Fred Smith - Study and Understand Corporate Social Responsibility

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Study and Understand Corporate Social


Congress should study the confusion created poration, as Economics Nobel Laureate Ronald
in the market by mixing the welfare (wealth re- Coase has noted, is one of the most successful
distribution) elements of politics with the inno- institutional innovations in history, an extremely
vative (wealth creation) aspects of the market. effective way of organizing large numbers of
The current financial crisis stems in large part people and capital to produce a set of goods and
from this entanglement of private profit goals services at affordable prices. Specialization is
with political guarantees and subsidies. Con- the key to its success. CSR, by imposing a whole
gress should examine the problems inherent in array of “social” mandates on the firm, diverts
a “mixed economy” and seek ways to ensure focus from this wealth creation role to other
that the relative responsibilities of all parties non-profit relevant goals, and, thus, weakens
are clearly delineated, that the boundary lines the firm’s ability to create wealth.
between the private and the political spheres Moreover, CSR is non-democratic, shifting
are understood and honored. power from the many in the populace to the few
To this end, Congress should critically ap- in top corporate management. The wealth cre-
praise corporate social responsibility (CSR). ated by the corporation does not stay with the
Too often, CSR blurs those distinctions, trans- company; rather it flows out to shareholders,
forming wealth-creating firms into wealth- employees, customers, and suppliers. And that
redistributing rent seekers. Congress should also diffusion of wealth empowers far more people
reconsider government sponsored enterprises— to advance their own diverse individual values.
nominally private firms which are given special By compromising the corporation’s wealth cre-
privileges in return for advancing various wel- ating potential, CSR reduces the ability of indi-
fare goals. An example of this are the financial viduals to advance their own individual goals.
guarantees granted to Freddie Mac and Fan- Instead, CSR allows top corporate managers—
nie Mae in exchange for their extending home influenced by powerful political and ideologi-
ownership opportunities to high credit-risk cal interests—to determine which values will be
individuals. Fannie and Freddie were widely championed, and which ones ignored.
regarded as ideal examples of CSR. Few policy trends threaten world economic
The doctrine of CSR fails to recognize the growth more than CSR.
ways in which the corporation already contrib-
utes to the values of our democracy. The cor- Fred Smith

202-331-1010 • • Competitive Enterprise Institue

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