(Wargame-Simulation) Avalon Hill - Air Assault On Crete-Malta
(Wargame-Simulation) Avalon Hill - Air Assault On Crete-Malta
(Wargame-Simulation) Avalon Hill - Air Assault On Crete-Malta
Rules of Play
parachute infantry
3) Armored-type units:
assault gun
2) Ranged Artillery-type units:
4) Aircraft-type units
field artillery
bomber fighter fighter-bomber
5) Naval-type units:
3. Combat Phase: Allied player resolves any 4. A unit may be moved in any direction or
land attacks against adjacent enemy units, at combination of directions. A unit may ex-
his option. pend some, none, or all of its movement al-
lowance each turn. Un-used movement
C. Players repeat steps A. and B. for each points may not be transferred from unit to
turn of the game. Use the Turn Record unit or accumulated from turn to turn.
Track printed at the bottom of the Organiza-
tion Card to record elapsed turns by sliding 5. Each unit is moved individually, tracing
the 'Turn Now' counter along the track from the path of movement through each hex in
left to right. turn. Once a unit has completed its move-
ment, it may not be changed, repositioned,
V. BASIC GAME RULES or realigned. A unit's movement is consid-
ered completed when the player begins to
A. MOVEMENT move another unit.
During the movement phase of a player's 6. No combat may take place during the
segment, he may move all, some, or none of movement phase. No enemy units may
his units, at his option. Each unit counter move during a friendly movement phase.
may be moved as many hexes as possible
within the limits of its movement allowance, 7. A unit may freely pass over or stop in the
terrain restrictions, and other game rules: same hex with other friendly units, subject
to stacking limitations. A friendly unit may
1. Each unit counter is moved by tracing the not enter hexes containing enemy combat
path of movement through each separate units (EXCEPTION: See Airborne Assault).
8. A unit must stop and end all movement
2. The number of hexes through which a for that phase when it moves adjacent to an
unit may move in one turn is indicated by its enemy combat-type unit. It is not required to
movement allowance. A unit's movement stop for NONCOMBAT-type units.
allowance is expressed in terms of a certain
number of movement points. In general, 9. A unit with a movement allowance of '0'
may never move from its initial starting hex. primary and secondary.
10. A unit may not engage in normal land a. Primary: A unit may move into a primary
movement in the turn in which it engages in hex from another road hex (primary or sec-
airborne assault, air landing operations, or ondary) at the rate of ½ MP per road hex,
sea movement. regardless of the other terrain in the hex.
b. Secondary: A unit may move into a sec-
11. A complete list of all terrain features ondary road hex from another road hex at
and their effects on movement and combat is the rate of 1 MP per road hex, regardless of
contained in the Terrain Effects Chart. the other terrain in the hex.
12. A unit may not enter a hex of a particu- 2. EXCEPTION: Roads do not negate the
lar terrain type unless it has sufficient effects of rivers on movement except where
movement points available to expend in do- a road crosses a river at a bridge. If there is
ing so. no bridge symbol at the point where the
river intersects the road, a unit must expend
the river hex movement penalty to leave that
4. If a unit begins a turn in an enemy zone 1. During the combat phase of his segment,
of control, it may move out of that con- a player may only attack those enemy units
trolled hex but it may not re-enter another that are adjacent to friendly units. Only
enemy controlled hex during that movement friendly units that are adjacent to specific
phase. (EXCEPTION: See '6', below.) enemy units may attack those units.
5. Units with a movement allowance of '4' 2. A unit is never required to attack during
or greater may, however, move directly from the combat phase, but always has the option
one enemy controlled hex to an adjacent en- of doing so. (EXCEPTION: See Sea
emy controlled hex. To do so, it must begin Movement.)
its turn in an enemy controlled hex, move to
the adjacent controlled hex, and then stop 3. No enemy unit may be attacked more
and move no further in that movement than once per combat phase. No friendly
phase. unit may attack more than once per friendly
combat phase.
6. Ranged artillery and noncombat units
may NEVER voluntarily move into, 4. All defending units in a hex must be at-
through, or out of an enemy controlled hex. tacked as one combined defense strength.
If forced to do so by retreat after combat Individual units in a hex cannot be attacked
(see below) they are eliminated instead. while others in the same hex are ignored.
5. Attacking units may attack the same de- fense strengths (due to terrain effects) as in-
fending unit from as many different hexes as dicated on the Terrain Effects Table, before
possible, provided all of the attackers are converting the odds ratio to the simplified
adjacent to the defender's hex. odds categories.
6. Not all of the friendly units in a hex are d. Roll the die once for each attack situa-
required to attack. Some may attack while tion, cross-indexing the number rolled with
others in the same hex do nothing. the proper odds category column on the
Combat Results Table, to determine the re-
7. Not all of the friendly units in a hex are sult of the attack.
required to attack the same defending hex.
Different units in the same hex may attack e. Apply the results to the attacking or de-
adjacent defenders in different hexes. fending units immediately before resolving
any additional combat.
8. Defending units in adjacent hexes may be
attacked as one combined defense strength 10. Retreat After Combat: When called for
provided that all attacking units are adjacent on the Combat Results Table, units are re-
to all defending units. Each attacking unit treated according to the following princi-
must be adjacent to all of the units being at- ples:
a. Each player may retreat his own units.
9. Each attack against a group of defending
units is resolved individually. To determine b. A unit may be retreated in any direction,
the results of the attack, follow this proce- but it cannot retreat into sea hexes, enemy-
dure for each attack: occupied hexes, or empty hexes in an enemy
a. For each separate combat situation, total
all of the attack strength points of the attack- c. A unit may be retreated into hexes occu-
ing units together, then total all of the de- pied by friendly combat units (which are not
fending units' defense strength points. involved in the current combat situation)
even if those hexes are also in enemy zones
b. Convert these two totals into a numerical of control. If such a retreat creates an over
odds ratio (attacker to defender). Round-off stacked hex, the owning player must remove
this odds ratio downwards to conform to the units in excess of the stacking limit. Spe-
simplified odds ratio categories printed on cific units removed are chosen by the own-
the Combat Results Table. EXAMPLE: ing player.
Three Axis units totaling 21 attack strength
points attack two Allied units totaling 10 d. Units which retreat into other friendly
defense strength points. This is converted units which are subsequently attacked do not
into an odds ratio of 21 to 10, which is affect the outcome of that attack in any
rounded down to 2-1 to conform to the manner. They must, however, suffer the ef-
Combat Results Table. fects of any adverse combat results applied
to that hex by subsequent attacks.
c. Where applicable, modify attack and de-
11. Advance After Combat: Victorious in- line running from the approximate center of
fantry and armored units may advance after the firing hex to the approximate center of
combat into those hexes vacated by defeated the target hex.
enemy units, whether they are attacking or
defending. Such advance after combat must b. City and rough terrain hexes block a
be executed immediately before any other unit's line-of-fire. If the line-of-fire is traced
combat is resolved. through or along a hex side of one of these
types of hexes, the unit may not fire at that
12. SPECIAL: Each ranged artillery-type target hex.
unit defends with a provisional defense
strength of '1' when defending in a hex c. The firing unit's hex and the target hex
without infantry or light armored units. are always ignored for blocking terrain de-
When in a hex with infantry or light armored termination.
units, ranged artillery-type units defend with
a defense strength of '0'. The provisional 4. Support Fire: Artillery may assist regular
defense strength is never doubled or tripled combat units during the friendly combat
due to terrain considerations. phase as follows:
units occupying the same hex that are at- use as the tactical situation dictates.
tacking friendly units. NOTE: In this ex- 2. German airborne infantry and engineer
ceptional case, whole stacks of enemy units battalions must be broken-down into com-
do not have to be fired upon (German air- pany-sized units for entry into the game via
borne battalions must be attacked as a airborne assault.
whole, however.)
3. Re-formed battalion counters may be re-
c. Defensive fire attacks are resolved in the placed with the proper company-sized sub-
same manner as regular attacks. Note, how- stitute counters any time during the game
ever, that the artillery unit is immune to ad- provided such a break-down does not violate
verse combat results. stacking limitations.
6. Artillery units may only fire at enemy 6. Battalions breakdown and re-form ac-
units that are adjacent to and involved in cording to the following illustration:
combat with, friendly combat units.
COUNTERS (No substitutions allowed.)
1. Each German parachute and glider infan- a. Each battalion has specific company-
try battalion is provided with company-sized sized units attached to it. These run in nu-
substitute counters for mandatory use during merical order from '1' to '16' with each con-
the initial airborne assault and for optional secutive group of four companies represent-
ing one battalion when coupled with a bat-
b. See the Battalion Substitution Chart for a a. Airborne units must be initially posi-
complete illustration of all battalion organi- tioned on non-rough terrain hexes.
b. Airborne units must be positioned in
7. SPECIAL: To re-form into battalions, it hexes within stacking limitations.
is not necessary to have the specific compa-
nies belonging to the battalion headquarters c. Airborne units may be positioned in
in the same hex. In fact, all that is required hexes containing enemy units.
to re-form a battalion is the battalion HQ
company and any four parachute, glider, en- 3. Airborne Assault Placement Restrictions:
gineer, or machine gun companies or com- Follow the instructions listed above each
binations thereof. group of units on the Organization Card for
location and turn of entry. Placement is re-
a. EXCEPTION: To re-form the airborne stricted as follows:
engineer battalion, at least one of the combat
companies must be an engineer company. a. Each 'block' of units listed for a specific
sector destination must enter the game on
b. EXCEPTION: The IV Battalion of the the turn and in the sector so designated. All
STURM regiment was an ad hoc battalion units must enter on the same turn.
put together shortly before the beginning of
the campaign. Consequently, it lacked the b. Each 'block' of units listed for "any single
cohesiveness and experience of other battal- sector" must enter the game on the turn indi-
ions. Therefore, it may only be reconsti- cated, but the Axis player has the option of
tuted by the exact companies listed on the choosing the sector in which they will be
Battalion Substitution Chart. initially positioned. Placement of these
units is limited, however, to those sectors in
I. AIRBORNE ASSAULT which airborne units have been previously
dropped or convoys have successfully
Axis airborne units enter the game via the landed units. All units must enter on the
airborne assault procedure which consists of same turn.
three steps; placement, drift, and drift com-
bat: c. The block of units constituting the first
battalion of the Sturm Regiment is listed as
1. During the designated turn of entry, air- being initially positioned "anywhere". This
borne units are broken down into company- means that the battalion may be split and
sized units and transferred from the Assault dropped by companies in any number of dif-
Organization Card and placed on the map- ferent sectors. All units must enter on the
board during the air assault and air landing same turn.
4. After completing initial placement, each
2. Airborne units must be initially posi- individual airborne unit must undergo the
tioned within the area described on the Or- effects of drift. Referring to the Drift Dia-
gram printed on the Playing Aides card, roll 6. Airborne units may not engage in any
one die for each unit and move that unit to other type of movement or combat during
the hex that corresponds to the number the player segment in which they execute
rolled. Make certain the 'north' orientation airborne assault.
of the diagram matches that of the map-
the first turn of the game, Allied units may
a. Any unit that drifts off of the mapboard, only move a maximum of one hex during
into sea hexes, or onto hexes containing the Allied player segment. This restriction
friendly units in violation of stacking limita- applies ONLY to the first turn of the game.
tions is automatically eliminated from play. Allied units may engage in combat with en-
emy units normally during turn #1.
b. For GLIDER units, subtract '2' from the
die roll number for drift. J. AIR LANDING
c. If a unit is initially placed on an enemy- Only those units designated as 'Air Landing'
occupied hex, add '1' to the die roll number on the Axis Organization Card may enter the
for drift. game via air landing procedures:
5. Drift Combat: If the final position of an 1. Air landing units enter the game during
airborne unit is an enemy occupied hex, a the airborne assault and air landing phase by
'drift combat' situation exists. All such drift being transferred from the Organization
combat situations are resolved as regular Card to any airfield hex that was friendly to
attacks at the end of the air assault and air the Axis player at the beginning of the
landing phase: player segment.
a. Determine combat odds as normal. Note, a. Air landing units may not enter the game
however, that only those opposing units in during NIGHT TURNS.
the same hex are counted. Units in adjacent
hexes are ignored for drift combat purposes. b. Air landing units may not land on an air-
The Axis units are always the attacker; the field hex if there is an un-neutralized enemy
Allied units always defend. light antiaircraft unit within range of that
b. Automatically add '1' to the die roll result
of all drift combat situations. 2. The maximum number of air landing
units that may enter the game through a
c. SPECIAL: If a retreat is called for on the friendly airfield hex in one turn is indicated
Combat Results Table, for either the attacker by the number printed next to the airfield
or the defender, the retreating unit is allowed symbol. This number represents the number
to move to an adjacent hex provided that hex of stacking points that may be air landed on
is only in the zone of control of the enemy that hex during the air landing phase, subject
unit involved in the drift combat, or that hex to stacking limitations. Air landing units
contains a friendly combat unit. may not enter the game in violation of stack-
ing limits.
3. Units may not move out of the airfield Certain Axis units enter the game by being
hex in the turn in which they arrive. They transferred from the Organization Card to
may, however, engage in combat and move- the beach landing boxes printed on the map-
after-combat normally. board. These units are organized into con-
voys on the Organization Card and enter the
K. AIRCRAFT UNITS game at a time and place chosen by the Axis
The Axis player is provided with several
aircraft units as indicated on the Axis Or- 1. Prior to the commencement of play, the
ganization Card. These are employed in the Axis player determines both the turn of arri-
game to abstractly represent the air support val and the beach destinations of his con-
available during the campaign: voys. He does this by placing a convoy
marker and a beach destination marker for
1. During the aircraft placement and bom- each convoy on one of the blocks of the
bardment phase, the Axis player allocates Turn Record Track. These indicators are
his aircraft to any desired hex or hexes on positioned inverted to keep the destination
the mapboard. They have no stacking limi- and turn of arrival secret from the Allied
tations. player.
2. Bomber units may be positioned on top 2. At the same time, the Axis player also
of Allied units that the Axis player intends places up to three groups of decoy counters
to attack during the combat phase. to further confuse the Allied player as to
Axis intentions.
3. During the combat phase, the Axis player
adds the attack strength of each bomber 3. Each of the two regular convoys may en-
units to that of regular ground units attack- ter the game at any time after turn one.
ing Allied units in the bomber's hex. Each convoy is independently designated for
arrival. Both convoys may be designated for
4. Bomber units may not attack enemy units the same turn of arrival. They may not,
without at least one Axis ground unit also however, land at the same beach in the same
attacking those units. If bomber units are turn.
allocated to an enemy occupied hex and the
Axis player does not attack those units in the 4. During the sea movement phase of the
combat phase, the bomber units have no ef- turn of arrival for a convoy, the Axis player
fect. must roll one die on the Sea Movement Ta-
ble to determine if the convoy arrives suc-
5. Bomber units are removed from the cessfully during that turn. Roll one die for
mapboard at the end of the Axis combat each convoy and apply the indicated results
phase. They suffer no adverse combat ef- to the units involved. NOTE: To preserve
fects and may not be removed as combat secrecy, it is suggested that the Axis player
losses. also roll for decoy convoys, revealing the
true nature of the convoy on non-elimination
L. SEA MOVEMENT results only.
8. Emergency Convoy: Whenever the Sea 2. Allied units may remain inverted until
Movement Table calls for convoy units to be they move adjacent to an Axis combat or
aircraft unit or whenever they attack. When one enemy zone of control to another re-
this occurs, they are immediately exposed. gardless of their movement allowance.
2. No aircraft operations may be executed. 3. See the Turn Record Track for length of
Basic and Advance Games.
3. Ranged artillery units may only fire at
targets in adjacent hexes. VI. ADVANCED GAME RULES
4. SPECIAL: All Allied infantry and ar- The Advanced Game rules are presented for
mored units (EXCEPT headquarters and those players desiring more detail, realism,
Greek units) may both move out of and re- and historical accuracy in their game. Cau-
enter enemy zones of control in the same tion! Adding these rules will increase game
turn. Also, they may move directly from complexity and playing time. Several of the
Advanced Game rules sections are long and on the Bombardment Table means the unit
complex even though their impact on the may not function offensively or move for
game system is, quite frankly, minor. Treat one or two turns, as indicated. Place a neu-
them accordingly. tralization marker on the target unit.
Support missions by bomber units were in- 3) Ports: Neutralization result means that no
troduced in the Basic Game. The Advanced unit may embark or debark at port for one or
Game rules include fighter (F) and fighter- two turns as indicated. Place bombarding
bomber (FB) aircraft types as well as addi- aircraft units and neutralization markers in
tional aircraft missions: port landing boxes.
1. Air Support: Executed by bomber and 4) HMS York and the Coastal Steamer:
fighter bomber units in the same manner as Neutralization means the target unit is de-
presented in the Basic Game rules. Air sup- stroyed. Remove the unit from the map-
port units are removed at the end of the Axis board.
player segment.
b. Neutralization is effective immediately.
2. Interdiction: Executed by fighter and A target that is neutralized for one turn re-
fighter-bomber units only. Interdiction units gains full function at the beginning of the
are placed on or adjacent to road hexes. Al- next Axis player segment. A two-turn neu-
lied units may not enter a hex adjacent to or tralization means the target will regain full
containing an aircraft unit at the road function at the beginning of the second Axis
movement rate, nor may they ignore other player segment after bombardment.
terrain in the hex. Only Axis aircraft units
on interdiction missions impede Allied road c. Effects of neutralization are cumulative.
movement. Interdiction units are removed If a target already has an N-1 marker on it
at the end of the Allied player segment. and then suffers another N-1, an N-2 marker
would be placed on it.
3. Bombardment: Executed by bomber and
fighterbomber units only. Bombardment d. At the beginning of each Axis player
units are placed directly on their target hexes segment, remove all N-1 markers and reduce
and their attack is resolved on the Bom- all other neutralizations by '1'.
bardment Table during the aircraft place-
ment and bombardment phase. Bombard- e. The effects of bombardment apply to
ment units are removed at the end of the ALL target units in a hex. EXAMPLE: If a
phase. heavy AA unit and a coastal defense artil-
lery unit occupy the same hex, both would
a. Aircraft units may bombard the following be subjected to neutralization if that hex is
types of targets: bombarded. EXCEPTION: The coastal
steamer cannot be bombarded while it is in a
1) Anti-aircraft units: Neutralization result port landing box. It may only be bombarded
when out of port. ing the airborne assault phase adds '1' to the
drift die roll for that unit.
f. Blind Bombardment: The Axis player may
attempt to bombard positions containing in- a. Anti-aircraft effects on airborne units are
verted units. In this case, the hex may or cumulative. If three AA units are within
may not contain bombard-able targets. The range of an airborne unit, '3' would be added
Axis player conducts his bombardment at- to the drift die roll.
tack as usual, but the Allied player must re-
veal the target units and position a neutrali- b. Refer to the Drift Diagram for a complete
zation counter in the hex ONLY if the Bom- listing of all drift modifiers.
bardment Table outcome is successful. If
the result is 'No Effect', the Allied player 3. As Ranged Artillery: Light (not heavy)
reveals nothing. antiaircraft units may be used as regular
ranged artillery during the friendly and en-
B. ANTI-AIRCRAFT UNITS emy combat phases. Light AA units may
function as antiaircraft units and ranged ar-
Allied anti-aircraft units have three func- tillery units in the same turn.
tions; they reduce the effect of Axis aircraft
missions, they disrupt airborne landings, and C. COASTAL DEFENSE ARTILLERY
light AA units may act as ranged artillery: UNITS
1. Effects on Aircraft: Aircraft units within Coastal defense artillery units are a special-
range of a non-neutralized light or heavy ized type of ranged artillery units that may
AA unit are reduced to HALF normal effec- only be used against targets in beach or port
tiveness as follows: landing boxes:
a. Two fighter or fighterbomber units must 1. Coastal defense (CD) artillery units must
occupy the same hex to successfully perform be positioned on or within one hex of a
an interdiction mission. One aircraft unit in coastal hex prior to the start of the game.
a hex within range of an AA unit has abso-
lutely no interdiction effect. 2. CD artillery units have a range and attack
strength like other ranged artillery units.
b. Attack strength points of bomber and They are restricted, however, in that they
fighter-bomber units are HALF normal may only attack units in beach or port land-
value (rounded down) when executing air ing boxes during the Axis sea movement
support or bombardment missions against phase.
hexes in range of an AA unit.
3. Unlike other ranged artillery units, each
c. Aircraft effectiveness is never reduced to CD artillery unit may fire upon ALL targets
less than half regardless of the number of that are within range and line-of-fire during
AA units within range. the Axis sea movement phase:
2. Effects on Airborne Assault: Each anti- a. CD artillery units resolve the effects of
aircraft unit in range of an airborne unit dur- their fire on the Bombardment Table in the
same manner as bomber units. Any 'N' re- ble in the same manner as Axis convoys.
sult means that the target unit is eliminated Aborted units are returned to the aborted
from play. box on the Allied Organization Card and
may attempt to enter the game during the
b. Each CD unit may attack each and every next turn by being transferred from the
target unit within range, individually, during aborted box to the port or south edge box.
the same sea movement phase.
3. Port Entry: Reinforcement groups may
c. Each CD unit attacks each target unit in- enter the game through any friendly port
dividually. Each target unit represents a landing box during the Allied sea movement
separate resolution on the Bombardment phase.
Table. a. Allied reinforcements may only land at
port landing boxes during night turns.
d. CD artillery units may not combine their
attack strengths for resolution on the Bom- b. Units are placed on the port landing box
bardment Table. Note, however, that a tar- and are moved directly to the connected city
get unit may be attacked more than once in hex to the maximum stacking limit of that
each sea movement phase. hex.
4. All CD artillery units are reduced to c. Units that cannot move from the port
HALF attack strength (rounded down) dur- landing box to the city hex because of stack-
ing night turns. ing limitations must remain in the landing
box until there is room available on subse-
Certain Allied units enter play during the d. If the port landing box is neutralized by
course of the game as reinforcements. They bombing attack or if the city hex becomes
may enter the game through friendly ports or enemy-occupied, the units in the port land-
from the south edge of the mapboard as fol- ing box must be eliminated.
e. Units may not move in the turn in which
1. On the first turn of availability, as indi- they are transferred from the landing box to
cated on the Allied Organization Card, the the city hex. They may engage in combat
Allied player may allocate each group of normally, however.
reinforcements to either the port or south
edge box on his Organization Card. Once f. SPECIAL: Armored or ranged-artillery
placed in a box, a reinforcement group is type units may not move from or to a port
committed to that game entry method unless landing box to a connected city hex unless
aborted. Reinforcements may attempt to there is a DOCKS unit in that city hex.
enter the game on the same turn that they are
available, or on any subsequent turns. 4. South Edge Entry: Successfully landed
units may enter the game via the road
2. Reinforcement groups must roll a die on marked with an on the south edge of the
the Allied portion of the Sea Movement Ta- Heraklion sector. Units entering the game
c. Embarkation: To embark (load) units for 2. Truck Units: The truck units represent
ALLIED-Evacuated Units:
Each headquarters unit 5 points
Each noncombat unit 5 points
Each battalion-sized combat unit 5 points
Each company-sized combat unit 2 points
Each platoon-sized (or smaller) 1 point
combat unit
Each Greek unit (any size) 1 point
AXIS-Eliminated Units:
Each airborne headquarters unit 7 points
Each non-airborne headquarters unit 5 points
Each company-sized (or smaller) 2 points
airborne unit
Each battalion-sized airborne unit* 15 points
Each company-sized (or smaller) 1 point
non-airborne unit
Each battalion-sized non-airborne 7 points
ADVANCED RULES COMBAT tacks the German 2-2-4 unit at 1-1 odds.
C. Assume for purposes of the example that
both defensive artillery fire attacks are suc-
cessful and both German units are forced to
retreat. The retreat of those two units lowers
the odds from 26-6 to 22-6. Therefore Allied
defensive artillery fire reduce the attack
from 4-1 (-1 on die) to 3-1 (no die modifica-
tion). The German player must then resolve
the attack at 3-1.
1. Axis control of the air over Malta. 3. Substitute Counters: Do NOT use Ger-
man airborne company substitute counters.
2. Axis temporary control (several weeks) Axis airborne units drop and drift as
of the sea around Malta. BATTALIONS and independent companies
as shown on the Axis Organization Card.
3. Good weather.
4. Anti-Aircraft Battalions: The Allied light
These prerequisites were never attained. and heavy AA units are of two sizes: com-
They very nearly were, however. This game panies and battalions. Battalion counters
count as three AA units for purposes of Axis a. No more than THREE stacking points
airborne drift modification. One battalion- may be placed on any one landing box dur-
sized AA unit then, would add '3' to an air- ing any single turn.
borne unit's drift die roll.
b. Units that cannot be placed on a landing
5. There are no Allied sea movement, box due to stacking limitations must remain
evacuation, or reinforcement functions. on the Organization Card until space is
available in subsequent turns.
c. Landing units must undergo coastal de-
Landing procedures are basically the same fense bombardment, engage in combat and
as in Crete, except there are five convoys advance onto vacant coastal hexes as in
whose arrival times and locations are inter- Crete rules.
dependent and functionally different:
d. Surviving assault convoy units (only!)
1. There are three different types of con- that advance onto coastal hexes automati-
voys: cally create a BEACHHEAD marker in their
hex at the end of the Axis combat phase in
a. Assault Convoy: The first convoy landed. their turn of arrival. Beachhead markers
It determines the beach landing location for may never be moved and are eliminated if
all subsequent convoys. an Allied unit enters their hex. Any assault
convoy unit may create a beachhead marker
b. Follow-up Convoys: There are three fol- in any coastal hex in the turn in which it
low-up convoys which, as the name implies, successfully moves from the landing box to
act as reinforcements for the assault convoy. the coastal hex.
c. Special Convoy: This convoy carries the 4. Follow-Up Convoy Landing: Follow-up
heavy artillery and equipment of the inva- convoy units may attempt to enter the game
sion force. It may only land at a captured at the times indicated on the Organization
port. Card.
2. The Axis player determines the time of a. On their indicated turn of availability (or
arrival and beach location for the assault later, at player's option), each follow-up
convoy only. He may place two decoy convoy must roll one die on the Malta sub-
counters on the Turn Record Track to con- section of the Sea Movement Table to de-
fuse the Allied player as to the actual turn of termine if it may land in the current turn. If
arrival. an 'All Arrive' result is rolled, units may be-
gin to land immediately.
3. Initial Assault Convoy Landing: On the
designated turn of arrival, units of the as- b. Follow-up convoy units may only land
sault convoy are transferred from the Axis on landing boxes connected to hexes con-
Organization Card to the beach landing taining beachhead markers. No more than
boxes of the appropriate beach. three stacking points may be placed on each
landing box.
c. The Axis player may not roll on the Sea Coastal defense artillery units function as
Movement Table for entry of a follow-up previously described, with these added ca-
convoy until ALL the units of the preceding pabilities and restrictions:
convoy (assault or follow-up) have landed.
1. Coastal defense artillery units may only
5. Port Landings: Any follow-up convoy be placed in those hexes containing a fort
may change its beach destination and land at ( ) or a battery (n) symbol. Only ONE
a friendly captured port landing box (as pre- coastal defense unit may be placed in each
viously described) if such a port is captured hex. EXCEPTION: CD units may not be
at least two turns before the scheduled arri- placed in Ft. Musta and Ft. Tarja.
val of that convoy.
2. Heavy coastal defense artillery units are
a. If the port/city hex becomes un-friendly, those units with a range of '24.' Heavy CD
units occupying the port landing box are artillery units may fire at any target in a
eliminated. Other units in the convoy, how- landing box within range. They do not re-
ever, which have not been placed on the port quire a direct line-of-fire to the target unit if
landing box, are not eliminated. They may there is a friendly combat unit adjacent to
continue landing at a beachhead landing box the target unit's landing box.
after a delay of at least two turns after the
port's recapture. D. GERMAN AIRBORNE
b. Special convoy units may ONLY land at
a friendly port. They may not begin landing 1. All GERMAN airborne units must be
until after turn twelve and at least two turns withdrawn from the game by the end of the
after the port has been made friendly. Also, fifteenth game turn.
they may not land until after ALL units from
follow-up convoy #2 have landed. If the 2. German units may withdraw from
Axis player has begun rolling for or landing friendly ports, beachhead hexes, or friendly
units from follow-up convoy #3, the special airfields. Withdrawal may occur at the be-
convoy units may not begin landing until ginning of any Axis player segment before
after all of those units have landed. the aircraft placement and bombardment
phase is executed.
c. Do not roll on the Sea Movement Table
for special convoy units. They may begin 3. To withdraw a unit, it must occupy a
landing automatically at their earliest avail- withdrawal hex at the beginning of the
ability. player segment. It is then simply removed
from the mapboard and placed in the with-
6. IMPORTANT: If all beachhead markers drawal box on the Organization Card.
are destroyed after the last assault convoy
unit has landed, no other units may be 4. Premature Withdrawal:
landed at beach or port landing boxes.
a. If, before turn #15, German airborne
C. MALTA COASTAL DEFENSES units suffer more than 50 casualty points (as
d. German airborne units that have not yet 3. Commando units may expend their full
entered the game must remain on the Axis movement allowance during their initial turn
Organization Chart. of entry onto the mapboard unless they enter
an enemy zone of control, or a landing box
e. Withdrawn units are not considered connected to an enemy-occupied hex, or
eliminated for victory condition purposes. drift onto an enemy-occupied hex.
5. Any German unit on the mapboard at the 4. During their initial turn of entry onto the
end of the fifteenth turn is considered elimi- mapboard, commando units may attack at
nated, removed from the game, and placed full attack strength regardless of their loca-
in the eliminated units box on the Organiza- tion with no die roll modification. In addi-
tion Card. tion, they may ignore any enemy defense
strength bonuses for terrain or fortifications
E. ITALIAN COMMANDOES if they land at NIGHT and do not attack in
conjunction with any other type of friendly
The three Italian commando units, the San units.
Marco (SM) companies, were highly trained
units assigned special, highly dangerous F. AXIS SUPPLY LIMITATIONS
missions for the Malta invasion. One com-
pany is a glider - hence airborne - com- The Axis player must capture and hold
mando unit and the other two are amphibi- friendly at least one port city by the end of
ous commando units: turn #12, or else his units suffer the follow-
ing penalties:
1. The two amphibious commando units
land with the assault convoy forces. They 1. If the Axis player fails to hold a port city
may not, however, create beachhead mark- under friendly control and fails to maintain
ers in their landing hex. the connected port landing box free from
Allied Coastal Defense artillery fire by the units are eliminated, as follows:
end of turn #12, Axis offensive capabilities
are reduced as follows: AIRBORNE UNIT TYPE: POINT VALUE
AIR ASSAULT ON CRETE for the forces of one airfield to help another
before turn 8.
5. German airpower is potentially decisive.
A Primer on Tactics and Strategy It is the strongest weapon in the German ar-
senal, IF it is used correctly.
Probably the most difficult aspect of suc-
cessful play in Air Assault on Crete for nov- 6. Convoys, because of their unpredictabil-
ices to appreciate is the impact of planning ity are not decisive. Never depend upon
on final victory or defeat. In this game, them. Often, however, their fortuitous ap-
much will be decided by what the players do pearance can tip the balance in a close game.
before the first turn of the game. For the
Allied player, the most difficult task is the Tactical Options: Unfortunately, the Ger-
placement of his units to repel the initial air- man player is locked into a prescribed mode
borne attack. For the German player, the of attack leaving little opportunity for tacti-
whole complexion of the game will be de- cal improvisation. In spite of this, the Ger-
termined by where he lands his convoys and man player must still possess an airfield by
how he places his first airborne battalions. turn 8, or the game is lost. In the main, he
Once these decisions are made, both players has two general options:
will be irrevocably committed to a course of
action which will ultimately lead to defeat or 1. Dump all airpower, convoys, and rein-
victory. The following paragraphs are writ- forcements into Maleme and go for broke.
ten to aid the inexperienced player in plan- Or, he may opt to:
ning and executing his pre-game options:
2. Attack the Maleme/Suda area with the
THE GERMAN PLAYER first turn forces only, and hit one of the other
two sectors with the glider battalion, the air-
Tactical Situation: The German player is borne reinforcements, airpower, and the
on the offensive. His first and most primary convoys in the hope of building up an ad-
objective is the capture of one of the three vantageous balance of forces to allow the
airfields. It will not be easy. The German capture of an airfield.
player is faced with these realities:
The first method requires the Maleme forces
1. He is forced, by the order of appearance to be dropped east of the airfield with token
charts, to attack all three airfields. blocking forces dropped to the west. The
Suda forces are dropped as close as possible
2. Each of his three airborne forces is sepa- to the Maleme/Suda sector line and drive
rate and independent. They cannot help towards Maleme and/or Galatas in an effort
each other directly. to separate these two Allied forces. The
glider battalion and airborne reinforcements
3. The least difficult airfield to capture is are landed in Maleme. The convoys are tar-
Maleme. The other two, Retimo and Herak- geted for either Kisamos, Maleme, or Ga-
lion, may prove impossible to take. latas Beaches. Airpower is used in direct
support of land attacks in the Maleme sector
4. Distances are too great and time too short
and to interdict road movement in Suda sec- 3. Neutralize ALL suspected Coastal De-
tor. fense artillery positions in the turn prior to a
convoy landing if they are within range of
The second method depends upon a certain the intended landing boxes. Repeat during
amount of subterfuge for success. To use the actual turn of arrival.
this method successfully, the Allied player
must be predisposed to expect an all-out at- 4. Daylight convoy landings are probably
tack in the Maleme sector. In this method, best, with all things considered. CD posi-
the Maleme forces are dropped as before. tions cannot be neutralized at night.
The Suda forces, however, are dropped
closer to the port of Suda in an effort to cut 5. Protect RHQ and DHQ units during the
all Allied movement between Suda and initial parachute drop. They are worth a lot
Georgeopolis. The glider battalion is of points even if they are not all that useful.
dropped in either Retimo or Heraklion,
whichever one is the point of the main at- THE ALLIED PLAYER
tack. All convoys and additional airborne
reinforcements are thrown into the same sec- Tactical Situation: The Allied player is on
tor so that a concerted, all-out drive for the the defensive. He is also faced with serious
airfield (either Retimo or Heraklion) can be problems:
made during turns 6, 7, and 8. During this
time period, all B and FB units are used in 1. Available Allied forces are inadequate to
direct support of the land attacks. The fight- defend all areas adequately.
ers interdict the Allied road movement in the
Suda/Georgeopolis sectors. 2. The most vital sector is Maleme/Suda.
Neither of these plans is anywhere near to 3. The forces at Retimo and Heraklion have
being foolproof. The second option, how- a better than even chance of holding their
ever, does allow the German player a better own against the expected German attacks in
opportunity to capture either one of two air- those areas.
fields instead of throwing everything against
one airfield. 4. For evacuation purposes, Heraklion is the
easiest to evacuate from; Retimo is the most
Tactical Hints: Here is a collection of tacti- difficult. The most important evacuation
cal miscellany which may help the first-time route, however, is the one that follows the
player: road from Suda to Georgeopolis. If the port
of Suda is captured, this is the only way out
1. Attack the HMS York on the first turn. for the bulk of the Allied units.
Airpower can do little else during this turn
and will be too busy to attack it on subse- Tactical Options: The Allied player has
quent turns. two possible paths to victory; denying the
German player an airfield on the eighth turn
2. In certain critical situations ('Flak Trap,' of the game, or failing that, evacuate Allied
for example) it may be worthwhile to 'blind units. The first task is difficult. The second
bomb' suspected AA sites on the first turn. task is somewhat easier, but requires abso-
lutely perfect tactical execution. The great- ing. This tactic does, however, strip other
est danger in an evacuation is realized if a sectors of available AA coverage. Weigh
small German airborne force is allowed to the advantages and disadvantages carefully.
land between Suda and the Georgeopolis
evacuation route. To maintain both options 2. Position, if possible, one light AA unit
viable as long as possible, consider the fol- within two hexes of each airfield. This pre-
lowing: vents use of the airfield until the AA unit is
neutralized and also provides strong 'artil-
1. Keep both ports in Allied hands as long lery' support for defending units.
as possible. They are the best and quickest
evacuation routes. 3. Position artillery over a wide area. There
is not enough of it to use it effectively en
2. Units in Maleme can be easily cut off masse.
from Suda. If the Germans land east of
Maleme, defend the ridge to keep the south- 4. Cover ALL major beaches with at least
ern evacuation route open. one coastal defense artillery unit. Even one
CD unit has a 50% chance of destroying a
3. Build several 'killer packs' in the Suda convoy unit.
area for counterattack purposes. They
should consist of the strongest offensive 5. Position one heavy armored unit at each
units coupled with a light armor unit. Their airfield. As unreliable as they are, they can
defense strength should total a minimum of still provide some extra juice' in a despera-
'9'. The Allied player has a very 'brittle' tion-attack situation.
force. With few strong units and many
weak ones, he can afford few major losses. 6. Use decoys in critical areas - like a Flak
His counterattack capability rests in the Trap - to gain an extra +1 on the Drift die
hands of his 'killer packs'. Once these are roll. (They act as 'real' units for drift pur-
gone, he is on the tactical defensive as well poses.)
as strategic defensive.
7. Use weak units in clear terrain to impede
Tactical Hints: For the Allied player, the a para drop. They add +1 to the Drift die
'little things' will often spell the difference roll and present a single German parachute
between defeat and victory. The Allied company with a poor Drift Combat situa-
player must maximize every advantage he tion.
has in order to survive:
8. Defend the critical Suda-Georgeopolis
1. AA protection: Uniform, even coverage road area with weak units to guard against
is not that effective. It is possible to form a interdiction by light German parachute
'Flak Trap' in the Maleme or Suda area by forces.
pulling every extra unit within range and
placing AA units from the adjacent sector on 9. Protect non-combat, artillery, AA, and
the sector border. It is possible, then, to get CD units with combat units during initial
a +4 or +5 on the Drift die roll which would para drops. Do not leave them exposed.
seriously impede a German airborne land-
10. The coastal steamer can move from port The mapboard diagrams presented herein
to port safely at dusk. German airpower is are included for illustration purposes only.
already committed on the evening turn thus They do not purport to be 'perfect' defenses
allowing the CS unit two turns of safe or 'foolproof' attacks. Players will do well to
movement. study the mapboard illustrations in conjunc-
tion with the tactical hints outlined above as
THE TACTICAL SET-UP a constructive way to improve playing skills:
Operationally, these two sectors are very power. The Allied player must keep the
interdependent. The obvious German objec- coast road between Canea and Maleme air-
tives are the port of Suda and Maleme air- field open. He must also attempt to frustrate
field. Important secondary objectives are the consolidation of the two German forces.
the evacuation routes leading off of the Some thought can also be directed to the de-
mapboard. Probably the most critical piece fenses around Suda itself. In the event of an
of real estate, besides the primary objectives, evacuation, this area must be in Allied
are those hexes constituting the 'Galatas hands.
Hills', that grouping of rough terrain hexes
between the sector border and the town of
Galatas. If the Germans can control these
hills, they can split the Allied defenses in
two and consolidate the two separate para-
drops into one combined force of crushing
to treaty obligations, and to help persuade fense until very late. For a long time, only
Turkey to enter the war on the side of the the Suda Bay area was guarded with a total
Allies. The German naval staff tried to en- garrison numbering not much more than
courage Italian occupation of the island as it 6,000 men. Part of the problem was the
lay athwart British supply lines to Greece. high turnover of command. Crete had no
Possession of Crete (including conquest of less than seven commanders in six months.
Greece) would also protect Italy's oil flow With the arrival of remnants of the British
by the route Rumania-Dardanelles-Corinth- Expeditionary Force, Churchill wanted an
Italy. The Italians, as it turned out, had no aggressive fighter in command. Accord-
plans for the capture of Crete and were ut- ingly, he sacked the British commander, and
terly incapable of sustaining an expedition in replaced him with New Zealand General
the face of British control of the sea lanes. B.C. Freyberg, previously commanding the
2nd New Zealand Division in Greece.
ALLIED PREPARATIONS Freyberg established his headquarters near
Canea and dispatched units to guard all three
The British and Commonwealth troops on airfields. Existing equipment was distrib-
Crete constituted the remains of the defeated uted and unit positions improved. Fortifica-
British Expeditionary Force to Greece. tions remained woefully incomplete, due to
They had been subjected to the German a paralyzing shortage of engineering equip-
Blitzkrieg in Greece and were now ex- ment. Shortages of all materials were so
hausted, disorganized, and depleted. They great that even ordinary hand shovels were
brought no heavy equipment from Greece lacking. Freyberg appealed for supplies and
and precious few light weapons. The army weapons to no avail. The logistical network
was even considerably short on rifles. In was a shambles. During the three week
particular, the artillery and service troops "Blitz" preceding the attack, Suda's capacity
were virtually stripped of all essential of 700 tons per day quickly dropped to 100
equipment. tons because only night offloadings were
possible. Only some 15,000 tons of supplies
The Greek forces on Crete were in even were landed as Suda Bay filled with the
worse shape than the British. The regulars wreckage of 13 ships.
had long since been shipped to Epirus (Al-
banian border area) where they were subse- Strategically, the British were ready. Allied
quently captured during April. The units in intelligence operatives in Greece reported
Crete were composed of recent recruits and the preparations of the impending attack.
Gendarmes (policemen). The Gendarmes They also reported the gathering of enemy
were a disciplined group but had little or no seaborne forces which caused great concern
training as a military formation. The Greeks in Crete. Basically, the defense plan relied
were further handicapped by a lack of on self-contained brigade groups of com-
weapons. Even those who possessed rifles bined arms, each covering its own sector of
had few rounds of ammunition. However, responsibility. Each was to guard, its air-
during the battle, the Greeks partly compen- field and closely watch the adjacent beaches.
sated for their handicaps with their ferocity These requirements caused the Allied units
and use of captured German weapons. to be deployed in three areas instead of con-
The island garrison was not prepared for de- centrating in the vital Maleme/Suda enclave.
The Allied forces were divided in the fol- containing British bases. Only the rein-
lowing manner (the figures below and par- forced 2nd Parachute Regiment was actually
ticularly those for the Germans are esti- ready in early April, but it was subsequently
mates): used instead to seize the bridge over the
Corinth Canal.
Sector Men
Maleme/Galatas 11,859 The idea for an airborne invasion of Crete
Suda 14,822 was encouraged by General Student, the
Retimo 6,730 commander of Germany's parachute forces.
Heraklion 8,024 He and his men were anxious to prove the
decisive value of the parachute arm. Crete
"Creforce" HQ 405
looked like the opportunity, and he prepared
Later landed 800
an audacious plan, to be known as Opera-
Total 42,640 tion Merkur.
Heraklion. Seaborne forces were subsidiary paign occurred during the first night when
to the main effort, largely due to lack of the veteran 22nd New Zealand Battalion at
proper landing craft. The invasion "fleet" Maleme inexplicably withdrew, thus aban-
was actually a motley collection of fishing doning the strongest position in the sector,
caques guarded by a few Italian destroyers. Hill 107.
The convoys
carried the heavy weapons that could not be The Germans did not discover Hill 107 and
airlanded plus extra infantry. One convoy Maleme airfield to be abandoned until their
made for the Maleme beaches while the attack against it was already underway, early
other sailed for the beaches just east of on the second morning. Still believing the
Heraklion. The total forces employed in the British to be just out of sight, they took most
operation were composed as follows: of the remaining day to secure the airfield.
That night the expected British counterat-
Sector Men tack failed to leave its start line due to a lack
Maleme 2,460 of communications. During the next day,
Suda 3,000 the Germans worked desperately to bring
Retimo 1,500 troops into their expanding airhead, all the
Heraklion 2,360 time expecting the counterattack. That night
Later landed 600 it came, but it was too little, much too late.
Total Paratroops 9,920 The Allies never regained the initiative.
this case, Allied Intelligence performed al- on the first day. Crete would be an easy op-
most too well. General Freyberg was in- portunity to collect the final bag of Allied
formed that the German amphibious forces prisoners in the Balkan campaign. This feel-
would be ready for action beginning May ing, coupled with the lack of knowledge of
17th. Constant alert from this warning was Allied dispositions, resulted in the para-
taken to mean the primary weight of the in- troopers jumping on top of the Allied units.
vasion would be amphibious. This was What eventually saved the plan was the con-
something to which the British were accus- servatism of Student's superiors in reducing
tomed, after anticipating a German amphibi- the number of points attacked from the
ous invasion of England for over a year. original seven to four.
Expecting the invasion, the troops were de-
ployed along the beaches. The British de- It was this conservatism that turned against
ployment and Intelligence expectation actu- the parachute arm. Hitler later told Student
ally hampered the defense against the real that, "The day of the parachutist is over.
assault force. The parachute arm is a surprise weapon and
without the element of surprise there can be
Despite the many problems in the Allied no future for airborne forces." Others took
camp, the Germans nearly lost. The forces the cue and the parachutists found them-
assaulting Hill 107 at dawn on May 21st selves on the Russian front in an infantry
were desperate, decimated and exhausted. If role starting in September 1941.
the British had not withdrawn, there was an
excellent chance the Germans would have Student later said "Crete was the graveyard
failed. Failure at Maleme would have meant of the paratroopers." Not only had too many
the complete destruction of all German air- paratroopers died trying to capture Crete,
borne forces on Crete. but the idea of airborne assault as the pri-
mary mode of assault died with them. Stu-
From the start, the airborne operation was a dent had hoped to follow his success in
hurry-up affair. The decision to attack did Crete with an attack on Cyprus. From there,
not come until April 21st with a May 15th landings would be made into Vichy French-
deadline. With only 23 days to make staff held Syria thus threatening both the Iraqi
and operational preparations, the Germans oilfields and the Suez Canal. Like Hitler's
faced such problems as lack of amphibious invasion of India, these plans were never
invasion craft, difficulty in gathering inva- more than a pipe-dream. Never again did
sion forces, and the primitiveness of the the Germans launch a major parachute as-
Greek airfields. The lack of fuel caused an sault.
extra five days of delay (due to the blockage
of the destroyed Corinth Canal bridge). The The lesson, however, was not wasted on the
major German problem was faulty intelli- Allies. The British press and public were
gence. The Allies actually numbered three deeply impressed by the quickness of the
times more manpower than the Germans ex- conquest and the novelty of the battle. The
pected to oppose. best of the British Empire had been defeated
by men dangling from tiny parachutes. This
Buoyed by the intelligence reports. Student was widely regarded as the dress rehearsal
thought he could take everything important of the invasion of Britain. Churchill la-
mented, "We have to contemplate the de- formations available to strike elsewhere in
scent from the air of perhaps a quarter mil- the Mediterranean. Three weeks later, Op-
lion parachutists, glider borne, or crash eration Barbarossa changed the entire stra-
landed aeroplane troops. Everyone in uni- tegic problem. Through the remainder of
form, and everyone else who likes, must fall the war, Crete was fortified as a defensive
upon these wherever they find them and at- German base, receiving only very little of-
tack them with the utmost alacrity." Indeed, fensive equipment. Ironically, the British
the novelty of the operation so impressed the had defended Crete partly to deny to the
Allied planning staffs that even before the Germans a jumping off point for further
battle was over, Churchill ordered the ex- Mediterranean operations, and the Germans
pansion of the British parachute arm: "Thus had attacked it to prevent the British from
we are always found behindhand by the en- using it as a naval and air base against the
emy. We ought to have 5000 parachutists Balkans. As it happened, Crete remained a
and an airborne division on the German backwater throughout the war, of no strate-
model, with any improvements which might gic interest to either side.
suggest themselves from experience."
Eventually the Allies created many airborne
divisions and organized several multi-
division drops, the most famous being Op-
eration Market-Garden utilizing some
35,000 airborne troops.
tactical support of the ground forces, was ian warships as could be made available.
particularly unsuited to such an operation, Clearly the invasion would not fail due to
and the Italian bombers were even worse. the lack of troops.
Oriented to tactical operations, they were
further encumbered by increasing obsoles- From the start, the major limiting factor was
cence and abysmal maintenance. Although the lack of landing craft. Earlier plans had
the pilots were fairly good and bombs been scrapped for the same reason, and the
dropped on Malta usually fell accurately, Italian command had once again failed to
they were too small to do much damage. anticipate the requirements for an invasion
Despite the first-ever use of "carpet bomb- of Malta. Training began almost too late,
ing" techniques against Malta, the bomber and German landing craft had to be im-
offensive proved to be a costly failure. ported to supplement the scant Italian force.
When it was over, after three years of action By the summer of 1942, enough craft had
over Malta, the Allies claimed some 1493 been assembled for the landing, but some
Axis aircraft destroyed over Malta, against units would still have to settle for fishing
their own losses of 547 aircraft in the air. boats. By mid-July the force was ready, and
awaited only the official go-ahead from Hit-
AXIS INVASION PREPARATIONS ler and the final destruction of the RAF de-
There were no less than six major invasion
plans produced by the Italians for Malta, and The heavy Allied buildup of strength in the
the Germans had their own variations. Out Western Desert during the summer of 1942
of that total, only two plans looked as forced the Axis into a crucial strategic deci-
though they might actually be carried out. sion. Basically the Axis could either risk an
In March, 1942, detailed plans were made Allied attack in the desert while the Luft-
for the invasion, known to the Germans as waffe helped reduce and invade Malta, or
Operation Herkules and to the Italians as the Afrika Korps could attempt to defeat
Operazione Esigenza C.3. The operation British forces in front of Tobruk, and then
was to be primarily an amphibious one, with attempt the capture of Tobruk itself. Later
landings on the southeast supported by para- would come the invasion of Malta.
troops seizing the beach area one day in ad-
vance. Some 20,000 paratroops in one Ital- Important factors that had to be given con-
ian and one German division would be sideration were, first of all, the state of
dropped. readiness of the Malta invasion army versus
that of the Afrika Korps. The availability of
Another 10,000 troops in another Italian di- supplies in Africa, training status of Italian
vision would be airlanded. Some 40,000 paratroopers, release of German transports
men organized in three divisions and two from the Russian Front, and other factors all
regiments had been trained in the primary had to be considered. On April 30th Hitler
sea assault role. They were to be followed and Mussolini met at Obersalzberg, and the
ashore by another 24,000 men in two divi- key decision was made: First capture To-
sions. In all, about 100,000 men would be bruk, and then invade Malta in July.
employed, along with about 1500 aircraft
and over 200 landing craft plus as many Ital- Ironically, the sheer magnitude of Rommel's
Thomas, David A., Nazi Victory: Crete Rohwer, J. and Hummelchen, G. Chronol-
1941, Stein and Day, N.Y., 1972. ogy of the War at Sea, 1939-1945, Vol.1, Ian
Allan, London, 1973.
Secondary Sources:
Tugwell, M., Airborne to Battle, William
Bragadin, M., The Italian Navy in World Kimbar, London, 1971.
War Two, U.S.N.I., Annapolis, Md., 1957.
Weldon. Lt. Col. H.E.C., "The Artillery De-
Cunningham, Viscount A.B., A Sailor's Od- fense of Malta," The Journal of the Royal
yssey. Artillery. Vol. LXXIX #1 Jan.1952, (The
Royal Artillery Institute, Woolwich, Lon-
Fechter, H. and Hummelchen, G., Seak- don, S.E. 18).
riegeatlas Mittelmeer-Schwarzis Meer 1940-
45, J.F. Lehmanns Varlag, Munich, 1972. Wheeler, Capt. E.J., Ship Salvage, Geo.
Philip & Son, London, 1958.
Hogg, Ian V. and Thurston, L.F., British Ar-
illery Weapons and Ammunition 1914-1918,
Ian Allan, London, 1972.
[The Question Box Questions and Answers Q: Is bomber strength halved if the only AA
from the General magazine, Vol 15, No 1.] unit in range is being bombarded by other
air units.
AIR ASSAULT ON CRETE/MALTA A: Yes. The effects of AA units are deter-
mined at the moment the air units attempt to
Q: Where does Creforce HQ start. Canea or execute aircraft missions. If the AA unit is
Suda? neutralized before the bomber units execute
A: Canea, in either hex, at player's choice. their bombardment or air support missions,
'Suda' is a mistake. they are not halved. If the A.A unit is still
functional at the moment the bombardment
Q: Is the 'Sea Movement and Combat' ex- attack is resolved, the bombers are halved.
ample of play correct? This would hold true even if the target for
A: No. The Allied 2-2-3 unit in the example the bombardment mission was the AA unit.
should be a 2-3-3.
Q: If there is five stacking points of German
Q: Where does the HMS York counter set infantry occupying Maleme Airfield at the
up. beginning of the German player segment,
A: On the red dot in hex F-26 (not F-25). how many air landing units may land at that
airfield during the air landing segment?
Q: If German 9-9-4 parachute battalion is A: Only one stacking point may land that
defending, suppose the Allied player obtains turn. Airborne, air landing, and sea move-
an 'EX' result against it and chooses to re- ment unit may not overstack on their initial
move only one attack strength point. Must placement on the mapboard. Note that this
the German battalion break-down and elimi- is an exception to the stacking rules which
nate the one strength point HQ unit? apply only at the end of the movement and
A: No. The German player has the option of combat phases. Airborne units that drift and
breaking down the battalion; he is not re- overstack are not eliminated until the end of
quired to do so . In this case, the German the movement phase.
player does not break down and conse-
quently loses nothing. Q: May the 42 Coy RE execute demolition
procedures while loaded in the truck unit?
Q: Suppose two German 2-2-4's attack an A: No.
Allied 2-2-2 and a coastal artillery unit in
the same hex at 2-1 odds and roll an 'EX'. If
the German player removes one 2-2-4, the
Allied player must remove the 2-2-2. What
happens if the German player removes both
A: Since all of the defending units are to-
taled into one combined defensive strength,
the Allied player removes both units (2 + 0
= 2) if the German player removes one 2-2-
4. If he removes two 2-2-2's [sic], he is
simply wasting a unit.
Charts and Tables
Crete/Malta Combat Results Table 2
Bombardment Table 3
Armor Reliability Table 3
Sea Movement Table 4
Drift Diagram 4
German Airborne Substitution Chart 5
Terrain Effects Chart 6
Allied Organization Card - Crete 9
Allied Organization Card - Malta 10
Axis Organization Card - Crete 11
Axis Organization Card - Malta 12
Rules Summary Chart 13
Air Assault on Crete 13
Invasion of Malta, 1942 14
Casualty Point Table - Crete 15
Casualty Point Table - Malta 15
Evacuation Point Chart 15
Combat factor Comparison Chart 15
1. Odds greater than 8-1 are treated as 8-1. Odds of less than 1-4 are automatically attacker eliminated.
2. Ranged artillery units ignore adverse combat results (AE, AL, AR, EX) when firing in the friendly or
enemy combat phase. "Exchange" results from defensive artillery fire are treated as "AL" results against
the specific enemy ground units involved in the defensive fire attack.
3. Combat resolution die roll modifications may be summarized at follows:
a. Add "1" to all drift combat situations.
b. Subtract "1" when armored unit participates in attack.
c. Add "2" to all Axis attacks if no port friendly after turn #12 (MALTA only!)
DE = All defending units involved in that specific attack are eliminated and removed from the game.
Place units in proper elimination box.
DR = All defending units involved in that specific attack must retreat one hex. Units may not retreat onto
sea hexes, enemy zones of control (except if onto friendly unit), or in friendly hexes stacked to capacity.
Units that cannot retreat properly are eliminated instead.
EX = Exchange of casualties. The attacker must remove one or more of his attacking units, at his option.
The defender must then remove units whose total basic, undoubled, defense strength is equal to or less
than the attacker's attack strength losses. The defender chooses which units to lose, providing his losses
approximate the attacker's losses at closely as possible without exceeding the total number of strength
points removed by the attacker. The defender must remove units whose total defense strength is equal to
or less than the attacker's attack strength. If the defender cannot remove even a single unit without ex-
ceeding the attacker's losses, then he removes nothing. NOTE: German airborne battalions may break-
down to cover partial unit losses.
NE = No effect. No losses to either side. No retreat for either side. EXCEPTION: For drift combat, treat
all 'NE' as 'AR'.
AE = All attacking units involved in that attack are eliminated and removed from the game.
AL = Attacker must eliminate any one single combat unit involved in that specific attack. Surviving at-
tacking units must retreat one hex. Attacker may not remove non-participating units. Airborne battalions
may be broken down before extracting losses.
AR = All attacking units must retreat one hex.
1. Effects of neutralization are cumulative.
2. Neutralization result for naval units in beach or port landing boxes means those units are eliminated
and removed from the game.
3. Neutralization result for port means no units may embark/debark. Also, any units currently in port land-
ing box (except the coastal steamer) are eliminated.
4. CD artillery units are halved (rounded down) at night. Aircraft units may not be used at night.
-- = No effect.
N-1, N-2 = Target neutralized for one or two turns until next or following aircraft bombardment and
placement phase. Neutralized targets may not function or move in any manner. They still maintain their
zone of control.
2. Drift: Each company, as per Drift Dia- XIII. INVERTED UNITS AND DECOYS
gram. A. Allied only.
3. Drift Combat: Compulsory, +1 to die, B. Inverted: exposed when moving adjacent to
"NE" = "AR". enemy or at end of enemy movement phase
B. Surprise Rule: Allied units move 1 hex max when adjacent.
on first turn. C. Decoy: Treat as real unit until end of move-
ment phase.
A. At friendly airfield only. XIV. NIGHT RESTRICTIONS
1. Not at night. A. No airborne, air landing, aircraft.
2. Not within range of light AA. B. ranged Artillery = 1 hex.
B. Max number per turn = number printed on C. Allied: All infantry units may move into/out
Airfield. of and thru enemy ZOC in same turn.
VALUE Sector
ALLIED-Evacuated Units:
Each headquarters unit 5 points
Each noncombat unit 5 points Maleme 20 5 29 1
Each battalion-sized combat unit 5 points Suda 45 20 77 2
Each company-sized combat unit 2 points
Each platoon-sized (or smaller) 1 point
Retimo 5 28 3
combat unit Heraklion 10 5 33 3
Each Greek unit (any size) 1 point Free Set Up 5 8 1
Total 80 35 175 10
AXIS-Eliminated Units:
Each airborne headquarters unit 7 points
Each non-airborne headquarters unit 5 points Combat Factor Comparison
Each company-sized (or smaller) 2 points Allied German
airborne unit
Each battalion-sized airborne unit* 15 points
Each company-sized (or smaller) 1 point Sector
non-airborne unit
Each battalion-sized non-airborne 7 points
unit Maleme 20 22 6 34 34
*NOTE: Award the Allied player 15 points (instead
Suda 44 54 2 43 42 2
of 13) it all three German airborne engineer compa-
nies and the battalion headquarters company are in Glider 10 10
the Eliminated box. Battalion
Retimo 27 31 3 25 24
Heraklion 29 30 7 33 33
Free Set 5 7 4 18 14 2
AIRBORNE UNIT TYPE: POINT VALUE Total 125 144 22 163 157 4
Each airborne headquarters unit 5 points.
Each Battalion-sized GERMAN 21 points.
airborne unit
Each Battalion-sized ITALIAN 11 points.
airborne unit
Each company-sized (or smaller) 2 points.
airborne unit