Desalting Heavy Canadian Crudes PDF
Desalting Heavy Canadian Crudes PDF
Desalting Heavy Canadian Crudes PDF
eavy Canadian crudes from Alberta and Heavy Canadian crudes
Saskatchewan are some of the most chal- For many years, US refiners have processed
lenging crudes to desalt because of their heavy conventional crudes or heavy synthetic
oil properties, composition and contaminants. crudes from Venezuela. BCF 17 is an example of
The geographic location of the producing basin conventional crude, whereas Merey is a blend of
and, to some extent, the production method light crude and Orinoco bitumen. Examples of
determine the degree of desalting difficulty due Venezuelan synthetic heavy crudes are
to variability in filterable solids, viscosity, PetroZuata and Hamaca, which are blends of
“cutterstock” composition, asphaltene content, coker products (sometimes hydrotreated) and
naphthenic acid content and other contaminants. Orinoco bitumen. Heavy Canadian crudes are
Even though many of these crudes are between similar to the Venezuelan crudes with respect to
18.5-22° API gravity, their desalting characteris- desalting difficulty, with the added challenge of
tics are not the same. For example, heavy high filterable solids. Two types of heavy
Canadian crudes such as Cold Lake or Canadian crudes are encountered. They are:
Lloydminster B are easier to desalt than bitu- • Conventional heavy crudes, such as Bow River
men-derived blends from Northern Alberta. and Lloydminster B
Heavy Canadian crude production is increasing, • Bitumens, diluted with synthetic crudes
so more refiners will be exposed to increasing produced from cokers and resid hydrocrackers
volumes of these crudes. or diluted with condensate.
The purpose of the desalter is to remove Bitumens are produced in the Cold Lake, Peace
contaminants and chlorides from the raw crude River and Athabasca regions, with the majority
oil. The reduction in chlorides reduces corro- of future production by steam-assisted gravity
sion and thereby improves reliability and run drainage (SAGD) methods. Heavy Canadian
length. Most refiners target a four-to-six-year crudes contain varying amounts of filterable
run length between maintenance turnarounds solids, hard-to-remove chlorides, amines and
on their crude units. Crude and vacuum unit H2S scavengers from the production process. The
(CDU/VDU) run length has been materially filterable solids are iron oxides, iron sulphides,
reduced when processing large percentages of sand and clay.
crudes derived from heavy Canadian bitumen, By definition, bitumens contain high asphaltene
especially from Northern Alberta. Poor desalter concentrations, which present problems when
performance is one of the major contributors they precipitate from the crude oil either in the
to the shortened run length. This article desalter or the preheat train. Bitumens mixed
presents an overview of critical desalter design with paraffinic condensates and other paraffinic-
and operating considerations for heavy type crudes increase the likelihood of asphaltene
Canadian crude processing, focusing on salt precipitation and stable rag layer formation in
removal. These same design and operating the desalter.
requirements apply to other heavy opportunity A significant problem with desalting heavy
crudes. Canadian crude is the generation of a stable