GCC1990 05

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May 3, 1990, 10:00 a.m.


K J Mittleider (Ch), F G Thomas (Sec), Roy Adams, C E Aeschlimann,

Karl H Bahr, R W Bendall, W Floyd Bresee, Shirley Burton, D E Crane,
G H Crumley, G 0 Engen, D F Gilbert, V S Griffiths, J H Harris,
Tulio R Haylock, Noelene Johnsson, W G Johnsson, F L Jones,
G E Knowles, H L Lee, J Lynn Martell, T R Neslund, Enoch Oliveira,
Leo Ranzolin, Gary M Ross, A C Segovia, P G Smith, Virginia Smith,
E H J Steed, Michael H Stevenson, Iris H Stober, Gary B Swanson,
C R Taylor, G Ralph Thompson, 0 A Troy, M C Van Putten, J C Viera,
C D Watson, F Donald Yost, Samuel Young.


Speaking of the work of the Holy Spirit, K J Mittleider read from

John 14:26,27 in The New English Bible, ". . . but your Advocate, the
Holy Spirit . . . will teach you everything, and will call to mind all

• that I have told you. Peace is my parting gift to you, my own peace,
such as the world cannot give. Set your troubled hearts at rest, and
banish your fears."
Jesus was assuring His disciples of all ages and all nationalities
to the very end of time that His ministry and their Christian
experience could be sustained. Two things, however, would be
different. (1) Jesus was visible while the Holy Spirit was not. (2)
The Holy Spirit would never be put to death for the atonement of man's
sins as Jesus was.

Belief always calls for an exercise of faith. None of us

literally or physically heard Jesus speak when He was here on earth;
but today and every day the Holy Spirit will guide us as we study God's
word and the Spirit of Prophecy. It is comforting and gives us peace
to realize that this intimate, personal relationship exists between us
and the Godhead through the Holy Spirit.

Neither revival and reformation can be accomplished nor our

preparation for the second coming of Christ be realized without the
Holy Spirit. As we submit our will to God, the Holy Spirit will guide
us so that we may reveal Christ who, in turn, reveals the Father to a
fallen world.

Mittleider then went on to report that a contract with the Jo-In

Corporation, a Japanese company, for the moving of KSDA on Guam is now
in preparation. If the required permits can be obtained and the
engineers' reports are favorable, the present setup is to be completely
May 3, 1990 - GCC

replaced on a new site. There is to be no disruption in broadcasting,

and the denomination is to receive $10,000,000 in cash out of which
approximately $3,000,000 will be used to purchase two additional

transmitters and two antennas. The balance added to the funds in hand
should leave an endowment of approximately $11,000,000 which should
make the station totally self-sustaining. Mittleider felt that this
was accomplished only through the work of the Holy Spirit.

A C Segovia offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the Holy Spirit's
guidance in the negotiations for KSDA. He also prayed for Eugene
Stiles whose brain tumor is again growing, a former schoolmate of
K J Mittleider who is very ill, and the family of Nedelia Carpenter
whose younger brother was killed in the South Philippines.

MINUTES of the meeting held April 26, 1990 were approved.


VOTED, To approve the following report of the Committee on

Burns, William Lee III (Idlewild, MI)—Physical Education Teacher,
U of E Africa, Kenya (EAD)
Lamberton, Lyndle Merle (McMinnville, OR)—Orthodontist, SDA
Orthodontic Services, Harare, Zimbabwe (EAD)
Ludders, Richard William (Houston, TX)—Director/Dentist, Dental
Clinic, Djibouti (EAD)
McDermott, Charles Brian (Claremont, NH) —Reassign from SDA
Orthodontic Services, Harare, Zimbabwe (EAD) to Hongkong Adv
Hosp as Orthodontist (FED)

Calls and Transfers Between Divisions

Adeogun, Joshua Adewole (AID)—Call of EAD as Farm Manager, U of E
Africa, Kenya
Church Ministries Associate Director (IAD)--Call of SAD for
Central Andes Mission, Peru
District Director-Pastor (EUD)—Call of AID for Moundou, Chad, C
African Un Mission

Gudmundsson, Harry (TED) Request of AID as Relief Physician/
Surgeon, Masanga Hosp, Sierra Leone, AVS basis, 3 mos
GCC - May 3, 1990

Hellsten, Odd (1ED)--Request of EAD as Maintenance Director,

Blantyre Adv Hosp, Blantyre, Malawi, AAV basis, 24 mos (For
recording only, eff Sep 5, 88)
Lachenal, Martine (EUD)--Call of AID as Med Director-Pediatrician,
Glei Adv Health Ctr, Lome, Togo
Nadal, Emma Fe (VED)--Call of EAD as Physician/Pediatrician,
Blantyre Adv Hosp, Blantyre, Malawi
Orozco, Arturo (IAD)—Call of SAD as Radiologist, River Plate
Sanitarium & Hosp, Argentina eff May 1, 90 (Orozco has been
living and working locally at the hospital since Jun 86)
Plant Nursery Specialist (FED)--Call of SAD for River Plate Col,
Argentina, AVS basis, 2 yrs
Sammatti, Maarit (TED)—Call of EAD as Secy to ADRA Director,
Eastern Africa Division, Harare, Zimbabwe

Cadiz, Luis E (IAD) from call to Nigerian Un as ADRA & Health
Director (AID) Declined
Lopes, Armando David (EUD) from call to Adv Seminary of W Africa,
Nigeria as Vice President for Financial Affairs (AID)

Sprengel, Merton Edmund Harold to transfer from EAD after furlough
as Chemistry Teacher, Mountain View Col, Philippines (FED)

Permanent Returns
Bowman, Charles Ray, Dental Technician, Guam SDA Clinic (FED) to
NAD, Family Considerations, eff Jul 90
Cheatham, Oliver Lee, Business Manager, Yuka Hosp & Leprosarium,
Zambia (EAD) to NAD, Education, eff May 90
Gordon, Oswald Edward, President, Liberian Mission (AID) to NAD,
Health, eff Jun 90
Maricq, Jean-Luc, Science Teacher, Gitwe School, Rwanda (AID) to
EUD, Assignment Completed, eff Jul 90
Marinheiro, Manuel, Assistant Treasurer, Sahel Un Mission (AID) to
EUD, Personal, eff Jun 90



(Potomac Conference--Appropriation)

D F Gilbert explained the situation regarding the Takoma Park

Church and the appropriation given it by the General Conference to
assist with the new parking lot (see GCO 89-120,121 and GCC 89-288).

This action made the payment dependent on participation by the Potomac
Conference to fund the balance of approximately $150,000. The
Conference states it is unable to give more than $10,000.

May 3, 1990 - GCC

A problem has arisen in that the General Conference has released

the funds to the Takoma Park Church without any commitment from the
Conference. In view of all that has transpired, the Officers were of
the opinion that the participation of the Potomac Conference not be
required at this stage.

VOTED, To rescind GCC 89-288, paragraph 2, Potomac Conference--

Appropriation, which reads as follows:

"2. To make this disbursement conditional on the Potomac

Conference providing the balance needed for the parking lot project."




VOTED, To approve the following partial list of delegates at

large to the 1990 General Conference Session under the 25 percent


North American Division

Mid-America Union

Delete: Flynn, Thomas W

Add: Rouse, Raymond R

(18 positions allocated; 18 names approved)

South American Division

Delete: Urrejola, Orletta

Add: Moreno, Orlando

Otto, Ruben
Werreria, Joao

(40 positions allocated; 40 names approved)


Selected Individuals

Add: Ribble, Herman

(11 positions allocated; 11 names approved) •

GCC - May 3, 1990



VOlED, To appropriate $10,000 from the General Conference

Evangelism Fund for an evangelistic series in Aberdeen, Scotland.



VOTED, To appropriate $15,000 from the General Conference

Contingency Fund, matching a private gift of $15,000, to complete the
Ukrainian Union Conference office building. This will make it possible
to dedicate the facility debt free following the General Conference



• VOTED, To authorize Merchants National Bank and Trust Company,

One Merchants Plaza, Indianapolis, Indiana 46255 to recognize the
signatures of W L Murrill, Karl H Bahr, D E Robinson, or Pat Shadwick
to sign and make any changes and order for the payment of money for a
new account (checking) in the name of General Conference of Seventh-day



VOTED, To approve the following interdivision travel:


Health and Temperance

Neslund, Thomas R Euro-Africa Division, May 6-16,

1990 to meet with the World
Health Organization in Geneva,
Switzerland and Morocco on
behalf of the International
Commission for the Prevention
of Alcoholism.

May 3, 1990 - GCC


Otis, Harold F Jr USSR, May 8-28, 1990 to

supervise the construction of
the press, seminary dormitory,
and library in the Soviet
Union; to review progress on
the seminary farm; and to
participate in evangelistic
meetings in Tyumen and
Novosibirsk, Siberia.



Smith, Robert S Euro-Africa Division, May 7 and

8, 1990 to attend the Latin
American Literature Ministry
Coordinating Board in Lisbon,


Adventist Media Center

Williams, Royce C Inter-American Division,

May 2-16, 1990 to participate
in the promotion of the It Is
Written telecast in the North
Caribbean Conference.
Andrews University

Habenicht, Donna Southern Asia Division,

May 15-31, 1990 to lecture at a
Faith and Learning Seminar to
be held in Hosur, India.
Travel will be paid by the
Institute for Christian

Saliba, Slimen Far Eastern Division,

May 8-28, 1990 to participate
in the baccalaureate service at
Indonesia Union College. This
is in connection with a trip to
the FED to recruit students for

Andrews University. Travel
will be paid by Andrews
GCC - May 3, 1990

Loma Linda University

Minder, Wallace D South Pacific Division,

June 30-July 4, 1991 to
participate in the Principals'
Conference in Howqua, Victoria.
Travel will be paid by the
South Pacific Division.

North American Division

Jones, Alfred R Inter-American Division,

May 4-14, 1990 to conduct
seminars for single persons.
Travel will be paid by the East
Caribbean Conference.

Young, Rupert Inter-American Division,

May 13-19, 1990 to conduct a
Family Life Seminar and
Workshop in the East Jamaica
Conference. Travel will be
paid by the East Jamaica

South Pacific Division

Joseit, Peter Euro-Africa Division,

June 1-30, 1991 to conduct
religious meetings and an
evangelistic campaign in the
Baden-Wuerttemberg Conference.
Travel will be paid by the
South German Union.

North American Division

Kankam, Edward K Africa-Indian Ocean Division,

(ADRA Consultant) May 1-30, 1990 to assess the
ADRA PL480 Food Program in
Ghana. Travel will be paid
from the Enhancement Grant.

North American Division

Moore, Emily Africa-Indian Ocean Division

(ADRA Consultant) May 20-30, 1990 instead of the
dates previously voted.
May 3, 1990 - GCC

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty •

Beach, B B Euro-Africa Division, July 29-
Aug 2, 1991 instead of the
dates previously voted.


Church Ministries

Flowers, Karen M Euro-Africa Division,

Flowers, Ronald M Apr 27-May 20, 1990.


VO1lD, To record the following calls involving the General
Conference or its institutions:
Gibbs, Dennis S (PR-FED)—Principal, Valley View Junior
Academy, Central California Conference, Pacific Union

Waite, Kevin (Oklahoma Conference)—Editorial Assistant, Listen

Magazine, General Conference •
Walikonis, Warren (Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference)—Manager,
Canadian Office of the General Conference Risk Management
Services in Oshawa, Canada.

C D Watson reported that he received a telephone call from Oswald
Gordon, President of the Liberian Mission, indicating that all of the
missionaries serving in Liberia are safe and for the present are
remaining at their posts of duty.


K J Mittleider, Chairman
F G Thomas, Secretary
Fay Welter, Recording Secretary




May 10, 1990, 10:00 a.m.

C B Rock (Ch), F G Thomas (Sec), C E Aeschlimann, Karl H Bahr,
Rosa T Banks, B B Beach, W Floyd Bresee, C D Brooks, Shirley Burton
S Peter Campbell, D E Crane, G H Crumley, R L Dale, Joseph Espinosa,
Eric C Fehlberg, V S Griffiths, J H Harris, Tulio R Haylock,
W G Johnsson, G E Knowles, H L Lee, J Lynn Martell, R L McKee,
W L Murrill, J David Newman, Enoch Oliveira, Gary B Patterson,
Leo Ranzolin, G W Reid, Gary M Ross, W C Scales Jr, A E Schmidt,
P G Smith, Virginia Smith, Michael H Stevenson, Gary B Swanson,
C R Taylor, 0 A Troy, M C Van Putten, J C Viera, C D Watson,
Ted F Wick, M K Widmer, K H Wood, Samuel Young.

Tulio R Haylock

Gary B Patterson reported that he felt as if he had gone on his
first missionary journey when he visited the Far Eastern Division
recently. It was a life-changing experience! He was encouraged by
what he saw and by the strength of the work. The continuity of the
work struck him as it never had before.
For the first time he visited some of the lands that he had only
heard about second hand in mission stories as he grew up, and it was a
thrilling experience.

In Singapore, Far Eastern Division headquarters, the first

individuals he met were two former students who attended Southern
College and Walla Walla College while he was a pastor at these
institutions. He was happy to see these well-trained teachers working
with others who were united in carrying the gospel commission to other
parts of the world. It made him feel that the Church was alive and
He expressed the hope that the gospel would soon reach all the
world in this generation.
Prayer was offered by C B Rock.

• MINUTES of the meeting held May 3, 1990 were approved.

May 10, 1990 - GCC



The ownership of the "Keepers of the Flame" video series was

discussed. Questions were asked concerning the content of the videos
with particular reference to whether or not they were truly
representative of the many cultures in the Church. The item was tabled
with the recommendation that it be taken back to Officers for


VOTED, To approve the following report of the Committee on


Allen, Edward Martin (No CA Conf)—Pastor, Hong Kong-Macao Conf
Papendick, Bruce Wayne (Lynwood, WA)--Cairo Evangelistic Ctr
Coordinator-Church Ministries Director, Egypt Field (MEU)
Stockil, Jonathan (EAD Natl, St, Andrews U)—Assistant Farm
Manager-Agriculture Instructor, Solusi Col, Zimbabwe (EAD) Natl

Calls and Transfers Between Divisions
Calarco, Santo (SPD) --Call of FED as Ministerial Secy, Bangladesh
Un Mission
Fridlin, J J (EUD)--aequest of AID as Accountant, C African Un
Mission, AVS/Cooperant basis, 2 yrs
Martin, Kenneth (SPD) —Request of FED as Pastor, Balestier Road
Church, Singapore, AVS basis, 1 yr
Music Teacher (SAD)--Cali of IAD for Colombia Adv U, Colombia
Oliarte, Cecilia Del Pilar (SAD)—Request of AID as Teacher of
Missionary Children, Koza Hosp, AVS basis, 10 mos
President (BUD) --Call of AID for Gabon Mission
Rasmussen, Villi (fE )—Request of MEU as Evangelist, Cairo
Evangelistic Ctr, Egypt, AVS basis, Up to 2 mos
Teacher Secondary Level (BUD) --Request of AID for Adv U of C
Africa, Rwanda, AVS/SVA basis, 1 yr
Thaeder, Laurent (EUD) --Request of AID as Accountant, Sahel Un
Mission, AVS/Cooperant basis, 2 yrs

Musgrave, Paul Henry from appt as Industrial Arts Teacher, Adv U of
C Africa, Rwanda (AID) Declined

GCC - May 10, 1990

Nickel, Dennis Marvin from appt as Pastor, Pohnpei SDA Church,

Caroline Islands (FED) Declined
Tomihama, Sogen (FED) from call to C Peru Conf as Pastor, Japanese
Group, Peru (SAD) Declined
Williams, Alan Roland from appt to W Indies Col as Computer Science
Teacher on Natl Returning basis (IAD) (Declined)

Permanent Returns
Anderson, Carl William, Associate Prof of Music, Antillian Adv Col,
Puerto Rico (IAD) to NAD, Family Considerations, eff Aug 90
Bosdedore, Michel (son, Claude Bosdedore, Division Office, Cote
d'Ivoire) (AID) to BUD, Education, eff Apr 90
Boughman, Jill Ellen (dtr, L W Boughman, Makiling View
International School, Philippines) to NAD, Education, eff
Apr 90
Brunel, Lawrence Eugene, Medical Director, SDA Health Services,
Nairobi, Kenya (EAD) to NAD, Education, Jun 90
Erntson, Verland V Jr, Treasurer, Zambesi Un Mission, Bulawayo,
Zimbabwe (EAD) to NAD, Assignment Completed, eff Jun 90
Estes, James Patrick, Farm Manager-Instructor, U of E Africa, Kenya
(EAD) to NAD, Education, eff May 90
Griffin, Heidi Elaine (dtr, C J Griffin, FED, Singapore) to NAD,

Education, eff May 90
Hardwick, David Lee, Director, Physical Plant, U of E Africa, Kenya
(BAD) to NAD, Assignment Completed, May 90
Romero, Jimuel V, Physician/Internal Medicine, Mugonero Hosp,
Rwanda (AID) to FED, Personal, eff May 90
Sprengel, Merton Edmund, Chemistry Teacher, U of E Africa, Kenya
(BAD) to NAD, Assignment Completed, eff Jun 90
Trebeau, Jean, President, Gabon Mission (AID) to EUD, Family
Considerations, eff Apr 90
Vergeres, Otello, Physician/Surgeon, Mugonero Hosp, Rwanda (AID) to
EUD, Assignment Completed, May 90
Whitehouse, Daphne Yvette (dtr, J W Whitehouse, Bangladesh Un
Mission) to NAD, Education, eff May 90
Wood, Heather Nicole (dtr, Ralph C Wood Jr, Dominican Adv U)
Republica Dominicana (IAD) to NAD, Education, eff Jun 90
Woods, David Scott, Maintenance Engineer, Malamulo Hosp &
Leprosarium, Malawi (EAD) to NAD, Health, eff Apr 90



VOTED,, To authorize the Sovran Bank, Maryland, to recognize the

signatures of W L Murrill, J J Nortey, N Mwema, or R G Pearson to sign
and make any changes and order for the payment of money for account
number 04624128 in the name of Zaire Mission of Seventh-day
Adventists. All prior authorizations for this account are hereby
• annulled and canceled.
May 10, 1990 - GCC


VOTED, To adjust the membership of the Spirit of Prophecy
Committee (GCC-S) as follows:
Add NAD President or his designee


In answer to a request for an update on the Great Controversy ad in
Time Magazine, Owen Troy reported that Time has approved five of the
six pages of the proposed material. An ad has to be paid for in
advance and apparently David Mould does not have the funds to do this
at present. To save money he may be trying to pay for a sectional
edition of the ad which would be printed in Florida and California

C B Rock, Chairman
F G Thomas, Secretary
Fay Welter, Recording Secretary

71/ eetagc---, Cit



May 17, 1990, 10:00 a.m.


K J Mittleider (Ch), D A Roth (Sec), Roy Adams, C E Aeschlimann,

M J Allen, Karl H Bahr, M T Battle, M A Bediako, C E Bracebridge,
Shirley Burton, W T Clark, R L Dale, G 0 Engen, Eric C Fehlherg,
D F Gilbert, P A Gordon, R B Grady, Tulio R Haylock, Warren L Johns,
W G Johnsson, F L Jones, R J Kloosterhuis, G E Knowles, J Lynn MarLelt,
R L McKee, S F Monnier, W L Murrill, J David Newman, R E Osborn,
G W Reid, P G Smith, Michael H Stevenson, Iris H Stober, C R Taylor,
G Ralph Thompson, 0 A Troy, M A Tyner, M C Van Patten, J C Viera,
C D Watson, Ted F Wick, M K Widmer, K H Wood, F Donald Yost,
Samuel Young.


K J Mittleider recounted the story of Gideon found in Judges 6.

• Because the people did evil in the sight of the Lord, they had been
given into the hands of the Midianites, a very oppressive people who
had ruined the Israelites' crops and destroyed their animals. The
Midianites were so numerous that verse 5 states they came like swarms
of locust, and it was impossible to count the men and their camels.

God called Gideon, a young man, to deliver Israel. First he

pulled down the altar to Baal and the Asherah pole beside it. When
the men of the town discovered what had been done, they asked, "Who did
this?" It was soon learned that it was Gideon, the son of Joash. They
then demanded of Joash that he bring out his son. He replied, "If Baal
really is a god, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his

Under God's direction Gideon and his 300 men went on to defeat the
Midianites using only trumpets, water pitchers, and torches as their
weapons. When God says to do something, He always provides the way and
the means to do it. Do we have the kind of faith and willingness to
follow God's command that Gideon had? May we be students and followers
of the Word so our relationship to God will be so close that we will
hear Him through His Holy Spirit.


G Ralph Thompson.

May 17, 1990 - OCC


W G Johnsson introduced Debra Clark, a journalism major from
Southern College, who will be serving as a summer intern and helping
with editorial work at the Adventist Review office for the General
Conference Session.

W T Clark introduced his brother and sister-in-law Richard and

Virginia Clark who are on furlough from Ireland. He is a health
educator and she is an elementary school teacher.

MINUTES of the meeting held May 10, 1990 were approved.



VOTED, To approve the following report of the Committee on


Anugerah, Bukaris Raya (Loma Linda, CA)—Dentist, SDA Health Ctr,

Lilongwe, Malawi (BAD)
Garcia-Rodriguez, Ricardo (IAD Nati, W Reading, PA) - -Director,
Professional Development Institute, Montemorelos U, Mexico
(IAD) Natl Returning
Hughes, William Edward (Sylmar, CA) - -Evangelism Teacher, Tanzania
Adv Seminary & Col (EAD)
Neal, Leslie C III (Eagle Creek, OR)—Art Teacher, Montemorelos U,
Mexico (IAD)

Calls and Transfers Between Divisions

Assistant Treasurer (EUD) --Call of AID for Sahel Un Mission,
Liu, Richard Wai Ying (AWR-Asia) --Call of the General Conf to
serve as Chairman of the Eastern Asia Administrative
Committee, Hong Kong (EAC/GC)
Maintenance Supervisor (EUD) - -Request of AID for Rwamiko Secondary
School, Zaire, AVS basis, 24 mos
Nurse (EUD) - -Request of AID for Nanga-Eboko Dispensary, Republic
of Cameroun, AVS/SVA basis, 12 mos
Nurse (EUD) --Request of AID for Avebe Dispensary, Republic of

Cameroun, AVS/SVA basis, 12 mos
Nurse-Teacher (EUD) - -Request of AID for Mugonero Hosp, Rwanda,
AVS/SVA basis, 12 mos

GCC - May 17, 1990

Amer, Eric (SAU) from assignment to Middle E Un as Relief Auditor
(MEU) Declined
Durbant, Fred (EUD) from call to Sahel Un & Senegal Mission as
Evangelist & President respectively (AID) Appt president of N
France Conf

Permanent Returns
Bayeta, May Belynd (dtr, Benedicto A Bayeta, UEA) Kenya (EAD) to
FED, Education, eff Jun 90
Heinrich, Keith Rolland, Associate Treasurer, Africa-Indian Ocean
Division (AID) to NAD, Education, eff May 90
Ing, Daniel Joseph (son, C S F Ing, Youngberg Adv Hosp) Singapore
(FED) to NAD, Education, eff May 90
Mahon, Jack, Communication Director, Africa-Indian Ocean Division
(AID) to TED, Retirement, eff Jul 90
Ryan, Trent Stacy (son R E Ryan, Adv International Institute of
Advanced Studies) Philippines (FED) to NAD, Education, eff
May 90
Salinas, Jose, Bakery Manager, Venezuela Vocational Institute,
Venezuela (IAD) to SAD, Assignment Completed, eff Aug 90

• Cred&L/GCC to MVP


VOTED, To approve the ordination of George Belser, pastor of a

deaf congregation in the North Pacific Union, as recommended by the
Oregon Conference. This is one of those unique and exceptional
situations for which provision is made in NAD Working Policy L 45 40,
L 45 45 and D 10 65. Belser is an employee of Christian Record
Services, Incorporated. He will not qualify for retirement benefits.

Cred&L/GCC to MVP


VOTED, To grant Stephen R Paine, a former chaplain and minister

from another denomination, who has ecclesiastical endorsement from
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministry and is now serving as chaplain in the
United States Army, a provisional Ministerial License as provided for
in NAD Working Policy L 35 45.

May 17, 1990 - GCC

Cred&L/GCC to MVP •


VOTED, To issue credentials and licenses to employees of the

General Conference and the following General Conference institutions
for the period ending August 31, 1990 or for the period of their
denominational employment (A complete list of names is on file with the
official copy of the minutes):

Adventist Media Center

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International
Andrews University
Eastern Asia Committee
Loma Linda Community Hospital
Loma Linda University
North American Division Evangelism Institute
Review and Herald Publishing Association
Risk Management Services



VOTED, To approve the following interdivision travel:



Havens, Douglas F South American Division,

Monsalve, Rodolfo May 29-June 8, 1990 to
participate in an ADRA workshop
in Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
Travel will be paid from the
Matching Grant fund.

Ochoa, Mario H South American Division,

May 29-June 8, 1990 to
participate in an ADRA workshop
in Foz de Iguazu, Brazil and to
attend a ground-breaking
ceremony for a secondary school
in Paraguay. Travel will be
paid from the Matching Grant


• Biblical Research Institute

Reid, George W
CCC - May 17, 1990

Trans-European Division,
July 15-Aug 1, 1990 to conduct
a seminar at the Jerusalem
Study Center.

Shea, William H Inter-American Division,

July 15-Aug 5, 1990 to teach a
class for the Andrews
University extension school at
Antillian College.

Church Ministries

Flowers, Karen M Inter-American Division,

Flowers, Ronald M Nov 29-Dec 9, 1990 to attend a
Youth Congress and to conduct
Family Life Seminars.

Stevenson, Michael H Far Eastern Division, June 13-

24 1990 to participate in the
Adventist Youth Service
orientation in Korea; Aug 7-25,
1990 to participate in the FED
Adventist Youth Service
orientation in Hawaii.


Andrews University

Lall, Bernard M Inter-American Division,

May 18-25, 1990 to assist in
the development of a fund-
raising proposal for West
Indies College. Travel will be
paid by the West Indies

Touchard, Wolfhard USSR, June 4-18, 1990 to teach

a course in library science and
to assist in the development of
the library. Travel will be
paid from the Eastern European
Projects fund.

Euro-Africa Division

Fernandez, Marcel South Pacific Division, July 2-

May 17, 1990 - GCC

28, 1990 to participate in the

French Polynesia Mission summer
school. Travel will be paid by
the French Polynesia Mission.

North American Division

Hernandez, Fred Inter-American Division,

(Southern New England Conf) May 27, 1990 to participate in
graduation exercises at
Antillian Adventist College.
Travel will be paid by
Antillian Adventist College.

Pacific Union College

Duerkson, Richard E South Pacific Division, Dec 28,

1990-Jan 5, 1991 to participate
in the North New Zealand
Conference Camp Meeting.
Travel will be paid by the
North New Zealand Conference.


North American Division

Ashe, Jeffrey South American Division,

(ADRA Consultant) May 29-June 8, 1990 to
participate in an ADRA workshop
in Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
Travel will be paid from the
Matching Grant fund.

Black, Viveca Southern Union Mission,

(Lay Person) May 16-30, 1990 to monitor
fund-raising projects. Travel
will be at personal expense.

Davidson, James Africa-Indian Ocean Division,

(Lay Person) mid-September 1990 for three
weeks to serve as an
architectural consultant for
the Adventist University of
Central Africa in Rwanda.
Travel will be paid by the
Adventist University of Central

GCC - May 17, 1990

• GCC to FM


VOTED, To express appreciation to Harry Wong, a Seventh-day

Adventist professor at Howard University for 40 years, for the
countless hours of service he has rendered during that time helping
Adventist students solve Sabbath problems at the University.


S F Monnier reported on his visit to Korea and Vietnam. He felt

privileged to have a series of meetings in Kwang Ju, Korea where he
held a similar series ten years ago. Many converts from his former
meetings brought interested individuals to attend the recent meetings.
When a call was made, 53 people indicated their interest in joining the

Monnier also visited Vietnam. His Swiss passport and French

language made it easy for him to enter the country and converse with
some of the people. The customs officials were especially nice to him
and his wife. He enjoyed meeting with our faithful believers in that

• country.
Samauel 122ag reported on a large number of baptisms and rapid
increases in membership in several provinces in China as indicated in
recent reports. The work of the Holy Spirit is sweeping across that
K J Mittleider reported visiting Iraq recently. He was the first
General Conference officer to visit our people there in over 25 years.
He was granted a visa which enabled him to speak to the Adventists
there. The work is going forward in Iraq.


VOTED, To record the following calls involving the General
Conference or its institutions:
Estes, James (PR-EAD) - -Dairy Manager, Andrews University

Patterson, Clifford (PR -EAD) - -Program Officer, Canadian

International Development Agency, Bilateral/Foodgrains
Bank, ADRA-Canada, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada



May 24, 1990, 10:00 a.m.


C B Rock (Ch), D A Roth (Sec), C E Aeschlimann, M J Allen,

Karl H Bahr, M T Battle, B B Beach, R W Bendall, G J Bertochini,
C E Bracebridge, W Floyd Bresee, S Peter Campbell, D E Crane,
G H Crumley, G 0 Engen, Eric C Fehlberg, E R Gane, D F Gilbert,
V S Griffiths, J H Harris, Tulio R Haylock, R R Hegstad, W G Johnsson,
F L Jones, K J Mittleider, Enoch Oliveira, R W Olson, R E Osborn,
R L Pelton, G W Reid, D E Robinson, A E Schmidt, A C Segovia,
R S Smith, Virginia' Smith, Elizabeth A Sterndale, Michael H Stevenson,
Iris H Stober, G Ralph Thompson, M A Tyner, M C Van Putten, K H Wood,
Samuel Young.


S Peter Campbell, pastor of the DuPont Seventh-day Adventist

Church, entitled his devotional, "Bloom Where You are Planted." One
often questions, "Where do I go from here?" Colleagues may seem to be

in full bloom with a minimum of obstacles in their paths. If this type
of thinking is continued too long, it could lead to destruction.

When Jesus was in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, He said,
"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the
field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:"--Matt 6:28

The lily has a simple secret of maintaining its purity of growth,

beauty, and fragrance without being sullied by its environment. People
are not always able to do this.

A few flowers bloom continuously. One lily blooms only in the

night. Some of us refuse to bloom unless we feel we will be seen. Do
we have to be seen to bloom? Jesus came into full bloom on the cross
of Calvary after experiencing problems from the beginning of His life.

Are we discouraged with where we are placed? Perhaps we need to

change our focus and bloom where we are planted!


Prayer was requested for Frank Jones' mother who is hospitalized;

the Harvest 90 baptisms which are climaxing now; the evangelistic
meetings being conducted in Guyana where 800 individuals have already
been baptized; the need for church schools in Guyana; the continued

• recovery of Jose H Figueroa; the family of Napoleon Grunder, former

president of the Franco-Haitian Union who died recently; the situation
May 24, 1990 - GCC

at our college and our church members in Beirut who are experiencing
intermittent bombing; the tense situation in Liberia; and the families
of the three mission workers killed in a plane accident in the

Prayer was offered by S Peter Campbell.

MINUTES of the meeting held May 17, 1990 were approved.


Samuel Young introduced N R Prakasam, a physician from India who

has served seven years at a Georgetown hospital in Guyana and is
presently serving as Health Director for the Guyana Conference. She
also introduced her mother, Mrs Grace Muthiah, whose husband served
previously as Lay Activities Director of the Southern Asia Division and
who retired in 1980.


VOTED, To approve the following partial list of delegates at

large to the 1990 General Conference Session under the 25 percent


Eastern Africa Division

Delete: Dial, Jose D

Add: Mgeni, G
(14 positions allocated; 12 names approved to date)

Euro-Africa Division

Delete: ICanor, Marc

Makowski, Michael

Add: Boettke, Eckart

(15 positions allocated; 13 names approved to date)

GCC - May 24, 1990

North American Division

Mid-America Union

Delete: Gibb, Betty

Add: Evans, G Thomas

(18 positions allocated; 18 names approved)



VOTED, To approve the following report of the Committee on

Wagner, Garold Ray (LaCrosse, KS)--Associate ADRA Director, Ghana

• Calls and Transfers Between Divisions

Dial, Daniel D (FED Natl, Loma Linda, CA)—Call of IAD as Teacher,
Education Dept, W Indies Col, Jamaica
Kraft, Edwin Carl (NAD) Medical Director, Kendu Adv Hosp, EAD--
Call of TED to transfer to Karachi Adv Hosp, Pakistan as
Physician/Medical Director
Lombart, Claris (TED)—Call of MEU as IGCFE Coordinator & Teacher,
Nile Un Academy, Egypt
Masilamony, Rajaratnam (SUD)--Request of FED as Junior High School
Teacher, Truk SDA School & Assistant Pastor, Truk SDA Church,
Caroline Islands, AVS basis, 2 yrs
Relief Physicians/Surgeons (fE0--Request of AID for Masanga Hosp,
Sierra Leone, AVS recurring basis, 6-9 mos

Calarco, Santo (SPD) from appt to Bangladesh Un Mission as
Ministerial Secy (FED) Declined
Masih, Dalbir (TED) from call to Fiji Mission as Hindustani-
speaking Evangelist (SPD) Declined

Permanent Returns
Aitchison, Steven M, Health-Temperance Director, Tanzania Un,
Tanzania (EAD) to NAD, Assignment Completed, eff Jul 90
Christman, Ronald Murrell, Assistant Treasurer, So American
Division, Brazil (SAD) to NAD, Education, eff Sep 90

Kinnersley, Dale, Physician/General Practice, Sopas Adv Hosp,
Papua New Guinea (SPD) to TED, Division Recommendation, eff
Apr 23, 90
May 24, 1990 - GCC

Mitchell, Niscah Gay (dtr, Glenn Mitchell, ADRA Project, Khartoum)

Sudan (MEU) to NAD, Education, eff Jun 90

RetirePlan/GCC to GHC



VOTED, To approve Amendment #16 to the Seventh-day Adventist

Hospital Retirement Plan which provides for:

1. Changing the vesting requirement from 10 years of service

credit to 10 years of service, reversing a change made in Amendment

2. Clarification that years of service prior to January 1, 1988

are disregarded in the case of an employee who was not less than 60
years of age when he first began service with an employer participating
in either the Hospital Plan or General Church Plan.

3. Clarification that the retirement benefit starting date for

a participant who became a participant before January 1, 1988 may occur
before he becomes "a vested participant" as defined in the Plan. It
is further clarified that the retirement benefit starting date is not
earlier than the first day of the Plan year immediately following the
Plan year in which he becomes vested.

4. Limiting the aggregate value of medical benefits coverage

under the plan with respect to key employees for a particular Plan year
to a maximum of the amount of contributions to the Plan's medical
benefits fund for the Plan year.

5. Making distributions in accordance with a qualified domestic

relations order as defined in IRS Code 414 (p).

6. Other nonsubstantive clarifications to the Plan.

A copy of the complete Amendment is on file with the official copy

of the minutes.



VOiED, To place a freeze on hiring additional nonexempt budgeted

full-time and budgeted part-time personnel until August 31, 1990.
CCC - May 24, 1990

C B Rock, Chairman
D A Roth, Secretary
Betty Pierson, Recording Secretary

2 /990

TREASURY General Conference of

Seventh-day Adventists
20904-1608 USA TEL (301) 680-6000 TLX 440186 FAX (301) 680-6090 CBL ADVENTIST. WASHINGTON


TO: F. G. Thomas

FROM: George H. Crumley

DATE: May 17, 1990

RE: Amendment/Seventh-day Adventist Hospital

Retirement Plan

I am attaching a copy of a synopsis of Amendment #16 to the Seventh-

day Adventist Hospital Retirement Plan, as well as the full draft of
Amendment #16 as provided by our Retirement Plan attorneys.

I would appreciate this item being placed on the Agenda of the

General Conference Committee and also on the Agenda for NADCOM.

I would hope that at the time we vote it for the General Conference
Committee, we can have an understanding to include it on NADCOM as
well as we cannot wait until June 20.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


RECCIIMENDED, lb approve Amendment #16 to the Seventh-day Adventist
Hospital Retirement Plan which provides for:
1. Changing the vesting requirement from 10 years of service credit
to 10 years of service, reversing a change made in Amendment #12.
2. Clarification that years of service prior to January 1, 1988 are
disregarded in the caca of an employee who was not less than 60
years of age when he first began service with an employer
participating in either the Hospital Plan or General Churth
3. Clarification that the retirement benefit starting date for a
participant who became a participant before January 1, 1988, may
occur before he becomes "a vested participant " as defined in
the Plan. It is further clarified that the retirement benefit

• starting date is not earlier than the first day of the Plan year
immediately following the Plan year in which he becomes vested.
4. Limiting the aggregate value of medical benefits coverage under
the Plan with rtappe0_, to Key employees for a particular Plan year
to a maximum of the amount of contributions to the Plan's
medical benefits fund for the Plan year.
5. To make distributions in accordance with a qualified domestic
relations order as defined in IRS Code 414 (p).
6. Other non substantive clarifications to the Plan.
A copy of the complete Amendment is on file along with the official copy of
the Minutes.


I hereby certify that, on

1990, the Executive Committee of the General Conference
of Seventh-day Adventists adopted the following
"WHEREAS, on September 25, 1980, the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, on its own behalf
and on behalf of certain Employers, adopted the Seventh-
day Adventist Hospital Retirement Plan ("Plan"), and on
February 26, 1981; August 6, 1981; May 13, 1982; May 13,
1982; May 27, 1982; February 17, 1983; December 29,
1983; December 29, 1983; December 27, 1984; April 24,

• 1985; June 11, 1987; February 2, 1989; July 13, 1989;

July 13, 1989 and , adopted Amendments #1,
#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14
and #15 to the Plan; and
"WHEREAS, the General Conference of Seventh-day
Adventists desires to make certain changes to the Plan
as so amended, it is hereby:
"RESOLVED, that the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, pursuant to Plan Section 8.1, on
its own behalf and on behalf of the Employers set forth
in Exhibit A hereto, hereby adopts the following
amendment to the Seventh-day Adventist Hospital
Retirement Plan:


1. Effective January 1, 1988, Plan Section 1.9

is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
"'Section 1.29. "Vested Participant" shall mean
a Participant who has completed at least ten (10) Years
of Service'."
"2. Effective January 1, 1988, Plan Section
1.31(d) is amended by deleting the phrase 'of a
Participating Employer'."
"3. Effective January 1, 1988, Plan Section
2.1(b) is amended by deleting the phrase 'of a
Participating Employer' the first time it appears."
"4. Plan § 3.1(c)(3) is amended by deleting the
words 'The date' and adding in lieu thereof the words
'If he became a Participant after December 31, 1987, the
January 1 immediately following the Plan Year in
"5. Effective March 31, 1984, a new Section
11.13 is added to the Plan as follows:
"'Section 11.13. Medical Benefits under this
Article 11 for a Plan Year shall be provided with
respect to a Participant who, at any time after March
31, 1984, is a Key Employee (as defined in Section
14.2(a) hereof) only if the aggregate value of Medical
Benefit coverage under this Article 11 provided with
respect to all such Participants for such Plan Year is

• not in excess of contributions under this Article 11 for

such Plan Year'."
- 3 -

"6. Effective January 1, 1990, Plan Section 12.2

is amended by adding at the end thereof the following
"'Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of
this Section 12.2, distributions under the Plan shall be
made in accordance with a "qualified domestic relations
order," as defined in Section 414(p) of the Code'."
"7. Effective January 1, 1990, Plan Article 13
is amended by inserting before the first paragraph
thereof the following:
"'Section 13.1. Requirements'."
Effective January 1, 1981, Amendment #12 to
the Plan is amended by deleting from Paragraph 1 thereof
the words 'Plan Section 1.1' and inserting in lieu
thereof the words 'the portion of Plan Section 1.1
beginning with subsection (W."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and as evidence of the

adoption of this Amendment, the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists has caused the same to be
executed this day of , 1990.


• Secretary


May 31, 1990, 10:00 a.m.

Enoch Oliveira (Ch), D A Roth (Sec), Roy Adams, C E Aeschlimann,
M J Allen, Karl H Bahr, M T Bascom, M A Bediako, R W Bendall,
Shirley Burton, G H Crumley, R L Dale, Eric C Fehlberg, V S Griffiths,
G Gordon Hadley, J H Harris, Tulio R Haylock, G E Knowles, T R Neslund,
R W Olson, R E Osborn, H F Otis Jr, R L Felton, G E Rice, Gary M Ross,
W C Scales Jr, A E Schmidt, P G Smith, Virginia Smith, E H J Steed,
Michael H Stevenson, C R Taylor, F G Thomas, G Ralph Thompson,
0 A Troy, M A Tyner, C D Watson, M K Widmer.

In Joshua 14:11 and 12 Caleb states, "I am still as strong to this
day as I was in the day that Moses sent me; my strength now is as my
strength was then, for war, and for going and coming. So now give me
this hill country of which the Lord spoke on that day; . . ." At the
age of 85 Caleb was asking for the toughest assignment available. Like
many veterans, he was probably exaggerating his vigor claiming he was
as strong as he was at the age of 40, but he refused to spend the rest
of his life in a rocking chair! He was still looking for challenges.
His formula for life was being young in spite of his age.

The Chairman then stated his formula for staying young.

1. We must maintain a young attitude toward life.

2. We must live appreciatively to remain young at heart.
3. We must continue an active life.
4. We must maintain faith in the future.
5. We must stay near the Source of Life.

Oliveira commented that he is following this formula for his own

life as he retires this summer. He will become a full-time pastor of a
church in South America upon his permanent return to his homeland.

Gary Ross.

MINUTES of the meeting held May 24, 1990 were approved.

May 31, 1990 - GCC


VOTED, To approve the following report of the Committee on

Meier, Humberto Jesse (Silver Spring, MD)—Assistant ADRA
Director, Mozambique (EUD)
Peek, Daniel Norman (Ashland, OR)—Systems Analyst, Un Adv
Education Complex, Peru (SAD)
Watanabe, Keith Yoshikazu (FED Natl, Andrews U)—Pastor, W Japan
Conf (FED)

Calls and Transfers Between Divisions

Bailey, J Kelvin, (SPD) - -Request of FED as Relief Accountant,
Hongkong Adv Hosp, AVS basis, 3 mos
Bailey, Lois (SPD) - -Request of FED as Relief Office Secy, Hongkong
Adv Hosp, AVS basis, 3 mos
Mastromihalis, Dino (SPD) -Call of MEU as Pastor (Greek-speaking)
Nicosia, Cyprus
Salzmann, Hans (EUD) --Request of EAD to assist in Treasury,
Releases Zambesi Un, Zimbabwe, AVS basis, 1 yr

Andrews, Robert Thompson from appt to W Indies Col, Jamaica, as

Director of Institutional Research (IAD) Declined

Permanent Returns
George, David Scott, Water Resources Director, ADRA Sudan,
Khartoum, Sudan (MEU) to NAD, Education, eff Jun 90
Uyeda, James Yorito (son, M Uyeda, Japan Un Conf) (FED) to NAD,
Education, eff Sep 90


VOTED, To approve the following adjustments to fixed rates of
exchange, effective June 1, 1990:
Local Currency US $ Per Local
Division/Union Symbol Units Per US $ Currency Units

Africa-Indian Ocean CFA 282.50 0.003540

Eastern Africa
Zimbabwe ZWD 2.43 0.411523

GCC - May 31, 1990

Local Currency US $ Per Local

Division/Union Symbol Units Per US S Currency Units
France FFR 5.65 0.176991
Switzerland SFR 1.40 0.714286
Far Eastern
Singapore S$ 1.85 0.540541
South Africa ZAR 2.64 0.378788
Britain b 0.602409 1.660000



VOTED, To approve the following interdivision travel:


Church Ministries

Allen, Malcolm J Inter-American Division,

Mar 20-24, 1991 to participate
in youth rallies in Martinique,
Guadeloupe, and French Guiana
in connection with a previously
approved trip to the Central
American Union.
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty

Beach, B B South Pacific Division,

Feb 7-20, 1991 to attend the
Seventh Assembly of the World
Council of Churches in
Canberra, Australia as an
Risk Management Services

Pharo, Janet A Trans-European Division,

June 14-25, 1990 to assist the

employees in accounting at the
RMS office in London.

May 31, 1990 - GCC

Skadsheim, Melvin A Trans-European Division,

June 14-22, 1990 to visit the
RMS office in London for
insurance business.

Loma Linda University

Koenig, Vernon H Inter-American Division,

Aug 1-6, 1990 to participate in
a teachers' council in
El Salvador. Travel will be
paid by the Central American

Nagel, Sherman Africa-Indian Ocean Division,

(Retiree) January and February 1991 to
conduct a health evangelism

seminar at Owerri, Nigeria.
Travel will be at personal
Church Ministries

Crane, Donald E Inter-American Division,

June 1-4, 1990 instead of
dates previously voted.



VOTED, To record the following calls involving the General

Conference or its institutions:

Gray, Bryan (Review and Herald Pub Assoc) --Artist-Designer,

Pacific Press Publishing Association

Phillips, Harold R (Loma Linda University)—Professor of Business

Administration, Andrews University

Ramirez, Luis R (PR-IAD) --Assistant Professor, Art Department,
Loma Linda University-Riverside
GCC - May 31, 1990

C E Aeschliman reported that 276 individuals were baptized in

Karachi and 1,869 in the Soviet Union last Sabbath.

M T Bascom reported on his recent trip to the South Pacific

Division where he spent one month in New Zealand, Australia, the
Solomon Islands, and New Guinea in the interest of Community Services.
The major objectives he was working toward were:

1. Team young and old together for service.

2. Have Community Services in every church and school.
3. Be prepared for disasters.
4. Provide a broad range of activities.
5. Promote the wearing of uniforms in order to be recognized.
6. Hold federation meetings four times a year.
7. Place a strong emphasis on soul winning.

Bascom then visited China. Because of the great interest in and

need to learn and speak English, he felt there is a possibility that
English teachers could be placed in some of the colleges and

industries in that country.

In Korea he was pleased to see how the English language schools

have prospered. There are now 12 language schools in Korea with the
latest one to open located in Chejudo.


Owen Troy reported that Time Magazine has accepted the ad for
Great Controversy and that it will appear in the July 9 issue but only
in the state of Indiana.


Enoch Oliveira, Chairman

D A Roth, Secretary
Fay Welter, Recording Secretary

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