Tenth Class Physical Science Model Paper
Tenth Class Physical Science Model Paper
Tenth Class Physical Science Model Paper
6. Choose the suitable answer of section B with section A b) Write the postulates and limitations of Neils Bohr atomic
Section-A Section-B model.
Material Medium Refractive index. 31. a) How do you verify experimentally that the focal Length of a
i. Water a) 2.42 convex lens in increased when it is kept in water.
ii. diamond b) 1.50 (or)
c) 1.33 b) State Ohm's Law? Suggest an experiment to verify it and explain
its..... pole
7. Magnetic field lines leave the .....pole of a bar magnet and enter at the procedure.
32. a) Given below is the electronic configuration of element A, B, C,
8. The refractive index of glass is 1.5 then what is the speed of light D
in glass. a) 1s22s2
11. Name two metals other than aluminium which are obtained by
electrolytic reduction. Functional Structural Example Suffix
12. Give one example for straight chain compound. group formula
15. Identify the part of human eye where image of an object is formed. the nature and position of image.
16. What are lanthanides? i) Object is placed at C2
17. Expand VSEPRT? ii) Object is placed between F2 and optic centre p.
18. Which allotropic form of carbon has foot ball like structure. (or)
19. What is induced current. b) Draw diagram showing magnetic separation and labeled it parts.
20. Mention two methods which produce very pure metals.
Note:i. Answer all questions.
ii. Each question carries 2 marks.
8 × 2= 16 m
21. Explain the difference between the valence electron and the
covalency of an element.
22. Frame some questions to know about the properties of convex lens
and concave lens.
23. Which rule is violated in the electronic configuration 1s02s22p4?
24. i) Pour the acid (Hcl) into the test tube along the side of the wall.
ANSWERS ii) Add zinc granules gently to the acid
SECTION-I iii) Keep the delivery tube inside the soap water before keeping the
one hold rubber cork to the test tube.
1. Lens formula 25. It is due to scattering of light. Light near the horizons passes
1 1 1 thicker layers of air and larger distance of atmosphere.
= −
f v u Hence most of the blue light is scattered away and longer wave
2. The splitting of white Light into colours is called dispersion. length reach our eyes giving rise to reddish colour of Sun.
3. b) Fluorine (Z=9)
4. Linear v2
26. We know that power ( p ) =
5. R=R1+R2 R
∴ R = 12Ω R =6Ω Given
1 2
R=12+6=18Ω Ist bulb IInd bulb
6. i-c, ii-a p=100w p=60w
7. North, south v= 220v v=220v
8. Refractive index n = p=
v v2
R2 p=
3 3 × 10 R
1.5 or = m / sec 1
2 v
3v = 3 × 2 × 10 m / sec
v 2 220 × 220 220 × 220
R1 = = R2 =
8 p 100 60
v = 2 × 10 m / sec
R2 = = 806.66Ω
9. With increase in pressure the melting point of ice reduce. R1= 484Ω 3
13. K = 273 + c° 28. 1. Esters are useful to us in many ways in everyday life.
17. Valency Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory. SECTION-IV
18. Buck minister fullerene 29. (a) i) Take two cups and fill one of them with hot water and
19. The current produced by moving a straight line in a magnetic field another with cold water.
is called induced current. ii) Take a Laboratory thermometer observe the mercury level and
20. Electrolytic reduction, smelting are two methods which produce note down the reading.
very pure metals. iii) Keep the thermometer in hot Water, you observe that there is a
21. 1. The number electrons present in the outermost orbital of an atom (hot water) to the colder body (mercury in thermometer)
are called valence electrons. v) Now place the thermometer in cold water and observe changes
2. Valence electrons depends upon the number of electrons present in in the mercury level. You will observe that the mercury level
4. The energy of each orbit increases with increase in the distance
of orbit from the nucleus i.e. energy of K shell < L-shell < M -
shell < N shell.
5. When electron jumps from lower energy state to higher energy
state it absorbs energy. Electron emitts energy if it jumps from
higher energy state to lower energy state.
1) Neils bohr was able to explain the atomic spectrum of hydrogen
and hydro gen like atoms with his postulates.
2) He is unable to explain the relative inte nsities of spectral times,
the exis tence of hyperfine lines and the Zeeman effect.
1) When electric current is passed into the rectangular coil. This
current produces a magnetic field around the coil. 31. a) Aim: To prove that the focal length of a convex lens is increased
2) The magnetic field of horse shoe-type magnet then interacts when it is kept in water.
with the magnetic field of the coil and causes the coil to rotate Apparatus: convex Lens of known focal length, circular lens
continuously. holder, tall cylindrical glass tumbler, back stone, water.
3) If ABCD is in horizontal position current from battery enters the Procedure:
coil through brush B1, and commutator half ring C1. The Current 1) Take a cylindrical glass tumbler whose height is much greater
flows in the direction ABCD and leaves via ring and brush B2. than the focal length of the lens and fill it with water.
4) The direction of current is from A to B the direction of current 2) keep a black stone at the bottom of the vessel.
is from C to D. The force on side AB of the coil is in the 3) Now dip the Lens into water using circular Lens holder such that
downward direction. Where as the force on the side CD of the it is at a distance which is less than or equal to focal length of
coil is in the upward direction. ABCD rotate in anti clock wise the Lens in air.
direction. 4) Now see through the lens to have a view of the black stone.
5) While rotating when the coil reaches vertical position then the 5) Now increase the height of the lens till you are not able to see
brushes B1 and B2 will touch the gap between the commutator the stone's image.
rings and current to the coil is cut off. But the coil does not stop 6) When the lens is dipped to height which is greater than the focal
rotating because it has already gained momentum. length of lens in air, we are able to see the image, Showing that
6) The comes to the right side. Again they comes in contact with focal length of the lens has increased water.
brush B1 Current direction is reversed. 7) From this we conclude that the focal length of a convex lens is
7) The reversing of current is the coil is repeated after every half increased. When it is kept in water.
rotation due to which the coil continue to rotate as long as
current from the battery is passed through it. The rotating shaft (b) Ohm's Law: The current through a conductor element is
if electric motor can drive a large number of machines which are proportional to the potential difference applied between its end
connected to it. provided the temperature remains constant.
Aim: To show that the ratio of V/I is constant for a conductor
30. (a) Water of Crystallization: The water molecules which form Materials required: 5 day cells of 1.5 V each, conducting wires,
part of the structure of a crystal are called water of crystallization. an ammeter, a voltmeter, thin iron spoke of length 10 cm, LED and
The salts which contain water of crystalization are called hydrated key.
1) Connect a circuit as shown in the figure.
2) Solder the conducting wires to the ends of the iron spoke and
1) Take some Copper Sulphate crystals in a dry boiling tube. close the key.
2) Heat the crystals strongly by keeping the boiling tube over the 3) Note the reading of ammeter (Current) and Voltmeter (Potential
flame of a burner for some time. difference) and tabulates them.
3) On heating the blue Copper Sulphate crystals turns white and a S.No. Potential difference (v) Current (I) V/I
powdery substance is formed we can also tiny droplets of water
in the boiling tube.
4) Cool the boiling tube and add 2 or 3 drops of water on the white 4) Now connect two cells in the circuit and note the respective
Copper sulphate powder formed above. readings of ammeter and voltmeter in the above table.
5) The blue colour of Copper Sulphate crystals is restored they become 5) Repeat the above procedure using three cells and four cells and
blue again. five cells respectively.
(b) Postulates: 6) Record the values of P.d and current corres ponding to each case in
1. Electrons revolve around nucleus in stationary circular orbits of the above table.
fixed energies which we call as energy levels. 7) Find the V/I for each set of values
2. As long as electron revolves in a stationary orbit it neither looses 8) we notice that V/I is constant.
nor gains energy.
3. We denote these stationary orbits by the letters K, L, M, N.... or by
the number n=1, 2, 3, 4.... where in stands for orbit number.
32. (a) 1) A and D belong to same period B and C belong to the same
2) A, B coming in the same group.
3) 'D' is the nobel gas.
4) 'C' belongs to 15th group and third period.
Functional Structural Example Suffix
group formula
Alcohol R-OH CH3CH2OH -ol
Ether R-O-R1 CH3OCH3 alkoxy
Ester R-COO-R CH3COOC2H5 oate
Amine R-NH2 CH3-NH2 Amine
Aldehyde R-CHO CH3CHO -al
object F1 C1
C2 F2
F1 C1
C2 F2
b) Magnetic separation