Lec2 PDF
Lec2 PDF
Lec2 PDF
Prof. R. K. Mittal
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institution of Technology, Delhi
Lecture No. 2
Vector Analysis (Contd.)
Let there be two vectors quantities, vector U and vector V. So we define the cross
product of U and V namely U crossed with V as the product of the magnitude of U
magnitude of V and sin of the angle between U and V. Again the smaller angle is
considered. So sin theta. Now, since the this product gives me a vector quantity, the
question naturally asked is, which is the direction of this quantity. The direction is
obtained as follows. A unique plane can be passed through vector U and V as shown in
this figure over here. This white is the plane containing both vector U and V and the
normal vector to this plane, that is, vector n, is a unit vector which is simultaneously
normal to vector U and vector V. Now the positive direction of n is obtained by the right
hand screw system as we did for the coordinate axis, you may recall. So if I rotate the
screw in the direction from U to V, that is the anticlockwise direction, then the right
handed screw will move in the positive direction of n. So this is how you can obtain the
positive sense of the unit vector n.
Now, there are certain properties associated with this vector product or cross product
namely vector U crossed with vector V is no longer equal to vector V crossed with vector
U, as we saw in the case of dot product. In this case, it is a negative quantity. So U
crossed with V is equal to minus or V crossed with U, that is, it says non-commutative
law. This is easy to understand because by the right hand screw system U crossed with V.
So we rotate the screw from U to V. When you consider V crossed with U, you rotate the
screw form V to U, so opposite direction. So hence it is a negative quantity. Well the
distributive law is still valid. U crossed with V plus W, that is, the sum of V and W is
equal to the sum of the product of U crossed with V and U crossed with W, that is, you
first multiply individually and then add or you first add V and W and then multiply U
with it. So this is the distributive law.
There are some interesting special cases of the cross product, namely, when U is parallel
to V. Two vectors are parallel and their cross product is taken, what does it imply? When
there are two parallel vectors the angle between the two, that is, angle theta will be equal
to zero and sine of zero is also zero. So, obviously U crossed V is equal to zero. Now we
take the cross products of individual unit vectors. Suppose I consider two unit vectors, i
and j, that is, along x axis and y axis. You can easily see, let’s say, this is the x axis, this
is y axis and this is the z axis. So i crossed with j will give me the k vector, j crossed with
k will give me the i vector, k crossed with i will give me the j vector. So i j k. So i
crossed with j will give me k, j crossed with k will give me I, etcetera. If I reverse the
operation, that is, j crossed with i, this will give me the negative quantity minus k vector
and so on and so forth. So you can see in this operation, in a very simple way, i crossed
with j is giving me k, j crossed with k gives me i, k crossed with i gives me j and so this
is going in the clockwise direction. If I go in the opposite direction, that is, i crossed with
k, which will give me minus j, j crossed with i will give me minus k, etcetera. So
depending upon the order of vector multiplication, the unit vector is obtained.
(Refer Slide Time: 7:22 min)
Let’s see the cross product in the component form. The two vectors are U and V whose
components are u x , u y , u z and v x , v y , v z respectively. So I multiply these two vectors
now. Let me take the first term i a u x . When I multiply with i unit vector with i unit
vector we have seen the cross product is zero, i with j will give me k, i with k will give
me minus j. So in this way, if next I take the second term, then third term and if you
collect all this terms, you will get U crossed with V is equal to u y v z minus u z v y into
unit vector i. Similarly u z v x minus u x v z multiplied by the unit vector j, etcetera. And
this thing, this whole expression can be very easily checked to be equivalent to the
determinant of this matrix and, which is this matrix, the first row is consisting of the unit
vector i j k, second row is the components of the first vector and the third consists of the
components of the second vector V. Okay. So if I carry out the determinant operation,
that is, for finding out the determinant of this three by three matrix, the expression will be
exactly as given here. Perhaps this expression is easier to remember than this. So you can
easily check for yourself.
(Refer Slide Time: 9:35 min)
Let’s now look at the geometrical representation of the operation of cross product. Here
is vector U and this is vector V. So we have already seen, it is the magnitude of U and the
magnitude of V times, the sin of the angle between the two vectors. So here is angle
theta. You can see that this magnitude times the sin of this angle, so V times sine of this
angle is this vertical altitude. So this gives me the area of the parallelogram O A C B
which is equal to the base times the altitude. So the magnitude of U cross V is equal to
the area of the parallelogram whose two adjacent sides are in the direction of U and V
and the magnitudes are proportional to their magnitude. Okay. What is the direction of
this? The direction of this cross product is simply the unit vector perpendicular to the
plane of the parallelogram and again the sense is determined by the right hand screw
system. Final algebraic operation for vector is the division of vectors. Well a vector can
be divided by a scalar one. In this case the magnitude of the vectors gets divided by the
scalar quantity but the direction of this quotient remains unchanged. So all you do is,
you divide the magnitude and don’t disturb the direction of the vector but the division of
a vector by a vector quantity is not defined.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:40 min)
(Refer Slide Time: 13:20 min)
Well, as before, we will try to understand this triple scalar product graphically. Also here
are three vectors A B and C. First, you will complete this parallelogram and then, you
will complete this parallelepiped like this. So from C. So it makes a parallelepiped. The
triple scalar product will be simply the volume of this parallelepiped. You compute the
volume of this parallelepiped having three adjustment edges as A B C and you will find
that the magnitude of this volume will be exactly equal to the magnitude of the triple
scalar product.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:38 min)
There is another geometrical interpretation for the scalar product, namely, it represents
the projection of a vector on a line. For example, here is vector V and an arbitrarily given
vector and an arbitrary direction of the unit direction in this is represented by unit vector
n. Now if you draw the projection from the tip and the tail of this vector, let it be CD. So
this length CD is equal to V dotted with unit vector n. n is the, let’s say, it should be unit
vector n. Okay. So this is equal to magnitude of V times the cosine of the angle between
the vector V and the n unit vector. So this angle I have drawn. So this line is parallel to
the unit vector n. Okay. So as special case, we can take the projection of vector V on the
unit vector along x axis, that is, i vector, which will give me the component of V in the x
direction V x . Similarly if I take the projection of V on y axis, that will be V dotted with j.
So this will give me V y and similarly V z . The application of this concept is in the
determination of work done by wave force. You must have learnt in your earlier
mechanics course, perhaps in physics or elsewhere, that is, the work done by force in
moving a particle from position one two position two, that is, along a vector r is equal to
magnitude of force time the distance time the angle between the force and the direction
of movement, that is, magnitude F times, magnitude r times cosine of angel theta. So the
angel theta is the smaller angel between the two lines. This is angel theta.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:52 min)
Now another useful concept associated with vectors is the direction cosine of cosines of a
vector quantity. The components of vector V are obtained as projections on coordinate
axis. For example, I have just shown you that V x is equal to the projection of V on the
unit vector i, that is, V times cosine alpha. So alpha is the angle which vector V makes
with the x axis. What you should do is that, you pass a unique plane with vector V and x.
Okay. You can always draw a single plane passing through two straight lines and you
measure angle alpha in that plane.
Similarly when you come to angle cosine beta, well then this is the angle between vector
V and the y axis and this is the angle between vector V and the z axis. So each time you
consider the unique plane containing the vector and the corresponding axis. So angle
alpha is the angle between x axis and B, angle beta is the angle between y axis and V and
angle gamma is the angle between V and z axis. Okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:02 min)
So we can show that the sum of the squares of the cosines, cosines square alpha plus
cosine square beta plus cosines square gamma, is V x square plus V y square plus V z
square as given over here, divided by the magnitude of vector V squared and this is
obviously equal to one because the numerator and the denominator are identical terms.
Let’s take up an example to fix our ideas about the direction cosines. Suppose there are
two forces F 1 and F 2 which act on the end of a pipe as shown over here. This is a pipe
which is fixed at one end and at the other end there are two forces F 1 and F 2 . F 1 is given
in magnitude as well as in its orientation. Magnitude is three hundred Newton and
orientation is obtained by three angles, which the force vector F 1 makes with x axis, y
axis and z axis, namely, the angle forty five degrees, sixty degrees and hundred twenty
degrees. Okay. We want to find out point F 2 , that is, its magnitude and direction cosine,
such that, the sum of the vectors F 1 and F 2 is along y axis. So the sum or resultant is
along the positive y axis and has a magnitude of eight hundred Newton. So both the
magnitude and direction are given. Well, to solve this problem, let’s first find out the unit
vector along the force F 1 . Well, cosine of alpha is cosine forty five degrees. So it will be
cosine forty five degrees unit vector i, cosine sixty degree unit vector j, cosine hundred
twenty degree unit vector k. So well, you know the cosine of one forty five degrees is
one by root two, so i unit vector root two divided by root two plus j unit vector divided
by root two and cosine of forty five, hundred twenty degrees is equal to negative of root.
This is one by two. So this will be minus. Please, sorry for the mistake. So it is one by
two. So there is no under root sign over here.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:07 min)
So you can easily see that this will be also equal to, there is mistake over here also, so
you can find out F 1 is equal to two hundred twelve point one unit vector i plus hundred
fifty, that is, three hundred by two unit vector j hundred fifty unit vector k. F 2 , since we
don’t know its magnitude, we know only it in the component form, which will be F 2 x i
plus F 2y j plus F 2z k. So these are the three components. We know that the sum of these
two vectors F 1 plus F 2 is equal to the resultant force and this is given as eight hundred in
the positive y direction, that is, unit vector j. So we get the vector equation two hundred
twelve point one plus F 2x unit vector i hundred fifty plus F 2y unit vector j minus hundred
fifty plus F 2z unit vector k equal to eight hundred j. Alright. Now this vector equation is
equivalent to three scalar equations, that is, compare the i components with i components
which is zero on the side, j components with j components and similarly this will be
equal to the k components with k components. So you can easily write this as, eight
hundred j plus zero i unit vector plus zero k unit vector. Okay. So first we will compare
the i components, that is, two hundred twelve point one plus F 2x is equal to zero. So this
will give me F 2x equal to minus two hundred twelve point one Newton. Similarly, second
will be ah eight hundred j. Eight hundred is equal to one fifty plus F 2y . So F 2y will be
equal to eight hundred minus one fifty. So it is six fifty Newton and finally F 2z minus
hundred fifty is equal to zero. So F 2z is equal to hundred fifty Newton.
(Refer Time Slide: 24:58 min)
And if I find out the magnitude of force F 2 which is equal to the x component square plus
y component square plus z component square whole under root, this will be two hundred
twelve point one square plus six fifty square plus hundred fifty square. This will give me
seven hundred Newton.
(Refer Time Slide: 25:17 min)
Now we find the individual directions cosines. Individual direction cosines are cosine
alpha 2 which is equal to ah F 2x divided by the magnitude of F which is equal to minus
two hundred twelve point one divided by seven hundred which is obliviously equal to
minus point three zero seven and similarly for cosine beta, cosine gamma. So we will
have F 2 as the magnitude times cosine alpha I, plus cosine beta j, plus cosine gamma k.
So seven hundred into minus point three o seven i point two nine eight j point two one
four k. So this is the final expression for the force F 2 .
(Refer Slide Time: 26:11min)
We will take up another example. A heavy box weighting twenty five kilo Newton is to
be lifted by two overhead cranes with cables inclined. So in a factory situation you have
a heavy box which is being picked up by two overhead cranes. So the cable for one is
inclined at thirty degrees to the vertical and the second cable is inclined at forty five
degrees to the vertical. So find tension in each cable during lifting operation. And the
second part of the problem is that due to safety concerns the tension T2 in the second
cable is to be minimized, otherwise it may break and there can be an accident. So find the
angle of inclination of this cable for this purpose. So here is a box, here is a load acting
downward, the weight, that is, twenty five thousand Newton’s or twenty five kilo
Newton’s, and these are the two forces. So, for just lifting the box, just moving it up, the
sum of these two vectors should be equal to exactly twenty five kilo Newton in this
vertical direction.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:40 min)
Well we can easily look at this problem in a graphical manner and we will use the
triangle law of addition of two vectors. There is a vector T1 along the direction of the
first cable, that is, at thirty degrees to the vertical and the second tension is at forty five
degree to the vertical and both of them have to be equal to twenty five kilo Newton. So if
we draw a triangle, first of all, we draw the vertical line of representing twenty five kilo
Newton, may be, let’s say, one centimetre is equal to five kilo Newton. So this is a five
centimetre line vertical and along T1, from A we draw a line parallel to T one and from
B a line parallel to T two wherever they intersect, that is the C point C, the apex of this
triangle and you can easily see this angle at C will be equal to hundred and five degrees.
And now you use the well-known, sin law of triangles. So A B divided by, this is A B,
the opposite angle, that is, hundred and five degree. So A B divided by sine hundred five
degrees is equal to T1 divided by the opposite sin of the opposite angle, sine forty five
degree, T2 equal to T2 divided by the sin of opposite angle, that is, sine thirty degree. So
we can easily see that from the first equation, because AB is twenty five kilo Newton that
is given to us, T1 is equal to twenty five into sin of hundred five degree divided by sin of
a forty five degree, which is eighteen point three one kilo Newton. T2 is equal to twenty
five into sine of hundred five degrees divided by sin of thirty degree, that is, twelve point
nine four kilo Newton.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:59 min)
So both this cable tensions are easily obtained by a simple sine law of triangles and using
the triangle law of addition of vectors. To find the minimum value of T2, it is a very
easily understood graphically. Again, we have drawn the twenty five kilo Newton line,
okay, and the direction of T1 is known to me. Of course, its magnitude is not known.
Now, from point B, I will draw a line to represent T2, which will be the shortest distance
between B and C. Okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:40 min)
Let’s say, from B, this can be a one line. If I extend the line of AC, this can be another
line, this can be another line, this can so. There can be several lines but which gives me
the shortest distance? Naturally the line which is normal to line AC. So I will draw a
perpendicular to line AC. So wherever it meets this direction of T1, that will define my
points C. So once I have got thirty degrees and ninety degrees over here, this angle will
be automatically equal to sixty degrees. Again you use sine law of triangles, you can find
out that T2 will be equal to twelve point five kilo Newton and its direction will be sixty
degree to the vertical. So this minimum tension in cable two is obtained when the
inclination is sixty degrees.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:58 min)
If we do the same problem analytically, well if I go back to this, you can easily see
tension T1. Let’s say, this is my x axis and this is my y axis. In all problems of this kind,
first you should fix your axis. So this is my unit vector I, this is unit vector j. So if I
resolve the components of T1, naturally it will be T1 cosine of sixty degrees in unit
vector i plus T1 cosine of thirty degree unit vector j. But for T2 the i component is in the
negative x direction, j component is still vertically up. So it will be T2 cosine of forty
five minus i unit vector plus T2 cosine of forty five degree plus j unit vector.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:58 min)
So accordingly we will have vector T1 is equal to the magnitude of T1, that is, simply,
T1 divided by two unit vector I, that is, sin of thirty degrees and this will be T1 into sine
of sixty degrees, that is, root three by two j. For T2, it will be, as I said, in the negative x
direction. So minus T two sine forty five degrees minus T two cosine forty five degree.
So these are the two component representations of the tensions T1 and T2. So sum of
these two vectors T1 vector plus T2 vector is twenty five j kilo Newton. Now again, this
vector equation is equivalent to two scalar equations and we can see that it will be T1
over two minus T2 over root two is equal to zero. So T1 is equal to root two times T2.
From the second equation, you will find that T1 into root three by two plus T2 divided by
root two is equal to twenty five. So solving these two equations for two unknown,
simple, linear, algebraic equation, we will find T1 is equal to eighteen point five kilo
Newton, T2 is equal to twelve point nine four kilo Newton. So same results, we had
obtained graphically.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:29 min)
That is obvious but to find the minimum tension T2, there the procedure is slightly more
involved. Suppose, when the cable T2 is inclined at angle alpha to the vertical, then the
minimum is obtained. Then the vector T2 can be represented as, again, minus T two sin
alpha because it is in negative x direction plus T2 cosine alpha in the positive j direction
and we will again have a one vector equation equivalent to two scalar equations. So the
equation will be T1 equal to T2 sine alpha and T1 root three by two plus T2 cosine alpha
is equal to twenty five and from these two let us eliminate T1 which will give me this
simple equation. Now to find out the minimum value of T2, naturally this term should be
maximum because it has to divide twenty five. So when the denominator is maximum,
T2 will be minimum. So the problem reduces to maximizing this expression, cosine
alpha plus root three sine alpha.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:52 min)
And this can be done by simple calculus, that is, the derivative of this expression should
be equal to zero and when I take the derivative of this expression, I get tan alpha, which
is equal to root three and hence alpha is equal to sixty degree. So again we come to the
same conclusion, that when the second cable is inclined at sixty degrees to the vertical,
the tension in that cable is minimized. Okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:30 min)
Now we come to some useful vector quantities, which will be encountered time and
again during this course. These quantities are, first of all, the position vector. Suppose,
there is a vector P and there is point P in three dimensional Euclidean space whose
coordinates are xyz. Then the position of this point P with respect to the origin of the
coordinate system is defined like this: You join this O with point P, then the vector, both
in magnitude and direction, is called the position vector. So suppose I take the
projections of vector r on x axis, y axis and z axis and we have already seen how take the
projections graphically, that is, you project this vector r on z axis and one component on
the xy plain. So this will be the projection along z axis and the red line will be projection
in the xy plain and this projection is further projected on x axis and then on y axis. So
this will give me quantity x, quantity y, this is x projection, y projection and this a your z
projection and r is written as xi yj zk. So x times unit vector along x axis, that is, iy times
unit vector jz times unit vector k.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:25 min)
Suppose there are two points in this space, point A and B. So the unit vector of A is r A
vector unit vector B is the r B vector. Okay. Then the vector joining A to B which I am
writing as r AB vector is equal to the position vector r B minus the position vector r A .
Okay. So, in other words, the sum of r A plus r AB is equal to r B vector. Okay. Green
vector plus black vector gives me the the red vector and conversely the difference
between these two, r AB , is equal to r B minus r A.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:23 min)
Let us now define a very important quantity associated with the force because this
represents the turning action of the force. Force has two actions, one is push and pull and
the other is the turning action. Now, suppose there is a force vector F, the line of action
of this force is the line AB and the movement of this force about the given point O is
defined like this: A movement M is equal to the cross product of the r and F. Okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:10 min)
Now what is vector r? Vector r can be any point on the line of action of force F, whether
I take this as a point or this as a point or this as a point. So as you can see, whether this as
the point or this as the point. So these are the different three unit vectors. Sorry. Let me
draw these again. Let us say, it can be this vector or this vector or any other vector. Okay.
So whether I define this as vector r or vector r dash, it is r cross F or r dash crossed with
F and you may be asking will it give me the same quantity, where, if I multiply with the
r or r dash. Yes because we can easily see that r minus r dash vector will be a vector
along the point joining these two tips. So it will be parallel to F. So r vector minus r dash
vector will be parallel to vector F and the cross product of two parallel vectors, we have
already seen, is equal to zero. Now this is the expression for your movement. What are
its units? Well, force is in Newton’s and the units of the position vector r are simply the
length of the vector. So this is the Newton meters.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:50 min)
So the units of the movement are Newton times meter. It is a derived unit and what is the
direction of M? Just as we fixed the direction of u cross v, that is, when we go from
vector u to v and move the right handed screw. Accordingly, the direction of the
movement screw gives me the direction. So r cross F means, if I take the unit vector r and
unit vector F, you can easily see the movement of the screw will be into the plane of the
screen. So you will determine the direction of the movement according to the right hand
screw system. Okay. So we have seen both the direction, magnitude and the sense of the
movement vector.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:17 min)
Suppose there are two parallel forces, force F and force minus F. Okay. That is, their
directions are same their magnitude are same but the distance is opposite to each other.
So one is force F and the other is force minus F. Suppose I choose an arbitrary point O in
this space and I find out the movement of force F about O and then the force of the
movement of force minus F about O. Add the two movements, so it will be, r crossed
with F plus r dash crossed with minus F. So it is obviously r minus r dash vector crossed
with F and this difference vector, you can easily see, is the vector joining A and B to A.
So this is vector d. Okay. So the movement of a couple is defined as the vector joining
these two points, arbitrarily taken, on the line of action of the F and minus F forces,
crossed with the magnitude of that force. Now I make a very useful statement, that this
movement obtained in such a manner is a free vector, that is, it is independent of the
choice of O. First of all, we have seen the independent choice of A and B. I can chose B
over here, A over here or B over here, A over here. All of them will give me the same
magnitude, same value of the movement of the couple. And second independence of
freedom is the choice of point. Suppose I choose this as O dash. Okay, now let us choose
a different colour. Now from O dash again I choose point A and B. Same points because
the choice is arbitrary. So why not choose the same points, B on force minus F vector
and A on. So the corresponding vectors will be, let us say, I will call this as vector s dash
and then i join with A. So this I will call vector S. Okay.
Now go through the same calculation. So it will be, S crossed with F plus s dash crossed
with minus F vector. So again the difference vector between the S and S dash will be d.
Okay. So will get the same value d crossed with F. So moment of couple is a very
interesting quantity, that is, it is independent of the point about which the moments are
taken, O and O dash, and for calculating this I can choose any two points on these two
lines of action of the forces. So hence it is a free vector.
Let me consider one example, on how to take the moment of the force. For example,
there is a force of sixty Newton, which is passing through the point c, whose Cartesian
coordinates are three, four, zero and it is acting on the end of the rod AB. The one point
of the rod is at the origin, the other is point B whose coordinates are one, three, two. So
the line joining the point C to B is the line of action of force F and its magnitude is sixty
Newtons. Determine the moment created by the force about point A. Okay. First of all,
we will represent the force, magnitude is sixty time the unit vector along the line of
action, that is, e the unit vector which is along line CB.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:10 min)
Well the line joining C to B is the vector Rcb, divided by its magnitude, which will give
me, obviously, the unit vector and the vector rCB will be the difference between the
corresponding coordinates, one minus three.
You can easily, see if I go to pervious slide, one minus three that will be X coordinates,
three minus four Y coordinates, two minus zero that will be the Z coordinate. So
accordingly I have the vector rCB given above and divided by its magnitude, that is, the
under root of the sum of the squares. So minus two squares plus one minus square plus
two squares. So this gives me the unit vector. You can check that its magnitude will
come out to be one. So the force F will be equal to minus forty i unit vector minus twenty
j unit vector plus forty k unit vector. Now the moment m is equal to the distance of the
origin because we are taking the moment about the point A. Let me go back. We are
finding out the moments about point A. So one point is this. The second point is, you can
choose any point along the line of action, why not choose point B, because this is already
known or we can choose point c. You will see that both the choice will give me the same
final result. So I have chosen point B. And accordingly, rB, the position vector point B
crossed with F and this will also be, as I said, rC crossed with F. So representing the
cross product as the determinant of a three by three matrix, i k j, magnitude of rB and the
components of the rB, one three two, components of F minus forty minus twenty plus
forty and if I carry out this evaluation of the determinant, it will come out to be hundred
sixty i minus hundred twenty j plus hundred k.
So we close our vector analysis. At this point we have seen that there are many
operations involved in vector analysis and it can represent very useful quantities like
force, movement, position and similarly, we can represent velocity, etcetera. In our next
lecture, we will be concentrating on the application of vector analysis through forces
namely the equilibrium concepts, free body concepts, etcetera. Thank you very much.