Understanding The TV Ratings and Parental Controls
Understanding The TV Ratings and Parental Controls
Understanding The TV Ratings and Parental Controls
With an increasing number of TV channels and programs coming into our homes
each day, it can be hard for parents to monitor what their children are watching.
Many parents are concerned about their young children watching programs with
content that’s more suitable for older children or adults.
The television industry designed a TV ratings system to give parents more informa-
tion about the content and age-appropriateness of TV programs. These ratings,
called the TV Parental Guidelines, are modeled after the familiar movie ratings,
which parents have known and valued for decades. They are designed to be
easily recognizable and simple to use. The Guidelines apply to most television
programs, including those directed specifically to young children. However, sports
and news shows do not carry the Guidelines.
The Guidelines appear in the upper left corner of the TV screen at the beginning
of TV shows, and often again after commercial breaks.
The TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board is responsible for ensuring there is as
much uniformity and consistency in applying the Parental Guidelines as possible
and is comprised of experts from the television industry and public interest advo-
cates. The Board also reviews complaints about specific program ratings to help
ensure accuracy. Individuals can contact the Board via mail, phone or e-mail to
voice complaints.
Are movies that air on TV rated? Does a program carry the same rating
Made-for-TV movies are rated using the TV Parental week after week?
Guidelines. Theatrical movies are typically edited when Programs are rated by episode and, therefore, may
they air on broadcast or basic cable channels. The carry a different rating based on the content.
broadcast or cable network cuts content from the movie
according to the channel’s standards. After the movie
has been modified, it is given a TV Parental Guideline Why would a program be rated
rating. Premium cable networks like HBO and Show- differently when being aired on
time run uncut theatrical movies. These movies carry different channels?
the original MPAA movie rating, in addition to supple-
Programs are often edited for content when being aired
mental content advisories provided by the network.
on different channels and would be rated accordingly.
TV Parental Guidelines
Post Office Box 14097
Washington, DC 20004
[email protected]