Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
Professional Ethics
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Steps in Ethical Decision Making
STEP 1: Define the Ethical Problem
STEP 2: Identify Affected Parties
STEP 3: Explore Optional Solutions
STEP 4: Evaluate Solutions
STEP 5: Select and Justify a Solution
Name of candidate
Name of supervisor
Work Unit
Name of mentor
Date started
Assessment Criteria:
Range Statement: Ethical behaviour is at least that defined by the Code of Conduct.
The following icons are used throughout the study guide to indicate specific functions:
This icon indicates information of particular importance
This refers to the learning material in this module which is aligned to
the SAIMechE Competency Standard
Practical activities to do, either individual or in syndicate groups
during the training process
Quotations which offer interesting points of view and statements of
wisdom and insight
This module provides easy to follow steps to help you define, analyse, understand and
solve ethical problems.
This module is designed to equip you with the basic skills required to:
This module introduces the engineer to these ethical responsibilities and concerns. While
it may be impossible and impractical to present in this module all the guidelines
pertaining to engineering practice, certain issues of concern will be highlighted and
Candidates will have the opportunity to discuss and debate values and ethical standards,
and thereby understand and be better equipped to address ethical issues.
This programme uses the basic structure of SAIMechE‟s Competency Standard and
specifically the assessment criteria to take you through the process of learning, as an
understanding of the assessment criteria and the range of understanding required is
fundamental to professional competence.
Folder Enclosures This includes all hand outs, checklists e.g. “The
Engineer‟s Code of Conduct”
Ethics is relevant to you in your everyday life as at some point in your professional or
personal life you will have to deal with an ethical question or problem, e.g. what is your
level of responsibility towards protecting another person from threat, or whether or not
you should tell the truth in a particular situation?
Truth, Falsehood, Water, and Fire were traveling together and came
upon four heads of cattle. They decided to split the cattle evenly
and each take an equal share. But Falsehood was greedy and told
Water that Fire was going to burn his land and steal his cattle.
Water believed him and jumped on Fire and put him out.
Falsehood tricked Truth into believing that Water was going to steal
their cattle so they took them to the top of a hill for Water cannot
run uphill.
Falsehood laughed that he had tricked everyone and Truth, realizing
Falsehood had lied, began to fight him for the cattle. They called
Wind to determine whom the cattle belonged to, but Wind did not
know. According to this fable, what are Falsehood and Truth still
Values are the unarticulated beliefs that form the foundation for ethical behavior, i.e.
practices that are viewed by our society as correct behavior. As an Engineer, you should
acknowledge the fundamental importance of the following values both for yourself and
your profession:
1. Quality of life - people being satisfied with their whole life experience;
2. Health, human potential, empowerment, growth and excellence - people being
healthy, aware of the fullness of their potential, recognizing their power to bring that
potential into being, growing into it, living it, and, generally, doing the best they can
with it, individually and collectively;
3. Freedom and responsibility - people being free and responsible in choosing how
they will live their lives;
4. Justice - people living lives whose results are fair and right for everyone;
5. Dignity, integrity, worth and fundamental rights of individuals, organizations,
communities, societies, and other human systems;
6. All-win attitudes and cooperation - people caring about one another and about
working together to achieve results that work for everyone, individually and
7. Authenticity and openness in relationships;
8. Effectiveness, efficiency and alignment - people achieving the maximum of
desired results, at minimum cost, in ways that coordinate their individual energies and
purposes with those of the system-as-a-whole, the subsystems of which they are
parts, and the larger system of which their system is a part;
9. Holistic, systemic view and affected parties orientation - understanding human
behaviour from the perspective of whole system(s) that influence and are influenced
by that behaviour; recognizing the interests that different people have in the system's
results and valuing those interests fairly and justly;
10. Wide participation in system affairs, confrontation of issues leading to effective
problem solving, and democratic decision making.
1.3. A Brief History of Ethics
Even when observing the animal kingdom, there are clear signs of rules of behaviour.
The young monkey does not mess with the “big daddy” and when lions are feeding off a
freshly killed carcass the hyenas keep a good distance. All of this behaviour appears to
be instinctual or intuitive but it serves the very clear purpose of maintaining order within
the animal kingdom.
Human ethical behaviour has been observed from the earliest recorded data and
anthropological and archeological studies have indicated that all primitive tribes have
very definite rules of behaviour. Christopher Boehm (1982) has hypothesized that the
incremental development of moral complexity throughout hominid evolution was due to
the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries in moving to open savannah and
developing stone weapons. Human morality, though sophisticated and complex relative
to other animals, is essentially a natural phenomenon that evolved to restrict excessive
individualism and foster human co-operation. Group morality develops from shared
concepts and beliefs and is often codified to regulate behaviour within a culture or
1.3.3. Mythology
Perhaps the existence of mythology arose out of the need to regulate society and this
was much easier to do when the stories were fascinating and the members of the
community could identify with the mythological characters. Out of these myths grew
rules of behaviour and conduct which contributed towards controlled and ordered living.
1.3.4. Codes of Conduct
Moral code examples throughout history are: the „Golden Rule‟, the „Five Precepts‟ and
the „Noble Eightfold Path‟ of Buddhism, the Egyptian code of Ma‟at, and the „Ten
Commandments‟ of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Among the earliest written codes is the „Code of Hamaurabi‟, the sixth King of Babylon
who lived between 1810 BCE and 1750 BCE. This code was of a more secular nature
and was written up on stone pillars for all the subjects of his kingdom to see and live by.
There were very clear, if somewhat brutal, sanctions for anyone who transgressed them
but this led to the orderly functioning of that ancient society.
Ancient Greece was the birthplace of Western philosophical ethics, moral precepts from
the 7th and 6th centuries BCE. Names like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle have become
household names. Greece had moved from being a warring group of tribes to a
community of people living in city states where individuals spent time thinking about such
things as happiness, the „good life‟ and the value of being organised.
Ethical principles and practices have become the cement that binds a society together in
such a way that individual citizens may pursue their desires and reach for their goals.
Grayling (2005) states that: „manners are central to true morality; they are the lubricant of
social relations, the sweetener of personal interaction, and the softener of conflict.
Without them society itself would be impossible and out of control. The answers to
questions about how a complex, pluralistic community should cope with the stresses of
internal difference and competition have to put civility at their heart, because nothing else
- certainly not the blunt instrument of the law - can do nearly as well‟.
1.3.6. The Need for Ethics and Codes of Conduct
“On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too
good, and not quite all the time”
George Orwell
Therefore, from the early stirrings of functionality in primitive society, through the early
codes of city life and academic philosophizing we arrived at a place where society needs
rules of conduct which, when expressed as simple plain good manners, can provide a
framework for the „good life‟ which is of benefit to both individuals and society.
Definition of Ethics:
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines
ethics as:
Definition of Morals:
Ethics explores the nature of rights, of moral responsibilities, and of how to go about
addressing an ethical problem.
Engineering ethics is the field of applied ethics which examines and sets standards for
engineers' obligations to the public, their clients, employers and the profession and is
appropriate in all aspects of professional practice .
"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
Janis Joplin
Ethical The process of sorting out the principles that help determine
Reasoning: what is ethical when faced with an ethical dilemma
Ethical Dilemma: This is an ethical problem in which the ethical choice involves
ignoring a powerful non-ethical consideration. Do the right
thing, but lose your job, a friend, a lover, or an opportunity for
advancement. A situation or problem facing an individual that
involves complex and often conflicting principles of ethical
“Ethics alarms are the feelings in your gut, the twinges in your conscience, and the sense
of caution in your brain when situations involving choices of right and wrong are
beginning to develop, fast approaching, or unavoidable.” The better your ethics alarm is
working and the sooner your alarm goes off the more likely you are to do the right thing,
or at least use good ethical reasoning to decide what to do.
He goes on to say “creating an ethical culture is the shared obligation of everyone, and
each of us needs to think critically about what is right and wrong, make our opinions
known, and never hesitate to communicate those opinions for fear of being „judgmental‟”.
We should be judgmental – civil, fair, open-minded, and also willing to hold ourselves to
high standards of conduct. Living ethically is not always easy, but it becomes easier with
thought, debate and practice.
1.7. The Importance of Ethical Conduct in Business
The field of business ethics often overlaps and informs ethical decision making for
While business practices may change over time, our commitment to the highest
standards of integrity should remain constant and unblemished. Conducting business
ethically is critical to success in the marketplace. It means more than obeying the law; it
means that high standards of integrity must underlie every activity we undertake. It is up
to the engineer to apply these guidelines to the best of their ability in their own individual
Many organizations provide broad principles on expected ethical behaviour in the form of
a Code of Conduct. However, the responsibility to apply the guidelines and use sound
judgment in situations that could compromise integrity is up to the individual. It is the
individual‟s choice not to commit dishonest destructive or illegal acts – even if instructed
by a supervisor, co-worker or others to act improperly. It is no justification to claim that a
higher authority ordered illegal acts.
“It is curious - curious that physical courage should be so
common in the world, and moral courage so rare”
Mark Twain
In life our behavior is governed by different norm systems. The word NORM comes from
Latin “NORMA”= yardstick. Norms dictate what we “ought” or “ought not” to do. The norm
systems governing the behaviour of a professional are:
Individual morality
Refers to individual values of a specific person and what they believe to be right.
Individual morality is influenced by how a person was raised. It is their personal
value system. The sanction for disobeying one‟s individual morality is a guilty
Positive morality
This set of norms represents what is considered “right” in society at a particular
time. The sanction for failure to obey positive morality is social sanction.
Professional Ethics
Professionals are a group of people who earn a living by undertaking a common
activity and who regulate most of this themselves. Firstly they must form a
constitution, e.g. SAIMechE, and secondly they must publish a professional code
of rules or an ethical code of conduct. This code must be in line with the law and is
often more restrictive than the law.
Whistle blowing is an ethical issue facing Engineers in that they are obliged to report to
SAIMechE the alleged wrongdoing on behalf of a client or employer who endangers
others by failing to comply with the engineer‟s advice. This duty supersedes the duty to
client and employer, and if the engineer does not bring such failure to the notice of
SAIMechE his/her membership may be cancelled.
There are several other ethical issues that engineers may face. Some have to do with
technical practice, but many others have to do with broader considerations of business
conduct. These include:
“Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think
back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time”
The Dali Lama
1.10. Code of Ethics
In our society ethical concerns have escalated in the past few years and have been
raised at government level. Organisations have hot lines for employees to anonymously
report unethical behaviour. In our field of engineering issues of fairness have been
legislated and we have a Code of Conduct in place. The question of ethical practice,
however, covers broad ground and encompasses everything we do as professionals and
the way we behave towards each other and our clients.
Practising engineers must become aware of their ethical responsibility towards the client
as well as being on the lookout for possible areas where ethical concerns could arise.
Engineers need to understand what values are and examine their own value system
which determines their interactions. What pitfalls regarding business and professional
ethics face Engineers and what standards of integrity do they need to be aware of and
adhere to, i.e. what ideals should they strive towards?
The Boy Scout Law: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and
Most codes have common fundamental principles which boil down to four universal
fundamental principles:
2. Responsible Practice
The critical focus of this principle is to limit your practice to your field of
expertise and competence
You must have the appropriate knowledge and skill before undertaking an
Undergo relevant training and adhere to best practice
Keep abreast of new developments in your field
Use a new technique under supervision of a competent and experienced
3. Integrity in Relationships
The power relationship is unbalanced between the client and the engineer as
most power rests with the engineer (having the knowledge and skill) which
leaves the client vulnerable
Professional codes expect engineers to act with integrity
For engineers to be accepted in society and successful in their profession
they need to be trusted. There is a fiduciary relationship whereby one person
(the client), in a position of vulnerability, justifiably reposes confidence, good
faith, reliance and trust in another (the engineer) whose aid, advice or
protection is sought in some matter. In such a relationship good conscience
requires one to act at all times for the sole benefit and interests of another,
with loyalty to those interests (source Wikipedia)
4. Responsibility
Clients are clearly the engineer‟s first responsibility but engineers also have a
responsibility to society
Examples of responsible social actions are to:
o disperse information that can advance the profession
o protect the public trust in the engineering profession by “blowing the
whistle” on non-professional conduct
o assisting in some instances where worthy causes cannot afford
professional services
o protect society from dangerous practices
1. What makes an ethical person? Identify persons who have famously held fast
to their principles despite opposition and even when doing so placed them in
2. Can you think of an unethical role model for the youth of today?
3. Discuss one of the following topics:
a. Honesty is the best policy.
b. The truth will set you free.
c. Honesty is something so tough and tempting. It demands self-denial and
spiritual purity. Honesty counts even things that we may think simple and
immaterial. Who doesn‟t sometimes behave dishonestly?
d. You are allowed to tell a white lie once in a while to spare
someone's feelings; that‟s not wrong!
e. Is giving a bribe dishonest if I have to accomplish something?
f. To be honest with yourself, will make your life simple. Honesty is the
best policy. Be honest and you are less likely to face any difficulties.
g. What are some advantages of conducting business with integrity? Some
people say they have no responsibility beyond maximizing the value of
the firm in financial terms. Can this position be defended? If so, how?
h. I try to be honest and treat others as I would like to be treated. I hope that
others do the same. I believe it is very important to have empathy for one
i. If I am hungry and my family is starving, is it acceptable to steal food
from the local supermarket?
j. Workers sometimes take sick leave or students miss class and stay
off work when they are not sick. Is this acceptable?
4. Discuss one of the following topics:
a. Is corporal punishment unethical or immoral?
b. Is it ethical to tax the citizens of a country excessively?
c. What is the correct thing to do about illegal aliens?
d. Is cloning to produce children ethical?
e. “Euthanasia is an acceptable practice in a civilized society with an
ageing population”.
Quick Test
Question 1:
You have been asked to participate as an “Engineer in Training” in the design and
construction of a nuclear power plant. You will be working in a team of 10 design
engineers. Some of the engineers are experienced and capable nuclear plant designers.
b) Can you participate in the design of such a plant without any previous experience?
Question 2:
You work for a Government department as a Procurement Engineer. Your wife works for
one of the companies that supplies some of the pump spares that you use. One day you
decide to stop buying spares from this company because they have become too
expensive and the company has said they cannot drop their prices. You inform the
supplier of your decision on Wednesday.
On Friday your wife comes home with two tickets to the rugby final on Saturday and you
go to the game and thoroughly enjoy it. Two weeks later your wife comes home and
informs you that she has been given a voucher for a weekend away at an exclusive
game lodge. Her boss told her she and her husband deserve a luxurious break.
The Code of Conduct provides information about the standards of integrity that the
Council expects all members to follow. These rules of conduct serve as a guideline for
practice that must be adhered to at all times. This is to ensure that engineers conduct
themselves in a manner that is professionally and ethically acceptable, and do not bring
the profession into disrepute.
The SAIMechE‟s Code of Conduct is not a substitute for the responsibility of each
engineer to exercise sound judgment. It is meant to serve both as a guide to assist each
engineer to resolve ethical dilemmas in an increasingly complex global business
environment, and a public statement of the Council‟s commitment to the highest
standards of integrity. It provides a universal set of principles to guide individual
engineers on ethical matters.
Ultimately our conduct is our own responsibility. None of us should ever commit
dishonest, destructive or illegal acts, even if directed to do so by a supervisor or
colleague, nor should we direct others to act improperly. In addition, don‟t deviate from
the code even if doing so appears to be in your employer‟s favour. Your reputation is in
your hands – so do the right thing.
We will look at these six aspects in greater depth over the next few pages.
Registered Persons:
MUST ... discharge their duties to their employers, clients, associates and the
public effectively with skill, efficiency, professionalism, knowledge,
competence, due care and diligence
MAY NOT … undertake or offer to undertake work of a nature for which their
education, training and experience have not rendered them
× competent to perform
Registered Persons:
MUST … discharge their duties to their employers, clients, associates and the
public with integrity, fidelity and honesty
MUST … disclose to their employers and clients, or prospective employers or
clients, in writing:
(i) any interest, whether financial or otherwise, which they may have in any
business undertaking, or with any person, and which is related to the work for which
they may be or have been employed
(ii) particulars of any royalty or other benefit which accrues or may accrue to them
as a result of the work with the client or employer concerned
(iii) the status pertaining to professional indemnity insurance cover
MAY either directly or indirectly, receive any gratuity, or commission or
NOT… other financial benefit on any article or process used in or for the
purpose of the work in respect of which they are employed, unless
× such gratuity, commission or other financial benefit has been
authorised in writing by the employer or client concerned
MAY personally nor through any other person, improperly seek to obtain
NEITHER… work, or by way of commission or otherwise, make or offer to make
MUST … notify Council immediately if they become aware of a violation of
these Rules by any other Registered Person
MUST … at all times have due regard and priority to public health, safety and
MUST … without delay notify Council if they become aware of any person who
has been declared medically unfit by a registered medical practitioner
to practise as a Registered Person
Registered Persons:
MUST … at all times have due regard for, and in their work avoid, adverse
impact on the environment
MAY NOT… whether practising their profession or otherwise, knowingly injure the
× professional reputation or business of any other Registered Person
MUST… provide work or services of quality and scope, and to a level, which
is commensurate with accepted standards and practices in the
MAY NOT… review for a particular client work of another Registered Person,
× except
(i) with the prior knowledge of the other Registered Person, who must be
afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit comments to the client on
the findings of the review
(ii) after receipt of a notification in writing from the client that the
engagement of the other Registered Person has been terminated
(iii) where the review is intended for purposes of a court of law or other legal
proceedings, including proceedings arising from these Rules
Registered Persons:
MAY without satisfactory reasons destroy or dispose of, or knowingly allow any
NOT… other person to destroy or dispose of, any information within a period of 10
× or clients
MAY issue any information in respect of work prepared by them or by any other
NOT… person under their direction or control, unless
× (i)
such information bears the name of the organisation concerned
information so issued is dated and signed by the Registered Person
concerned or another appropriately qualified and authorised person
MUST … order their conduct in connection with work outside the borders of the
Republic of South Africa in accordance with these rules in so far as they
are not inconsistent with the law of the country concerned: provided that
where there are recognised standards of professional conduct in a country
outside the Republic, they must adhere to those standards in as far as
they are not inconsistent with these rules
MUST … always ensure adequate supervision of, and take responsibility for, work
carried out by their subordinates
MUST … ensure that, while engaged as partners, directors, members or employees
of a business undertaking which performs work, the control over the work
is exercised, and the responsibility in respect thereof is carried out by a
Registered Person other than a person registered as a candidate in terms
of section 18(1)(b) of the Act
MUST … when requested by the Council to do so, in writing provide the Council with
all the information available to them which may enable the Council to
determine which registered person was responsible for any act which the
Council may consider prima facie to be improper conduct
MUST … notify Council without delay of any change of his or her physical address
MUST … within 30 days respond to correspondence received from clients,
colleagues and Council in so far as it relates to work or proceedings in
terms of these Rules
Consider the following and then consult and share your answers.
Consider an unethical practice that you can remember in the work situation. See if you
can identify which category of ethical behaviour in the Code of Conduct the situation
belongs to, e.g. gifts and favours, physical threat.
Describe the situation briefly and what the consequences were for the persons involved
and for the organisation. What would be the best way to behave in a similar situation?
Complete the Initial Test in Appendix 1 (10 minutes are allocated for this).
2.1. Introduction
There are always ethical problems and situations that occur in everyday life and
especially in daily working activities. We are confronted with ethical issues at every turn:
we open a newspaper or turn on the TV to the latest political scandal; on the sports field
national heroes are disgraced for match fixing; the morality of medical technology such
as cloning, or agricultural breakthroughs or practices that impact positively on the quality
of food and affect seed integrity are questionable, and at work we face memos containing
questionable organizational decisions.
There are many complex issues facing business today which create ethical dilemmas
that are difficult to resolve. In the engineering field, for example, new technology has
created new problems or dilemmas for which there are no easy solutions, e.g.
downsizing of staff, pollution control, disposal of toxic waste, depletion and allocation of
scarce resources, cost containment, changes in law and technology, employee rights,
discrimination against women and minorities, and product safety. Other ethical issues are
intellectual property, expert witnessing, public communication and conflicts of interest.
Although you may have built in a proactive approach to problem solving by anticipating
possible problems and having relevant solutions and alternatives available, there are
times when an unanticipated problem requires solving.
Ethical dilemmas can cause you to lose sleep as you worry about the correct course of
action. These ethical dilemmas can be complex without an easy answer, and dealing
with these ethical issues is often perplexing. It means weighing your ethical code of
conduct against the consequences for the people involved.
How, exactly, should we think through an ethical issue? What questions should we ask?
What factors should we consider?
This section provides a framework for ethical decision making following the requirements
of the assessment criteria included in the Competency Standard. This framework will
assist you to apply the code of ethics in a business setting and offer a mechanism for
discussion and problem-solving to lead you through the resolution of complex issues.
There are three ways you can get to the top of a tree:
1) sit on an acorn, 2) make friends with a bird, 3) climb it.
How does a person go about solving problems by making the right decision/choices?
This answer lies in the problem-solving/ decision making techniques.
There are five simple, infallible steps for resolving problems: (Notice that they are the 5
aspects of the assessment criteria)
This seems almost too simple, but it‟s a matter of how the above method is applied. In
reality what tends to happen is that people rush into deciding on solutions too quickly.
They assume they know what the problem is and its cause.
If the real problem is not accurately and clearly identified you run the risk of going off on
a tangent and finding a solution for the wrong problem.
The following are the five steps that provide a systematic method of solving ethical
problems and making decisions:
4. Evaluate Solutions
In Step 1 you have to determine precisely what must be decided, i.e. determine whether
there is an ethical issue and/or dilemma. Is there a conflict of values, or rights, or
professional responsibilities? Which clause of the Code of Conduct is affected by
this dilemma? If no connection can be made, there is no ethical problem.
It isn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see
the problem.
G. K. Chesterton
The first step in analyzing ethical issues involves recognizing that there is a problem that
requires resolution and a thorough understanding of the problem. The problem may
seem obvious but it is advisable nonetheless to still undertake research, investigation,
and study until it the whole problem is understood. Do not make the mistake of rushing
off to solve a problem, which may not address what is really wrong underneath.
Collect all the appropriate information, e.g. looking up records, asking for opinions, etc.
Correct information concerning the problem must be collected. Real facts and causes
must be investigated and assumptions, deductions and unsubstantiated claims must be
avoided. Some ethical issues create controversies simply because we do not bother to
check the facts.
The real problem may not be what you initially think the problem is. The presenting
symptom may only be the tip of the iceberg and the real problem underneath may be a
lot bigger than it appears on the surface. For example, falling production levels is a
serious issue but is a side effect of the underlying trouble.
John Dewey
Clearly describe the problem. Before you can start to solve a problem you have to have a
clear understanding of what is wrong. This description must be concise, objective,
nonjudgmental, and should focus on the process, not speculate about the cause of the
problem as this might lead you to jump to the wrong conclusion.
Apparent symptoms are clues that must be sifted through to find the real problem. It is
not always easy to pinpoint the real problem. Although this step may be time-consuming
it is necessary as you will waste more time pursuing a red herring. It is important to
clearly define the problem requiring a solution.
Asking ourselves 'why?' helps us delve deeply into our main motives -- why we do what
we do. This process helps us go deeper into our reasoning, habits and unconscious
beliefs. Once we become aware of our underlying motives, we can choose to change
them, if we wish.
Regularly ask yourself, "Why am I ...?" Listen closely for the answer that surfaces in your
mind, and write it down. Now look at your answer and ask „why‟ again. Continue with this
process to reach the true source of your motivation.
Identify the actual root cause of the problem. Find out what the missing link or
explanation is for why the problem exists. This is a fact-finding mission to assemble
enough facts about the problem to understand it properly. Use the tools provided in the
previous outcome on problem solving to help you to sort out the issues and get to the
specifics of the problem.
From what source does the problem originate? You are looking to the heart of the matter
to establish the underlying basic core of the problem. The root cause is a controllable
force that can be dealt with.
Assemble the facts pertaining to the problem. Collect all the appropriate information, e.g.
look up records, and ask for details. Assess and use the collected information to tease
out the problem.
The root cause is the pivotal cause that made the problem happen in the first place. You
have to dig down past partial explanations to the very foundation and only then can a
long-term workable solution be found, otherwise time and energy will be spent fixing
symptoms instead of the real problem. It is vital to trace back the contributing factors to
the ultimate source.
STEP 2: Identify affected parties
Who is affected?
Who will be affected by any decisions made and the execution of the solution?
If you have any doubts or questions as to what the proper course of conduct should be in
any given situation, consult with relevant stakeholders, the interested and affected
Certain key role players form part of the process of finding the best solution to an ethical
problem. Seeking co-operation and involvement of all the stakeholders will improve the
transparency and legitimacy of the engineering operation. The participation of all those
affected by the ethical problem is important and needs to be clarified.
The resolution of conflict cannot rest in the hands of one or two individuals. Decisions
can affect a wide range of people. Ideally, decisions should not be taken by one person.
To improve the quality of decisions, problems should be solved by means of group
discussion and participation. All stakeholders in a situation must be involved - for legal as
well as ethical reasons.
These principles must be applied in business, with decisions based on the expressed
viewpoints of all stakeholders in a given situation - even indirect stakeholders. Potential
clients should also be recognized as stakeholders because their choice to do business
with a firm may be based on the firm's reputation for ethical behavior (Sonnesyn 1990).
Decide who will be affected by the decisions made. It is a good idea to involve them from
the beginning to get their input. This could be anyone who is affected by the problem,
with a stake in the outcome of the problem or anyone having decision-making power.
Confer with all the necessary persons (i.e. clients and colleagues, as appropriate)
regarding the ethical dimensions and the potential risks and consequences of alternative
courses of action.
It is important to communicate and consult with those affected in order to gain their
support. Having a wider stakeholder input will also help towards a better buy-in when it
comes to implementation. Decide who the stakeholders are, who can best represent
them, what their primary motivation is and how you should involve them.
A good place to start with problem recognition is an opening discussion to get all
necessary stakeholder viewpoints on the table. This offers viewpoints on the problem
from all different angles. Perceived symptoms can be categorized as either hard or soft.
Hard data is hard scientific, factual information. Soft data involves human factors such as
feelings, opinions, attitudes, personality conflicts, frustrations, and hearsay. It is important
to study both hard and soft data to fully understand the problem. When the symptoms are
discussed, the nature of the problem may shift from what it originally seemed.
STEP 3: Explore optional solutions
This step involves formulating and devising a full range of alternatives. This is a vital step
towards establishing agreement for the final decision. From the information gathered,
alternative actions are formulated. One must look for a number of alternative solutions.
The first solution is not necessarily the best one and a few alternatives should be
Problem solving involves developing a choice of strategies. It is unusual for only one
solution to immediately present itself as the obvious and ideal answer. Sometimes it is
the least undesirable solution that ends up being chosen as the best solution. Potential
strategies are explored that will address and permanently eliminate the root cause. In
this step a complete list of possible solutions is generated.
A comprehensive list is necessary as this stops you from being impulsive and following
the first reasonable-sounding idea which may end up being incomplete or unbalanced. It
also prevents likely courses of action being overlooked.
Produce an exhaustive list by tapping into the creativity to come up with every possible,
conceivable solution that could be thought of. Often people will have their own idea of the
best solution so it is important to hear everyone‟s input and get all the solutions
A range of alternatives are first generated, and then in the next step, evaluated in terms
of cost, time, and complexity of each corrective action being considered. Each alternative
is weighed according to its advantages and disadvantages. The alternative with the most
advantages and the least disadvantages is then selected.
STEP 4: Evaluate solutions
In this step, each idea is evaluated and compared. Each alternative is weighed according
to its advantages and disadvantages and the alternative with the most advantages and
the least disadvantages is then selected.
Identify the key values and principles involved. What meanings and limitations are
typically attached to these competing values? (For example, rarely is confidential
information held in absolute secrecy; however, typically decisions about access by third
parties to sensitive content should be contracted with clients.)
The ethical values and principles which in your professional judgment are most relevant
to the issue or dilemma, should be ranked. Why would you prioritize one competing
value/principle over another? (For example, your client's right to choose a beneficial
course of action could bring hardship or harm to others who would be affected.)
"As long as one keeps searching, the answers come."
Joan Baez
Questions to ask:
Take account of your own motives and try to detach them from your decision. Try to
detach your emotions or feelings from the equation and focus on the consequences to
the affected parties.
Examine your personal ethical code of conduct. Pondering ethical issues requires a
strong sense of right and wrong. Sometimes it helps in solving a dilemma to ask your
conscience what the right thing to do is.
Consider the consequences - what will happen if you come down on one side of the
moral dilemma versus the other. Think of the effect on those involved. Will anyone be
hurt or suffer unjustly? Take secondary parties into account as well; for example,
children. Listen to your instincts. What is your gut reaction in terms of the right thing to
do? Often the nagging gut feel is sending you an important message.
Should any of the options require the sacrifice of any ethical principle, evaluate the facts
and assumptions carefully. Separate solid facts from beliefs, desires, theories,
suppositions, unsupported conclusions, opinions, and rationalizations. Bear in mind the
credibility of sources, especially when they are self-interested, ideological or biased.
Carefully consider the benefits, burdens and risks to each role-player.
Come to a conclusion about what is not true and what consequences are most likely to
occur. Evaluate the viable alternatives according to personal conscience. Prioritize the
values so that you can choose which values to advance and which to subordinate.
Determine who will be helped the most and harmed the least. Consider the worst-case
scenario. Can ethically questionable conduct be avoided by changing goals or methods,
or by getting consent?
Once the facts have been ascertained, we should ask ourselves the following questions
when trying to resolve a moral issue:
1) Is it true?
2) Is it just?
3) Does it build trust into the relationship?
4) Is it a win-win?
Sheriff Ray Nash
STEP 5: Select and justify a solution
All the previous steps were in preparation for this step to ensure that decision-making
works properly. One of the alternative solutions generated before is chosen as the
course of action forward. One strategy has to be decided on from all the options and it
has to be one that everyone will be behind and accept.
The final decision has to be rational and objective. Basing the decision on the work done
at the previous steps helps avoid unilateral decisions taken using political power,
personal preference or poor leadership.
There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve.
Mike Leavitt
Develop an action plan that is consistent with the ethical priorities that have been
determined as central to the dilemma. Can you support or justify your action plan with the
values/principles on which the plan is based?
Three "ethics checks" to help individuals decide what is right:
1. Is it legal?
Will I be violating either civil law or company policy?
2. Is it balanced?
Is it fair to all concerned in the short term as well as the long term?
Does it promote win-win relationships?
This step is about evaluation. This involves comparative evaluation where poorest
options are taken out of the equation and the options that remain are weighed against
each other; the alternatives are ranked, scored and prioritised until a final choice is
made. The objective is to find the best solution using a rational, practical method.
Quiz Question….. x
1. Does it solve the problem and the root cause?
2. Will it realistically accomplish the objectives?
3. Does it satisfy all established criteria?
4. Does it satisfy all people involved and affected?
5. Can workable action plans be developed to implement it?
6. Is there time to implement it?
7. Do the personnel and resources exist to make it work?
8. Will its implementation end the recurrence of the problem?
9. Have all its risks, disadvantages and possible consequences
been considered?
10. Is it the best choice in terms of:
a) Benefits
b) Costs
c) Risks
d) Commitment
e) Workability?
The tricky part about this step is to achieve consensus decision so that there is
ownership and buy-in for the implementation. This is not always easy as people possess
different viewpoints, however, the advantage of this step-by-step problem
solving/decision making procedure is that everyone has a chance to be heard and all
angles are taken into account.
No-one must feel left out and they should be encouraged to make an objective stand and
lend support to the decision that the group feels is the best one overall. Develop a plan of
how to implement the decision that maximizes the benefits and minimises the costs and
risks and then implement the plan.
Exercise 4
Case Problems
Here are three practical Engineering examples of “ethical dilemmas”
3. During the design of a pumping station a particular type of pump is specified for
the task. There are 3 possible suppliers with some minor technical differences
that would not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the design, but the
one supplier is a little more expensive than the other two. This supplier offers the
Engineer a free 10 day holiday in Mauritius if he buys the pumps from them. What
does the Engineer do?
Consider the situation presented in the case study and write your thoughts on what you
would do to resolve the issue:
Exercise 5
Complete the Assessment Test in Appendix 1 (30 minutes are allocated for this).
1. Competency Standard.
2. Outcomes.
The eleven outcomes are the fundamental building blocks on the path to competency.
Demonstrating an understanding of these outcomes as they relate to the day-to-day
working environment will indicate that a level of competency has been reached, which
will enable the candidate to function at a professional level within the commercial and
business environment.
3. Assessment Criteria.
The assessment criteria are the requirements against which the candidate is evaluated in
order to determine understanding and competency. These are objective criteria which
will ensure capability and transparency, and set a standard that ensures a proficient level
of competency and professionalism as required by industry and in the interests of public
health and safety.
4. Range Statements.
The range statement sets the boundaries of the requirements of each outcome and
determines the limits of competency as required for professional practice. In the case of
Outcome 8, the boundaries set are specifically limited to the contents of the code which
serves as the benchmark for ethical behavior within the profession.
Instructions In the following test you will be required to answer all questions.
You are required to obtain 100%.
If you do not get them all right, revise all the learning material
and redo the test.
True False ×
1. A Registered Person can continue to practise if he
becomes insolvent as long as he is medically fit.
Alumnus football
by Grantland Rice
Bill Jones had been the shining star upon his college team.
His tackling was ferocious and his bucking was a dream.
When husky William took the ball beneath his brawny arm
They had two extra men to ring the ambulance alarm.
Bill hit the line and ran the ends like some mad bull amuck.
The other team would shiver when they saw him start to
buck. And when some rival tackler tried to block his dashing
On waking up, he'd ask, "Who drove that truck across my face?"
Bill had the speed - Bill had the weight - Bill never bucked in vain;
From goal to goal he whizzed along while fragments, strewed the
plain, And there had been a standing bet, which no one tried to call,
That he could make his distance through a ten-foot granite wall.
When he wound up his college course each student's heart was sore.
They wept to think bull-throated Bill would sock the line no
more. Not so with William - in his dreams he saw the Field of
Fame, Where he would buck to glory in the swirl of Life's big
Sweet are the dreams of college life, before our faith is nicked -
The world is but a cherry tree that's waiting to be picked;
The world is but an open road-until we find, one day,
How far away the goal posts are that called us to the play.
So, with the sheepskin tucked beneath his arm in football style,
Bill put on steam and dashed into the thickest of the pile;
With eyes ablaze he sprinted where the laurelled highway led -
When Bill woke up his scalp hung loose and knots adorned his
Bill tried to punt out of the rut, but ere he turned the trick
Right Tackle Competition scuttled through and blocked the kick.
And when he tackled at Success in one long, vicious prod
The Fullback Disappointment steered his features in sod.
Bill was no quitter, so he tried a buck in higher gear,
But Left Guard Envy broke it up and stood him on his ear.
Whereat he aimed a forward pass, but in two vicious bounds
Big Centre Greed slipped through a hole and rammed him out of bounds.
But one day, when across the Field of Fame the goal seemed
dim, The wise old coach, Experience, came up and spoke to him.
"Oh Boy," he said, "the main point now before you win your bout
Is keep on bucking Failure till you've worn the piker out!"
"And, kid, cut out this fancy stuff - go in there, low and hard;
Just keep your eye upon the ball and plug on, yard by yard,
And more than all, when you are thrown or tumbled with a crack,
Don't sit there whining - hustle up and keep on coming back;
"You'll find the road is long and rough, with soft spots far apart,
Where only those can make the grade who have the Uphill Heart.
And when they stop you with a thud or halt you with a crack,
Let Courage call the signals as you keep on coming back.
"Keep coming back, and though the world may romp across your spine,
Let every game's end find you still upon the battling line;
For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name,
He writes - not that you won or lost - but how you played the Game."
A professor supplements his income by consulting. He won a bid for a large project that
was billed according to his professional hourly rate; yet he uses his graduate students to
do a lot of the work under his close supervision and pays them a lower hourly rate.
Opportunities for applied experience in the field are limited in this geographical area, and
students are even willing to work for free to gain some applied experience that they need
to meet their graduate school requirements.
A consultant has a Ph.D. in engineering but is not registered. When asked by potential
clients about his credentials, he represents himself as a consultant trained in engineering
(i.e. a qualified engineer) and able to provide all the services that a registered engineer
An engineer was asked by another consulting firm to develop a specification for a client
organization. The engineer paid a “finder‟s fee” to the consulting firm that brings him into
the organization. The organization is quite pleased with the work, comes directly to the
engineer, and asks him to quote for a related project.
An engineer who works for a consulting firm asked another engineer employed by a
client firm out for a date. They hit it off and are now engaged to be married.
Research and information has been extracted from the following sources:
Kidder, R.M. (2010). The Ethical Reasoning Model. Institute of Global Ethics. Retrieved
Introducing Ethics - A Graphic Guide, Dave Robinson & Chris Garratt, Icon Books Ltd,
UK, 2008.
Lateral Thinking – A Textbook of Creativity, Edward De Bono, Penguin Books, Ltd, 1990.
Creative Thinking and Brainstorming, New Edition, Rawlinson, J.G., Gower Publishing
Ltd., 1986.
New Unblocked Manager, 2nd Revised Edition, Woodcock, M. and Francis, D., Gower
Publishing Ltd., 1996.
Blanchard, K., and Peale, N. V. The Power of Ethical Management. New York: William
Morrow and Company, Inc., 1988.
Byrne, J. A. "Businesses Are Signing Up for Ethics 101." Business Week, February 15,
1988, pp. 56-57.
Sonnesyn, S. E., ed. "Four by Four." Training and Development Journal 45, no. 3 (March
1991): 29-37.
Thompson, B. L. "Ethics Training Enters the Real World." Training 27, no. 10 (October
1990): 82-94.
Grayling, A.C. (2005). The Heart of Things. Applying Philosophy to the 21st Century.
(1st ed.) Great Britain. Orion Books.
During the course of the candidate phase training, the Candidate will accumulate a
portfolio of evidence comprising the reports supporting the various exercises covered in
these guidelines for each Outcome.
Note that the PDP Administration will provide a web site document system that will allow
the candidate to store all the PDP documents created as a back-up facility and will
enable the candidate to allow access by the Mentor for any reviews that are required.
Tests done during the workshop and evaluated by fellow candidates and
your mentor
Written assignments (practical tasks given to demonstrate understanding of this
Outcome through application in a work setting)
Knowledge assessment and presentation (i.e. 10 minutes oral presentation
using Power Point). Please Note: Oral presentations may need to be taped for
moderation and re-assessment procedures.