6 Nadir's Operator

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Some results on the Nadir’s operator

Mostefa NADIR
Department of Mathematics, University of Msila. Algeria

In this paper, we present some new results for the operator N =
AB BA and study the invertibility of I N in the algebra B(H)
of all bounded linear operators on a complex separable
Hilbert space H.

1 Introduction
In mathematics, the commutator gives an indication of the extent to which
a certain binary ....
The operator N = AB BA of two operators acting on a Hilbert space is
a central concept in quantum mechanics, since it quanti…es how well the two
observables described by these operators can be measured simultaneously.
From this de…nition, we can see that if the operator N is zero, then AB =
BA so, the order of which the two corresponding measurements are applied
to the physical system does not matter. On the contrary, if it is non-zero,
then the order does matter. Finally, This operaator will be called Nadir’s

1.1 Main results

Theorem 1 Let B(H) be a Banach algebra with unit element I; then for all
operators A and B in B(H): The operator N = AB BA is is a Skew
self-adjoint operator and never equal to the indetity I. In other words

N = AB BA 6= I

Proof. Indeed, we have

N = (AB BA )
= (AB ) (BA )
= (AB BA )
= N:

Assume that, N = AB BA = I; it follows N = (AB BA ) =

I = I: Hence, from the relation N = N; we get

I= I:


Proposition 1 The operator N = AB BA is normal

Indeed, it follows from the theorem 1

NN = (AB BA ) (AB BA )
= N ( N)
= ( N) N
= N N

Corollary 1 The operator N 2 is negative, that is to say hN 2 x; xi 0 for

all non-zero vectors x in H:

Indeed, it is known that the operator N N is always positive and from

the proposition 1 N N = ( N ) N = N 2

Theorem 2 Let A; B be a bounded operator on the Hilbert space H where

one of the operators A and B is compact, then the operator N = AB BA
is compact with the operator I N is invertible.

First case A is compact B bounded

A compact) A compacr) AB and BA are compacts. Hence N is

Second case B is compact A bounded

B compact) B compacr) AB and BA are compacts. Hence N is

Besides, it is known that, the operator N is never equal to the identity
I; then N I 6= 0 and so, N I is injective. Hence N I is bijective.

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[2] W. Rudin, Functional Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1991 (2nd edition).

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[4] K.Yosida, Functional Analysis, Springer-verlag, Berlin Heidelberg Nen

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