Game Content Model: An Ontology For Documenting Serious Game Design
Game Content Model: An Ontology For Documenting Serious Game Design
Game Content Model: An Ontology For Documenting Serious Game Design
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All content following this page was uploaded by Stephen Tang on 17 July 2014.
Abstract— Computer games is a form of real-time interactive software structures and templates to help amateurs and novices in specifying and
wrapped in creatively crafted media that offers game-players engaging, documenting game design details, however they fall short in the formality of
goal-directed play. Designing computer games requires adequate representation and the completeness of its game representation. The Nelson &
experience and great attention to detail to describe the rules, play and Mateas game model [9] and the Narrative, Entertainment, Simulation and
aesthetics that compose the interactive experience. For inexperienced Interaction (NESI) model [10] are better examples of knowledge model
game designers, formalised methods such as game design languages and developed with engineering conscious. However, similar to the shortcoming of
game meta-models can provide a guide and language to produce a game GOP, they lack of concepts that describe events in a game level, game objects
design specification correct by design. This paper introduces a new game and game environment, and the formality of concept representation.
content model that can aid game designers document specification of game The need of such ontology for game is driven by our research in
design. incorporating Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) practices into game
development as an effort to provide a technology platform for non-technical
domain experts to produce serious games without worrying about the intricacy
Keywords— Game Design Languages; Game Modelling; Model Driven
Development; Serious Games; Game-Based Learning.
of game development [5]. MDE refers to a software development approach
that relies extensively on the use of models to represent aspects of software and
automates the transformation of models into more refined software artefacts.
I. INTRODUCTION MDE can provide the environment for domain experts to produce a serious
Game design is the creative expression of a game designer‘s vision of some game via modelling (either using language or visual tools) without worrying
virtual goal-directed play where the game designer engages him or herself in an about the intricacy of game development. Using this approach, game designers
activity to innovate and create a concept of play within a set of business, are expected to produce game models using the concepts defined in the game
psychological, sociological and technological constraints. It is a process that meta-model to describe rules, game-plays and aesthetics of computer games.
requires one to (i) imagine a game idea; (ii) define how the game works; (iii) The result of such an approach is a formalised description of game design that
document aspects of the game; and (iv) communicate such a vision and the can be interpreted easily by game developers which can also be used in MDE
design decisions for use as a blueprint by the development team. The various environment. The models can then be analysed and translated using
aspects of game design are commonly documented in the form of creative transformation engines and generators to synthesize software artefacts
writing and the approach is still widely taught through texts (see for example consistent with the models automatically.
Rouse [1], Rollings and Adams [2], Bates [3] and Fullerton [4]) but do not Our investigation into game models for the use in MDE has revealed that
provide much aid for novices except for the samples of game design documents there is no one game model can provide the complete concepts representation
and templates for game design as references [1, 2, 4] for documenting game of a computer game from game design viewpoint [11]. We do not imply that
design. This matter is most evident when it comes to non-technical domain the GOP, RAM, game design patterns, Nelson & Mateas game model and
experts who wish to design their own serious games for game based learning[5]. NESI are invalid, but they are unsuitable for use in MDE. Concepts to
There are very limited tools that can help them to understand the anatomy of a represent game objects, game levels, game environment, game structure are
game design and guide authors to describe their ideas to form a complete missing in some game models. Moreover, features of each concept, its
design specification of the game. relationships and constraints are not clearly defined. In this paper, we gather
In the field of knowledge engineering, concepts in a domain are our knowledge of game design, game development and serious games, and
consolidated to build a knowledge base for reference purpose. Knowledge borrow concepts on existing game ontologies to develop a new game ontology
engineers do so by developing ontology to formally represent the concepts, that represents aspects of a computer game design in a complete form. This
features and constraints on the concepts in a domain formally into machine- new game ontology will be used in our model-driven serious games
interpretable definitions. The result of this is a shared common understanding development framework to provide novices and non-technical domain experts,
of the information structure of a domain knowledge which can be reused. with a desire to create content for game-based learning, a template and the
In the domain of computer games, Game Ontology Project (GOP)[6] has formalised languages to describe their game idea. In Section II, we outline the
identified both common and distinct elements of game design abstractly, and scope and methodology we used to develop our game ontology. In Section III
orders it hierarchically to form a game ontology. It is a language for game we present our game content model before we draw a conclusion and describe
design and also a framework for game designers to improve their our further research in this exciting area.
understanding on what to design in computer games. At the highest-level, the
ontology focuses on the definition of interfaces that map user inputs to a set of II. ONTOLOGY DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY
allowable actions of an avatar; rules that govern the interactions and economies
in the game world; goals that determine player‘s success or failure in the game; Ontology development or development of knowledge model is a practice to
entities that populates the game world; and entities manipulations which define identify the relevant knowledge of a domain and organise it into a hierarchical
how entities behave physically in the game world. Each ontology entry is structure of concepts (classes) in which each concept is described using
labelled with a name, listed with relationships with other elements in the features and attributes (slot) and constraints on the features and attributes
hierarchy and given description about the element as well as examples of both (facet).
concrete and partial reification of the elements. However, the game ontology There are a number of methods and methodologies one can employ to
itself lacks in concepts that describe events in a game level, game objects, develop their own ontology in a domain. Corcho, Fernández-López & Gómez-
game environment and game structure. As an ontology, it struggles to represent Pérez described a number of methodologies for ontology development in their
the features and constraints of concepts in a machine-interpretable format paper [12]. Among the cited are CyKB, Uschold and King‘s method,
because it only describes the concepts used in a game from an end user point of Grϋninger and Fox‘s method, the KACTUS project method, Sensus‘s method,
view in explanations with example. It is therefore useful for only studying and METHONTOLOGY, the On-To-Knowledge methodology and CO4 protocol.
analysing computer games, but has little use in producing a complete Each method or methodology approaches ontology building differently. Cy KB,
specification of computer game for the purpose of development. Uschold and King‘s method, Grϋninger and Fox‘s method,
Other knowledge models on game design such as Rapid Analysis Method METHONTOLOGY and On-To-Knowledge methodology organise ontology
(RAM)[7] and Game Design Patterns [8] are developed with the same purpose building into phases and series of activities or steps; KACTUS project method
as GOP – for game studies. These knowledge models provide the techniques, develops ontology through abstraction of knowledge bases developed in the
same domain; and Sensus‘s method and CO4 develops ontology through reuse For novices learning to develop ontology, Noy & McGuinness‘s paper on
of existing ontology. In addition, each method or methodology has varying ―Ontology development 101: A guide to creating your first ontology‖ is the
degree of dependency between the ontology developed and application of the best starting point. Noy & McGuinness‘s seven steps method requires one to
ontology. Corcho, Fernández-López & Gómez-Pérez concluded that KACTUS [13]:
project method and the On-To-Knowledge methodology are application- 1. Determine the domain, scope and purpose of the ontology;
dependent; Grϋninger and Fox‘s method and the Sensus‘s method are semi 2. Consider reusing existing ontologies;
application-dependent; while the remaining (Cy KB, Uschold and King‘s 3. Enumerate important terms in the ontology;
method and METHONTOLOGY) are application-independent [12].These are 4. Define the classes and the class hierarchy;
not the only methods and methodologies available for ontology building. One 5. Define the properties of the classes – slots;
can also build ontology using the methodologies in software engineering and 6. Define the facets of the slots; and finally
knowledge engineering. 7. Create the instances.
Game Rule
has_GamePhysics Media Component
Front End Display
has_GameRules has_FrontEndDisplays
Game Simulation
is_a is_a has_GUIComponents
GUI Component
Pedagogic Event
Game Context
has_GameContexts has_PedagogicEventIndicator
has_GameScenario Complete Game
Difficulty Indicator Virtual Camera Structure
has_VirtualCameras Game Structure is_type Structure
has_DifficultyIndicator is_type Training-based
has_EventTriggers Presentation-based
Game Scenario
Event Triggers Vital Score
Game Control
is_a is_a Interface
has_GameObjectives has_GameEvents has_EventTriggers
has_GameStructure Game Attribute has_GameControlInterface Input Event
Game has_InputEvents
Game Event has_GameAttributes Game Control
has_GameActs Game Player
Goal Condition Game Acts has_GamePlayer Game Record Raw Result
Game Environment
Key Concept Vital
is_a has_gameObjects
has_GameObjects Position
Class is_a
Objects Attribute
Game Object is_a Solidity State
has_GameTheme is_a Mass
is_a relationship defines has_VitalUpdate
an generalisation- Vital Update is_a Internal State
has_Motion Intelligences is_a
inheritance relationship Projections
between a parent and
is_a is_a Object Image
is_type relationship is_a
refers to a generalisation- Navigate-ability Deciding condition
specialisation relationship has_Force
between base-type and
derived-type. Learnability
Force Constraint