16 Aprilupdate
16 Aprilupdate
16 Aprilupdate
Out of an abundance of concern for the safety and protection all people, and in
collaboration with the priests of the Diocese of Helena, Bishop Vetter shares the following
updates and clarification.
• All Masses with a congregation remain suspended until determined safe by Bishop
Vetter. The general dispensation for all the faithful from the obligation to participate
at Mass on Sunday continues.
o Masses Without A Congregation: All priests are encouraged to privately
celebrate one Mass each day, praying for their parishioners, and for those who
are sick, care givers, first responders, and those who work to mitigate the impact
of the coronavirus.
§ Clarification: Only those necessary for Mass are to be present; essentially
it is a Mass without a congregation.
§ These Masses are not to be announced or publicized. Masses that are
being livestreamed may be publicized.
§ The Mass “In Time of Pandemic" may be used beginning April 13, 2020,
except on the Sundays of Easter and any Solemnities (there are other
exceptions, but not until November 1 - see Instruction). The instruction,
Prayers and Scriptures for this Mass accompany this memo.
o As long as the public celebration of Mass is suspended, ‘Communion Services’
and Eucharistic Adoration are not permitted.
o Communion to the Homebound are suspended due to the health risks to some
of our most vulnerable parishioners. Parishes should establish regular contact,
by phone, Facetime or other electronic communication, to those who are
homebound to help them stay prayerfully connected to their parish.
• The Elect and Candidates for Full Communion: Bishop Vetter expresses his love and
pastoral concern for those preparing to enter fully into the Church. He shares their
frustration at this delay. Bishop Vetter leaves it to the discretion of pastor or
administrator to set the time for the celebrations of these rites to take place; if they
take place during the current restrictions, the celebration of the sacraments should be
done individually and outside of Mass. The Easter Season and Pentecost are appropriate
times for these sacraments. First Eucharist is delayed until Mass is publicly celebrated.
• Sacraments:
o Baptism: Once Bishop Vetter determines it is safe, baptisms may again be
celebrated. Before then, only in necessity, may a baptism be celebrated
respecting the limitations on people gathered (maximum of 10) and ensuring
proper social distancing. New water is to be used and blessed for each baptism.
o Confirmation: The Deanery Confirmations are canceled. Bishop Vetter has
granted pastors and priest administrators the Faculty to Confirm High School
Seniors during the months of April, May, and June 2020. Confirmation for those
who are not seniors in High School is postponed until Bishop Vetter celebrates
Confirmation in the spring of 2021. A priest who has serious reason to confirm
one who is not a high school senior is to present a written request to the Bishop
and await a written response.
§ Confirmation is to be done outside of the celebration of Mass, respecting
the limitation on people gathered (maximum of 10) and ensuring proper
social distancing. The Ritual For Confirmation In An Emergency is
o First Eucharist celebrations are postponed until Bishop Vetter determines it is
safe to publicly celebrate Mass.
o Anointing of the Sick. Priests are asked to be courageous and generously
respond to those who are in proximate danger of death and request anointing
and viaticum. The directions, procedures and policies of all medical and care
facilities must be strictly followed when visiting the ill. The use of an instrument,
such as a glove or cotton swab is allowed for the anointing. If you anoint a
person who has COVID-19, outside a hospital, please check with your County
Health Department with regard to the need to self-quarantine.
o Weddings: Until it is safe, weddings should be postponed or celebrated with only
the couple and 2 witnesses and up to 5 others (no more than 10 total).
o Reconciliation: As a reminder, the sacrament of Reconciliation must take place
in person. It is not permitted over electronic devices including telephone or
video conference. Group celebrations of the Sacrament of Reconciliation are
§ Priests should be open to requests for the private celebration of
Reconciliation, providing for social distancing and allowing no more than
10 at a time in the Church.
§ A priest could celebrate someone’s first reconciliation in this manner.
§ Because we are dealing with groups of less than 10, General Absolution
does not apply; if you feel you have a good reason to use it, you must
obtain the permission of Bishop Vetter.
o Funerals may be celebrated, but only with a total number of 10 people; no vigils
and no luncheons at this time. Committal services with the immediate family are
permitted, following social distancing protocols.