Andrea's Teaching Resume 2020
Andrea's Teaching Resume 2020
Andrea's Teaching Resume 2020
As an Elementary School Teacher, it is
my goal to implement innova ve Bachelor of Science in Elementary Educa on
methods for student development Focus in Mathema cs
and to support the needs of a diverse Oakland University | May 2020
group of students. I aim to support
Dean’s Honor List: 2015-2020
students’ growth within their
GPA: 3.86
academic knowledge and life skills. It
is my goal to create a class of lifelong
learners in a suppor ve classroom
environment, where students are
Work experience
encouraged to grow.
Subs tute Teacher
Edustaff | Romeo, MI | Jan. 2020- Current
Work experience continued...
Collabora on
Mental Health Care Provider/ CLS worker
Cri cal Thinking
Residen al Home | Romeo, MI | June 2015-Sep. 2015
Pa ence
● Lead mul ple lessons on shapes, colors, numbers, and le ers
Listening ● Worked with a 4 year old with a brain injury
● Supported toddler’s learning development
Rela onship Building
2nd grade Math Tutor
Residen al Home | Washington, MI | Sep. 2014-May 2015
HONORS AND ● Provided support and knowledge for educa onal success
CERTIFICATIONS ● Created lessons for individual student needs in Math
● Directed learning to achieve student engagement
-CPR cer fied
Related Teaching Experience continued...
First Field Placement- 3rd Grade
Deerfield Elementary School | Rochester Hills, MI | Jan. 2017- April 2017
Volunteer Experience
Member of Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
Oakland University | Rochester, MI | Nov. 2015- May 2020
Lynne Pagel
Posi on- 2nd grade Elementary School Teacher
Phone: 248-765-3914
Business: Hevel Elementary School
Karen Hessler
Posi on- Oakland University Supervisor and Former Elementary School
Phone: 586-634-1792
Business: Oakland University