Daily Lesson Plan in English 10: Estefania Montemayor National High School
Daily Lesson Plan in English 10: Estefania Montemayor National High School
Daily Lesson Plan in English 10: Estefania Montemayor National High School
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
Ongol Ilaya, Dumarao, Capiz
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as
instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use language of research, campaigns and other
B. Performance The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning (EN10RC – Ivf – 2:12)
Competency with Draw conclusions from the set of details.
D. Learning At the end of the lesson, the Grade 10 students should be able to perform the following tasks with 75%
Objectives successs.
1. Appreciate the importance of charting one’s learning progress as K to 12 learner.
2. Develop awareness of one’s skill to meet with the advancement of the 21 st Century Learning.
3. Applying the 4C’s of the 21st Century Learning.
Topic: Learning in the 21st Century
Subject Integrated: I.C.T., TLE, Social Studies, Values Education, Math, Science & Technology
Values Integration: Keen observation, critical mindedness, cooperation, resiliency, observant.
A. Materials Needed Pentel Pen, Manila Paper, Laptop, Speaker
B. References
B.1. Teaching pp. 417 – 422
B.2. Learner’s pp. 457 – 465
B.3. Additional Curriculum Guide in Grade 10 – English
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
D. Review
Let the students recall the previous lesson about the values gained from the Excerpt of Kaffir
the Boy. It tells about the importance of education and the greatest love of a mother.
D. Discussing the new (7 minutes) This part targets COT Indicator #8. In this part, I use
concepts and Video Presentation of the 21st Century Learning skills. video presentation to capture the interest of my
practicing new GUIDE QUESTIONS: learners and to give them idea on the 21st Century
skills (ENGAGE) 1.What dramatic changes has the 21st Century brought to society? Learning. I integrated the influence of technology (a
2.What brought about this change? topic in ICT in utilizing computers in learning). By
3. How does technology influence the transmission of information? doing so, my students will develop awareness and
4. How does a 21st century learners deal with this? appreciation in the changes brought about technologies
5. What are the essential knowledge, skills and attitude that a 21 st century learner must acquire? in their study and life in general.
E. Discussing new (5 minutes) This part targets COT Indicator #2 that enhance
concepts and 1. Discuss briefly the importance of charting one’s learning progress. learners’ achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
practicing new 2. Instruct the students to use the graph to assess their learning progress in different subject areas. Through assessment of their learning progress in
skills 3. Let them identify their learning progress in the different subject areas. different subject areas, learners will identify in what
(EXPLORE) subject areas they are doing well and what areas need
improvement. Thus, this concept will help student to
enhance their achievement in literacy skills.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by: