Wound Management: DR Sumer Yadav
Wound Management: DR Sumer Yadav
Wound Management: DR Sumer Yadav
Dr Sumer Yadav
• “the primary goal of wound care is not the
technical repair of the wound; it is providing
optimal conditions for the natural reparative
processes of the wound to proceed”
• – Richard L. Lammers (Roberts and Hedges)
plastic surgeon consultation (a) the
acute wound where the final
appearance may be the principal
concern, (b) the wound in a patient
whose medical status and/or mode of
injury predisposes her to wound
healing difficulties and the threat of a
problem wound, or (c) the established
chronic wound refractory to past
GOALS of wound care
• Facilitate hemostasis
• Decrease tissue loss
• Promote wound healing
• Minimize scar formation
TYPES of Wound Healing
1.) Healing by first intention (aka. primary wound healing or primary
• wound closed by approximation of wound margins or by placement
of a graft or flap, or wounds created and closed in the operating
• Best choice for wounds in well-vascularized areas
• Indications -recent (<24h old)
-viable tissue
• treated within 24 h, prior to development of granulation tissue.
• epithelialize within 24 to 48 h. Water barrier function restored
can shower or wash.
2.) Healing by second intention (aka. secondary wound
healing or spontaneous healing)
• wound left open and allowed to close by epithelialization and
• Commonly : management of contaminated or infected
• without surgical intervention.
• Unlike primary wounds, approximation of wound margins
occurs via reepithelialization and wound contraction by
• Presence of granulation tissue.
• Complications -late wound contracture
-hypertrophic scarring
• 3.) Healing by third intention (aka. tertiary wound
healing or delayed primary closure)
• wounds that are too heavily contaminated for primary closure but
appear clean and well vascularized after 4-5 days of open
• Inflammation reduced bacterial concentration (“debribe”)
allow safe closure.
• Indications :- infected or unhealthy wounds with high
bacterial content,
-wounds with a long time lapse since injury, or
-wounds with a severe crush component with
significant tissue devitalization.
• Wound edges are approximated within 3-4 days
• tensile strength develops as with primary closure.
Factors that affect wound healing
• Vasoconstrictive
–Increases Duration of Action
–Promotes Hemostasis
–Avoid end-arterial blood supply areas
–May increase pain (low pH)
Wound Preparation - Hemostasis
• Direct Pressure–Usually best choice
• Ligatures
– Use a tourniquet
• Chemicals
• Cautery
Debridement & Reduction of Bioburden
Natural dressing
Honey-impregnated dressing Chronic
unhealing wounds.
Impregnated into a compress of EVA
(ethylenevinylacetate) mesh