Self-Care Journal 8 Weeks
Self-Care Journal 8 Weeks
Self-Care Journal 8 Weeks
Sleep at least 7 hours per night before and after a work or school day
Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes everyday
Complete at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as biking under 9
mph, dancing, jogging, or playing tennis; or complete 60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week,
such as running, kickboxing, or jumping rope.
Participate in two professionally led yoga classes for one hour or longer per week
Spend up to 2 hrs in Nature or longer per week
Other (Must get your Clinical Faculty approval first, and activity should be up to 2 hrs or longer
per week)
Comments on Activity:
I felt that it was important for me to get proper sleep because I am currently completing my
preceptorship. Since I am not used to working three 12 hour shifts in a row, it is necessary for me to get
a proper amount of sleep each night so that I am ready for my day, no matter if I am at my preceptorship
or going to class. This week my sleep schedule was as follows:
Day of week Date Hours minutes
Sunday 2/9 9 28
Monday 2/10 5 53
Tuesday 2/11 7 4
Wednesday 2/12 6 40
Thursday 2/13 8 14
Friday 2/14 7 19
Saturday 2/15 7 4
I did not meet my goal of getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. On Monday night, I went to bed
late at 23:26 and I had to wake up early for work that day. Therefore, I think I need to work on going to
bed at a reasonable time in order to get my 7 hours of sleep.
Comments on Activity:
Since this is my last week of my preceptorship, I wanted to continue to get enough sleep each night.
M O’C Fall 2018
These are my sleep patterns this week:
Day of week Date Hours minutes
Sunday 2/16 6 15
Monday 2/17 7 25
Tuesday 2/18 7 0
Wednesday 2/19 7 38
Thursday 2/20 6 48
Friday 2/21 7 0
Saturday 2/22 7 3
I also did not meet my goal this week. On the two nights that I fell short of my goal, I went to bed late
and had to wake up early the following day. Therefore, looking forward, I need to work on going to bed
at a reasonable time to ensure that I will be able to get my 7 hours of sleep each night. The two days
that I did not get 7 hours, I could tell that I had not slept enough because I was very tired that day and
felt like I needed coffee halfway through the day after I had my usual cup in the morning.
For our first buddy check-in, we discussed what each other was going to do. I learned that Liz plans on
going to the dog park with her dog, Lex, and that is what makes her happy. Liz loves her dog, Lex, and
so I know that this is truly something that is good for her self-care. I explained that I plan on working
on getting at least 7 hours of sleep since I am currently doing my preceptorship.
Comments on Activity:
Now that my preceptorship is complete, I feel that I have more time to dedicate myself to working out.
I have always enjoyed working out as I used to play 4 sports back in high school. When I work out, I
feel much more relaxed and good about myself. I love being able to see the progress that I make after a
while of being persistently at the gym. This week, my sleep schedule was as follows:
Day of week Date Hours minutes
Sunday 2/23 7 7
Monday 2/24 9 34
Tuesday 2/25 7 11
Wednesday 2/26 8 3
Thursday 2/27 9 22
Friday 2/28 7 14
Saturday 2/29 7 5
I finally met my goal this week with my sleep schedule. I was able to get my 7 hours of sleep each
night. I went to bed at reasonable hours in order to achieve my goal. I also included my work out goal
for this week. I achieved that goal as well and went past my goal.
Workout goal
Day of week Date Time spent working Activities completed
Sunday 3/15 1 hour 30 mins Lifting and running
Monday 3/16 0 time Rest day
Tuesday 3/17 0 time Rest day
Wednesday 3/18 0 time Rest day
Thursday 3/19 0 time Rest day
Friday 3/20 0 time Rest day
Saturday 3/21 0 time Rest day
Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)
This week, we both learned that we are to “shelter in place”, our graduation is officially cancelled, and
all of our classes are now online. This was very rough on both of us to learn. Liz learned that her
preceptorship was officially cancelled and that she would have to do online simulations to make up for
the lost hours. She was very upset about this information because she had enjoyed her preceptorship so
much. It was not what we wanted for our last semester as college students. We were both feeling
anxious about having to stay inside our apartments and not even getting to go to the library to do our
homework. Therefore, we decided to walk her dogs on Thursday so that we could get some fresh air.
We also got together with some friends that were still in Tucson for a movie night so that we could get
Comments on Activity:
Since all the gyms are not officially closed, I decided to do HIIT (high intensity interval training)
workouts inside my apartment to try and make up for this. These HIIT workouts are from a guide that I
purchased through a fitness trainer I follow on Instagram. The workouts are designed to be done in 30
minutes or less, elevate your heart rate, and improve cardiovascular health. HIIT workouts are designed
to include circuits that consist of 6 different workout moves within each circuit. Each workout activity
is done for 40 seconds and then you have 20 seconds to rest. Therefore, the whole workout is
completed in 24 minutes give or take depending on how long you rest in between. Therefore, I figured
that this would be a great exercise to do since it can easily be done in the comfort of my apartment. I
met this goal for the week since I completed 4 of these workouts. This week, I also went hiking with Liz
and some friends to get some time outdoors. We hiked 6 miles and it was great to get outside in nature.
I almost completed my goal for my sleep. The only day that I fell short was on Monday. I had clinical
early that morning and did not go to bed with enough time to get at least 7 hours of sleep.
Workout goal
Day of week Date Time spent working Activities completed
Sunday 3/22 24 mins (HIIT) and 4 HIIT and hiking
hours of hiking
outdoors (6 miles)
Monday 3/23 0 time Rest day
Tuesday 3/24 24 mins HIIT
Wednesday 3/25 0 time Rest day
Thursday 3/26 24 mins HIIT
Friday 3/27 24 mins HIIT
Saturday 3/28 0 time Rest day
Buddy Check-In Comments: (Note Key Comments from Conversation)
Comments on Activity:
This week, I did not meet my sleeping goal since I failed to get 7 hours of sleep for Monday. I faced the
same issue as I did last week. I had gotten used to going to bed later and waking up around 10 am that
when it came for me to wake up early for clinical on Monday, I was unable to fall asleep early enough
to ensure my 7 hours. I continued with my HIIT workouts from the guide that I had purchased and met
my goal. I like the HIIT workouts because although they are quick, they make me sweat as I would on a
lifting and running day. Therefore, I still feel like I am getting a proper workout in in spite of not being
able to go to the gym.
Workout goal
Day of week Date Time spent working Activities completed
Sunday 3/29 24 mins HIIT
Monday 3/30 0 time Rest day
Tuesday 3/31 0 time Rest day
Wednesday 4/1 0 time Rest day
Thursday 4/2 24 mins HIIT
Friday 4/3 24 mins HIIT
Saturday 4/4 24 mins HIIT
From the panopto, I was shocked to realized that from one of the studies the presenter chose it stated
that 1/5 nurses will experience burnout and this means that 10/54 in the cohort will experience burnout
within about 3 years. It was also shocking to learn about how nurse burnout can affect that nurse’s
patients, such as decreased satisfaction and increased risk of infections. This 8-week intervention also
taught me that how much sleep I get each night really effects my attitude the next day. I found that it
was imperative that I get at least 7 hours of sleep each night in order for me to be rested and feel
productive and awake the next day.
Have you noticed any changes in your life since you began this intervention?
I have noticed that I am more aware of how long I am sleeping and that the length and quality of my
sleep really affects my attitude the following day. I try to make it a habit of getting at least 7 hours and
I have noticed that I need to make an effort to go to bed earlier on days that I know I need to wake up
early. I have also made it a goal to workout at least 4 times a week. I feel more mentally healthy after
completing this 8-week intervention. By consistently doing my physical activity each week, I feel much
better about myself.
Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with these statements:
Following an evidence-based recommendation to reduce burnout was valuable to me.
This 8-week intervention will help me implement preventative strategies for burnout in my career.
This Panopto presentation titled: “Nurse Burnout: What this is and how you can minimize it in your careers”
effectively taught me how I can reduce and address nurse burnout in my career.
Completing the Big Five Personality Test was helpful for exploring my risk of nurse burnout.