youths and in the formulation and implementation of social-
economic policies."