1960 (JOHNSON) Speculation in Commodity Futures
1960 (JOHNSON) Speculation in Commodity Futures
1960 (JOHNSON) Speculation in Commodity Futures
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1I am indebted
to RichardR. Nelsonand RichardN. Rosettformanyhelpfulcommentson earlier
A majorroleofthespeculator in futures,
accordingto thebulkoftheliterature, is to
assumetherisksthathedgersdesireto transfer fromtheirownshoulders ;3 thefutures
marketis visualizedas a convenient mechanism through whichpriceriskcan be trans-
ferredfromone groupto another.The hedgeris oftendescribed as an apparently un-
participantin futuresdealingswho,in thewordsof Hawtrey, " regardsthe
makingof priceas a whole-time occupation forexperts [speculators?], and,in general,
willnotpithis fragmentary information againstthesystematic studyat thedisposalof
theprofessionaldealers."4 Expanding uponthisthesis, J. M. Keynes,in hisA Treatise
on Money,deducedthetheoryof " normalbackwardation" in whichhe assertedthat
hedgersare willingto pay a " riskpremium"to relievethemselves of pricerisk,while
are willingto enterthefutures
speculators marketonlyif theyhavetheexpectation of
a premium.Therefore,
collecting sincehedgersare predominately shortin futures and
speculatorsare predominately long,the current futureor " forward " pricemustfall
belowthefuture priceexpected to prevailat any latertime by the amount of thisrisk
premium.If the expectedfuturepriceis equal to thecurrent spot price,the current
futurepricemustfallbelowthecurrent spotpricebytheamountof thepremium.The
I A Treatise on Money (London, 1930), Vol. II, Chap. XXIX. This theoryhas been elaborated by
J. R. Hicks in Value and Capital, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1946), pp. 137-139,and has been extensivelytreatedby
N. Kaldor in " Speculationand Income Stability,"Reviewof EconomicStudies,October 1939, VIl, pp. 1-27.
An interestingrecentanalysis of the financialresultsof speculation in commodityfuturesis contained in
H. S. Houthakker," Can Speculators Forecast Prices? " Review of Economics and Statistics,May 1957,
XXXIX, pp. 143-151.
2 " Futures Trading and Hedging," AmericanEconomic Review, June 1953, XLIII, p. 325. Italics
in the original.
3 " Hedging Reconsidered,"Journalof Farm Economics,November 1953, XXXV, pp. 547-549. Italics
in the original.
of correlation,
Since the coefficient by thetraderis equal to c-oy
p, estimated a1
V(R)* X- x2 at2 (1 - p2). Generallyspeakingthelargerthe(absolute)value of thecoeffi-
valuesuchthatthexi*whichwouldinreverse theriskofholding
minimize xj* be equalto
Withthisgeneral in mindweshallconsider a modelwithin which
maybe examined.Givena framework
a widerangeof tradingactivities of particular
assumptionsaboutthetraderand thenatureof hisworld,it willbe possibleto demon-
strateunderwhatconditionsvariousmarketphenomena arise.
w W"
K "t
0 E(R)
Fig. I
As to thenatureof thetraderhimself, he is postulatedto havean indifference map
in Figure1. The totalexpected
illustrated netreturn E(R) generated byall ofhismarket
positionstogetherfromt,to_t2iS plotted on theX-axis. As a directmeasureofpricerisk,
thestandard deviationV/V(R)ofreturn is plottedontheY-axis. Curves1 and2 represent
indifference hasrankedall possiblecombinations ofV(VR)
andE(R). Theshapeandpositions ofthecurvesindicate thattoremain ona givenindiffer-
enceleveltheincremental ratioof VV(R) to E(R) mustfallas he movesto a higher E(R).
Witha givenlevelof E(R) he movesto a higher(lower)indifference curveas VIV(R)
decreases(increases).His optimum over-all market positionis defined as thatpositionor
combination ofpositionswhichgenerates an E(R) and VfV(R)suchthatheattainsthehigh-
estindifferencecurvethathe is able to attainundergivenconstraints.
I shallassumefurther thatthetradercan engagein one or moreof thefollowing
(1) He can takea longpositionin thespotor i market at t, bypurchasing a stockof
thecommodity at thespotpriceprevailing at t1 and resellingit at t2 at thespotprice
The valueof x>* is XSi2 By substitution
in equation4 thevalue of xi, denotedherebyxi*
Y4 r~~
,Y1 \Lz1Z
B ~~D
Fig. 2
The co-ordinatesystemin Figure 2 illustratesgeometricallythe market positions
he can takeat tl. The numberof unitspurchasedin thespotor i marketis measuredalong
the positiveX-axis,the numbersold in the givenfutureor i marketalong the negative
Y-axisand the numberpurchasedin the same futurealong the positive Y-axis.
to equation(3a)
1 According E(R) = xi(ui + m) + xj uj. Therefore,
xj xi= j (u -+ m) + E(R)
and _ _
-Y, ~~L
in one market.Figure3 represents a co-ordinatesystemidenticalto thatin Figure2. There
are no iso-varianceor iso-expectedreturncurves,however,since expectedreturnand
varianceof returnare not computedfromspot and futurespositionstaken singly. The
onlycombinationsthetradercan take fallalong OH whichnecessarilyhas a slope of -1.
Each pointalong OH has a E(R) and a V/V(R) combinationwhichcan be plottedin Figure
1, say along O W. The optiim-um combinationat K correspondsto the combinationat L
in Figure3. If uhis equal to 0, the combinationat L would representa " pure hedge.
If Uh is greaterthan0, thetradermighttake a combinationotherthanL on the basis of a
newopportuLnity line. The difference,
and theone at L is whatI wouldcall thedirectspeculativeeffect
on stocksheldand liedged.