School: Clranhs Teacher: Mark Nel R. Venus: GRADE 11 2nd or 4th Quarter SHS Daily Lesson Log
School: Clranhs Teacher: Mark Nel R. Venus: GRADE 11 2nd or 4th Quarter SHS Daily Lesson Log
School: Clranhs Teacher: Mark Nel R. Venus: GRADE 11 2nd or 4th Quarter SHS Daily Lesson Log
A.Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of elections and political parties and civil society and social movements
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to analyze the interactions between state and society
C. Learning The learner explain the contributions of civil society and The learner evaluate the role of Civil Society
Competencies/Objectives The learner discuss the concepts of civil society and social social movements to Philippine democracy HUMSS Organizations and Social Movements HUMSS
movements HUMSS _PG12-IIe-10 _PG12-IIe-11 _PG12-IIe-12
II. Content The Contributions of Civil Society Organizations and Role of Civil Society Organizations and Social
Concepts of Civil Society and Social Movements Social Movements Movements
A. References
B. Establishing a purpose for the Tell the students to brainstorm all of the institutions, What are the roles of civil organizations and stages
lesson organizations, and individuals that influence their lives and of social movements?
the lives of people in their community. Record this list on the What are the functions and contributions of civil
board. organizations and stages of social movements?
(3mins) (10 mins)
presentation: The Different Roles of Civil Society
C. Presenting examples/Instances of
Video presentation: What is Civil Society? "What Social Video presentation: What are the Contributions and Organizations and Social Movements in the
the new lesson
Movements mean?" Functions of Ciivl Society and Social Movements in the Philippines Philippines? v=y7YPTD7QwR4
(20mins) (30 mins) (15 mins)
Ask students to spend a few minutes answering the following Ask: What Civil Society can do to develop democracy
questions in their journals: Why do you think civil society is to promote good
F. Developing mastery important? What might happen in a society with a weak civil Ask the students to prepare a Collage of Pictures"
( Leads to formative society? What might happen in a society with a strong civil showing the different functions and contributions of civil
Assessment 3) society? society and stage of social movement.
(15 mins)