ACE Certification Study Guide
ACE Certification Study Guide
ACE Certification Study Guide
y Guide
**Thhe below stu udy guide is ddesigned to list the knowwledge topiccs
the e
examiner ne eeds to be faamiliar with tto successfu
ully pass the
m. Also, liste
ed at the botttom, are th practical ability
he topics of p
an exxaminer willl need to passs the exam.
‐ Encryption off image files
‐ mage mountting
‐ File Hash List creation
‐ RAM Capture e
‐ Im
mage creatioon capabilitie
es and formats
‐ Drive identific
D cation by Im
‐ Im
mage Summary output d details
Registrry Viewer
‐ Difference be
D etween Add to Report an nd Add to Reeport with C
‐ Common Are eas
‐ Registry View
wer report crreation
‐ Se
earching witthin a registrry file using Registry Viewer
‐ In
ne descriptio ons and capaabilities
PRTK (Password
d Recove
ery Tool K
‐ Golden Dictio
G onary
‐ Attack types
‐ Profiles and p
profile creatiion
‐ Dictionary ge
D eneration
‐ Custom profile creation
‐ Stteps for adding files for decryption
FTK Examiner Application/Case Management Window
‐ UTK tool integration
o Registry Viewer from within FTK
o PRTK/DNA from within FTK
‐ KFF hash importing
‐ Evidence processing options
‐ Additional analysis abilities
‐ Bookmarking
‐ Index Searching
‐ Live Searching
‐ Interface
o Tab information and abilities to view data on specific tabs
o Dropdown menu options
o Right click menu options
o File Content pane abilities
o Toolbars
‐ Ability to describe concepts described in question text, graphic or displayed video
‐ Case Management Window abilities
‐ Processing Profile Creation
‐ Data carving abilities and output
‐ FTK Reporting
‐ FTK user assignment to cases and ability permissions
‐ Filtering
Practical Usage of FTK abilities
Examiners will need to be able to do the following functions in FTK, RV, Imager, PRTK.
Examiners should also have basic to moderate forensic knowledge to be able to understand
what artifacts are being asked about and how to leverage FTK, RV, Imager or PRTK to find those
‐ View and analyze Registry files
‐ Decrypt files using PRTK
‐ Use Live and Index Searching
‐ Run all tab functionality
‐ Use the KFF
‐ Apply, create and/or import filters and column settings
‐ Know how to find OCR data, Geolocation Data, and Metadata