The Importance of Face
The Importance of Face
The Importance of Face
In today’s digital age the importance of face-to-face communication seems to be fading, as one can
go almost an entire day without actually interacting with people. People rely heavily on the
convenience of emails, text messages, and social media.
While it is impossible to deny the importance of these platforms and the way that they have
revolutionized communication, it is important to balance these online interactions with face-to-face
Face-to-Face Advantages
Non-Verbal Cues
You can gauge how interested someone is in what you are talking about by reading their body
language. If you are in a meeting and your colleagues are fiddling with their pens, or checking their
watches, you know that you have to:
Likewise, if colleagues and partners are actively nodding their heads and smiling, it is clear that they
are engaged with you and your message.
Face-to-face communication and in-person meetings can boost efficiency. Instead of spending an
entire day e-mailing back and forth, you can hash out all of the details of a project in one go. These
meeting can also boost creativity as the overall energy will be higher so you can brainstorm and solve
a multitude of problems at one time.
Face-to-face communication can also be much more effective for those who may struggle with written
communication. Everyone has their own unique set of skills, and some people are much more fluid
and clear with verbal communication.
A Personal Touch
Adding the “personal touch” of face-to-face communication is much more important to those dealing
with outside clients and stakeholders. A sense of community comes with the ability to interact and
socialize. This sets the foundation for trust, and ultimately creates a better working relationship
While face-to-face communication is not always an option due to distance or conflicting schedules, it
is important that you do not forget about it completely. Whenever possible, take the time to interact
with your colleagues face-to-face and enjoy the benefits.
Face-To-Face Communication: 6 Reasons to Lead
in Person
That’s why when something is important, nothing compares to face-to-face communication. When a
leader needs to inspire people—or move them to action—the best way to do it is to look people in the eye
and tell them exactly what they need to know.
Communicating face-to-face sends a message before you say a word. People will not only hear what you
are saying, they will perceive the greater meaning of your tone, voice inflection, emotion and body
language. Taking the time to meet and chat with employees is an important way to emphasis key
messages as well as reiterate and expand upon ideas expressed in other channels.
Here are six good reasons for leaders to make the time to communicate
face to face:
1. Demonstrate importance
Being there in person tells your audience they are important to you and the issue you are discussing
is worth your time and theirs. Your focus will get people’s attention and increase the potential for your
message to be heard. While clearly a positive aspect of face-to face communication, this is also one
of the reasons strategic focus should be placed on which topics to include on the agenda.
When you are face to face, you can see and respond to people’s reactions – like facial expressions
and body language – as well as their tone of voice. Leaders have the chance to show they care by
asking probing questions and actively listening to understand the audience’s perspective. This is
especially critical when you need employees to adopt new behaviors to advance your goals, such as
in times of change.
Leaders need to build employee trust to be effective. Face-to-face interaction allows you to share
your strategy, explain it clearly, and answer questions honestly. Employees see how actions align
with words, which enhances leaders’ credibility and trust. These sessions also create opportunities to
tell stories about how a particular strategy is being “lived” by employees and recognize employees
for positive actions.
4. Build relationships
Interacting directly with other leaders, managers and employees expands your network and
establishes shared experience that can enhance future communication. The activities needed to
build agendas and presentations build greater comfort with messaging; generally, if you need to
share information with someone else, you need to understand it yourself first. It also helps create
camaraderie that is the basis of cooperation and success across the organization.
5. Gather feedback
Meeting in person helps employees feel valued and gives them a chance to contribute input to
organizational strategies and communication. It gives the leader a chance to confirm people’s
understanding of key issues, identify gaps and encourage ongoing feedback and engagement.
Consider using interactive technology to gather “live” data.
6. Address sensitive issues
Finally, one of the biggest benefits of face-to-face communication is demonstrating respect for
employees and a commitment to a successful outcome when you deal with a sensitive issue face to
face. Whether you are providing specific feedback to increase their success or delivering a tough
message, focus on your desired outcome and prepare by understanding the employee’s mindset
and possible reactions. Ultimately your involvement means a lot and taking the time to meet can help
turn a challenging conversation into a trust-building interaction. Don’t forget to follow-up on issues
discussed in future meetings and/or other channels to avoid diminishing the credibility you’ve
For these reasons and more, face-to-face communication can be a very valuable tool for internal
communications. It can often be the antidote to our fast paced digital age. Be sure to keep open the
possibilities to leverage this tried and true channel to its fullest advantage in your future efforts.
Conversation means the informal discussion among the people. When one person
discusses his views, opinion to another person and exchanges their views in the presence
of both then it is called face to face conversation. It also includes the face-to-face
discussion on a particular issue. In this method, both the information receiver and sender
can exchange their views freely and fairly.
In modern society, with the rapid development of technology, people have more choices
ways to communicate each other such as face-to-face, letters, emails or telephones.
However, I believe that face-to-face communication is much better than other types of
communication, such as a letter, email or telephone calls. The advantages of face-to-face
communication are described as below:
So, “when a small group of people or only two persons involve them in informal talking
when they come to face to face, it is called face to face Communication.”
In other word, “when two or more persons talk to each other and see each other
physically, it can be termed as face to face Communication. It is one kind of two-way oral
communication as both the parties are involved here in conversation.” Business
Hence, all the informal talks that place when people come to face to face are considered
as face to face conversations. However, telephone conversation cannot be termed as face
to face conversation, though it is an oral communication.
But the presidents of two countries greeting each other with a smile and shaking hands
warmly are engaged in face to face conversation, though their communication is not oral
due to lack of uniqueness in language.