Journal of Catalysis: Hongjian Yan, Jinhui Yang, Guijun Ma, Guopeng Wu, Xu Zong, Zhibin Lei, Jingying Shi, Can Li
Journal of Catalysis: Hongjian Yan, Jinhui Yang, Guijun Ma, Guopeng Wu, Xu Zong, Zhibin Lei, Jingying Shi, Can Li
Journal of Catalysis: Hongjian Yan, Jinhui Yang, Guijun Ma, Guopeng Wu, Xu Zong, Zhibin Lei, Jingying Shi, Can Li
Journal of Catalysis
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Article history: To efficiently convert solar energy into chemical energy by artificial photosynthesis, we need to develop
Received 3 May 2009 visible-light-responsive photocatalysts with a high quantum efficiency (QE). Here we report that an arti-
Revised 24 June 2009 ficial photocatalyst (Pt–PdS/CdS) can achieve a QE up to 93% in photocatalytic H2 production in the pres-
Accepted 29 June 2009
ence of sacrificial reagents under visible light irradiation, and is very stable under the photocatalytic
Available online 3 August 2009
reaction conditions. The extremely high QE could be achieved by loading as low as 0.30 wt% of Pt and
0.13 wt% of PdS as cocatalysts on CdS.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Quantum efficiency
Cadmium sulfide
All the reagents were of analytical grade, and were used with-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +86 411 84694447.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Li).
out further purification.
URL: (C. Li). The CdS nanoparticles were prepared as follows: an aqueous
Both authors contributed equally to this work. solution of Na2S (800 mL, 0.14 M) was added slowly to Cd(OAc)2
0021-9517/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
166 H. Yan et al. / Journal of Catalysis 266 (2009) 165–168
solution (1000 mL, 0.14 M) under vigorous stirring. The yellow The apparent quantum efficiency (QE) was measured under the
mixture was stirred for 24 h and kept for an additional 24 h. The same photocatalytic reaction condition with irradiation light at
resulting yellow slurry was filtered. The wet solid was suspended 420 nm by using combined band-pass (Kenko) and cut-off filters
in pure water (120 mL) and transferred to a Teflon-lined stainless (HOYA) and 300 W Xe lamp, and the QE was calculated according
steel autoclave (150 mL) and heated at 473 K for 72 h (hydrother- to Eq. (1):
mal treatment). The yellow solid was filtered, washed with water
number of reacted electrons
and ethanol subsequently, filtered again, and kept under vacuum QE ½% ¼ 100
number of incident photons
at 368 K for 24 h.
The loading or co-loading of Pt and Pd on CdS producing Pt/CdS, number of evolved H2 molecules 2
¼ 100 ð1Þ
Pd/CdS, and Pt–Pd/CdS was done by photodeposition. Thus, for number of incident photons
example, H2PtCl6 aqueous solution (0.0019 M) was added to a sus-
The number of incident photons was 3.54 1017 photons/s which
pension of CdS (1 g, as prepared above) dispersed in acetic acid
was measured by using a calibrated Si photodiode (HAMAMATSU
(AcOH, 80 mL, 0.25 M) and containing Cd(Ac)22H2O (0.5 g). The
S2281). The number of incident photons was also calibrated with
mixture was deaerated under vacuum and then irradiated with
ferrioxalate solution in the same device [11].
300 W Xe lamp for 30 min. The resulting suspension was then fil-
tered, washed with water, and dried at 363 K under vacuum.
3. Results and discussion
The loading of PdS on CdS producing PdS/CdS was realized by
in-situ deposition. Thus, for example, a PdCl2 aqueous solution
Well-crystallized cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles possess
(0.0011 M) was added dropwise to a suspension of CdS powder
hexagonal structures and diameters of approximately 40–60 nm
(0.3 g, as prepared above) dispersed in Na2S aqueous solution
(Supplementary material, Figs. 1 and 2) and their UV–vis diffuse
(0.5 M) just before the photocatalytic reaction.
reflectance spectrum shows an absorption edge at about 540 nm
The co-loading of Pt and PdS on CdS producing Pt–PdS/CdS was
(2.3 eV) (Supplementary material, Fig. 3).
realized similar to the loading of PdS except for the additional
In Table 1, the photocatalytic activities (or QE) for H2 evolution
addition of a H2PtCl6 aqueous solution (0.0019 M).
over CdS, Pt/CdS, Pd/CdS, Pt–Pd/CdS, and Pt–PdS/CdS catalysts are
given. CdS without the cocatalysts loaded exhibits very low photo-
2.2. Characterization catalytic activity for H2 evolution (ca. 0.023 mmol h1), and the
activity is enhanced markedly by loading noble metals such as
The phase of the as-prepared CdS was examined by X-ray dif- Pd and Pt as cocatalysts, while the activity is hardly increased fur-
fraction (Rigaku; MiniFlex diffractometer with a Cu Ka irradiation ther when Pt and Pd are co-loaded. When PdS is employed as the
source). Diffraction patterns were collected from 20° to 80° at a cocatalyst, the photocatalytic activity is even higher than that of
speed of 5° min1. The Ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spec- Pt/CdS, achieving 280 times higher activity than that of CdS alone.
tra (UV–vis DRS) were obtained using a JASCO V-550 spectropho- Most interestingly, the activity is enhanced further to 380 times
tometer. The size and morphology were examined with Scanning when Pt and PdS are co-loaded on CdS, and the H2 evolution rate
Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy is estimated to be as high as 8.77 mmol h1, corresponding to a
(TEM). SEM images were obtained on a Quanta 200F microscope QE of 93% at 420 nm. In our previous work, the co-loading of Pt
(FEI Company) with the accelerating voltage of 0.5–30 kV. TEM and PdS on CdS could result in an enhancement of activity in the
images were obtained on Tecnai G2 Spirit (FEI Company) micros- direct splitting of H2S to H2 and S in organic media, although the
copy with the accelerating voltage of 120 kV. QE is only about 30% [12].
Fig. 1 shows the reaction time courses for H2 evolution over Pt/
2.3. Photocatalytic reaction test CdS, PdS/CdS, and Pt–PdS/CdS photocatalysts. PdS/CdS and Pt–PdS/
CdS exhibit very stable activity during the 25-h irradiation. How-
The photocatalytic reactions were carried out in a Pyrex reac- ever, the rate of H2 production over Pt/CdS gradually decreases
tion cell connected to a closed gas circulation and evacuation sys-
tem. Photocatalyst, 0.3 g, was dispersed in 200 mL of aqueous
solution containing 0.5 M Na2S and 0.5 M Na2SO3 as the sacrificial
reagents. The suspension was then thoroughly degassed and irradi-
ated by a 300 W Xe lamp (ILC technology; CERAMAX LX-300)
which is equipped with an optical filter (HOYA, k > 420 nm) to
cut off the light in the ultraviolet region. The temperature of the
reaction solution was maintained at 12–18 °C by a flow of cooling
water. The amount of hydrogen evolved was determined with on-
line gas chromatography (Shimadazu; GC-8A, MS-5 A column, TCD,
Ar Carrier).
Table 1
Photocatalytic H2 evolution over CdS loaded with various cocatalysts.
4. Conclusions
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