2 Compact Operators

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§2. Compact Operators

Compact linear operators

A linear operator A de…ned from a normed space E into a normed space
F is called a compact linear operator or completely continuous linear opera-
tor if for every bounded subset of E; the image A( ) is relatively compact
in F: In other words, the closure A( ) is compact.

Theorem 1 (Compactness criterion)

A linear operator A de…ned from a normed space E into a normed space
F is called a linear compact operator or completely continuous linear opera-
tor if and only if for every bounded sequence 'n in E; the sequence A'n in
F has a convergent subsequence A'nk :

Let 'n be a bounded sequence in E; since the operator A is compact,
then the set fA'n g is relatively compact in F where this property shows
that A'n contains a convergent subsequence.
Conversely, let us consider any bounded subset in E and let n be any
sequence in A( ): Then there exists a bounded sequence 'n in ; such that

n = A'n :

By assumption, A'n = n contains a convergent subsequence nk in F:

Thus A( ) is relatively compact, because for any bounded sequence n in
A( ) there exits a convergent subsequence nk in F: In other words, for all
bounded set E; the set A( ) is relatively compact in F: Hence A is

Theorem 2
The linear combination A = A1 + A2 of compact operators A1 and
A2 is a compact operator, for every scalars and :

Let 'n be a bounded sequence in E and let A'n be a sequence in F;
A'n (x) = A1 'n (x) + A2 'n (x); with 'n 2 E; n 2 N:


The operators A1 and A2 are compact, one can extract from A1 'n and
A2 'n two convergent subsequences which give by their sum a convergent
subsequence of A'n : Hence A is compact.

Theorem 3
The product AB of two bounded operators A and B is compact if either
of operators A or B is compact.

Let 'n be a bounded sequence in E; then if we consider B as a bounded
operator the sequence B'n (x) is bounded, and from the compactness of
the operator A gives a convergent subsequence A B'nk (x) of A(B'n (x)):
Hence the operator AB is compact.
On the other hand, if we consider B as a compact, one can extract from
B'n (x) a convergent subsequence B'nk (x); and from the boundedness of
the operator A gives the convergence of the sequence A(B'nk (x)): Hence
the operator AB is compact.

Theorem 4
The sequence An of compact operators de…ned from a normed space E
into a Banach space F converges uniformly to an operator A; say,

lim kAn Ak = 0:

Then the limit operator A is compact.

Let 'n be a bounded sequence in E; the operator A1 is compact, then
one can extract from the sequence A1 'n a convergent subsequence, say '1n
a subsequence from 'n such that A1 '1n converges.
In the same way, taking '1n as a bounded sequence so, we can extract
from the sequence A2 '1n a convergent subsequence , say '2n a subsequence
from '1n such that A2 '2n converges.
Noting that, we obtain from the bounded sequence 'n a subsequence
'2n such that A1 '2n and A2 '2n both converge.
Continuing in this way, we see that, for the compact operators A1 ; A2 ; ::; Ap ;
there exists a nested subsequences

'pn ::::'2n '1n 'n ;

such that, the sequences Ak 'pn converge for all k = 1; 2; :::; p:


In order to show the compactness of the operator limit A; we must use
the completeness of the space F and showing that the sequence A'pn is
Cauchy sequence.
Noting that the sequence 'n is bounded, say k'n k M for all n: Hence
k 'pn k M for each n and p: Choose n = p so that
kAn Ak < :
Since the sequence An 'pn is Cauchy, because it converges, so there exists N
such that, for all p > N and q > N; we get
An 'pn An 'qn < :
Hence, we obtain

k A'pn A'qn k = A'pn A'qn + An 'pn An 'pn + An 'qn An 'qn

A'pn An 'pn + An 'pn An 'qn + An 'qn A'qn
kAn Ak 'pn + An 'pn An 'qn + kAn Ak 'pn
" " "
M+ + M = ":
3M 3 3M
Remembering that, due to the completeness of the space F; the Cauchy
sequence A'pn converges as a subsequence of A'n where 'pn is a subse-
quence of an arbitrary bounded sequence 'n : Hence the compactness of the
operator A:

Theorem 5 (…nite dimensional range)

Let A be a bounded operator de…ned from E into F with the range A(E)
has a …nite dimension, dim A(E) < 1 then the operator A is compact.

Indeed, for all bounded set in E; the range A( ) is a bounded set
in the …nite dimensional space A(E): Hence A( ) is relatively compact, it
follows that A is a compact operator.

Theorem 6 (…nite dimensional domain)

Let A be a bounded operator de…ned from E into F with the domain E
has a …nite dimension, dim E < 1 then the operator A is compact.



Indeed, the space E has a …nite dimension, dim E < 1 implies the …nite
dimensional range A(E); say

dim A(E) dim E;

it follows that, A is a compact operator.

Lemma 1
Let F be a closed subspace in the normed space E such that, F = 6 E
then there exists an element ' 2 E with k'k = 1 such that, for all 2 F;
we have
k' k ; with 0 < < 1
Indeed, let f be an element of E such that f 2
= F then, we get

inf kf hk = > 0;

choosing an element g belongs to F such that,

kf gk :

De…ne the vector ' by

f g
'= ;
kf gk
this vector ' has a unit norm k'k = 1; besides, for all 2 F we get

f g
k' k =
kf gk
f g (kf gk)
kf gk kf gk
= kf (g + (kf gk ))k
kf gk
kf gk

Theorem 7
The identity operator I de…ned from a normed space E into E is compact
if and only if the space E has a …nite dimension.


let '1 be an element of E; such that k'1 k = 1; then the set of …nite
dimension F1 = spanf'1 g represents a closed subspace of E: So there exists
an element '2 2 E; such that k'2 k = 1 and k'1 '2 k 2 : By the same
way we take a closed subspace F2 = spanf'1 ; '2 g and …nding an element
1 1
'3 2 E such that k'2 k = 1 with k'1 '3 k 2 and k'2 '3 k 2 : One
repeat the same procedure until the obtaining of a sequence 'n verifying
k'n k = 1 and k'm 'n k > 21 ; for all m 6= n:
Noting that, the sequence 'n is bounded but does not contain any con-
vergent subsequence. Hence the operator I'n = 'n is not compact.

Corollary 1
The closed unit ball B(0; 1) in the normed space E of in…nitely dimen-
sional is not compact.

Indeed, B(0; 1) is bounded but cannot be compact; thus

I (B(0; 1)) = B(0; 1);

is not relatively compact. In other words B(0; 1) is not compact.

Corollary 2
A bounded operator A in a normed space E is not generally a compact

Indeed, see the identity operator A = I in the in…nitely dimensional

normed space E is not compact.

Theorem 8
The integral operator A de…ned from C( ) into C( )
A'(x) = k(x; y)'(y)dy; x; y 2

with continuous kernel k(x; y) is a compact operator.

Let G be a bounded set of C( ) then, for each ' 2 G; there exists
M > 0, such that


k'k M;
besides, for all x 2 and ' 2 G; we get
jA'(x)j = k(x; y)'(y)dy

max jk(x; y)j M mes ( ) :


It follows that A(G) is bounded.

By assumption, the kernel k(x; y) is continuous over the compact ;
thus it is uniformly continuous and therefore
8" > 0; 9 > 0; 8x; y; z 2 ; jx yj < ) jk(x; z) k(y; z)j < :
M mes ( )

Hence, for each ' 2 G and x; y 2 ; with jx yj <

jA'(x) A'(y)j = (k(x; z) k(y; z))'(z)dz
< M mes ( ) = ":
M mes ( )

This relation expresses that A(G) is equicontinuous. Hence A(G) is

relatively compact, so by Arzela-Ascoli’s theorem A is compact.

Weakly singular kernel

The kernel k(x; y) is said to be weakly singular if it is de…ned continuous
on Rn Rn for all x 6= y and there exist a positive constants M
and 2]0; n] such that

jk(x; y)j < ; x; y 2 ; x 6= y:
jx yjn

In other words,
8x; y 2 ; x 6= y; 9M > 0; jk(x; y)j < ; 0< n
jx yjn

Theorem 9
The integral operator A de…ned from C( ) into C( ) with weakly con-
tinuous kernel is a compact operator.


Noting that, the integral operator
A'(x) = k(x; y)'(y)dy; x; y 2

exists as an improper integral, due to the weakly continuous kernel

jk(x; y)'(y)j M k'k jx yj ;

Z Z d
n n n 1 !n
jx yj dy !n d = d ;
where ! n designates the surface area of the unit sphere in Rn and d the
diameter of the set :
Let us construct a sequence of compact operators An which converges to
the integral operator A; such that

lim kAn Ak = 0:

choosing now a linear continuous function h de…ned on [0; 1[ into R; by

8 1
< 0
> if 0 t
h(t) = 1 ;
> 2t 1 if t 1
: 2
1 if 1 t<1

The function kn (x; y) de…ned on into R; by

h(n jx yj)k(x; y) if x 6= y
kn (x; y) =
0 if x = y

is a continuous kernel for each n 2 N: Hence the integral operators An such

that Z
An '(x) = kn (x; y)'(y)dy; x; y 2 ;

are compact.


Besides, for all x 2 ; we get
jAn '(x) A'(x)j = [kn (x; y) k(x; y)]'(y)dy
= fh(n jx yj) 1g k(x; y)'(y)dy
\jx yj< n
Z 1
n n 1
M k'k ! n d
M k'k :
It is simple to see that the convergence An ' to A' is uniform, so it
follows that,
kA An k M ! 0; when p ! 1;
and thus A is compact operator.

Theorem 10
The integral operator A de…ned from the normed space C(@ ) into C(@ )
with continuous or weakly continuous kernel is a compact operator, where
under @ we designate a regular boundary of the set :



[1] M. NADIR. Cours d’analyse fonctionnelle, université de Msila 2004.

Address. Prof. Dr. Mostefa NADIR

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Msila
E-mail: [email protected]

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