As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

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DOCUMENTS · Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema · Vol. I · No. 3.

· 2013 · 10-17

As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief

Glimpses of Beauty
Jonas Mekas

I have never been able really to figure out Without knowing, unknowingly, we carry…
where my life begins and where it ends. each of us, we carry with us somewhere deep,
some images of Paradise. Maybe not images…
some vague, vague feeling where we have been
CHAPTER I some place… There are places, there are places
in which we find ourselves in our lives. I have
I have never, never been able to figure it all been in such places where I felt, ah, this must be
out. What it’s all about, what it all means. So when like Paradise, this is Paradise, or something like
I began now to put all these rolls of film together, that. A little fragment of Paradise. Not only the
to string them together, the first idea was to keep places… I have been with friends. We have been
them chronological. But then I gave up and I just together, my friends, many times, and we felt
began splicing them together by chance, the way some kind of togetherness, something special,
I found them on the shelf. Because I really don’t and we were elated and we felt, ah, we felt like
know where any piece of my life really belongs. in Paradise.

Let it be, let it go, just by pure chance, disorder. But we were right here on this Earth. But
There is some kind of order in it, order of its own, we were in Paradise… Those brief moments,
which I do not really understand, same as I never those moments… And that is maybe what it’s all
understood life around me, the real life, as they say, about… Forget eternity, enjoy. Yes, we enjoyed
or the real people, I never understood them. those moments. Those brief moments, those
evenings. And there where many such evenings,
I still do not understand them, and I do not many such evenings, my friends. I will never
really want to understand them. forget them, my friends…

1. This document includes the film’s voice-over fragments and relate to the spoken word. We’d like to thank Manuel
only, not the written texts that frequently intertwine with Asín for allowing us to include this text.


I think Nietzsche was the transition. I believe up this, picking up that, splicing it all together,
one of the absolute greatest philosophers of the putting it all together, by chance. Same as the
Western culture is Nietzsche. The most precise of all. images, same as... I am putting those images
together, exactly the same when I originally filmed
That’s why he was the greatest influence… them: by chance, with no plan, just according
to the whim of the moment, what I felt at that
He changed my life in 1960. In 1959 I read moment that I should be filming. This or that,
his “Dramaturgie”, and I read the introduction of without knowing why.
the second or third edition, which was years later,
and he says, “Oh if I would have only written poetry Same with the sounds that I have collected
and incorporated it all, instead of trying to say it through all those years. I’m picking up all those
as a philosopher! That was my failure”. So I said: sounds and putting them here on the soundtrack,
“That’s enough. I have to make my films now”. And by chance.
that’s when I left my job at the Graphic Studios and
made “Guns of the Trees”. He had his mind and he Memories... Memories... Image, sound,
continuously struggles… memories...

No judgement here... positive, negative,

CHAPTER II good, bad... They’re just images and sounds,
very very innocent in and by themselves, as they
Here I am, in my editing room, this late pass through... As they go and they go. Very very
night, this late night again. I have stopped my innocent. Yes, people are bad, cinema is innocent,
tape recorder here... That is, I am rewinding... as innocent. People are not innocent. They are not.
I’m working on my sounds... Here I am, just with
my images and my sounds, by myself, now, in a
practically empty house. CHAPTER III

Oona is now married and happy and she is Here is a surprise for Chapter Three.
in Brooklyn. But actually, this very minute she’s
watching with Sebastian. They went to a movie. Now, what do the normal, regular people
Hollis is out, she left early this morning. I left usually do? Of course: they get married. So, Hollis
before her, so I don’t know where she is and and me, that is, the protagonists of this film, we
when she’s coming back home. So here I am, just decided to try to be like all the normal, serious
myself, and cats and my images and my sounds. people: we decided to get married.
And myself.
Ah, Almus, with your boundless energy!
Myself, wondering, wondering about
myself. Actually, maybe I am exaggerating. I’m Ah, Jacques Ledoux, sweet Ledoux!
not really wondering. I’m just doing my work.
I’m just working. This is my little workshop Ah, P. Adams, Allan!
here, this little room, loaded, stacked with film,
and my two Bayans... Here is one, and here is Ken, and Richard.
Harry, I miss your jokes. I miss your jokes.
As I’m working on my sounds, I’m not so
sure what I’m doing really. It’s all chance. I’m Ah, and there is the man of the minute...
going through all the reels of my sounds, picking and Hollis’s father. And Hollis’s brother.

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Watching the snow fall. Keep looking for I have come close to the end now, it’s the question
things, in places, where there is nothing. will I make it or will I not. My life has become too
painful and I keep asking myself, what I am doing
The dream. to get out of where I am, what am I doing with
my life. It took me long to realize that it’s love that
The crying room. The crying room. The distinguishes man from stones, trees, rain, and that
crying field. There is a room... there is a room, we can lose our love and that love grows through
we never see its inside. There is a room in which loving. Yes, I’ve been so completely lost, so truly lost.
there is a woman who cries and cries. We hear There were times I wanted to change the world, I
her crying, but we never see her. The crying field. wanted to take a gun and shoot my way through the
There is a room. Western Civilization. Now I want to leave others
alone, they have their terrible fates to go. Now I
The silence. The silence. But what happens want to shoot my own way through myself, into
during the silences? Yes, the silences... the thick night of myself. Thus I change my course,
going inwards. Thus I am jumping into my own
But what happens during the silences? darkness. There must be something, somehow, I feel,
very soon, something that should give me some sign
But what happens during the silences? to move one or another direction. I must be very
open and watchful now, completely open. I know it’s
The pain is stronger than ever. I’ve seen bits of coming. I am walking like a somnambulist waiting
lost Paradises and I know I’ll be hopelessly trying to for a secret signal, ready to go one or another way,
return, even if it hurts. The deeper I swing into the listening into this huge white silence for the weakest
regions of nothingness, the further I’m thrown back sign or call. And I sit here alone and far from you.
into myself, each time more and more frightening And it’s night and I’m reflecting on everything all
depths below me, until my very being becomes dizzy. around me, and I am thinking of you. I saw it in
There are brief glimpses of clear sky, like falling out your eyes, in your love, you too are swinging towards
of a tree, so I have some idea where I am going, the depths of your own being in longer and longer
but there is still too much clarity and straight order circles. I saw happiness and pain in your eyesand
of things, I am getting always the same number reflections of the Paradises lost and regained and lost
somehow. So I vomit out broken bits of words again, that terrible loneliness and happiness. Yes,
and syntaxes of the countries I’ve passed through, and I reflect upon this and I think about you, like
broken limbs, slaughtered houses, geographies. My two lonely space pilots in outer cold space, as I sit
heart is poisoned, my brain left in shreds of horror here this late night alone and I think about all this.
and sadness. I’ve never let you down, world, but
you did lousy things to me. This feeling of going
nowhere, of being stuck, the feeling of Dante’s first CHAPTER IV
strophe, as if afraid of the next step, next stage. As
long as I don’t sum up myself, stay on the surface, I So, my dear viewers, we have arrived at
don’t have to move forwards, I don’t have to make Chapter Four.
painful and terrible decisions, choices, where to go
and how. Because deeper there are terrible decisions Sorry that nothing much, nothing
to make, terrible steps to take. It’s at forty that we extraordinary has so far happened in this movie.
die, those who did not die at twenty. It is at forty Nothing much extraordinary. It’s all very simple
that we betray ourselves, our bodies, our souls, by daily activities, life. No drama, no great climaxes,
either staying on the surface or by going further but no tension. What will happen next. Actually, the
through the easiest decisions, retarding, throwing titles in this movie tell you right there what’s going
our souls back by thousands of incarnations. But to happen. I guess, by now you have noticed that

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I do not like any suspense. I want you to know I am looking at these images, now, many
exactly, or at least approximately, what’s coming, many years later. I recognize and remember
what’s happening. Though, again, as you have everything. What can I tell to you, what can I tell
noticed, nothing much is happening anyway. to you. No. No. These are images that have some
So let’s continue, and see, maybe something will meaning to me, but may have no meaning to
happen. Maybe. If not, forgive me, dear viewers. you at all. Then, suddenly, this being midnight,
If nothing happens, let’s continue anyway. That’s I thought: there is no image that wouldn’t relate
how life is. It’s always more of the same. Always to anybody else. I mean, all the images around
more of the same. One day follows another, one us, that we go through our lives, and I go filming
second follows another second. them, they are not that much different from what
you have seen or experienced... From what you
OK, I’ll give you now some suspense and have seen or experienced. All our lives are very
let’s see... Let’s see how the time is going... I’ll very much alike. Ah, my dear Blake! Just a drop
record exactly one minute beginning now. of water. We are all in it and nothing, there is
no big difference, no essential difference between
Cut! That was one minute. One minute is you and me, no essential difference.
longer than one thinks.

And the mist now covers the sand. CHAPTER V

And the mist now covers the sand. You must by now come to a realization that
what you are seeing is a sort of masterpiece of
I have been so totally alone with myself for nothing. Nothing. You must have noticed my
so long. obsession with what’s considered as nothing,
in cinema and life, nothing very important. We
I’ve been so totally alone with myself for so all look for those very important things... Very
long. important things. And here there is nothing
important, nothing. It’s all little daily scenes,
He sits under the tree in the park, listening personal little celebrations and joys. Nothing
to the leaves of the trees in the wind. important. It’s all nothing. Nothing. That is,
if you have never experienced the ecstasy of a
That day you wanted to come with me, but child making the first steps... The incredible
you couldn’t. I went alone, but it wasn’t the same. importance of that moment, of a child making
You said you had a feeling that in one of my lives his first steps. Or the importance, the incredible
I had something to do with the circus. You said, importance of a tree in the Spring suddenly all in
you could see me in Spain. blossoms. All in blossoms! The miracle... Miracles
of every day, little moments of Paradise that are
No image. Only soundtrack of Louis and here now. Next moment maybe they are gone.
Storm discussing something. Bits, glimpses of Totally insignificant... but great.
«The reader should be carried forward not
My dear viewer, it’s midnight now. I am merely or chiefly by the mechanical impulse of
talking to you and it’s very very late in my little curiosity, not by a restless desire to arrive at the
room. I’m looking at these images and I’m trying final solution, but by the pleasurable activity of
to provide you with some sounds to go with these the journey itself.» Coleridge.
images, and my imagination. My mind has just
stopped dead. Is it June? Yes, June 26th, oh boy!

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June 26th. Now what do we have to say for sit or maybe you lie in your hot bed in your hot
ourselves on this day? room, and you are sweating, and you don’t know
what to drink, and whatever you drink comes
June 23rd. out immediately through your skin as sweat. Ah,
those are the days that I like! And you sit maybe
The voice said: “You don’t have to go by the window and you look out, and maybe you
anywhere. You just have to make yourself don’t even have a fan going, and it’s hot in the
ready. Prepare yourself. Know it’s there. It will room too, and you look out, and it’s all white
come by itself. Your work is here, it will come and washed out by the sun. Ah, then you go to
by itself. Just have trust and knowing, and be the park, and you lie in the grass and you look at
open and ready. Don’t worry, don’t frustrate. It the blue sky, maybe there is not a single cloud in
will come. it, and it’s hot, and it’s hot. There are millions of
people around you on the blankets, the trees, the
trees, and there is you, maybe just by yourself, in
CHAPTER VI the middle of the summer. Ah, what an ecstasy,
what an ecstasy!
By the time a viewer, that is you, reaches
Chapter Six, one expects, that is you, you As I was watching you that moment, I
expect, you expect to find out... more about the thought there can not be anything more beautiful
protagonist, that is me, the protagonist of this or more important on this earth, between heaven
movie. So I don’t want to disappoint you. All I and earth, as you were there one with them,
want to tell you, it’s all here. I am in every image one with heaven and earth, giving life, giving
of this film, I am in every frame of this film. The life to Oona. I admired you that moment and
only thing is: you have to know how to read these I knew that you were completely somewhere
images. How? Didn’t all those French guys tell else, somewhere else where I could never be,
you how to read the images? Yes, they told you. something I could never totally understand.
So, please, read these images and you’ll be able to The beauty of the moment, that moment, was
tell everything about me. beyond any words.

So, here it is, Chapter Six. Now, this is from William Carlos Williams,
from his autobiography: «That is the poet’s
Ah, the summers of New York! The summers, business, not to talk in vague categories but to
when everybody is leaving the town, when I can write particularly, as a physician works upon
walk the streets just almost by myself, and the a patient, upon the thing before him, in the
sun beating on the streets, and sweating, and particular to discover the universal». John Dewey
hot, I like it, I am in ecstasy during those days, had said: «I discovered it quite by chance. The
weeks of the midsummer, the hottest time in local is the only universal, upon that all art
New York. I like it, I like New York when it’s hot builds». Quotes closed.
and when I am sweating and I am walking the
streets. I have walked those streets all my New Then all the sound stops suddenly.
York life, many many years. I have memories... I
have memories of those streets, going back many
many many years. The summers... the summers CHAPTER VII
of New York. Ecstatic! New York downtown
rooms are hot and the mysterious wind comes My dear viewers, I guess you have come to
through the windows and blows the curtains another realization by now: and that is, that I am
gently. Ah, the winds of New York summers! You not really a filmmaker. I do not make films. I just

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film. I am obsessed with filming. I am really a moving ahead, and some glimpses of happiness
filmer... It’s me and my Bolex. I go through this and beauty come my way, by chance, when I do
life with my Bolex and I have to film what I see, not even expect it... when I do not even expect
what is happening right there. What an ecstasy it... So I keep moving ahead, I keep moving
just to film. Why do I have to make films when ahead, my friends...
I can just film! When I can just film, whatever
is happening there, in front of me and now, my I understand animals: cows, horses, cats,
friends, whatever I see. I may not be even filming dogs... But I do not understand people. I do not
the real life, I may be just filming my memories. I understand people. So let us continue.
don’t care! I just have to film. Like, I have to film
snow. I have to film snow. How much snow there Life goes on.
is in New York? But you’ll see a lot of snow in
my films. Snow is like the mud of Lourdes. Why My camera... To film... I am not making
do they always, when they paint Paradise, show it films. I am just filming. The ecstasy of filming, just
just full of exotic trees? No! Paradise, my Paradise filming life around me, what I see, to what I react,
was full of snow! I tell you: Paradise was full of to what my fingers, my eyes react, this moment,
soft, white snow, and I used to roll in it and I was now, this moment when it’s all happening. Ah,
so free and happy. I was in Paradise. I knew... I what ecstasy!
know when I as a child I was in Paradise. I know.

I guess I am a romantic. You can call me a CHAPTER IX

romantic. It’s OK with me. I do not understand,
I never really understood, never really lived in the So let us continue. It’s very late at night now,
so-called real world. I lived... I live in my own in New York and in my little room, where I am
imaginary world, which is as real as any other putting all these pieces together. It seems that the
world, as real as the real worlds of all the other only time I have for myself is those late late night
people around me. You also live in your own hours when everybody’s sleeping, when the air is
imaginary worlds. What you are seeing is my clearer from all that daily noise, activity. Those are
imaginary world, which to me is not imaginary at the little bits of time and, of course, it has always
all. It’s real. It is as real as anything else under the been so, that is why this film consists of little
sun. So let us continue... Let us continue. bits, fragments of time, time from my life... little
fragments. But sometimes the fragments contain
all that there is, as Blake said...

As I am putting these pieces of film together, CHAPTER X

this late evening, I am thinking about myself, I
am thinking how during the years, I have covered In the background you can hear some
myself with layers of civilization, so many layers noises from the New Year’s celebration. New
that now even myself I don’t see how easily wounds Year’s 1999 into 2000. Tomorrow will be
are made deep inside... Deep inside by things that the first day of the year 2000. I am here in
I don’t even suspect. What do I know about this my editing room splicing. I made about one
civilization, this life? I know nothing. I do not hundred and fifty splices today, and I am
understand anything. And I know nothing. I looking at my old footage, footage of the XXth
know nothing. I do not know how I managed to century, the last quarter of the XXth century, as
reach this point, how I have reached this point the world is celebrating the new year. The new
in my life. But I continue moving ahead, slowly, year... I am celebrating all the past years in this

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footage, this film. It’s about twenty minutes to Memories, memories... They come and go, in
the end of this millennium as I sit here, in my no particular order. I remember this, I remember
editing room making splices, splicing little bits that; places, faces, situations, they come and go,
of my own past, my own millennium. Each of they come and go.
us have our own millenniums, millennia, and
they could be longer or shorter. And when My dear friends, to be in Paradise is to be
I look now at this footage, I look at it from with good old friends. Ah, my friends! The hours,
completely somewhere else, I am completely the evenings we spent together! That was Paradise.
somewhere else now. This is me, there, here, As time goes... as time goes, there is nothing more
and it’s not me anymore, because I am the one important than good friends, my friends!
who is looking at it now, at myself, at my life,
my friends, the last quarter of the Century.
Now it’s about seventeen minutes to the end CHAPTER XI
of this century, this millennium. It’s just time.
Time goes on, life goes on; same as this film is As I sit in my room this late night and look
going on through the projector gate... projector at some of the images that I am splicing, putting
gate. The film, these images recorded casually together, I wonder how much of yourselves you’ll
at different times, long ago, and they mean see and recognize in these images.
just what they mean, just what they are, and
nothing else beyond themselves. I am talking to you now, Oona and Sebastian
and Hollis. I am talking to you now. These are my
The Sundays... The Sundays in Central Park, memories. Your memories of the same moments,
when you sit in the grass... when you sit in the if you’ll have any, will be very different. These are
grass with friends and, maybe, a bottle of wine, my memories, the way I saw it when I was filming
and some cheese and some Italian sausage. Ah, it. It was through my childhood memories, I
the ecstasy, the beauty, the happiness of Sundays guess, I was filming my own memories, my own
in Central Park! If you have never spent Sunday, childhood, as I was filming your childhood. I
many Sundays, as many Sundays as I have spent picked up those moments to which I responded,
there, you’ll never know the happiness, the coming, remembering my own childhood. So I
pleasure, the ecstasy, the beauty of Central Park do not know how much of yourselves you’ll see
on Sundays. Central Park! Summers in Central in it, though it was all real, it was all real life. It’s
Park... The summers of Central Park... you, it’s you in every frame of this film, though
it’s seen by me. But it is you. You’ll see it all very
The seasons of the year pass New York, differently. It will mean completely something
quietly, very often unnoticed. Here is winter else, these images, to you than to me.
and then, before you know, suddenly, Spring.
Sometimes you think it’s already Spring, and Yes... It’s late night again. The city is
then, it snows for a surprise. And then again, sleeping. I am here alone, looking at these images,
the Spring takes over and suddenly everything is fragments of my and your lives; talking into this
blooming. Everything is blooming and you know mike, by myself, by myself...
then it’s really Springtime. Yes, it is Springtime.
And then you go to the Central Park. Eh, my
friends! The Spring, the summers of New York!... CHAPTER XII
I don’t think you believe me. But I tell you: it is
beautiful in New York in the Spring. And when I am still in Provence, this evening, here,
the summers come, I am ecstatic, I don’t want to in my editing room, this late night. I am in
go anywhere, I want to stay here, in New York. Provence! I feel the sun, I feel the lightness, I see

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the landscape, the trees, the flowers. I can smell Life is continuing... Life is continuing...
the air of Provence and I can feel the happiness, And what’s important to me may be totally
the happiness of that summer in Provence, as unimportant to you, totally unimportant to you...
we, Hollis and me, as we were driving through Though everything eventually passes, except this
the little towns up and down and around hills, very, this very very moment, and the next second
little towns. Provence! As we drank the wine of we are in another moment and something else
Provence, the air of Provence. Ah, the happiness, happens and everything else is gone, is past, is
the ecstasy of that summer. It’s still here, now, with memory, is memory. But some of the memories...
me, this very moment, it’s stronger than anything no, they never really go away. Nothing really goes
that I have experienced, gone through. Today... away, it’s always here, and sometimes it takes over
today, now and in New York it’s much much you, and it’s stronger than any reality around you,
stronger and closer and much more real. You ask around me, now. That is... reality. That is real.
me about beauty! What do I know about beauty! That is really real, though it’s not here anymore,
But I know that I have experienced moments of as they say, it’s not here anymore. But it’s here for
happiness. Moments of happiness... and that was, me, it’s here and now.
if there is beauty, that was beauty.
I don’t know what life is. I know nothing about
Provence is beauty. Being in love is beauty. what life is. I have never understood life, the real
Drinking the wine of Provence is beauty. That was, life. Where do I really live? I do not know. I do not
that is beauty, my friends! Yes, friends is beauty. know where I come from, where do I go. Where am
To have a glass of wine with friends, old friends I, where am I? I do not know. I do not know where I
and new friends, is beauty. I drink to you tonight, am, and where I am going to and where I’m coming
here, by myself, I lift my glass of Provence wine, from. I know nothing about life. But I have seen
Ben’s wine, to you, my friends! some beauty, I have seen some brief... Brief glimpses
of beauty and happiness... I have seen, I know. I
have seen some happiness and beauty.
My dear viewers: as we continue I do not feel
any guilt making you watch these very personal I do not know where I am. I do not know where
insignificant moments of my life. We all look for I am! But I know I have experienced some moments
something more important... for something more of beauty, brief moments of beauty and happiness,
important... But, as life goes, at some point we as I am moving ahead, as I am moving ahead, my
realize that one day follows another, and things friends! I have, I know, I know I have experienced
that we felt were so important yesterday we feel some brief brief moments of beauty! My friends! My
we have forgotten them already today. friends! •

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