Nelson College London: Assignment Brief Unit Details
Nelson College London: Assignment Brief Unit Details
Nelson College London: Assignment Brief Unit Details
Assignment Brief
Unit Details
Course Details
Higher National Diploma (HND) in Hospitality
Course Name
Unit number Unit 31
Unit Name Food Safety Management
Credit Value 15
Lecturer Hakeem Kazeem
Hand Out/Issue Date W/C: 25/01/2016
A food safety overview
Customers have a right to expect safe and wholesome food from all the industries within the
hospitality industry. Whether from a five-star hotel, an outside event or a sandwich bar, safe food
should be the norm.
1 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
The importance of food safety cannot be over-emphasised. Experts disagree about whether food is
safer today than in the past, but they agree that ensuring safe food has become more complex
than at any other point in history. Although many of the food safety challenges of the past have
been solved, new problems have developed. Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2
million people annually – including many children. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses,
parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from
diarrhoea to cancers. New threats to food safety are constantly emerging. Changes in food
production, distribution and consumption, changes to the environment, new and emerging
pathogens, antimicrobial resistance - all pose challenges to national food safety systems.
Increases in travel and trade enhance the likelihood that contamination can spread internationally.
As our food supply becomes increasingly globalised, the need to strengthen food safety
systems in and between all countries is becoming more and more evident. That is why the WHO
is promoted efforts to improve food safety, from farm to plate (and everywhere in between) on
World Health Day, 7 April 2015.
The great majority of people will experience a food or water borne disease at some point in their
lives. This highlights the importance of making sure the food we eat is not contaminated with
potentially harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, toxins and chemicals. Over the past half century,
the process by which food gets from the farm to the plate has changed drastically. Food
contamination that occurs in one place may affect the health of consumers living on the other
side of the planet. This means that everyone along the production chain, from producer to
consumer, must observe safe food handling practices.
Food safety is a shared responsibility. It is important to work all along the food production chain
– from farmers and manufacturers to vendors and consumers. For example, WHO’s Five keys
to safer food offer practical guidance to vendors and consumers for handling and preparing
This assignment is about food control, food inspection and supportive enforcement measures
that can contribute to food hygiene and safety.
LO 1: Understand the agents that cause food borne illness and the contamination of
2 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
You have recently taken up a position in the Health and Safety Department of a large hotel. In light
of recent concerns over health and safety, you have been asked to investigate food safety within
the hotel and make a presentation of your findings to all employees.
Your task is to address the assessment criteria below and use the information gathered in your
investigation to make a presentation using PowerPoint slides.
- AC1.1: Discuss the controls required to prevent physical and chemical contamination of food
- AC1.2: Compare the characteristics of food poisoning and food borne infections
- AC1.3: Discuss how food-borne illnesses can be controlled
You are expected to present to the class as a group of at least 3 members, with each group
member fully active during the presentation. You are also required to hand in a copy of the
PowerPoint slides with individual notes attached to your lecturer before the presentation.
M1: To achieve M1, effective judgements must have been made in Task 1 to find appropriate
solutions to how food can be prevented from contamination.
3 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
Task 2: Classroom Activity
LO2: Understand the processes that can effectively prevent food spoilage and preserve
food quality.
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Nelson College London
5 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
M2: To achieve M2, learners must make sure a range of sources of information has been used in
Task 2 to identify food preservation methods.
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Nelson College London
Task 3 - Field Research and Written Report (To be completed by 14/03/14)?
Scenario: You have recently taken up a position in the Health and Safety department in a large
hotel. In light of recent concerns over Health and Safety you have been asked to produce a
booklet on the subject of Food Safety Management to be given to all new employees.
Your booklet MUST address the requirements of the following assessment criteria:
AC3.1: Discuss the key steps in a temperature control system.
Guideline: Consider and review as many key steps in a temperature control system as you can.
AC 3.3: Evaluate the importance of personal hygiene in the control of food contamination.
Guideline: Appraise how important hygiene is in the control of food contamination.
AC 3.4: Evaluate cleaning and disinfection as a process supporting safe food production.
Guideline: Figure out how important cleaning and disinfection is as a process supporting safe food
AC 3.5: Assess the problems associated with pest control in food premises.
Guideline: What are the problems associated with pest control in food premises.
AC 3.6: Justify the need for hygienic design and construction of food premises.
Guideline: Defend why hygienic design and construction of food premises is necessary.
Make use of current news items and publications related to Food Safety or poisoning outbreaks as
research materials.
7 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
M3: To achieve M3, learners must make sure that there is a coherent, logical development of
principles/concepts and that appropriate findings have been presented and communicated to the
intended audience in Task 3.
D1: To achieve D1, learners must make sure that conclusions have been arrived at through
synthesis of ideas and have been justified in Task 3.
D2: To achieve D2, learners must take responsibility for managing and organising activities and
make sure that autonomy/independence has been demonstrated by their personal input.
D3: To achieve D2, learners must make sure that convergent and lateral thinking have been
applied in the whole assignment.
Each successfully completed unit of the BTEC Higher National will be graded as a Pass, Merit or
Distinction. In order to achieve a Pass in a unit, all learning outcomes and associated assessment
criteria must have been met by the learner.
Merit and Distinction grades are awarded for higher-level achievement. The generic Merit and
Distinction descriptors (see tables below) are for grading the total evidence produced for each unit
and describe the learner’s performance over and above that for a Pass grade. They can be
achieved in a flexible way – for example, sequentially or in a holistic way – to reflect the nature of
the sector.
Achievement of a pass grade:
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria. The
assignment will be assessed on the basis of:
Presentation and structure
Application of concepts and theories
Critical thinking and analytical ability
Note: Students must pass all individual tasks and all assessment criteria given in
assignment brief in order to the pass entire unit.
Merit requirement:
In addition to fulfilling the Pass requirements, a learner may be awarded a Merit subject to the
achievement of the following conditions:
8 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
To achieve merit grade a learner must achieve a pass grade and also demonstrate abilities and
skills in the following areas:
Distinction requirement:
In addition to fulfilling the Pass and Merit requirements, a learner can be awarded a Distinction
subject to the achievement of the following conditions:
To achieve a distinction grade a learner must:
a) Achieve the merit grade
9 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
b) Make sure the essay essay/assignment/coursework demonstrates abilities and skills in the
following areas:
To achieve a distinction grade you must achieve merit grade and also your
Grade Descriptors: Distinction Indicative Characteristics
D1 conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of
Use critical reflection to ideas and have been justified
evaluate own work and justify the validity of results has been evaluated using defined
valid conclusions criteria
self-criticism of approach has taken place
realistic improvements have been proposed against
defined characteristics for success
D2 autonomy/independence has been demonstrated
Take responsibility for substantial activities, projects or investigations have
managing and organising been planned, managed and organised
activities activities have been managed
the unforeseen has been accommodated
the importance of interdependence has been
recognised and achieved
D3 Demonstrate convergent / ideas have been generated and decisions taken
lateral / creative thinking self-evaluation has taken place
convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
problems have been solved
innovation and creative thought have been applied
receptiveness to new ideas is evident
effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts
Local and national rules, regulations, legislations and statistics are needed to support learners’
achievement of this unit. Directories, newspapers and local and national guides for the hospitality
industry are also needed. Learners should read publications such as Caterer and Hotelkeeper
and Hospitality on a regular basis to develop their awareness of the industry practices, including
10 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
health and safety, employment and contemporary issues, as well as specialist industry publications
relating to the events industry.
Essential Requirements
Regular access to the Food Standards Agency and the Health Protection Agency websites is
essential for information, current trends, training resources and news items.
Learners must make use of current news items related to food safety or food poisoning outbreaks
as case-study materials.
Learner access to a food production facility will be invaluable and will allow the application of
theoretical aspects to a realistic situation.
Reading List
Salazar, E (2013) “Understanding Food Safety Management Systems: A Practical Approach to the
Application of ISO-22000:2005”, London: Create Space Independent Publishing
Newslow, D (2013) “Food Safety Management Programs: Applications, Best Practices, and
Compliance” London: CRC Press
Yiannas, F (2008) “Food Safety Culture: Creating a Behaviour-Based Food Safety Management
System (Food Microbiology and Food Safety), New York: Springer.
Motarjemi, Y. and Lelieveld, H (2014) “Food Safety Management: A Practical Guide for the Food
Industry”, London: Academic Press Inc.
Stranks, JW (2007): “The A-Z of Food Safety” London, Thorogood Publishing Ltd.
King, H (2013) “Food Safety Management: Implementing a Food Safety Program in a Food Retail
Business” New York: Springer Media Edition
Food Safety Policy and Due Diligence - An Operational Manual for the Hospitality Industry
(Hospitality Operational... by HMRL (19 Jan 2013) Available on Kindle
These journals contain up-to-date industry information and articles about current developments,
advertisements for job vacancies and management data:
Caterer and Hotelkeeper magazine
The following web links will provide valid information and current data to support the research
aspects of this assignment. Regular access to the Food Standards Agency and the Health
Protection Agency websites is essential for information, current trends, training resources and
news items.
Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the Pearson and the
College Breach of Regulation policy. Basically, plagiarism occurs when excerpts, ideas, passages
taken from other sources are not properly acknowledged and referenced both in the body of the
course work and in reference list. It is the learner’s responsibility to ensure that they understand all
Pearson guidelines with regards to plagiarism and what Pearson considers to be an academic
12 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
Collusion can be understood as the submission of works produced in collaboration for an
assignment based on the assessment of individual work. It is a severe academic offence to share a
learner’s work with others learner(s) who submit a part or the whole of it as their own work. The
College has mechanisms in place to detect plagiarism and collusion. Learners must sign the
declaration on the front of the assignment submission form.
Any information that is not yours needs to be referenced. Copying from others’ work even
unintentionally still amounts to plagiarism if not acknowledged.
The Harvard Referencing Convention requires you to acknowledge certain information which is
mainly the author's surname and year of publication within the text. This is referred to as in-text
referencing. Example:
According to Greenberg (2010), your competition is no longer Coca-Cola vs. PepsiCo. It's
Coca-Cola vs. PepsiCo and every single message that a single customer gets in a single
The author and publication information cited within the main body of your work must be listed in the
references list. Example:
Greenberg, G. (2010), 'Customer Relationship Management - at the speed of light'.
4th Edition, the McGraw-Hill Companies.
Submission Guidance
This is an individual assignment. You need to submit the ‘Presentation’, ‘Booklet’ and the ‘Report’
via online submission on the VLE. All parts of the assignment are required to be presented in a
professional format, with full citation and references following Harvard Referencing system. The
college strongly advises that learners follow the guidance below:
Use Times New Roman Font size 12 or Arial Font size 11 in the body of the text.
Make sure there is a proper title page containing your Name, student ID and Unit name.
Make sure there is a contents page
All assignments must have clear headings and sub-headings where necessary.
13 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
Late Submission and Resubmission
Late assignments will not be accepted for assessment by assessor unless an extenuating
circumstances form has been filled in and duly authorised by a member of staff.
Students will be able to access the feedback form and guidance from the lecturer on the
VLE to improve in the areas of detected weaknesses on their first submission. Please note
that assignments can be re-submitted only once.
Please note that a resubmitted assignment will earn a maximum pass grade should it
sufficiently meet the required criteria.
A fine may also apply in case of resubmission.
Extenuating Circumstances
Extensions are only granted for documented medical reasons and/or other documented
serious interruptions relevant to your ability to study.
Please note that extensions are not allowed due to your inability to organise your work.
Should there be any extra-ordinary circumstances; the College should be made aware of
this in writing as soon as possible.
The college preserves the right not to accept or mark the assignment in case you failed to
inform it in time.
14 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
Assessment criteria matched against learning outcomes
AC1.1 Discuss the controls required to prevent physical and
LO1 chemical contamination of food
Understand the agents that cause AC1.2 Compare the characteristics of food poisoning and food
food-borne illnesses and the borne infections
contamination of food. AC1.3 Discuss how food-borne illnesses can be controlled
Summary of evidence required by student
15 Unit 31- Food Safety Management. Assignment Brief of HND in Hospitality Management
Nelson College London
PowerPoint presentation slides and notes on agents that cause food borne illness and
Task 1 the contamination of food
Classroom activity documents to show understanding of the processes that can
Task 2 effectively prevent food spoilage and preserve food quality
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