ANSI Z358.1-2004 Compliance Checklist PDF
ANSI Z358.1-2004 Compliance Checklist PDF
ANSI Z358.1-2004 Compliance Checklist PDF
Compliance Checklist
701 W. Erie Street (312) 666-5500 P
Chicago, Illinois 60610 (312) 666-8597 F
Emergency Showers
This checklist is a summary of the provisions of ANSI All WaterSaver emergency showers (except units with self-clos-
Z358.1-2004 relating to emergency showers. Please refer to ing valves) are third-party certified to meet or exceed provisions
the standard for a complete listing of these provisions. of ANSI Z358.1-2004.
“Hands-free” stay-open
Shower shall provide valve activates in one
20 gallons (75.7 liters) second or less.
of water per minute for (Section 4.2)
15 minutes.
(Section 4.1.4, 4.5.5) Water supply shall be
sufficient to supply at
least 20 GPM in required
Shower head shall be
pattern for 15 minutes.
between 82" (208.3 cm)
(Sections 4.1.4, 4.5.5)
and 96" (243.8 cm) 82-96"
above floor.
(Section 4.1.2, 4.5.4) Easily located, accessible
actuator no higher than
69" (173.3 cm) above
floor. (Section 4.2)
Eye/Face Washes
This checklist is a summary of the provisions of ANSI All WaterSaver eye/face wash units (except units with self-clos-
Z358.1-2004 relating to emergency eye/face washes. Please ing valves) are third-party certified to meet or exceed the provi-
refer to the standard for a complete listing of these provisions. sions of ANSI Z358.1-2004.
(83mm) Use WaterSaver test
1.25” gauge to test water flow.
(Section 6.1.7)
“Hands-free” stay-open
valve shall activate in one
Outlet heads shall be second or less.
positioned between (Section 6.1.4, 6.2)
33" (83.8 cm) and 45"
(114.3 cm) from the Connect unit to
33-45" uninterruptible water
floor and at least 6"
(15.3 cm) from the wall supply delivering at
or nearest obstruction. least 3.0 GPM.
(Section 6.4.4) (Section 6.4.5)
Identify eye/face wash
with highly visible sign.
Area around eye/face
wash shall be well lighted.
(Section 6.4.3)
Eye Washes
This checklist is a summary of the provisions of ANSI All WaterSaver eye wash units (except units with self-closing
Z358.1-2004 relating to emergency eye washes. Please refer to valves) are third-party certified to meet or exceed the provisions
the standard for a complete listing of these provisions. of ANSI Z358.1-2004.
(83mm) Use WaterSaver test
1.25” gauge to test water flow.
(Section 5.1.8)
“Hands-free” stay-open
valve activates in one
second or less.
(Section 5.2)
Connect unit to
Outlet heads shall be uninterruptible water
positioned between supply delivering at least
33" (83.8 cm) and 45" 0.4 GPM. (Section 5.4.5)
(114.3 cm) from the floor 33-45"
and at least 6" (15.3 cm)
from the wall or nearest
Identify eye wash with
obstruction. (Section 5.4.4)
highly visible sign. Area
around eye wash shall be
well lighted.
(Section 5.4.3)
Identify eye wash/drench
hose unit with highly
visible sign. Area around
unit shall be well lighted.
(Sections 5.4.3
Connect unit to
uninterruptible water
supply. (Section
Identify drench hose unit
with highly visible sign.
Area around drench hose
shall be well lighted.
Safety Stations
This checklist is a summary of the provisions of ANSI Z358.1- All WaterSaver safety stations (except units with self-closing
2004 relating to eye or eye/face wash and shower combination valves) are third-party certified to meet or exceed the provisions
stations. Please refer to the standard for a complete listing of these of ANSI Z358.1-2004.
Barrier-Free Equipment
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that employers WaterSaver offers an array of eye wash and shower units
provide accessible workplaces for all employees. These designed for barrier-free applications. These units meet the
workplaces may therefore require emergency eye wash and provisions of ANSI Z358.1-2004 for emergency equipment
shower equipment that is specially constructed to provide access and the provisions of ANSI A117.1-1992 for accessibility. The
to handicapped persons. provisions of ANSI Z358.1-2004 are summarized on pages 2-9.
Barrier-free emergency equipment must comply with the The additional provisions of ANSI A117.1-1992 for accessibility
provisions of ANSI 117.1-1992 (“Accessible and Usable Buildings are shown below. Please refer to these standards for a complete
and Facilities”). These provisions include dimensions for minimum description of these provisions.
knee clearance, maximum height and reach, and minimum
distance from obstructions.
Clear Headroom
From Wall Or
Obstruction 30”
Clear Floor Space Requirements
Height For
Forward Reach
Spray Head
Minimum Knee
Today’s safe workplaces demand advanced emergency performance and superior durability.
eye wash and shower equipment. WaterSaver Faucet All WaterSaver eye wash, eye/face wash and safety
Co. is proud to offer the most complete selection of station units utilize the unique GS-Plus and FS-Plus
emergency equipment designed for industrial applica- spray heads. These spray heads represent a truly
tions. These products are characterized by enhanced important innovation in eye wash technology.
GS-Plus and FS-Plus spray heads deliver 100 PSI. The flow is consistent,
water in a soft, wide spray rather than a regardless of line pressure. Since
solid, narrow stream. The user receives each head contains an individual
more water over a wider area than with flow control, the flow is evenly bal-
anced between the heads.
any other type of outlet head. In an
emergency, contaminants are rinsed • Filtered Water. Each spray head
away quickly, gently and completely. contains an internal filter to remove
particles and debris from the water
These heads incorporate a variety of flow. During rinsing, the user’s eyes
unique and important features: and face are protected against any
• “Flip Top” Dust Cover. Each spray foreign matter which may be in the
head is protected against dust and water or the plumbing lines.
dirt by a “flip top” cover. Water flow • Durability. The body and spray
swings the cover off the head. The cover are molded from tough
cover is permanently attached to impact- and corrosion-resistant
the spray head by a stainless steel pin; the cover cannot be polypropylene. The dust cover is molded nylon. They will
removed or lost. The cover nests into the top of the outlet stand up to even the harshest laboratory environments.
head, assuring that the cover always stays on the head when
the unit is not in use. An optional stainless steel cover is also • Ease of Maintenance. Water often contains dissolved miner-
available. als and foreign matter which over time can clog up any outlet
head. The GS-Plus and FS-Plus spray heads are designed so
• Consistent, Balanced Flow. An engineered flow control locat- that all working components are contained in the head itself.
ed inside the spray head is calibrated to deliver 1.8 (GS-Plus) All components are readily accessible for cleaning and main-
or 3.2 (FS-Plus) gallons per minute, at pressures from 20 to tenance. The unit itself should never need disassembly.