Operation and Control of A Hybrid Photovoltaic-Diesel-Fuel Cell System Connected To Micro-Grid
Operation and Control of A Hybrid Photovoltaic-Diesel-Fuel Cell System Connected To Micro-Grid
Operation and Control of A Hybrid Photovoltaic-Diesel-Fuel Cell System Connected To Micro-Grid
18 399
3 authors:
Saurabh Chanana
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
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modelling and simulation of the helical flux compression generator View project
Grid Integration of Solar Photovoltiacs and Operational Issues in Smart Grid View project
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Abstract-This paper presents modeling and control of a hybrid but now the distribution system may have numerous
Photovoltaic (PV), Diesel-Engine Generator (DEG) - Fuel Cell generators feeding various customers. Addition of multiple
(FC) system connected to electric grid. A case study on impact of generators in the distribution system can result in instability in
FC operation on the frequency stability of electric grid has been frequency. Thus, such a distribution system is under a threat of
carried out. The model of fuel cell system includes a fuel cell
frequency drift (as on the transmission grid when there is no
generator, electrolyzer and a hydrogen storage facility. The limits
on hydrogen volume due to limited storage capacity have also tertiary control), or even of losing synchronism.
been incorporated. The modeling of photovoltaic is also Distributed generators, typically ranging between 250 kW to 5
presented and analyzed for a time period of 24-hours with kW output, include small wind turbines, PV solar, diesel and
varying solar radiation and temperature. Results of simulation gas-powered generators, and two types of fossil fuel units: fuel
indicate that FC system can contribute to frequency stability in cells and micro-gas turbines. In this paper, the impact of fuel
both cases when the load increases and also when the load drops. cell operation on the frequency stability under grid-connected
This feature of FC system will be helpful if it is operated along conditions is considered. The complete fuel cell system
with a hybrid Wind-PV System. comprises of fuel cell, electrolyzer and a hydrogen storage
Keywords- Distributed generation (DG); fuel cells(FC);
facility. Fuel cells are essentially fossil-fueled batteries. As
electrolyzer; diesel engine generator(DEG); Photovoltiac (PV); long as they are provided with a flow of fuel and air, they
hydrogen storage. never run out of energy. They offer a completely different way
of making electrical power from fossil fuels, i.e., natural gas or
I. INTRODUCTION gasified coal. Modern fuel cells produce electricity without
Non-renewable sources of energy and fossil fuels are noise causing little pollution and provide fuel efficiency upto
continuously consumed. Combustion of these fuels gives 50%, i.e., they are half as good as the best steam turbine units
excessive heat and cause environmental pollution. [9]. Each fuel cell works as an independent module. Any
Consumption of these fuels at continual rapid rate may result number of fuels cells can be installed depending upon power
in shortage of electrical energy in the near future. Thus, it requirement. Easy manufacture in assembly-line in various
becomes extremely important to think for alternative sizes is yet another benefit of fuel cell.
renewable resources such as wind, photovoltaic (PV), fuel
cells (FC), small hydro, bio-fuels etc. These technologies have
many benefits, such as high fuel efficiency, short construction Fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts chemical
lead-time, modular installation, and low capital expense [1]. energy into electrical energy. Fuel cell has an electrolyte and a
Their demand is further enhanced due to encouragement of the pair of electrodes. Unlike battery which needs repeated
generation sector by the ongoing deregulation in the recharge, fuel cell regenerates species utilized during the
generation sector [2]. The distributed generation was electrochemical reactions avoiding a need to recharge. The
integrated into the distribution system which emphasizes over basic requirement of a fuel cell is anode channel, cathode
optimal operating strategy [3], [4], [5], [6]. Small generators channel, electrolyte, fuel oxidant. Usually air is used as
supply with bulk power which is one of the most commonly oxidant and hydrogen as a fuel. Fuel is supplied to anode
used strategy. The distribution system which comprises of the where it is oxidized resulting in production of electrons and
energy and the ancillary service market is also of great positively charged ions. The electrons travel through external
importance to both market and research [7]. For example, the circuit to cathode. Positively charged ions move through
case of power failure, local DG can maintain the power supply electrolyte towards cathode where they recombine with
capacity to customers. DG also maintains frequency within the electrons and the two react with a third chemical, usually
local distribution system in case of instability by fluctuation in oxygen, to create water or carbon dioxide.
connected load. Frequency stability is a newer topic of A. Fuel Cell System Application
concern related to the distributed generation [8]. Earlier a
single substation supplied power to the distribution system, Fuel cell system can be used for portable power as well as for
on-site generation. In stationary applications, natural gas is
978-1-4673-0766-6/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
mainly used as fuel source which is primarily methane. On- is shunted internally by the p-n junction diode. The
site back up power system based on diesel engines is generally characteristic of this diode therefore sets the open circuit
operated only in case of emergency. Fuel cells have high voltage characteristics of the cell.
efficiency, low noise and small emissions, so they can be
operated continuously. Fuel cell does require any back up B. Modelling of Solar Cell
power. Fuel cell systems based on PEMFC technology are low The simplest equivalent circuit of a solar cell is a current
in. Fuel cells can be used as both centralized and distributed source in parallel with a diode. The output of the current source
generation. Distributed generation is more favorable in remote is directly proportional to the light falling on the cell. The
areas or where electrical demand has grown beyond the limit diode determines the I-V characteristics of the cell. Equation of
of the utility grid. Fuel cell systems also can supply the power ideal solar cell [10] which represents the ideal solar cell model
a grid- connected systems. is:
B. Electrolyzer = − exp –1 (2)
Water is decomposed into H2 and O2 by supply of direct where:
current through electrodes of the fuel cell. A small fraction of “IL ” is photocurrent (A); “IR ” is reverse saturation current(A);
H2 production comes from the electrolysis. Now a day, it is “V ” is diode voltage (V); “ Vi ” is thermal voltage, “A” is
significantly cheaper to produce H2 from hydrocarbons. Net diode ideality factor .
reaction for splitting of water is: The photocurrent (IL) in (2) depends on solar irradiance
H2 O → H2 + 1/2O2 (1) intensity and temperature which is described as:
Electrolysis plants, which are, use alkaline electrodes known = + − (3)
as alkaline electrolyzer. Traditionally alkaline electrolyzers
have been designed for constant H2 production rates. For where: “Isc,ref” is solar cell short –circuit current at reference
variable rate of H2 production Proton Exchange Membrane condition.“μIsc” is the solar cell short-circuit temperature
(PEM) electrolyzer is used. PEM electrolyzer have simpler coefficient.
process layout. There is no circulating liquid electrolyte. Thus, On the other hand, the cell’s reverse saturation current is
the PEM electrolyzer is easier to operate and provides fast described as:
start up. Its power density is also high. The efficiency of PEM
electrolyzers is lower than alkaline electrolyzers. Main = , exp qEg 1 − 1 / (4)
drawback with PEM fuel cell is their low operating lifetime
, = , −1 (5)
C. Hydrogen Storage System
Hydrogen produced by electrolyzer can be stored in Where: “Voc, ref ” is solar cell open circuit voltage at reference
compressed form, as cryogenic liquid, in solids (metal condition; “ Eg ” is band-gap energy in the solar cell, (1.12-
hydrides, carbon materials) and in liquid H2 carriers 1.15eV). Modified voltage-current characteristic equation of
(methanol, ammonia). Compressed gas storage is most solar cell is given as:
suitable for large-scale stationary storage. Compression of H2 + +
is normally done by the use of piston compressors or = − exp –1 − (6)
centrifugal compressors. Depending on the pressure Rse
difference, several stages of compression may be required Solar Radiation +
because of the low density of H2. I
IL Rsh V
Photovoltaic is the assembly of solar cells, connections,
protective parts and supports. Fig. 1. Equivalent Circuit diagram of
PV Model
A. Solar Cell
Solar cells consist of a p-n junction fabricated in a thin wafer C. Module
or layer of semiconductor. When light falls on a solar cell, A solar PV module can be considered as a big solar cell i.e.-
photons with energy greater than the band gap energy of the array of several solar cells connected in series and parallel
semiconductor are absorbed and a large number of electron- with large voltage and current output than a single solar
hole pairs are created. Generated holes tend to flow from n- cell[10]. Single solar cell’s voltage is too minor to be in real
side to p-side, resulting in the separation of the charge carriers operation, so module is shape of a group of solar cells in series
which can flow in the external circuit. Thus, this p-n junction and parallel, with their protection device. Current-voltage
makes it possible to convert light energy into electrical energy. characteristic equation of equivalent circuit for a PV module
Magnitude of the generated current is proportional to the arranged in series Ns and parallel Np can be described as:
incident radiation. When the cell is short circuited, this current
flows in the external circuit; when open circuited, this current
+ ⁄ + converter .Converter, converts fuel cell dc output to ac power,
= − exp −
ℎ which has supplied to grid. Fuel cell is producing heat energy,
(7) This has supplied to heat load. This plant model is also
“ Np ” is cells parallel number; “ Ns ” is cells series number. applicable for standalone and distributed power generation. If
the electricity consumers are connected to the utility grid, the
1 KW / m2 grid can be used for both power export and import.
PV module current (A)
.75 KW / m 2
A. Mathematical Model
.5 KW / m 2
In this section, a mathematical model of proposed hybrid
.25 KW / m 2
power generation system has been presented. A block diagram
shown in Fig. 3 describes the modeling of the hybrid power
system containing PV, DEG, FC, AE and hydrogen storage
system. Power converters are properly operated at their
0 appropriate locations. Presenting the mathematical analysis of
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
PV module voltage (V) each block separately and parameter used in the analysis has
250 given in Table II. To maintain a stable operation of a hybrid
1 KW / m2
system, the total power generation must be effectively
200 controlled and properly dispatched to meet the total power
PV module Power (W)
.75 KW / m 2
.5 KW / m2
demand of the connected loads.
.25 KW / m 2
Control strategy has determined by the difference between
power demand ∆PD and change in total generation ∆PT.
100 ∆PT = ∆PV + ∆PFC + ∆PDEG − ∆PE (8)
whereas ∆PV, ∆PFC, ∆PDEG, ∆PE are the change in- PV
generation, diesel power generation, fuel cell power and power
consumption by the electrolyzer in per units
0 10 20 30 40
PV module voltage (V)
Fig. 2. PV characteristics of solar module
PV Power DEG. Power Grid Fig. 4. Block diagram of hybrid PV, DEG-FC system
~ ~ ~ ∆PS = ∆PT − ∆PD (9)
where ∆PS is net power deviation.
The system frequency variation ∆F is calculated by-
Electrolyzer ∆ = ∆ (10)
Fuel Cells
Heat Electrical 1+
Since an inherent time delay exists between system
frequencies so the transfer function for system frequency
variation to per unit power deviation can be expressed by:
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of a hybrid wind power, DEG- fuel cell system ΔF = D+sM . Δ (11)
connected to a Micro-Grid. 1 T PS
D= , M=
Where M and D are, respectively, the equivalent inertia cell system supplies power to grid. Before start operating, a
constant a damping constant in per unit of the hybrid power fuel cell compares its hydrogen volume of tank is less than its
system. Consider 2 MW power generations as base value of maximum volume, then electrolyzer run and producing H2 and
the complete system. O2 that is stored in their tanks and this H2 is used in fuel cell,
a) Transfer Function Equation of Fuel Cells- otherwise electrolyzer hydrogen content to minimum volume
The transfer function for system frequency variation to per limit. It produces power only of volume of hydrogen present
unit fuel cell power is expressed by in it exceds minimum volume limit. In case when change in
∆PFC = 1+sT . ∆F (12) frequency is positive, fuel cell does not supply the power and
FC thereby the total generated power reduces. Some of excess
b) Transfer Function Equation of Electrolyzer- power supply to the electrolyzer, before running the
A part of the generated power is sent to the electrolyzer to electrolyzer hydrogen volume of tank has compared to its
produce available hydrogen for the fuel cell. The transfer maximum hydrogen volume. It will stop.
function of the electrolyzer is expressed by- TABLE I
∆PE = 1+sT . ∆F (13) KFC = 0.1, and T FC = 0.03s System power rating – 2 MW
c) Transfer Function Equation of Diesel Engine KDEG = 1 , and T DEG = Fuel cells power = 80 KW, DEG.Power =
Generator - 0.05s, R =.5 250KW,Peak PV Power = 200 KW,
Electrolyzer Power = 80KW
The transfer function equation of diesel power generation KE = 0.1,andT E = 0.05s H2 max. volume = 500Nm3, H2 min.
expressed by volume = 60 Nm3, Intial H2 vol.= 250Nm3
K DEG ΔF M = 0.12, and D = 0.1 ηE = 85%, ηFC = 50% , HHV =3.509
Δ = . R (14)
1+T DEG Kwh/Nm3, Frequency 50 Hz
R is speed regulation. DEG automatically starts up with
proper control. Start
Change In
d) Transfer Function of hydrogen Storage- PV
taking into account the stack losses and power conversion If Yes
ΔF = 0
1 ΔP
∆VFC = . FC (16) No
Action Yes
HHV . ηFC s Yes
power if ∆VFC is known. From above equations net H2 volume Fig. 5. Illustration of the operation strategy
stored in tank is determine by following equation:
where is net H2 volume stored in tank and VH0 is initial H2 In this section, time domain simulation has been done and
volume of the tank. results are analyzed. For the purpose of calculation, all input
and output quantities in the plots are considered in per unit
V. OPERATION STRATEGY (p.u.). Responses of the hybrid system shown by time
simulation are in per unit value. Simulation time for the model
Figure 5 shows a flow chart, which describes the operation of
is taken to be 24 hours. Real-time simulation results of PV
plant model discussed in previous section. Plant can be
model are also analyzed. Figure 6 and 7 show the variation in
connected to a grid or isolated power system with variable
solar irradiation and PV power variation throughout a day.
loads. Frequency of power system is inversely proportional to
load demand. From the point of view of system stability, The SESG-ND-216u1F PV module [11] is taken for example,
frequency of system must remain constant. In order to obtain which provides 216 watt of nominal maximum power, and has
constant grid frequency, power supply should be adjusted such 60 series connected polycrystalline silicon cells. Variation of
solar irradiation is taken from Ref.[12]. Real-time demand
that whenever load demand increases, power supply should
load is taken from a substation 11kV DS feeder Kaniana
increase and when load demand is decreased, power supply
Urban Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Haryana India [13].
should be reduced. The operation of plant is based on this
Change in load demand with respect to real-time load demand
principle. When change in frequency becomes negative, fuel
has been shown in figure 8. Time domain simulated responses
of the system under various operating points have been
A. Case-I
Increase in load demand- -0.1
to the grid. Due to decrease in system frequency, DEG power Fig. 8. Variation in load demand
is increased to supply power to the grid, up to its rated 0.04
Solar Irradiation (kw/m2)
0.8 0.03
0.5 0.02
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324
Time (Hour)
Time (Hours)
Fig. 6. Variation of Solar Irradiation throughout a day Fig. 11. Power consumed by electrolyzer.
Change in PV Power (p.u.)
0.1 350
0.04 250
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Fig. 12. Variation of hydrogen volume in storage tank.
Time (Hours) So from above cases, resulting variation in frequency is shown
Fig. 7. Variation of PV Power
in Fig. 13. Variation of frequency for a hybrid system with
fuel cell and without fuel cell are shown in Fig.13. It can be
concluded that fluctuation in frequency decrease by adding the
fuel cell sytem with hybrid power system.
[2] Lorrin Philipson and H. Lee Willis, Understanding Electric Utilities and
51.5 De-Regulation, Marcel Dekker, NY, USA, 1999.
Variation in Frequency with FC system
51 Variation in Frequency without FC system [3] Gianni Celli, Emilio Ghiani, Susanna Mocci and Fabrizio Pilo “A multi-
Chnge in Frequency ( Hz)