Math Group Hematic P Benjam Austria Cal Kang Min (Gra A 23. 3 Garoo 2 Ade 5 A - 2015 015 ND 6)
Math Group Hematic P Benjam Austria Cal Kang Min (Gra A 23. 3 Garoo 2 Ade 5 A - 2015 015 ND 6)
Math Group Hematic P Benjam Austria Cal Kang Min (Gra A 23. 3 Garoo 2 Ade 5 A - 2015 015 ND 6)
hematiccal Kanggaroo 2015
Group min (Graade 5 and 6)
p Benjam
a ‐ 23. 3. 2015
‐ 3 p
point questiions ‐
1. In wh
hich shape iss exactly one half coloureed grey?
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(A) (B) (C) (D)) (E)
଼ ଽ ଵ ଵଵ ଵଶ
How much does Dita weigh?
(A) 2 kg 3 kg
(B) 3 (C) 4
4 kg (D)) 5 kg (E) 6 kg
8. Peterr looks at thee picture han
nging on the wall in more
e detail through a
magnifyying glass. WWhich section n can he not ssee?
‐ 4 p
point questiions ‐
9. Each plant in Johns garden ha as exactly 5 lleaves or exaactly 2 leavess
and a flower. In tottal the plantss have 6 flow
wers and 32 leaves.
How maany plants are growing in n the garden??
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 155 (E
E) 16
wo she wants to make a 56cm long sttrip. How long must the
With the other tw e overlap be??
(A) 4 cm (B) 6
6 cm (C) 8 cm (D) 10 cm (E) 1
12 cm
11. Thom
mas has mad de the follow
wing shape wwith 6 square es of side length 1.
Whatt is the perimmeter of the shape?
(A) 9 (B) 1
10 (C) 11 (D) 12 13
(E) 1
12. Each
h day Maria wwrites down the date an d then adds together the e individual ddigits. For in
today onn the 23rd Maarch she writes 23. 03. aand calculatees 2 + 3 + 0 + 3 = 8.
Whatt is the largeest total she m
make in this way in the ccourse of a year?
(A) 7 (B) 113 (C) 14 (D) 16 20
(E) 2
13. A recctangle is forrmed from 4
4 equally sizeed smaller re
The shorter side is 10cm long. How long is thhe longer side?
(A) 23 (B) 2
25 (C) 27 (D) 29 31
(E) 3
15. Lucyy and her mo other were both born in JJanuary. Tod day on 23rd M March 2015 lucy adds together
her yearr of birth, thaat of her motther, her agee and that off her motherr. Which ansswer does sh
he get?
(A) 4028 (B) 4
4029 (C) 4030 (D) 4031
1 (E) 4
16. A recctangle has aarea 12 cm². The lengthhs of the side
es are natura
al numbers. W
Which perim
he rectangle have?
could th
(A) 20 cm (B) 2 26 cm (C) 28 cm (D) 32 cm (E) 4
48 cm
‐ 5 p
point questiions ‐
17. Each
h of the 9 sides of the tria
angles in thee picture will be coloured
blue, greeen or red. TThree of the sides are alrready colourred. Which coolour can
side x have, if the sides of each triangle musst be coloure ed in three different
(A) 9 (B) 1
10 (C) 11 (D) 12 (E) 113
19. For tthe game of Chess a new w piece, the KKangaroo, haas been invented.
With eacch jump the kangaroo jumps either 33 squares vertically and 1 1
Horizonttally, or 3 ho
orizontally annd 1 verticallly, as picture
ed. What is th
smallestt number of jjumps the ka angaroo musst make to m move from itss
current position to p position A?
(A) 2 (B) 3
3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6
20. Sarah bought thrree books. FFor the first bbook she paiid half of herr money pluss 1 Euro morre. For
the seco
ond book shee paid again half of her leeft‐over mon ney plus 2 Eu uro’s more. FFor the third book
she paid
d again half o more. After which she h ad spent all of her
of her left‐ovver money pllus 3 Euro’s m
money. How much money did she have to bbegin with?
(A) 445 € (B) 3
36 € (C) 34 € (D) 33 €
€ (E) 3
30 €
21. Ninaa wants to make a cube ffrom the papper net. You can see there are 7 squaares
Instead of 6. Which square(s) can she removve from the n net, so that the other 6
squaress remain connected and ffrom the new wly formed n net a cube caan be made??
(A) 7 (B) 8
8 (C) 9 (D) 10 (E) 1
23. In ho
ow many ways can the th hree kangarooos
be placeed in three different squa
ares so that nno
kangarooo has an imm mediate neigghbour?
(A) 15 (B) 1
19 (C) 22 (D) 24 (E) 2