Plandemic Resistance & #FreedomFriday Flyer Feel Free To Copy Widely

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#FreedomFriday – May 1st – Everywhere – The Resistance Begins

Plandemic - Covid-19 is a Scam, a Multi-Trillion Dollar “Bank Robbery” and Economic Warfare
Against the Population by Organized Crime Interests in “Government”, on Wall Street & in the Media

How You Can Fight Back and Protect Your Family and Community @

The “Corona Virus” appears to be an engineered “PLAN-demic” being perpetrated by organized crime interests within
the “Government”, media, affiliated banks/cartel companies, and monopoly AMA hospitals dependent on "government"
collusion: fractional reserve banking, ”bailouts”. government-granted monopolies, no-bid contracts, mandatory vaccines,
and unnecessary warfare/ “defense” spending. The “plandemic” is apparently being used to achieve:

• Masking the inevitable and potentially engineered collapse of the US Treasury market as deficits and debt issuance
exploded outpacing the market’s ability to legitimately finance the debt. Even before the Plandemic the deficit was
projected at $389.2 billion in the first four months of fiscal 2020, a 25% gain over the same period last year and
would have been 40% of the total deficit for fiscal 2019.

• The Plandemic is the engineered excuse for multi-trillion dollar “stimulus” and “bailouts” being directed
through Blackrock Capital to organized crime's banks and cartel companies.

• The Plandemic allows the organized crime participants to engage in “Disaster Capitalism” by
o Profiting from their foreknowledge to buy and short sale specific stocks and investments
o Wage economic warfare against free market businesses with forced closures to drive them under so the
population doesn’t have independent wealth and resources to resist the economic and medical martial law tactics
being waged against them.
o Replace independent businesses with chain stores and chain restaurants financed with unlimited bankster
fractional reserve capital to weather their engineered storm.
o Trick Californians, and other state residents into financially disastrous balloon payments by trumpeting rent,
mortgage and utility moratoriums while not mentioning that payments are just postponed.

The alleged pandemic is being used to:

• Blame the inevitable crash of the Treasury market, stock market and economy on an extraneous event vs. the theft of
trillions, obvious criminality of the Fed & Government, and debasement of the currency
• Declare martial law and suspend the CON-stitution under the pretense of public health
• Censor news stories and truthful information on social media which is now happening openly across virtually every
major DARPA-CIA-NSA- search and social media platform.
• Keep the population from gathering to compare notes and keep protesters off the street including crushing the
widespread protests against organized crime “Governments” in Hong Kong and France.
• Demonize physical cash to push "digital dollars" which will allow the organized crime government and Federal Reserve
the ability to turn off the population's ability to buy and sell or save/move money confidentially.
• Potentially forcibly inject the population with another bioweapon disguised as a “vaccine” created by the same openly
eugenicist Bill Gates-Rockefeller-Ackman Foundation Event 201 & LockStep interests who engineered the plandemic.

This Executive Summary is an excerpt from a longer, referenced investigation entitled: Plandemic – How Organized Crime in
“Government”, on Wall Street, and in the Media Engineered Covid-19 to Steal Trillions.

Get the Full Length Version for Free including access to a Dropbox of Supporting Evidence and Videos that are being
deleted off CIA Google-YouTube at

The Investigation is the work of the Art of Liberty Foundation, a start-up, non-profit public policy organization exposing inter-
generational organized crime’s control of the “Government” and the media from a principled voluntaryist perspective of non-
aggression, free markets, private property, natural law, and real freedom!
#FreedomFriday – May 1st – Everywhere – The Resistance Begins

How Do We Fight Back - #FreedomFriday – May 1st, 2020 - Everywhere #FreedomFriday – Everywhere!
May 1st – Hug Your Neighbor,
Reopen & Patronize Local
Businesses, Go Outside, Meet up
with Five (V)Friends, Volunteer at a
community garden or food bank,
#FilmYourHospital, and Protest at
State Capitals and Town/ City Halls
Don't Be Afraid! - The "virus" is not really a pandemic. It’s appears to be a nasty flu
that was likely engineered and spread deliberately in notoriously dirty, dense mafia-controlled regions like Wuhan.
Northern Italy, and NYC where it would be especially communicable and then spread widely by US & Chinese “Gov’t”
schemes like locating the World Military Games in Wuhan. The alleged “pandemic” is being hyped with other flu-like
ailments ranging from the common cold to pneumonia being labeled as a “Covid-19” because of the presence of a
"virus" that may or may not be causing the actual symptoms/sickness. Because the organized crime "Government" and
their monopoly hospitals are out testing everyone who has a cold with tests designed to find “viruses” (That may not be
causing illness) notorious for false positives AND/OR because many people may be naturally carrying the "virus" without
illness AND/OR the tests are falsely identifying naturally occurring exosomes as a "virus" , Covid numbers appear to be
going exponential BUT are essentially the same annual disease and death rates for seasonal flu + respiratory illnesses +
pneumonias + hospital acquired conditions. The average age of a “Covid death” in Italy is 70 years old with two
additional health issues. The media is simply counting every single elderly death as a Covid-death and announcing
cumulative death numbers every night without the context of the usual annual deaths from flu and respiratory illnesses.

Get Prepped and Food Secure & Help Your Neighbors Get Food Secure – Because the organized crime “Government” is
waging economic warfare against the people to destroy private wealth by bankrupting independent and small
businesses it is imperative that we all get our friends and neighbors food secure. This means community gardens,
pumping up community food banks, deep pantries, and long-term food storage.

DISOBEY! – Hug your friends, eat together, patronize the restaurants and businesses that are engaged in peaceful civil
disobedience on #FreedomFriday on May 1st. Don’t Call the Cops or “Government”! Start a group of 5 (Freedom Cell)

Make Some NOISE! -Tell everyone you know and CRANK the TUNES and/or BANG pots and pans every time the Federal,
State, or Local “Gov’t” is on TV pumping Covid. Let others in your area know that not everyone is falling for the hoax!

Stop Paying State, Federal and Local Taxes & Stop Withholding Taxes From Your Employees - It’s Organized Crime!

Stop using the Government's money, monopoly banks, and front companies like Amazon/A Mason, Walmart, Big Box
Retailers, and Chain Restaurants. Use Crypto currencies, trade and barter. Shop at farmers’ markets & local businesses.
Support Your Local Businesses on Friday, May 1st! #FreedomFriday

Download and Copy This Flyer, The Plandemic Investigation Article and Our Books, Flash Drives and Dropboxes!

Read & Distribute: The Plandemic Investigation &

“Government” - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! For free at

Distribute physical copies of “Plandemic” and "Government" at your business, email copies
to friends, or download the article, book and 8GBs of supporting evidence from our Dropbox
at to make censorship-proof, viral flash drives that you can
privately give friends and family . Permission is granted to copy, sell and distribute both the
Plandemic article, the book “Government” – The Biggest Scam and the Liberator flash drives including the ability
to print/copy and sell the books/drives at local businesses to recover/share the cost of printing and distribution.

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