Master Thesis A Survey On Euclidean Number Fields PDF
Master Thesis A Survey On Euclidean Number Fields PDF
Master Thesis A Survey On Euclidean Number Fields PDF
Department Of Mathematics
A Survey On Euclidean
Number Fields
Author: Supervisor:
M.A. Simachew J-P. Cerri
University of Bordeaux I
Department Of Mathematics
A Survey On Euclidean
Number Fields
Author: Supervisor:
M.A. Simachew J-P. Cerri
Last but not least, I am proud to have a wonderful family; I would like
to thank them all for every support they have been giving me in life since
my existence on earth.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Some Applications Of Euclidean Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 How Did It Develop? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6 Minkowski’s Conjecture 61
6.1 Why Minkowski Here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.2 Minkowski’s Conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.3 McMullen’s Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.4 The Recent Result For n = 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.5 Related Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
A List Of Tables 75
A.1 Quadratic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
A.2 Cubic Number Fields (dK < 11000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
A.3 Cubic Number Fields (dK ∈ (11000, 15000)) . . . . . . . . . . 81
A.4 Quartic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
A.5 Quintic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A.6 Sextic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
A.7 Heptic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
A.8 Octic Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Bibliography 106
Chapter 1
Peter Dirichlet described the Euclidean algorithm as the basis for much
of number theory. He noted that many results of number theory, such as
unique factorization, would hold true for not only the ordinary integers but
also any other system of numbers which the Euclidean algorithm could be
applied to. Richard Dedekind used Euclid’s algorithm to study the nature of
algebraic integers, a new general type of numbers containing integers . He was
the first to prove Fermat’s two-square theorem by using unique factorization
of Gaussian integers. He defined the concept of a Euclidean domain. In
the closing decades of the 19th century, however, the Euclidean algorithm
gradually became eclipsed by Dedekind’s more general theory of ideals.
∗ Greatest Common Divisor: Given two integers, a and b, their gcd can
be computed efficiently by using the fact that (a, b) = (b, a − bq) where
0 ≤ |a − bq| < |b|.
∗ Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT): This classic theorem aims at find-
ing an integer that satisfies multiple equivalences in various modular
values. i.e.
x ≡ x1 mod m1
x ≡ x2 mod m2
x ≡ xn mod mn
where (mi , mj ) = 1 if i 6= j. This can thus be reduced to a single
diophantine equation as,
x ≡ x1 M1 r1 + x2 M2 r2 + · · · + xn Mn rn mod M
where M = mi , Mi = M/mi and ri = Mi−1 mod mi
1.3 How Did It Develop?
In this section, it is tried to highlight the historical development of the study
of Euclidean property with reference to the integer rings of number fields.
To begin with, it is interesting to state the well known Fermat’s Last
Theorem as, there are no positive integers a, b, c and n with n > 2 that
an + bn = cn
Gabriel Lamé, a French mathematician who was a member of the Parisian
Académie des Sciences, announced his colleagues that he claimed to have
proved the above theorem of Fermat on March 01, 1847. In his proof, there
involved numbers of the following form.
where√ζnn = 1, ζnk 6= 1 for every 0 < k < n and ai ∈ Z for every i. Nowadays,
ζn = n 1 is called the primitive nth root of unity; and, the set of all numbers
of the above form, denoted Z[ζn ], is termed as the ring of integers for the nth
cyclotomic field, Q(ζn ).
Lamé supposed, without loss of generality, an odd prime exponent n. It
is a clear fact from the theory of Diophantine Equations that if p, q, r and n
are positive integers such that p and q are without any common factor, then
Lamé assumed this above fact would also be true for any Z[ζn ] together with
n n
√ n n
(a + bζni )
a + b = 0 ⇒ a = −b 1 ! a +b =c =
overlooked the fact that Q[ζk ] = Q[ζ2k ] for any odd positive integer k. More-
over, he later showed that Q[ζn ] where n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 are
Euclidean rings and Q[ζ23 ] is not.
A few years earlier, there was a parallel development of the idea in Ger-
many in a somehow less straightforward way aiming at generalizing quadratic
reciprocity for higher degree. The usual quadratic reciprocity can be recalled
as, for two distinct odd primes p and q, exactly one of the congruences,
p ≡ x2 mod q and q ≡ y 2 mod p, is solvable if p, q ≡ 3 mod 4. Othewise,
they are both solvable or insolvable. Jacobi’s result suggested that for higher
n, it must be known first if every prime p ≡ 1 mod n can be written as the
norm of an element in Z[ζn ].
This last question of Jacobi is related to some extent to the Liouville’s
question. In fact, if unique factorization holds in Z[ζn ], then p = N (z) for
some z ∈ Z[ζn ] where p ≡ 1 mod n is any prime; N denotes the norm. Kum-
mer proved the converse of this last statement beautifully in 1847. Besides,
by taking n = 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, he showed that a prime p ≡ 1 mod n
where p < 1000 is the norm of some z ∈ Z[ζn ]. As it is impossible to prove
this way for all primes, he noted that it suffices to prove unique factorization.
For this, Kummer turned his attention to the sufficient condition Wantzel
forwarded, the Euclidean division algorithm. In Watzel’s argument, there
involved expressing a given s ∈ Q(ζn ) as,
With this, the desire to determine whether a given number field is Euclidean
or not has then become an interesting area of study by itself.
Chapter 2
• The ring of polynomials over a field K, K[x], with the function φ that
assigns a polynomial p(x) to one more than its degree,
0 if x = 0
φ(p(x)) =
1 + degree of p(x) if x 6= 0
Indeed, to verify this as an illustrative example, we need to prove that
for any two elements α and β in Z[i], and β non zero, there exist ω and
γ such that
α γ
α = βω + γ and φ(γ) < φ(β) ⇔ = ω + and |γ|2 < |β|2
β β
α γ γ α
⇔| − ω| = | | and | | < 1 ⇔ | − ω| < 1
β β β β
But we know that the Gaussian integers form a lattice in the complex
plane. The lattice points are those points of the complex plane with
two of its coordinates integers with respect to the basis 1 and i. Thus
the complex number definitely lies in a mesh of the lattice. And
clearly, the maximum possible distance of a point from the√nearest lat-
tice point is half the length of the diagonal of the mesh, as shown
in the figure below. Therefore, there
√ exists an element ω ∈ Z[i] with
α 2
the desired property, | − ω| ≤ <1
β 2
Figure 1. Unit circles with centers the lattice points of Z[i] in the
complex plane
Proof. Suppose the set of all the maximal ideals of the domain R be
M , i.e.
M = {(m1 ), (m2 ), . . . , (mn )}
If x is taken arbitrarily from the domain, then
ν (x) ν (x)
x = m11 · m22 . . . mνnn (x)
for any representative x of x̄. For an index j such that νj (x0 ) ≥ νj (b),
1+ν (b)
x0 can be written as x0 ≡ zj b mod (mj j ) where zj ∈ R is well
defined mod the ideal (mj ). Chinese Remainder Theorem implies that
there exists an element z of R such that z ≡ (1 − zj ) mod (mj ) for all
such indices j. It then follows that x = x0 + (b) is a representative of
x̄ and x ≡ b mod (mj )1+νj (b) . Thus, νj (x) = νj (b) for all such indices
j. But since νi (x) < νi (b) for the other indices i, the desired result,
φ(x) < φ(b), follows from
X n
νi (x) < νi (b)
i=1 i=1
Theorem 2.4. Let R be a domain as in the last example. Then
ii. If the Euclidean values of two numbers, where one divides the other,
are the same then they are associates.
iv. The Euclidean value of any non zero element is greater than the value
at 0.
ii. By definition of Euclidean function, for the two numbers a and b, there
exist q and r such that a = qb + r and φ(r) < φ(b) = φ(a). Moreover,
a | b ⇒ a | r. Suppose r is non zero. Then φ(r) ≥ φ(a). Which is
impossible according to our assumption. Thus, r = 0 and a = qb. Since
a | b, q must be a unit, the result follows.
iii. As a is a unit, a and 1 are associates. Then by part i. they have the
same Euclidean value. Conversely, φ(1) = φ(a) (and 1 | a) implies
1 and a are associates. hence, a is a unit by ii.
a and b are associates in R, denoted a ∼ b, if a = ub for some unit u ∈ R
Theorem 2.5. A Euclidean domain R is principal ideal domain (PID)
Proof. Since R is Euclidean, it has a Euclidean function, say φ. Let I be an
ideal of R. If I is the zero ideal then it is clearly principal.
Let I be a non zero ideal. Consider the set of integers D defined as,
D = {φ(x) : x ∈ I, x 6= 0}
This set is non empty because the ideal is non zero. Moreover, it is bounded
from below due to the fact that φ(x) > 0 ∀x ∈ R. Therefore D has a least
element , say φ(b) where b ∈ I is non zero. If a ∈ I, since φ is Euclidean,
then there exist elements q and r ∈ R such that
a = bq + r where 0 ≤ φ(r) < φ(b)
Here, I is an ideal. Consequently, r = a − bq belongs to I. Due to the
minimality of φ(b) by assumption, r = 0 follows. Hence a = bq and I = (b).
i.e every ideal of R is principal or R is PID.
Corollary 2.6. A Euclidean domain R is a unique factorization domain.
Proof. PID ⇒UFD
Definition 2.7. A number field K is said to be norm-Euclidean if its ring of
integers OK is Euclidean with respect to the absolute value of the norm N .
Theorem 2.8. OK is norm Euclidean if and only if for every y ∈ K, there
exists x ∈ OK such that N (y − x) < 1.
Proof. For the forward implication, let y ∈ K; y can be written as a/b where
a, b ∈ OK and b 6= 0. By assumption, for these numbers a and b, there exists
q, r ∈ OK such that
a = bq + r with N (r) < N (b).
a/b = q + r/b with N (r)/N (b) < 1
The multiplicative property of norm implies N (r)/N (b) = N (r/b).
On top of that, x can be chosen to be q. All these result in
N (y − x) = N (a/b − q) = N (r/b) < 1
Conversely, let it be assumed that for every y ∈ K, there exists x ∈ OK such
that N (y − x) < 1. Then given a, b ∈ OK with b 6= 0. From the condition,
q ∈ OK can be chosen that satisfies N (a/b − q) < 1. Taking r = a − bq,
the following can be found as desired by using the multiplicative property of
N (r) = N (a − bq) = N (b(a/b − q)) = N (b)N (a/b − q) < N (b)
2.2 Motzkin’s Result
Motzkin [39] set a criterion for checking whether integral domains in general
and rings of integers in particular are Euclidean or not. He set a typical
criterion in such a way that Euclidean algorithm is given a new formulation
which at first seems a little away from the problem at hand but is indeed a
decisive key to the problem.
P (R − {0}) ⊆ P
This set may also be viewed as the set obtained from S by skipping all
b such that for every a, b divides some a + c with c not in S.
Remark 2.10. Let the notations be as used in the above definitions.
Pi ⊆ Pi+1 where Pi = {r ∈ R : |r| ≥ i}
In fact, if an element b is taken from Pi then by the above definition,
there is an element a that satisfies a + bR ⊆ Pi . Here we note that for
any q ∈ R, a − bq can never be zero; otherwise, 0 would belong to the
product ideal Pi . Now, taking any such difference with | a − bq |<| b |,
we can see that
a − bq ∈ Pi ⇒| a − bq |≥ i and
| a − bq |< b ⇒| b |≥ i + 1 ⇒ b ∈ Pi + 1
If conversely a sequence of product ideals Pi is given with the inclusion
· · · ⊆ P2 ⊆ P1 ⊆ P0 = R − 0 where the ith derived set is contained in
the (i+1)th product set, then for any given b ∈ Pi −Pi+1 , then the norm
function, | b |= i is Euclidean. This with the first remark implies the
correspondence between a Euclidean algorithm and such a sequence.
R̃ = R× ∪ {0}.
P0 = R − {0}
P00 = P0 − R× = R − R× − {0}
P000 = P00 − S(R) = R − S(R) − R× − {0}
(α) (α−1) (α−1)
P0 = P0 − {b : ∀a ∈ R ∃c ∈ R − P0 such that b | (a + c)}
It then forms the sequence of inclusions as:
R − {0} = P0 ⊇ P00 ⊇ P000 ⊇ . . .
S(R) and R× are used above to denote the set of universal side divisors and
units respectively of the given domain R.
The complement of the above sets can be considered to start with the set
with the least number of elements as follows:
E0 = {0}
E1 = {0} ∪ R×
E2 = {0} ∪ R× ∪ S(R)
Ei = {0} ∪ {a ∈ R − {0} | each residue class modulo a
contains an element b ∈ Ej , j < i}
= {0} ∪ {a ∈ R − {0} : Ei−1 ∪ {0} → R/(a) is on to}
E∞ = Ei
In the Motzkin construction above, if a domain R does not contain any
universal side divisor, then E1 = E2 or P00 = P000 . In which case, Ej ’s or P0j ’s
remain equal with each other for any j. If the domain under consideration is
not a field, the motzkin criterion for Euclideanity will not hold. Consequently,
we have the following result.
Based on this key theorem, it was proved that the only imaginary quadratic
ring of integers where P00 6= P000 , non empty set of universal side divisors, are
−1, −2, −3, −7 and −11. Therefore, these are the only Euclidean imaginary
ring of integers.
Artin’s Conjecture
The stronger version
Let Na (x) denote the number of primes not exceeding x for which a is a
primitive root. If a non perfect square integer a is different from -1, then
there is a positive constant A(a), dependent on a such that for x tending to
Na (x) ∼ A(a)
log x
It is known from prime number theorem that π(x), the density of primes
up to x, tends to x/ log x as x tends to infinity. The constant A(a) measures
the proportion of those primes for which a ≤ x is a primitive root to the
total number of primes up to a very large x,
Na (x)
A(a) ∼
The basic observation made here is the criteria for a number to be a
primitive root modulo a prime. For a prime p, let {q1 , q2 , q3 , . . . , qr } be the
set of all the prime divisors of φ(p). The necessary and sufficient condition
for the number a to be a primitive root of p is that
a(p−1)/qi 6≡ 1 mod p for eachi
In fact, if c is the order of a modulo p, φ(p) is divisible by c. If moreover,
c 6= φ(p), then c divides (p − 1)/qi for some i. Heuristically, a is a primitive
root modulo p if the following two conditions do not hold for any q, prime
divisor of φ(p):
p ≡ 1 mod q and a(p−1)/q ≡ 1 mod p
If q is fixed to find the probability that a prime p satisfies the above two
conditions, then by Dirichlet’s theorem, p ≡ 1 mod q (i.e. q | (p − 1)) is true
for primes p with frequency (q − 1)−1 .
Theorem 2.15. (Hooley) [27] Suppose extended Riemann hypothesis is as-
√ √ to be true for Dedekind zeta function over Galois field of the form
Q( k1 b k 1) where b ∈ Z; k is sqare free and k1 | k, positive integers . Let a1
be the square free part of a. Assume h to be the largest integer such that a is
a perfect hth power. Let also that
Y 1
C(h) = 1− 1−
q−1 q(q − 1)
q|h q-h
• Na (x) ≤ Na (x, ξ1 ),
which implies
Analyzing all the terms separately, the followings have been obtained.
1) Ma (x, ξ3 , x − 1) = O log2 x
2)2 Pa (x, q) = n1 li(x) + O( x log(kx)) = O logx x ;
X x log log x
3) Ma (x, ξ2 , ξ3 ) ≤ Pa (x, q) = O 2 ;
ξ2 <q≤ξ3
log x
X x
4) Ma (x, ξ1 , ξ2 ) ≤ Pa (x, q) = O
ξ1 <q≤ξ2
log2 x
X A(a)x x
5) Na (x, ξ1 ) = µ(l)Pa (x, l) = +O 2 where
log x log x
Y 1 1
1− 1− =: say C(h), a 6≡ 1[4]
q−1 q(q − 1)
q|h q-h
A(a) = Y 1 Y
C(h)(1 − µ(|a|)) , a ≡ 1[4];
q−2 q2 − q − 1
q|h,q|a q-h,q|a
2.4 Weinberger’s Result
The Motzkin’s set formation on a commutative ring R can be recalled as
E0 = {0} and E1 − E0 = {a ∈ R| each r̄ ∈ R/(a) contains 0} = R×
Proof. Let
(⇒) Each r̄ in R/(a) contains 0.
⇒ For each r, r̄ = r + ka = 0, for k ∈ R
⇒ take r = 1, i.e. 1̄ = 1 + ka = 0 for k ∈ R
⇒ ab = 1 in R, b = −k ⇒ a ∈ R×
Weinberger has shown that (3) ⇒ (2) ⇒ (1). Structurally, theorem (3) is
clearly seen to be the direct analogue to the Artin’s conjecture approach of
Hooley’s conditional proof. Our objective here is to see to what extent they
both are interrelated and highlight the basic equations involved.
The key starting point is to notice the fact that ε is not a primitive root
of p implies the existence of q such that q | N p − 1 and4 ε is a q th power
residue mod p
1 if k | (N p − 1) and ε(N p−1)/k ≡ 1 mod p
R(p, k) =
0 otherwise
which implies
In the second part of the above sum, M (x, ξ1 , x − 1) can be described as the
x √
sum of three partitions by making use of ξ2 = log2 x and ξ3 = x log x.
Hence, the final simplified result was achieved by independently studying
those four terms with the knowledge of class field theory and analytic num-
ber theory.
A reader who is interested in the detailed proofs can refer to the original
papers of Hooley [27] and Weinberger [45]. However it is interesting to men-
tion the main result and the associated sub results here in order to see how
Hooley’s work is nicely adapted for theorem 2.12 (3).
• Let for a fixed k, S(k) denote the set of all integral ideals B in L = Lk
prime to f with further property that its norm, NL/K (B), belongs to
W . Then the function F is defined as follows,
1 if S(k) 6= φ
F (k) =
0 otherwise
1) M (x, ξ3 , x − 1) = O( logx2 x )
2) P (x, q) = n1 li(x) + O( x log(kx)) = O logx x
X x log log x
3) M (x, ξ2 , ξ3 ) ≤ P (x, q) = O
ξ2 <q≤ξ3
log2 x
X x
4) M (x, ξ1 , ξ2 ) ≤ P (x, q) = O
ξ1 <q≤ξ2
log2 x
X µ(l)F (l) x
5) N (x, ξ1 ) = li(x) +O
[C(l) : C(l) ∪ D][Ll : K] log2 x
In the the last equality, l ∈ {d : q | d and q ≤ ξ1 }. In addition to this,
µ denotes the möbius function to eliminate out non square-free elements.
Combining these above sub-results, the final result obtained for suffi-
ciently large x becomes:
F (p)[B : C(p)D] x log log x
N (x) = P (p) 1 − +O
p[K(ζp ) : K] log2 x
li(x) Y 1
P (p) = 1−
[B : D] q6=p q[K(ζq ) : K]
In the above expression, as clearly seen, P (p) can never be zero. Moreover,
he showed that [B : C(p)D] and p[K(ζp ) : K] can not be equal when F (p) is
1; guaranteeing the other factor is also non zero. Thus N (x) is concluded to
be infinite.
Theorem 2.17. Let K be a real quartic Galois field and OK be its ring of
integers which is PID. If there exists a prime element π with a surjective map
from the group of units, OK , to the prime residue class group (OK /(π k ))×
for every integer k ≥ 0, then OK is Euclidean domain.
Remark 2.18. A prime residue class is a unit in the quotient ring OK /(π k ).
Moreover, a prime π stated with such a property in the theorem is called an
admissible or a Wieferich prime.
Before this work, Buchmann and Ford computed all the 165 totally real
quartic fields of discriminant less than one million in their paper. Clark then
showed the existence of admissible primes in each of those fields which can
be taken as an important affirmative evidence for the positive density of such
primes. The positive density of admissible primes is not a proven fact rather
a conjecture which is naturally adapted from the Artin’s conjecture described
in the second section of this chapter.
Clark-Murty’s Result [12]
About three years after the previous result, Clark collaborated with Murty
to generalize the above particular case. It is stated as follows,
Theorem 2.19. Let R be a PID whose quotient field K is totally real Galois
extension of rational numbers with degree n. If there are m = |n − 4| + 1
number of associate prime elements, π1 , π2 , . . . , πm , in R, such that for each
non negative integer ki , R× maps on to (R/(π1k1 π2k2 . . . πm km ×
)) , then R is
Euclidean domain.
Remark 2.20. In similar way with the above definition, the set {π1 , π2 , . . . , πm }
is called admissible set of primes if for every b = π1k1 π2k2 . . . πm
with ki any
non negative integer, every coprime residue class mod b can be represented
by a unit in OK .
In the last part of their paper, they showed that 14 is not Euclidean
with respect to the norm.
On the way of proving this claim, he studied many other important con-
tributing results. It is interesting to mention the main ones that have direct
and close relevance to our subject,
Theorem 2.22. The main sub results included in it are:
• A cyclotomic field is Euclidean domain if and only if it is a PID.
• Suppose Hj (x) = #{h ∈ Hj : N (h) ≤ x} and OK is a PID.
If H1 (x) x/(log2 x), then OK is Euclidean.
• If all the primes of OK are in ∞
j=1 Hj , then it is eulidean
Chapter 3
Proposition 3.2. mK has the following elementary properties.
i) ∀(ξ, Υ, ε) ∈ K × OK × OK , mK (εξ − Υ) = mK (ξ).
ii) ∀ξ ∈ K, ∃Υ ∈ OK such that mK (ξ) = |NK/Q (ξ − Υ)|.
iii) ∀ξ ∈ K, mK (ξ) ∈ Q and mK (ξ) = 0 ⇐⇒ ξ ∈ OK .
Proof. Each of them immediately follows from the definition given above.
i. we clearly see that, for α ∈ OK
mk (ξ − α) = inf{|NK/Q ((ξ − α) − β)| : β ∈ OK }
= inf{|NK/Q (ξ − Υ)| : Υ ∈ OK }; Υ = α + β
= mk (ξ)
Besides, from multiplicative property of norm and |NK/Q (ε)| = 1 ,
|NK/Q (εξ)| = |NK/Q (ε)NK/Q (ξ)| = |NK/Q (ξ)|.
Combining these, we get the result as desired.
ii. By definition.
iii. As the norm function NK/Q defined on K is literally the square of a
”distance” measure,NK/Q : K → Q, hence mK (ξ) ∈ Q. Moreover,
mK (ξ) = 0 =⇒ inf{|NK/Q (ξ − Υ)| : Υ ∈ OK } = 0
=⇒ ∃α ∈ OK such that |NK/Q (ξ − α)| = 0
=⇒ ξ = α ∈ OK
and conversely, we have non negative value of the norm. and hence,
ξ ∈ OK =⇒ NK/Q (ξ − ξ) = 0 =⇒ mK (ξ) = 0
Definition 3.3. Let x ∈ H. The inhomogeneous minimum of x is the real
number mK̄ (x) defined by
nY o
mK̄ (x) = inf |xi − σi (Υ)|; Υ ∈ OK .
Remark 3.5. Properties ii. and iii. of Proposition 3.2 cannot be extended
to H through mK̄ . Proposition 3.4 i), with ε = 1, shows that mK̄ induces an
upper semi-continuous map on H over OK which is a compact set (isomorphic
to Tn , n- torus), so that mK̄ is bounded and attains its maximum on H.
Definition 3.6. The inhomogeneous minimum of K, denoted by M (K̄), is
the positive real number defined by
Definition 3.7. The Euclidean minimum of K, denoted by M (K), is also
the positive real number defined by
Remark 3.8. The Euclidean minimum of K, with respect to the norm NK/Q ,
also denoted M (R, NK/Q ), can be redefined in other words as M (R, NK/Q ):
M (OK , NK/Q ) > 1 means that there exist at least two elements of the domain,
say a, b ∈ OK − {0}, such that for every q 6= 0 in OK , f (a − bq) > f (b).
In which case, NK/Q can not be a Euclidean function on OK . On the other
hand, if M (OK , NK/Q ) < 1 then for all such numbers a and b, there exists
q such that NK/Q (a − bq) < NK/Q (b). This makes OK Euclidean domain
with respect to the given function. However, when M (OK , NK/Q ) = 1, no
conclusion can be made about the Euclideanity with respect to NK/Q of OK
as both conditions could happen.
Claim: m1 = m2 .
Let k > m1 be arbitrarily taken and fixed. By definition,
By the two definitions, it is clear that M (K) ≤ M (K̄). In the case
n = 2 and K is totally real (the complex case is obvious), it has been proved
by Barnes and Swinnerton-Dyer (cf [2]), that, in fact, there is an equality,
and they have conjectured that there is an element ξ ∈ K that satisfies
M (K̄) = mK (ξ). Of course, if it is true, we have M (K) = M (K̄) ∈ Q.
From Definition 3.6 and Proposition 3.2 ii) we can write
Definition 3.11. The set of values of mK and mK̄ are respectively called
the Euclidean spectrum and the inhomogeneous spectrum of K.
3.2 Questions
These previous definitions lead to some questions. For instance, it has been
conjectured that, for n = 2 and K totally real, M (K̄) is isolated, but this
has only been proved when M (K̄) is ”attained” by a finite number of points
of H modulo OK (cf [2]).
In addition to this, it is likely to ask if there is an equality case between
the second Euclidean minimum and inhomogeneous minimum as in the first
minima. The answer to the question is negative. when n = 2, a good expla-
nation is given by Godwin for the why not. (cf [21]; For related
√ questions,
one can refer to Lemmermeyer’s survey, [32]): if K = Q( 73), we have
M2 (K) < M2 (K̄). Nevertheless, as we shall see, there is an equality for
r > 1 if K is not a CM-field2 , and we can even generalize this phenomenon
to the successive minima:
with lim Mp (K̄) = 0. In this case both spectra are identical, included in
Q, and only composed of the successive minima and 0.
Remark 3.14. Without the assumption r > 1, the previous limit √ does not
necessarily hold, as can be shown by the simple choice K = Q( 5). In this
case, the Mp (K̄) form a strictly decreasing sequence and even if it is
to find ξ ∈ K with mK (ξ) arbitrarily small, lim Mp (K̄) = (2 + 2 5)−1 .
Corollary 3.16. For every number field K we have M (K) = M (K̄). More-
over if the unit rank of K is strictly greater than 1, then M (K) = M (K̄) ∈ Q.
Proof. The equality M (K) = M (K̄) is a direct consequence of definitions
and Theorem 3.15. The rationality of this number follows from Proposition
3.2 iii).
CM-field stands for Complex Multiplication field
From the definition of M (K) and the standard definition of norm-
Euclideanity of number fields, it is already remarked by the other definition
that the value of M (K) gives the following information:
The above theorem 3.15 and Corollary 3.16 give the following result.
Corollary 3.17. Let K be a number field with unit rank r such that r > 1.
If M (K) = 1, then K is not norm-Euclidean.
Let z ∈ H. We have mK̄ (z) ≤ M < 1 and, by definition of mK̄ (z), there
exists Z ∈ OK such that
Y M +1
|zi − σi (Z)| ≤ < 1.
This implies OK + A = H.
Remark 3.19. In fact we Q
have the following more precise result.
If Ak = {z ∈ H such that ni=1 |zi | ≤ k}, then
Let us give now an important corollary of Theorem 3.18 which has already
been pointed out by H.W. Lenstra Jr.
Corollary 3.20. K being given with unit rank strictly greater than 1, the
question whether K is norm-Euclidean is decidable.
The reader can refer to Lenstra’s papers [33] for more details.
We can be more precise and look at all the values of mK̄ or mK . It is
a remarkable fact that, contrary to what can happen in real degree 2, all
these values are rational as far as r > 1 and K is not a CM-field (totally
complex quadratic extension of a totally real number field). More precisely,
inhomogeneous and Euclidean spectra are equal, included in Q and we have
the following result.
(i) lim rp = 0.
(iii) for each p ≥ 1 the set of x ∈ H such that mK̄ (x) = rp is finite modulo
OK and are points of K, which implies that if x 6∈ K, mK̄ (x) = 0.
Proof. We know that the set of x ∈ H such that mK̄ (x) = M (K̄) is
finite modulo OK and is included in K, so that Proposition 3.2.ii) gives the
first result. The rest is a direct consequence of Theorem 3.21, since by the
definitions it is clear that in fact Mp (K) = Mp (K̄) = rp .
Remark 3.23. It can be interesting to see that things cannot happen in the
same way when K is a CM-field, even if r > 1 (see [6]). The situation is quite
different from that of Theorem 3.21: in fact, if Sk = {x ∈ H; mK̄ (x) ≥ k},
we have the equivalence
[q1 , q2 , . . . , qk ] = q1 +
q2 +
q3 + . . .
Definition 3.25. R is called an ω-stage Euclidean domain if for every such
pairs, there exists a k-stage division chain for some positive integer k such
that the last remainder satisfies N (rk ) < N (β).
Remark 3.26. .
• n-stage Euclidean R implies m-stage Euclidean R if m > n.
• k-stage Euclidean R implies ω-stage Euclidean R for any k
• 1-stage Euclidean domain is the usual Euclidean domain
Remark 3.27. With the aforementioned notion, a division chain can be
determined by the sequence of its quotients q1 , q2 , . . . , qk ; and, conversely,
any sequence q1 , q2 , . . . , qk of elements of R defines a k-stage division chain
starting from the pair α and β
[q1 ] = q1 = where a1 = q1 , b1 = 1
1 a2
[q1 , q2 ] = q1 + = where a2 = q1 q2 + 1, b2 = q2
q2 b2
[q1 , q2 , . . . , qk ] = where ak = qk ak−1 + ak−2 , bk = qk bk−1 + bk−2
Proposition 3.28. For α and β elements of R. Let q1 , . . . , qk be elements
of R. Then the last elements in the k-stage division chain starting from α
and β with those qi ’s as quotients is related to the continued fraction abkk as,
α ak rk
− = (−1)k−1
β bk βbk
where rk is the k th remainder in the usual division chain.
i.e. rk = rk−2 − qk rk−1 starting from r1 = q1 β − α
Proof. Let us prove equivalently, by induction on i, the equation
αbi − βai = (−1)i−1 ri
since this equation implies the equation on the proposition when i = k.
The cases k = 1 and k = 2 are clearly true by the usual division chain as
α − βq1 = r1 is true for the first and the following is true for the later, ,
αb2 − βa2 = αq2 − β(q1 q2 + 1)
= (α − βq1 )q2 − β
= q2 r1 − β (r1 = α − βq1 )
= −r2 (r2 = β − q2 r1 )
Now assuming true for k − 2 and k − 1 where k > 2, we have,
For the other, since a continued fraction abkk = [q1 , . . . , qk ] is given in R that
satisfies the given inequality, the corresponding division chain can be con-
structed starting from α and β with qi ’s as quotients. Then by the proposi-
tion, N (rk ) < N (β) follows from
α ak k+1 rk α ak rk 1
− = (−1) ⇒N − =N <
β bk βbk β bk βbk N (bk )
Let, for this last part, K = Q( n) be a number field whose ring of integers
is OK
Proposition 3.32.
Suppose a positive integer n < 47 is such that n ≡ 2, 3 mod 4 and
n ≡ 1 mod 3. If in OK , there are solutions to |N (α)| = 2 and |N (α)| = 3,
then the ring is 2-stage Euclidean.
Suppose a positive integer n < 85 is congruent to 5 mod 8. If the funda-
mental unit of OK is of the form a + bv, for odd integer b, then the ring is
2-stage Euclidean.
Example 3.33.
n |N (α)| = 2 |N (α)| = 3 n ε
√ √ 53 3+v
31 39 + 7√31 11 + 2√31 61 17 + 5v
43 59 + 9√43 13 + √
2 43 69 11 + 3v
46 156 + 46 7 + 46 77 4+v
√ √
where v = n for n ≡ 1 mod 4 or (1 + n)/2 for n ≡ 2, 3 mod 4.
In general, the known examples of 2-stage norm Euclidean real quadratic
fields are summarized by the following array in terms of n as,
14 22 23 31 38 43 46 47 53
59 61 62 67 69 71 77 89 93
97 101 109 113 129 133 137 149 157
161 173 177 181 193 197 201 213 253
Proposition 3.34. The ring OK of an imaginary quadratic field K = Q( n)
is k-stage Euclidean if and only if it is Euclidean.
Theorem 3.35. Let K be a number field with class number 1 and unit rank
not less than 1. Assume that GRH holds true. Then K is 4-stage Euclidean.
If moreover K has at least one real embedding, then it is a 2-stage Euclidean.
Chapter 4
”Euclideanity” In Different
(a) The First Case (b) The Second Case
For the second case, the points are found by considering the intersection of
the perpendicular bisectors of the left side, diagonal and right side of each
parallelogram as shown in figure (b). These are the points at which the
Euclidean minimum is achieved up on intersection as shown. Thus they by
themselves form a structure looking like honeycomb in the lattice as partly
shown in the figure.
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 29, 33, 37, 41, 57, 73.
Proposition 4.5. Let n be an odd integer, m = n2 + 1 and OK = Z[ m];
then the Euclidean minimum of OK is n2 , and this minimum is attained
exactly at the points ξ = 2 m mod R.
√ √
Proposition 4.6. Let K = Q( 5); then ω = 12 (1 + 5) is the fundamental
unit of K and M (K) = 14 . Moreover, there is an infinite sequence of isolated
minima whose (i + 1)th term is given by
F6i−2 + F6i−4
Mi+1 (K̄) = , ∀i ≥ 1
4(F6i−1 + F6i−3 − 2)
where Fi is the i-th Fibonacci number.1
The sequence of minima begins with M1 = as mentioned above; M2 =
1 19 1
, M3 = 121 , . . . , . . . and M∞ (K̄) = lim Mi (K̄) = .
i→∞ 4ω
If Ci (K̄) or simply Ci denotes the set of all points in K̄ at which the
minimum value is attained in Mi (K̄) i.e.
1 1 1 ω
C1 = {(0, ), ( , 0)} = { , }
2 2 2 2
1 2 ω 2ω
C2 = {(0, ± ), (0, ± )} = {± , ± }
5 5 5 5
ω 6i−3 + 1
Ci = {ξ ∈ K : ξ ≡ ε mod OK , ε is a unit }
2(ω 6i−2 − 1)
Proposition 4.7. For K = Q( 13), M1 (K̄) = 13 , M2 (K̄) = 13 4
, and
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 o
k k
C1 = ± , , ± − η ,± + √ η
6 6 6 6 6 6 13
n 2 3 o
C2 = 0, ± , 0, ± .
13 13
where k ∈ N and η = 12 (−3 + 13). Furthermore, M1 (K̄) is not attained.
Proposition 4.8. Let K = Q( 23); then the first minimum M1 (K̄) = 77 is
√ 46
attained and isolated, whereas M2 (K̄) = 46 (20 23 − 31) is not isolated.
Fibonacci sequence is defined by F0 = F1 = 1; Fn+1 = Fn + Fn−1 .
Proposition 4.9. In K = Q( 69), we have
25 4
M1 = 23
, √
C1 = {± 23 69}
(3795−345 69)
M2 = 1058
, C2 = {(±Pk , ±Pk0 )},
1 −k 4 1 −k √
Pk = ε + + √ ε 69,
2 23 2 69
1 4 1 √
Pk0 = ε−k − + √ ε−k 69.
2 23 2 69
√ √
where ε = 21 (25 + 3 69) is the fundamental unit in Q( 69).
The following proposition and the upper bound of the above proposition
are due to Swinnerton-Dyer [43]
Proposition 4.11. Let K be the number field defined by the real root α of
f (x) = x3 +2ax−1 (where a ≥ 1) and let R = Z[α]. Then M (K) = M (K̄) =
1 2
(a − a + 1), and this minimum is attained exactly at ξ ≡ 21 (1 + α + α2 )
mod R.
Totally Real Cubic Number Fields.
There are only finite number of norm-Euclidean quartic fields which are
totally complex according to the proof of Davenport [16] and Cassels [52]
Proposition 4.13.
√ If K is a totally complex quartic field and d = discK,
then M (K) > k d for some constant k > 0.
The only norm-Euclidean totally complex cyclic quartic fields are Q(ζ5 )
and the quartic subfield of Q(ζ13 ), where ζm denotes a primitive m-th root
of unity.
Proposition √ 4.14.
√ There are exactly 13 norm Euclidean number fields of
the form Q( m, n) for a negative integer m where m and n are square free
in absolute value; namely,
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Q(√−1, √2), Q(√−1, √3), Q(√−1, √5), Q(√−1, √7),
Q(√−2, √−3), Q(√−2, √5), Q(√−3, √2), Q(√−3, √5)
Q(√−3, √−7), Q( −3, −11), Q( −3, 17), Q( −3, −19)
Q( −7, 5)
Proposition 4.15. For m a square-free integer; √there are exactly four norm
Euclidean complex quartic fields of the form Q( 4 −m); namely, when m is
2, 3, 7 or 12.
Proposition 4.16. Suppose that K is a norm-Euclidean complex quartic
i) If K contains k = Q( 2), then K is either of the following:
√ √ √
k( −1), k( −3) or k( −5 − 2 2)
Norm Euclidean totally real quartic fields are finite and have completely
been determined. There are some classes of cyclic totally real quartic fields
which are not Euclidean with respect to the norm. As highlighted in the first
part of Section 2.5, Clark’s Ph.D thesis provides us an interesting criterion
to determine whether a given real
√ quartic
√ Galois field is Euclidean or not.
For example the bicycle field Q( 14, 22) is not norm Euclidean. [32]
4.4 Survey of Euclidean Minima
In the appendix part A, there are 8 tabular presentations of Euclidean min-
ima of many number fields categorized by their degree. They are directly
taken from the doctoral thesis of J-P
√ Cerri [7]. In Table A.1, m refers to
the m value in the number field Q( m) under discussion. T and dK found
in many of these tables respectively represent the number of critical rational
points of the fundamental parallelotope of the lattice and the discriminant
of the number field K being studied. The letter E is to mean norm-Euclidean.
The following table summarizes each of them according to the data in-
cluded. The column Total contains the number of cases dealt under each
category. In the first table, Table A.1, there are 28 quadratic number fields
K = Q(m) where m is between 103 and 400 that are excluded out due to the
large size of their fundamental units, i.e |ε| > 107 . As shown in table A.5,
156 quintic number fields are presented in which all except only one of them
are Euclidean with respect to the norm. The only exception is the field K of
discriminant 390,625 which has class number one but has M (K) = 7/5. For
the number fields of higher degree than 5, little is known about the Euclidean
minima. In Table A.6, A.7 and A.8, the first 156 heptic, 132 sextic and 18
octic number fields are surveyed respectively. The m value of the excluded
quadratic number fields are listed below. For simplicity, S is let to denote
the set of these elements.
4.5 General Idea
This section mainly discusses the general notions on number fields to be
applied for the study of Euclidean number fields of higher degrees in the
next chapter.
Let K be an algebraic number field of degree n = r1 +2r2 and discriminant
d over Q. And let OK be the ring of algebraic integers in K. As K is a
separable extension of Q, there exists a primitive or generating element α such
that K = Q(α). Let f (x) be the irreducible monic polynomial in Q[x] for the
primitive element α. Let α1 , . . . , αr1 be the real roots and β1 , β̄1 , . . . , βr2 , β̄r2
the complex roots appearing in conjugate pairs. Accordingly, we have n
embeddings in C as σi : α 7→ αi for the real ones, τi : α 7→ βi the complex
ones with τ̄i : α 7→ β̄i the corresponding conjugates. Let
Φ :K → Rr1 × C2r2 !
x 7→ (σ1 (x), . . . , σr1 (x), τ1 (x), ..., τr2 (x), τ̄1 (x), . . . , τ̄r2 (x))
Y r2
N : Rr1 × C2r2 → R ! x 7→ |xi | |xj x̄j |
i=1 j=1
The first map is an embedding of K in Rr1 × C2r2 where as, the later one,
when the elements are taken from the image of the first one, is the absolute
value of the field norm. Now we see that the image of K by Φ is just n tuples
of complex numbers(i.e. y ∈ Φ(K) ⇒ y = aj + bj i where j = 1, . . . , n) Let
us consider once again the following function:
Ψ : Φ(K) → Rn given by:
Lebesgue measure is a formalization of the intuitive notion of length of a set in R, an
area of a set in R2 and volume in R3 , etc.
Let γ1 , . . . , γn be a basis of our lattice, L. Then the corresponding fun-
damental parallelotope with respect to the chosen basis will be given as:
These defined region helps us to relate the field and its ring of integers by
K = P ⊕ OK .
As such, OK can be concluded to be Euclidean with respect to norm
function. Therefore for OK to be norm Euclidean, there should exist long
enough sequence {ωi }ni=1 and such that ωi − ωj should belong to OK These
leads us to the following formal definition of Lenstra’s sequences and theorem.
Exceptional Sequences
Proof. We need to find z ∈ OK for x ∈ K chosen randomly; such that
NK/Q (x − y) < 1. Let ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωm be the Lenstra’s sequence of OK with
m > δ ∗ (U ) d
This and the definition of δ imply U is not a packing of U . There then exist
at least a pair of distinct (i, α) and j, β with 1 ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ m and
α, β ∈ OK such that
(U + ωi x + α) ∩ (U + ωj x + β) 6= ∅
α−β =v−u
Let K be a number field; in order to prove that |NK/Q | is a Euclidean
function on OK it is sufficient to find a function F : K → R such that
Lenstra has used it to find Euclidean cyclotomic fields as treated in the next
chapter. This function can be modified slightly in the following manner where
n is the degree of the extension.
1 X
µK (α) = |σ(α)|2
Chapter 5
Euclideanity In Cyclotomic
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, although special attention is given to the usual cyclotomic
fields, some other CM-Fields are also discussed briefly at last from the work
of J-P. Cerri.
; and conversely,
2πi 2nπi 2πi (n+1)2πi n+1
ζ2n = 1 · e 2n = −e 2n e 2n = −e 2n = −ζn 2 ∈ Q(ζn )
[Q(ζn ) : Q] = φ(n)
- For relatively prime integers m and n,
- The only ramified primes in Q(ζn ) are the primes that divide n. i.e.
p is ramified in Q(ζn ) ⇐⇒ p | n
p n r2 n!/nn |d| M
2 1 0 1 1 1
3 2 1 1 3 1.103
5 4 2 6 125 1.7
7 6 3 3/2 75 4.13
11 10 5 9!/109 9
11 58.96
Here for the pth cyclotomic field, p prime, we can construct an exceptional
sequence as follows,
This shows that the maximum length M is never less than p. Now, let us
summarize, by the table below, the bounds for the first five cyclotomic fields,
i.e for p = 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. To do this we need to evaluate the discriminant
of each cyclotomic fields given above.
The discriminant of the mth cyclotomic field, Q(ζm ), is given by the formula:
d = (−1)φ(m)/2 Q φ(m)/(p−1)
p|m p
|d| = pp−2
Clearly, by the aid of Theorem 4.22 given in the last part of the previous
chapter, the first four cyclotomic fields are Euclidean but it doesn’t help us to
make any conclusions for the 11th cyclotomic field. In fact, we can not have
a better bound on M when p ≥ 11. The following proposition guarantees the
why not.
Proposition 5.3. Let K be an algebraic number field of degree n. If
2 ≤ λ(K) ≤ L ≤ 2n
For this other method, another size function is going to be used in the next
section instead of the norm function used so far. This new size function is
in fact the Gauss measure which has been introduced lastly in the previous
5.2 Definitions, Remarks And First Results
As usual, the notation K is used as an algebraic number field; OK is its ring
of integers; n = r1 + 2r2 as the degree of K over Q and KR as given below
KR = K ⊗ R 'R Rr1 × Cr2 , where n = r1 + 2r2
• The general measure on KR is defined as,
µ : KR → R such that x 7→ µ(x) = |σ(x)|2
Proposition 5.5. If the degree n of K is a usable bound for F , then OK is
norm Euclidean.
Proof. It is remarked in advance that F + OK = KR . Hence in order to
show that OK is Euclidean, it suffices to show that for every element x in F ,
there exists an element r ∈ OK such that NK/Q (x − r) < 1. x ∈ F implies
µ(x) ≤ n for n is just a bound.
case 1 : µ(x) < n
This implies NK/Q (x) < 1 since µ(x)/n < 1 and arithmetic-geometric mean
inequality remark. Thus NK/Q (x − 0) < 1.
case 2 : µ(x) = n
By definition of usable bound, there exist a root of unity ζ ∈ OK such that
µ(x) = µ(x − ζ). Again from µ(x)/n = 1 and the arithmetic-geometric
inequality remark, we have
p p
NK/Q (x) ≤ (µ(x)/n)n = 1 and NK/Q (x − ζ) ≤ (µ(x − ζ)/n)n = 1
Trm is to denote the extension of the usual trace function to KR where
the subject field is Q(ζm ). Thus, Tr : Q(ζm ) → Q(ζm ) can be extended to
Trm : KR → KR .
The trace Tr and the general measure µ can be related as follows,
Tr(xx̄) = σ(xx̄) = σ(x)σ(x̄) = σ(x)2 = µ(x)
σ σ σ
Remark 5.6. The extended trace function Tr defined above commutes with
complex conjugation. Moreover, for positive integers b and m where b divides
m, Trm = Trb ◦ Tr
In the following two lemmas and the base proposition, b and m are positive
integers where b divides m; K and K 0 denote Q(ζm ) and Q(ζb ); e = [K : K 0 ] =
Lemma 5.7. Let x and y be elements taken from KR and KR0 respectively.
If we set s := e(µb (Tr(x)/e) − µb (Tr(x)/e − y)), then s = µ(x) − µ(x − y)
Proof. We have noted in advance that µj (x) = Trj (xx̄) for any positive integer
j. Then,
Proof. Let G be the Galois group K over K 0 . Then,
m m
i i
µb Tr(xζm )= µb σ(xζm )
i=1 i=1 σ∈G
= Trb i
σ(x)σ(ζm )σ 0 (x̄)σ 0 (ζm − i)
i=1 σ∈G σ 0 ∈G
= Trb σ(x)σ 0 (x̄) (σ(ζm )σ 0 (ζm )−1 )i
σ∈G σ 0 ∈G i=1
= Trb σ(x)σ(x̄)m (*)
= mTrb (Tr(xx̄)) = mTrm (xx̄) = mµm (x)
Here equation (*) follows for the following reason. In the inner most sum
of the preceding equation, ζ := σ(ζm )σ 0 (ζm )−1 ) is the mth root of unity. On
one hand, if σ = σ 0 , σ(ζm ζm
) = 1, hence 1 = m. On the other hand, if
they are different, ζm = 0, thus, only the same sigma is remained (non
vanishing case).
Remark 5.10. If the positive integers m and b are divisible by the same
prime numbers, then cm = e2 cb
This first result of Lenstra at once identifies all the previously determined
Euclidean cyclotomic fields by various mathematicians at different time. This
is just by considering Q as the first and simplest cyclotomic field, whose root
of unity is literally ζ1 = 1. We know that c1 = max{|x|2 : x ∈ F1 }. Here
µ1 (x) = |x|2 as we have only the identity homomorphism. But again, since
x ∈ F1 , it should satisfy |x|2 ≤ |x − y|2 for all y ∈ Z. This notion is
the same as the Euclidean minimum of Z[i], i.e. 1/4, we illustrated as an
example by the corresponding lattice diagram in the second Chapter, but
even weaker. Hence, |x|2 ≤ |x − y|2 ≤ 1/4. Now for mth cyclotomic field,
e = φ(m)/φ(1) = φ(m). Combining these two and the above proposition,
φ(m)/4 is a usable bound for Fm . Then Proposition 5.5 recovers the five
Euclidean cyclotomic fields, i.e. the case where m is 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 12.
• (x, x) = 14 (q(x + x) − q(x − x)) = q(x).
• Since ei = ei + 0ej or ei = 0ei + −ej for each i,
j6=i j6=i
we have that (ei , ei ) = q(ei ) = k − 1
• For i 6= j, taking ei + ej = ei + ej + 0el , it then follows that
q(ei + ej ) = (k − 2)(1 + 1) = 2k − 4, hence (ei , ej ) = −1.
Let L be the subgroup of V generated by {ei : i = 1, 2, . . . , k}. L is a lattice
in V whose rank is n − 1 whose fundamental domain E, which is a compact
subset of V , is given by,
E = {x ∈ V : q(x) ≤ q(x − y) ∀y ∈ L}
= {x ∈ V : (x, y) ≤ q(y) ∀y ∈ L}
Proposition 5.12. Let t := max{q(x) : x ∈ E}. The set of points x ∈ E
for which q(x) is the maximum, t, is
( k )
ieσ(i) where eσ(i) is a permutation of the k generators
k i=1
Moreover, t = (k 2 − 1)/12.
The proof of this proposition is apparently long with a series of lemmas
but merely linear algebraic computation. The interested reader can refer to
the original and detailed proof of Lenstra.
Proposition 5.13. If k is a prime number, ck = (k 2 − 1)/12 is a usable
bound for Fk
Proof. Let K = Q(ζk ). Since the primality of k implies ki=1 ζki = 0, the
R- algebra KR is generated by {ζki : i = 1, 2, . . . , k}. Now, if k elements,
x1 , x2 , . . . , xk , are given from R,
! k X
µk xi ζki = Trk xi xj ζki−j (since µk (y) = Trk (yȳ))
i=1 i=1 j=1
X k X
X k
=k x2i − xi x j
i=1 i=1 j=1
= (xi − xj )2
Consequently, the two quadratic spaces KR , µk and V, q are isomorphic by
the map ζni 7→ ei for each i from 1 through k. Thus Z[ζk ] and Fk correspond
to L and E respectively. Moreover, ck = t = (k 2 − 1)/12 and the set of
elements, x, in Fk for which µk (x) = ck is given by,
X σ(i)
X := {1/k iζk : σ is a permutation of 1, 2,. . . , k}
Therefore, as µk (x − ζk ) = ck , ck is concluded to be usable.
5.5 Theorem(Lenstra)
Theorem 5.14. If m 6= 16, 24 is a positive integer where φ(m) ≤ 10, then
Z[ζm ] is norm Euclidean.
Proof. As remarked so far, for m = 1, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 12, we have
c1 = 1/4 < 1 = φ(1)
c3 = 2/3 < 2 = φ(3)
c4 ≤ 22 /4 = 1 < 2 = φ(4)
c5 = 2 < 4 = φ(5)
c8 ≤ 42 /4 = 4 = φ(8)
c12 ≤ 42 /4 = 4 = φ(12)
Now by using Proposition 5.9 and proposition 5.13 for m = 7, 9, 11, 15 and
20, we have,
c7 = 4 < 6 = φ(7)
c9 ≤ 32 c3 = 6 = φ(9)
c11 = 10 = φ(11)
c15 ≤ 22 c5 = 8 = φ(15)
c20 ≤ 22 c5 = 8 = φ(20)
Since the bound φ(m) is usable for Fm for all m considered above, Z[ζm ] is
norm Euclidean by Proposition 5.5
Although the above result of Lenstra has identified many norm Euclidean
cyclotomic fields, there have also been discovered other cyclotomic fields of
the same type by another methods.
Other CM-Fields J-P Cerri [4], the supervisor of this paper, has de-
veloped a computer-aided algorithm to show that Q(ζ32 + ζ32 ) is indeed
Euclidean with respect to the norm. It has been done by showing that the
q p
Euclidean minimum of its maximal real subfield, K = Q 2+ 2+ 2 ,
q p
is indeed 1/2. He has also found that, if K = Q 2 + 2 + 3 , we
have M (K) = M (K̄) = 1/2. By the same method, it has been shown that
the Euclidean minimum of Q(ζ32 + ζ32 ) is also 1/2 hence it is Euclidean as
conjectured by H. Cohn and J. Deutsch.
Some other norm Euclidean cyclotomic fields were also discovered by R.
Quême and Niklasch [40] by improving Lenstra’s first method.
Chapter 6
Minkowski’s Conjecture
All the elements of the basis {αi }ni=1 can be written in terms of the canonical
basis as,
αi = mi,j ej where mi,j ∈ R
On the other hand, let x ∈ Rn and X ∈ Λ given, and define f as,
f (x − X) = | (xi − Xi )|
For a fixed element x from R , let us denote by g the minimum value of
f (x − X) for some X ∈ Λ. i.e.
g(x) = inf f (x − X)
If M (Λ) is used to denote the maximum value g can have for x ∈ Rn , i.e.
M (Λ) = sup{g(x) : x ∈ Rn }
This maximum value has the important property that if D is a diagonal
invertible matrix of dimension n × n, then
M (DΛ) = M (Λ)| di,i |
6.2 Minkowski’s Conjecture
Keeping the notations used in the preceding section in mind, Minkowski’s
conjecture can be stated in a short inequality as,
M (Λ) ≤
From the number field view point, the above conjecture gives rise to the fol-
lowing parallel statement as its consequence, where NQ/K is used as usual to
denote the usual norm function on K.
If K is a totally real number field over the rational numbers with degree
n and discriminant d, then for every element x ∈ K, there exists y ∈ OK
such that √
|NQ/K (x − y)| ≤ n
n Proved by Year
1 Euclid ≈ 280 BC
2 Minkowski 1901
3 Remak 1923
4 Dyson 1948
5 Skubenko 1976
Bambah-Woods 1980
6 McMullen 2005
7 Hans-Gill, Raka, Sehmi 2009
• O belongs to On (R);
Proof. As D and U can be removed from the matrix A, we can assume that
A = OT and Λ = OT Zn with Vol(Λ) = 1. Precisely, the aim is to prove that
∀x ∈ Rn ∃X ∈ Zn such that |xi − (OT X)i | ≤ 2−n
If ei ∈ Rn is used to denote the ith column of O, all the n ei ’s form the
orthonormal basis of Rn . Hence, writing x as a linear combination of this
basis is possible as, x = a1 e1 + · · · + an en If we let X ∈ Zn , then
x − OT X = y1 e1 + · · · + yn en
yn = an − X n
yn−1 = an−1 − Xn−1 − tn−1,n Xn
.. .
. = ..
1 = a1 − X1 − t1,2 X2 − . . . − t1,n Xn
Then, Xn , Xn−1 , . . . , are chosen successively in such a way that for each i,
|yi | ≤ 1/2 to result in the following:
n n
X n X n
||x − OT X|| = yi2 ≤ i.e. (xi − (OT X)i )2 ≤
4 i=1
A more general result that gives rise to the above case as its specific
consequence can be stated as follows.
If Λ is a unimodular lattice in Rn , then
Let Λ be a lattice in Rn and 1
Proposition 6.4. Let Γ be the set of all DOT U matrices as denoted in the
preceding section. Then for any lattice Λ in Rn , there is an element D ∈ Γ
such that DΛ is well rounded; and the covering radius of any well ordered
unimodular lattice satisfies
sup inf |x − y| ≤
x∈Rn y∈Λ 2
Moreover in the latter proposition, the two expressions are equal if and only
if Λ = BZ for some B ∈ SOn (R).
It should be recalled from Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer’s proof [3] of any
counter example to Minkowski’s conjecture with minimal dimension must
satisfy N (L) > 0. i.e. ΓΛ must have compact closure in the space of lattices
SLn (R)/SLn (Z).
Theorem 6.5. (McMullen) [38] Given Λ, a lattice in Rn . If the orbit closure2
of the lattice Λ is compact, then it meets the locus of well-ordered lattices.
Corollary 6.6. If the second part of the general proposition holds for every
k ≤ n, then Minkowski’s Conjecture will also hold true for all lattices in Rk ,
for every k ≤ n.
Corollary 6.7. Minkowski’s conjecture holds for n = 6.
|y| and |N (y)|, the Euclidean length and norm of y, are respectively given by,
|y| = |x1 |2 + · · · + |xn |2 and N (x) = |x1 · x2 . . . xn |
The orbit closure of the lattice Λ is Γ · Λ ⊂ SLn (R)/SLn (Z)
6.4 The Recent Result For n = 7
Hans-Gill, Raka and Semhi’s mutual work for the proof of Minkowski’s con-
jecture with n = 7 has been made available this year from journals of Science
Direct [23].
Their approach is proving for n = 7 a general conjecture of Woods that im-
plies the proof of a well known conjecture stated below and thereby proving
Minkowski’s conjecture for the case.
This conjecture was proved by Woods [46], [47], [48] in his three papers
at different time for n = 4, 5, 6. It was also shown to be true for n = 3 by
Remak [41], Davenport [15] and Mahler [36]. This current proof for the case
n = 7 then follows the Remak-Davenport approach of proving this conjecture
and one other conjecture given below; and finally concluding the proof of
Minkowski’s for n=7. The second conjecture is,
which contains no point of the lattice other than the origin but its
boundary contains n linearly independent points of the lattice.
Since the statement of Woods’ conjecture they stated and used for their proof
is related in the usage of notations and variables, it is a good idea to restate
minkowski’s conjecture in their own way as,
The more general conjecture than the first one was forwarded by Woods.
Let Λ be a lattice in the Euclidean space Rn . Quadratic forms reduction
theory introduced by Korkine and Zolotareff [28], [29] guarantees the pos-
sibility of choosing a cartesian coordinate system in Rn in such a way that
the lattice has a basis {bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n} of the form
b1 = (A1 , 0, 0, . . . , 0)
b2 = (a2,1 , A2 , 0, ..., 0)
b3 = (a3,1 , a3,2 , A3 , . . . , 0)
bn = (an,1 , an,2 , an,3 , . . . , An )
b0i = (Ai , 0, 0, . . . , 0)
b0i+1 = (ai+1,i , Ai+1 , 0, . . . , 0)
b0i+2 = (ai+2,i , ai+2,i+1 , Ai+2 , . . . , 0)
b0n = (an,i , an,i+1 , an,3 , . . . , an,n−1 , An )
Then any two points of the lattice are at a distance of at least Ai apart.
Theorem 6.8. (Hans-Gill, Raka and Semhi) [23] Woods’ conjecture holds
for n = 7. Equivalently, If Ai ’s are as above such that A1 A2 . . . A7 = 1 and
√i ≤ A1 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, then any closed sphere in R of radius
7/2 contains a point of the lattice.
The theorem has used the following main lemmas in each of which the lattice
Λ with value d(Λ) is assumed to be reduced in the sense of Korkine and
Zolotareff. Moreover, the critical determinant of the unit sphere with center
at the origin in Rn is denoted by ∆(Sn ).
1. If 2∆(Sn1 An1 ) ≥ d(Λ) then any closed sphere in Rn of radius r given as,
2. For a fixed integer i with 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, let Λ1 in Ri and Λ2 in Rn−i be
lattices with their reduced bases {pi , i = 1, 2, ..., i} and
{qj , j = i + 1, i + 2, . . . , n} respectively, where
p1 = (A1 , 0, 0, . . . , 0) qi+1 = (Ai+1 , 0, 0, . . . , 0)
p2 = (a2,1 , A2 , 0, . . . , 0) qi+2 = (ai+2,i+1 , Ai+2 , 0, . . . , 0)
p3 = (a3,1 , a3,2 , A3 , . . . , 0) qi+3 = (ai+3,i+1 , ai+3,i+2 , Ai+3 , . . . , 0)
pi = (ai,1 , ai,2 , ai,3 , . . . , Ai ) qn = (an,i+1 , an,i+2 , an,3 , . . . , an,n−1 , An )
Here as ∆(S4 ) = 1/2 the above condition can be reduced to,
Besides, ABCD is the multiplicative inverse of EFG since the total product
is 1. Hence, we have the following inequality:
E 2 ≥ F G =⇒ r0 > 7/2
1 A5 ∆(S4 )2
⇐⇒ (A + B + C + D + 4E) − > 7/2
4 EF G
⇐⇒ A + B + C + D + 4E − E 4 ABCD > 7
Let the above inequality be denoted by (1,1,1,1,3) since it shows the ordered
partition of 7 and makes it easy to apply the second lemma. In a similar
way, inequality (1,1,1,1,1, 2) is
2F ≥ G =⇒ A + B + C + D + E + 4F − 2F 2 /G > 7
=⇒ A + B + C + D + E + 2G > 7 (for 4F − 2F 2 /G ≤ 2G)
=⇒ A + B + C + D + E + 4F − 2F 3 ABCD > 7 (for Ai = 1)
6.5 Related Results
After Minkowski put the bound for his conjecture, various related good
bounds have been proved; but of course weaker ones. Each of the results
listed is indeed a better bound than the preceding ones. Using the notations
directly as in the section of Minkowski’s conjecture, the table summarizes
those main results discovered. They precisely have proved that the inequal-
ity below is true with the given corresponding information in the table.
M (Λ) ≤
2n/2 xn
where xn is listed in the table for each result.
Theorem 6.9. (Cebotarev) Keeping the notations the same as used in Minkowiski’s
M (Λ) ≤ n/2
Proof. We can suppose that Vol(Λ) = 1. We need to prove that for x ∈ Rn ,
mΛ (x) ≤ 2−n/2 . For simpler notation, let m = mΛ (x).
m > 0 ⇒∃X ∈ Λ with N (x − X) < for a small ε
⇒∃t ∈ [0, ε) such that N (x − X) =
If we now consider the new lattice Λ0 given by,
n Y − X o
i i
Λ0 = : Y = (Y1 , . . . , Yn ) ∈ Λ
xi − Xi 1≤i≤n
its volume Vol(Λ0 ) is equal to (1 − t)/m. Since |xi − Yi | ≥ m ∀Y ∈ Λ,
we have,
Y n
|1 − Yi0 | ≥ 1 − t and |1 + Yi0 | ≥ 1 − t ∀Y 0 ∈ Λ0
i=1 i=1
so that Y
|1 − Yi02 | ≥ (1 − t)2 (?)
This final inequality implies that for ε small, there does not exist a non zero
Y 0 ∈ Λ0 such that p
|Yi0 | < 1 + (1 − t)2
Indeed, If there was such a Y 0 , it would follow for each i that
This is again impossible for ε is small number. Therefore, there does not
exist a non zero Y 0 ∈ Λ0 in the cube C 0 given below:
C 0 = {x0 ∈ Rn : |x0i | < 1 + (1 − t)2 for each i}
The following is mainly credited to Eva Bayer’s 2006 result on upper
bounds of Euclidean minima [20]. Let K as usual be an algebraic number
field with degree n and absolute discriminant d.
M (K) ≤ .
For her main results, the knowledge of ideal lattices, sphere packing, covering
invariant, thin fields and thin ideal classes have been used together with other
number theoretic concepts.
Appendix A
List Of Tables
Here we give the results that J.-P. Cerri [7] and [5] has extended the previous
less number of data given by Lemmermeyer [32] and Quême [40].
• Notations :
- K is a number field of degree n,
- M (K) is the Euclidean minimum of K
- M (K̄) is the inhomogeneous minimum of K
- When n = 3, E indicates that K is norm-Euclidean.
- T is number of critical rational points in a fundamental domain,
- E means norm-Euclidean
- dK is discriminant of K
• Table A.1 : n = 2.
For n = 2 (i.e. K = Q( m) for some square free integer m), the tables com-
plete those that
√ can be found in Lemmermeyer’s paper [32] which has given
M (K) of Q( m) for 2 ≤ m ≤ 102. J.-P Cerri then has further computed
it for such m between 103 and 400, with only 28 exceptions as mentioned in
Section 4.4. These indeed could be computed in multi-precision.
• Table A.4 : n = 4
For n = 4, the Euclidean minima of the 286 number fields of discriminant less
than 40000 have been computed. The Euclidean nature of a large number
of them has already been found by Quême [40] but he had left some fields
indeterminate. In fact, some of these last ones are not norm-Euclidean, al-
though they have class number one (i.e. for dK = 18432, 34816 and 35152).
• Table A.5 : n = 5
For n = 5, there were only 25 number fields which are known to be norm-
Euclidean by Quême [40]. However, after him, the Euclidean minima of the
156 number fields of discriminant less than 511,000 are determined. With
one exception, they have all been found to be norm-Euclidean.
A.1 Quadratic Number Fields
m T M (K) m T M (K)
m T M (K) m T M (K)
m T M (K) m T M (K)
A.2 Cubic Number Fields (dK < 11000)
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
dK M (K) dK M (K) dK M (K) dK M (K)
A.4 Quartic Number Fields
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
A.5 Quintic Number Fields
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
A.6 Sextic Number Fields
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
A.7 Heptic Number Fields
dK T M (K) dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
dK T M (K) dK T M (K)
Appendix B
Definition B.3. (Primitive Root) If n ∈ N and a ∈ Z such that the
gcd(a, n) = 1, then a is said to be a primitive root modulo n if ordn (a) = φ(n).
If for b ∈ Z, b ≡ aβ (mod n) for the given primitive element a, then the in-
teger β is called the index of the integer b modulo n to the base a.
which is absolutely convergent for all complex numbers s with <(s) > 1.
Some properties of the zeta function are listed below.
• For all s with <(s) > 1, the zeta function satisfies the Euler product
Y 1
ζ(s) = , (B.2)
1 − p−s
where the product is taken over all positive integer primes p, and con-
verges uniformly in a neighborhood of s. This is the direct consequence
of unique factorization of positive integers values of n. In fact, it is clear
to observe the following:
∞ ∞
X 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1
ζ(s) : = s
= (1 + s
+ s
+ 2s
+ s
+ . + ...)
s 3s
n n=1
2 3 2 5 2
Y 1 1 1 Y 1
= (1 + s + 2s + 3s + . . . ) =
p p p p
1 − p−s
The final equality is because of the fact that for each prime p, the given
geometric progression converges to the value (1 − p−s )−1
Distribution of primes
The Euler product formula (B.2) given above expresses the zeta function
as a product over the primes p ∈ Z, and consequently provides a link be-
tween the analytic properties of the zeta function and the distribution of
primes in the integers. As the simplest possible illustration of this link, we
show how the properties of the zeta function given above can be used to
prove that there are infinitely many primes.
If the set S of primes in Z were finite, then the Euler product formula
Y 1
ζ(s) =
1 − p−s
would be a finite product, and consequently lims→1 ζ(s) would exist and
would equal
Y 1
lim ζ(s) = −1
1 − p
But the existence of this limit contradicts the fact that ζ(s) has a pole at
s = 1, so the set S of primes cannot be finite.
A more sophisticated analysis of the zeta function along these lines can
be used to prove both the analytic prime number theorem and Dirichlet’s
theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions1 .
It is known that the prime number theorem is equivalent to the assertion
that the zeta function has no zeros s with <(s) = 0 or <(s) = 1.
Based on this positive integral value of the degree, number fields can be
categorized in to quadratic, cubic, quartic, quintic, etc. corresponding to
degree 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. respectively.
• If K is the set of real numbers, then 1 and −1 are the only possibilities.
If drawn on the complex plane, the nth roots of unity are the vertices
of a regular n-gon centered at the origin and with a vertex at 1.
If an element ω is an nth root of unity but is not an mth root of unity for
any 0 < m < n, then ω is called a primitive nth root of unity. For example,
the number ζ defined above is a primitive nth root of unity. If ω ∈ C is a
primitive nth root of unity, then all of the primitive nth roots of unity have
the form ω m for some m ∈ Z with gcd(m, n) = 1.
Definition B.7. (Cyclotomic Field) Let K be a field and let K̄ be a fixed
algebraic closure of K. A cyclotomic extension of K is an extension field of
the form K(ζ) where ζ ∈ K̄ is a root of unity.
A cyclotomic field (or cyclotomic number field ) is a cyclotomic extension
of Q. These are all of the form Q(ωn ), where ωn is a primitive nth root of
The only rational numbers which are roots of monic polynomials with
integer coefficients are the integers themselves. Thus, the ring of integers of
Q is Z. √
Let OK denote the ring of integers of K = Q( d), where d is a square-free
integer. Then:
( √
1+ d
Z ⊕ Z, if d ≡ 1 mod 4,
OK ∼ = √2
Z ⊕ d Z, if d ≡ 2, 3 mod 4.
OK = {n + mα : n, m ∈ Z}.
For K = Q(ζn ) a cyclotomic extension of Q, where ζn is a primitive nth
root of unity, the ring of integers of K is OK = Z[ζn ], i.e.
Definition B.10. (Norm And Trace) Let |K : Q| = n be the degree of K
or equivalently the number of automorphisms, σ of K in the Galois group
Gal(K/Q) that fix rational numbers. The norm NK/Q (α) and trace TrK/Q of
an element α in K are rational numbers defined as,
NK/Q (α) = σ(α) and TrK/Q (α) = σ(α)
σ∈ Gal(K/Q) σ∈Gal(K/Q)
• N (a) = 1 ⇔ a = (1)
• N ((α)) = |N (α)|
• N (a) ∈ a
square of the determinant of n × n matrix M such that mi,j = σi (vj )
σ1 (v1 ) σ1 (v2 ) . . . σ1 (vn )
σ2 (v1 ) σ2 (v2 ) . . . σ2 (vn )
∆K = det2
.. .. ... ..
. . .
σn (v1 ) σn (v2 ) . . . σn (vn )
∆Km = (−1)φ(m)/2 Q φ(m)/(p−1)
p|m p
Definition B.15. (Real and Complex Embedding) Since any algebraic num-
ber field K is a subfield of C, its embedding in C can be discussed in two
σ : L ,→ R
¯· : C → C where (a + bi) = a − bi
Let K ⊆ L be another subfield of C. Moreover, assume that [L : K] is
finite (this is the dimension of L as a vector space over K). We are interested
in the embeddings of L that fix K pointwise, i.e. embeddings ψ : L ,→ C such
ψ(k) = k, ∀k ∈ K
For any embedding ψ of K in C, there are exactly [L : K] embeddings of
L such that they extend ψ. In other words, if ϕ is one of them, then
ϕ(k) = ψ(k), ∀k ∈ K
[L : Q] = r1 + 2r2
where r1 is the number of embeddings which are real, and 2r2 is the number of
complex embeddings appearing in pairs, one being the conjugate of the other.
1. It is Noetherian.
3. It is integrally closed.
• Every principal fractional ideal is invertible and the set of all invertible
fractional ideals forms a group under multiplication.
pνa (p) and b =
pνb (p) . Then
• If a = p p
– a · b = (a, b)[a, b]
Definition B.16. (Unit Group and Torsion Subgroup) The group of units
or simply the unit group associated to a number field K, denoted by OK
is a multiplicative group of elements of OK , its ring of integers, that have
multiplicative inverses in OK itself. The corresponding torsion subgroup of
× × ×
OK is defined as Tor(OK ) = {u ∈ OK : un = 1 for some n ∈ N}
Theorem B.17. (Dirichlet) The group OK is a product of finite cyclic group
of rank r = r1 + r2 − 1, called the unit rank where r1 and r2 are the number
of real and pairs of imaginary embeddings.
An element of OK is a unit if and only if the absolute value of its norm is 1.
Definition B.18. (Fundamental Units) The finite subset H = {η1 , η2 , . . . , ηt }
of OK is called the set of its fundamental units if every unit ε of OK is a
power product of elements of H, multiplied by a root of unity:
ε = ζ ·η1k1 η2k2 . . . ηtkt
Conversely, every such element ε of the field is a unit of R.
Dirichlet’s unit theorem gives all units of an algebraic number field
K = Q(α) i.e. its ring of integers, in the unique form
ε = ζ n η1k1 η2k2 . . . ηtkt ,
where ζ is a primitive wth root of unity in Q(α), the ηj ’s are the fundamental
units of Q(α), 0 5 n 5 w−1, kj ∈ Z ∀j, t = r+s−1.
• The case of a real quadratic field Q( m), the square-free m > 1:
r = 2, s = 0, t = r+s−1 = 1. So we obtain
ε = ζ n η k = ±η k ,
because ζ = −1 is the only real primitive root of unity (w = 2).
Thus, every real quadratic field has infinitely many units and a unique
fundamental unit η.
For example: If m = 3, then η = 2+ 3;
• The case of any imaginary quadratic field Q(α); here α = m, the
√ m < 0: The conjugates of α are the pure imaginary num-
bers ± m, hence r = 0, 2s = 2, t = r+s−1 = 0. Thus we see that
all units are
ε = ζ n.
Definition B.21. (Inertia Group) Write l for the residue field B/P and k
for the residue field A/p. Assume that the extension l/k is separable. Any
element σ ∈ D(P/p), by definition, fixes P and hence descends to a well
defined automorphism of the field l. Since σ also fixes A by virtue of being
in G, it induces an automorphism of the extension l/k fixing k. We therefore
have a group homomorphism
D(P/p) −→ Gal(l/k),
and the P kernel of this homomorphism is called the inertia group of P, and
written T (P/p). It turns out that this homomorphism is actually surjective
so that there is an exact sequence
B.3 A Little On Packing Theory
This section is to briefly highlight the concept of packing as it has important
application to design a criterion for checking if a number field is Euclidean.
Definition B.24. The following are some definitions and brief notions.
• Let U ⊆ Rn be a set with finite positive Lebesgue measure µ(U ). Given
a sequence {ak }k∈I of points of Rn , the system of translates of U , de-
noted by U, is defined relative to the terms of the sequence as
U = {S : S = U + ak , k ∈ I}
δ ∗ (U ) = δ(U )/µ(U )
Proposition B.25. Let U a subset of Rn and U a system of translates of U
be given as above. If U forms a packing, then ρ+ (U ) ≤ 1
Proof. Let U be contained in some cube of side length s(U ). Let a cube C,
whose side length is s(C), is centered at arbitrarily chosen x ∈ Rn . Then all
the translates U + ai ’s that intersect C lie in the cube C 0 , where C 0 is a cube
centered at x with side length s(C) + 2s(U ). Since U is a packing, the sets
U + ai and U + aj are mutually disjoint as far as i 6= j. It then follows that,
µ(U + ai ) ≤ [s(C) + 2s(U )]n
(U +ai )∩C6=∅
Finally let us state below the main proposition in this section without
K = {U + ai + bj } and {T (U + ai + bj )}
ρ+ (K) = ρ+ (T K) = ρ− (K) = ρ− (T K) = mµ(U )/µ(C)
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